Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Some of you who tried it told me that the brakes don't work at all, I tested it out too and apparently you were all right lol, also the side interior holes still haven't been fixed at all

Would apprecciate if someone will fix these two issues ASAP
I almost forgot to release this rework of an australian track that was converted from TVR (Tewie) before. Didn´t changed much, almost only fixed the trees, who where imo crapped before. No overall optimization, no big improvements, just a bit more eye candy. :)
In solidarization for all bad, the people in Australia just experiences, sorry for that. No one should experience that. :(

Townsville reworked:
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Thank you....I'm sure it's got to be done in 3dsmax or something as it's the actual mirror that needs moving and not the reflection but you know more than me when it comes to this kind of thing.
I doubt I know more than you, but there is that Japanese saying that I like: None of us know more than all of us.
I will help if I can.:cheers:

Tyrrell Honda 020 - 1991 by ASR Formula V1.1 (10/01/2020) - Free Download

Installation notes:

Please delete all files of any previous versions of this mod !
Copy the content folder inside “AC Files” to your AC directory.
Please, be sure to install our custom driver inside “assettocorsa\content\driver”.

– Update Tyre Temp


This is done in 3D max.../...

Is it possible to implement the roll cage from it's tuned version (same author) ?
And while I'm at it: a darker tinted steering wheel ? (I know the white was a colour choice IRL).

And is there an easy way to get the old grille back ? Especially on the green car, I prefer the chrome version (also matching the style of the other TCL cars):

My normal Postimage hosting site seems to have troubles lately, so I'm using the link below to show both versions next to each other:
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Is it possible to implement the roll cage from it's tuned version (same author) ?
And while I'm at it: a darker tinted steering wheel ? (I know the white was a colour choice IRL).

And is there an easy way to get the old grille back ? Especially on the green car, I prefer the chrome version (also matching the style of the other TCL cars):

My normal Postimage hosting site seems to have troubles lately, so I'm using the link below to show both versions next to each other:

The grill in your pic is wrong, I did the same, but in the folder is a template with grill at the bottom.
Its cool, it means you can do this...


Tyrrell Honda 020 - 1991 by ASR Formula V1.1 (10/01/2020) - Free Download

Installation notes:

Please delete all files of any previous versions of this mod !
Copy the content folder inside “AC Files” to your AC directory.
Please, be sure to install our custom driver inside “assettocorsa\content\driver”.

– Update Tyre Temp



They still do not solve the problem of downloads, it is a shame because it is impossible to download and less is going to make a donation
Is it possible to change the rear-view mirror so that it's angled towards the driver? It seems set up for left-hand drive at the moment, as if the driver should be in the passenger seat. The AD car is the same if @Showmebest66 is watching.
This should sort it:!ZIRFHSJJ!G2Ncjr4vSCSeUjhYD4VRepOfvK0OVQeT_xZ5zgF5R9c

Just replace the kn5, please backup first just in case I have broken something else!

EDIT: Link updated to fix dials and outside view of mirror.
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@safi hellie Found this whilst looking up Ford Anglia

Awesome...much appreciated :cheers:. What did you use to change the position?

Just 3DSimEd. It's a complete PITA though but as I am still getting to grips with 3DSMax, it's quick and dirty :lol: Well...not so quick as there are many steps and precautions to take otherwise it completely breaks the model.
Just 3DSimEd. It's a complete PITA though but as I am still getting to grips with 3DSMax, it's quick and dirty :lol: Well...not so quick as there are many steps and precautions to take otherwise it completely breaks the model.

I tried doing it in 3dsimed but couldn't figure it out so thanks for stepping in and helping out. I've managed to get to grips with using CM to find names of things and then using 3dsimed to import and export textures and stuff but only for making skins. Can't work out how to change models yet lol. I also worked out how to make skin templates using CM but it doesn't seem to work for every car so it must depend on how the model was setup.
I tried doing it in 3dsimed but couldn't figure it out so thanks for stepping in and helping out. I've managed to get to grips with using CM to find names of things and then using 3dsimed to import and export textures and stuff but only for making skins. Can't work out how to change models yet lol. I also worked out how to make skin templates using CM but it doesn't seem to work for every car so it must depend on how the model was setup.
Changing things around is fairly simple, just take your time and mess about with backups. The only problem is 3DSimEd itself, it is very buggy, has huge memory leaks, changes object names sometimes randomly etc etc. The hardest part is learning what will break when you change something a certain way, but the stuff it breaks randomly can't be accounted for! That's partly why there is so much animosity towards it. Also the fact it can (sometimes) be really easy to get the desired results really pisses some people off! :confused::lol:
thing with 3dsimed is: you can't select or see the hierachy of nodes and empties - where to insert/move stuff, the hierarchy is essential for cars
thing with 3dsimed is: you can't select or see the hierachy where to insert/move stuff, the hierarchy is essential for cars
There's way around that though, which is what I had to figure out to tilt the internal mirror of the XJ220 and keep the hierarchy. Like I said, it's a right pain but the end results are sometimes pretty good.
Hello everyone, I've tried to convert a car using 3dsimed, I've got the car in game, but things like shadows don't work, now I'm trying to convert the car using 3dsmax, but when trying to import into 3dsmax, I'm unable to set the scale factor (it's grayed out), and as a result, the car is huge afterwards in game.

I've tried searching, but I wasn't able to find anything specific which would resolve this, any tips? Thanks.
Hello everyone, I've tried to convert a car using 3dsimed, I've got the car in game, but things like shadows don't work, now I'm trying to convert the car using 3dsmax, but when trying to import into 3dsmax, I'm unable to set the scale factor (it's grayed out), and as a result, the car is huge afterwards in game.

I've tried searching, but I wasn't able to find anything specific which would resolve this, any tips? Thanks.
Set your object shadows in ks editor after exporting from 3dsimed using the object tab not materials. It's annoying and often doesn't save when you reload back through 3dsimed to make changes so I tend to leave shadows until I am near completion and want to drive the car.

Good read on legions blog this morning. Take a look.
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It is 1960's car. UK.
Morris Minor.
Car of the 48th year. It was produced for many years simply. In racing participated, why not make it. Give me link I will look, lead to a historical look I will try.

Is it possible to implement the roll cage from it's tuned version (same author) ?
And while I'm at it: a darker tinted steering wheel ? (I know the white was a colour choice IRL).

And is there an easy way to get the old grille back ? Especially on the green car, I prefer the chrome version (also matching the style of the other TCL cars):

My normal Postimage hosting site seems to have troubles lately, so I'm using the link below to show both versions next to each other:
Yes, I think I can do it, only I don 't have this version (I usually skip tuning).
Can you give the reference?

The color of the steering wheel can be changed by texture I think. In general, I would like to replace the original road steering wheel with a racing steering wheel. Probably not in version 66, but for example in version 70. However, it will require work with the driver - position and animation. Now the animation of hands looks bad - they penetrate through the steering wheel...
I don 't know how to do that yet. Maybe someone 's ready to help?

The radiator grid is a sample, a temporary solution. It 's just I didn 't have time to do everything at once. I don 't mind chromium and glitter, I just don 't like flickering (Maybe the translation doesn 't turn out to be very correct? I mean bad antialiasing - when different grids from a long distance have a flickering, shaking, ugly image...) And the goal is to make the grid beautiful from any distance. It will be possible when the LODs appear. In general, give me time, and consider this option as a temporary, test:)
I 'll get the grille back in the next version, I 'll probably do two versions of the Kn5. And in the final version, I hope there will be an opportunity in skins to set color and shine. For some skin - chrome, for others - paint.
As for 3d modeling - I can do anything.
I know how to work in 3dmax and Photoshop. But I 'm not very familiar with the moding tools for AC, I 'm only learning. So far, I 've been able to figure out how to make the track from a clean sheet. RIP several trails from Granturismo 4, and now converting to AC. But I 've already written that this is a long and tedious process. I took a break not to "burn" (when any desire goes missing) - usually because of it people throw such projects. Among the Granturismo trails I 'm working on will be rally. I started experimenting with a combination of uneven roads and rally cars, and I realized that this was not done well in the AU now. By and large it has nothing to do with off-road, it 's a drift at best, but not a rally.
I managed to do something that looks more like a "bad road."
But also it is necessary to make refinements of cars so that they correspond to this. All mods rally cars I tried - don 't look like a rally, there 's something wrong with them. So I decided to deal with it myself. And switched to car moding. I want to do one finished job, on the example of this Ford Anglia. I lack understanding how to work with animations and materials. The problem becomes that all tutorials in English, so not everything and not always clear. And it is very important to learn to work with physics and animation of suspension - there everything is not clear at all:)))) Now passes the rally Dakar 2020. I follow Fernando Alonso 's performance, rooting for Russian and Belarusian crews, which inspires me to revive this handsome man. But so far, I don 't have enough experience for a qualitative transfer from 3Dmax to AC.
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I figured it was something like that. If I would buy a classic (oldtimer) car in Belgium and bring it into traffic, I would receive a totally new number plate (be it that a few years ago special number plates were produced for classic cars older than 20 (or 25 years), unless I decided to keep my actual one.

@safi hellie I tried your Anglia and it's driving fine, being a tad slower around a track than the Hillman Imp which I used as a reference. So it can be perfectly used for racing in the TCL pack. Good to have an extra car.

As for that: I did not like the interior of the TLC Alpine from Bazza and found a (imo) better looking Alpine on the Assettoland site (under Reanult tab).

View attachment 880284

Following the instructions I found here somewhere, I tried to swap all stuff from one to the other, but failed. The car wouldn't load because there was an issue with analog instruments that I could not fix.
@GzeroD helped me (thanks again for that) and fixed the 'new' car.
So, if interested, here it is. It still looks like a rally car, it has a trip master on the dash, co-driver is removed though. It seems to be a little bit slower than the TCL version from Bazza, but I'm fine with that.!SH4gSSpY!5HH9RIC9QWup2hITaUnOb_dnGcoNOQ0K0As6xCAh7o0

(Wipers work for now, but still need some tweaks).
It's now of my favorite cars from the pack.

Thank you, This cockpitversion is on a level like kunos. :bowdown:
I'm unable to set the scale factor (it's grayed out), and as a result, the car is huge afterwards in game.

I've tried searching, but I wasn't able to find anything specific which would resolve this, any tips? Thanks.

As far as I understand it - it 3Dsimed not work correctly with scale when translating kn5 into fbx. If you set unit in the import settings as specified in the kunos - metres instruction, the car will be huge.
Try to expose centimeters, according to my observations it gives the right scale.
Exports then need to be done in metres. And if you open kn5 with Content Manager - everything works correctly - metres units need both when importing and exporting.

By the way, I think some moders make a mistake when importing sets units inches or something else that is close to centimetres, but still has a different scale. As a result, the car in AC gets a little less than needed, or a little more. When such mods gather on the same starting grid - it looks strange. I can give an example - Ford Capri gr5 looks bigger than necessary, and Lotus Elan - too small. It 's eye-to-eye, I didn 't check the size on purpose.
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