Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Does anyone ever experiencing AC won't start and stuck at loading metadata 100% ?
In my case, it happened after installing Forceful Porsche GT2RS MR or Geroda74 free mods.

Some info:
1. I can start AC with CM (1.48 and previous version) but not from Steam.
2. Uninstalled the "problem mod" and things get back to normal.
3. I've been exhausting steam, google and youtube for answers with no success.
4. There is no error log in documents/log folder, only launcher, launcher_controllers and launcher_logs. With my limited knowledge, I couldn't find what might be the cause of the problem in these three log files.
This is the "launcher.log":
3/8/2020 10:54:16 PM
Skipped MoveUGC
 PID: 10564

AC Launcher ver.
Running on: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 x64
Searching for .config at: AssettoCorsa.exe -> E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\AssettoCorsa.exe.Config
Current Culture: en-US / en-US
assembly loading: Steamworks.NET.dll
Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\support\Steamworks.NET.dll
assembly loading: CEF3.dll
Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\support\CEF3.dll
Initializing Steam: True.
Steam ID: 76561197993200578
assembly loading: AC.CEF3.dll
Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\support\AC.CEF3.dll
OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing - switches: 25 - args: 0
log-file=C:\Users\narda\Documents\Assetto Corsa\logs\launcher_debug.log
user-agent=Assetto Corsa Launcher
App Language set to: en
Locale Dictionary Refresh
Locale Dictionary Initialized
Hardware acceleration: True
App Language set to: en
3/8/2020 10:54:16 PM : Create main window
assembly loading: SlimDX.dll
Loading E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\support\SlimDX.dll
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Themes found:
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM :     Assetto Corsa v.0.18.0105.5092  *
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Set to fullscreen
Showing main window
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : WPF in software mode
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Browser Attached
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : lu: about:blank
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Browser not set
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Unable to load about:blank
3/8/2020 10:54:17 PM : Type:Normal
Logitech Driving Force GT USB acquired successfully
Adding Logitech Driving Force GT USB (13bc8be0-cbdf-11e9-8001-444553540000) at 0 (Driving)
Device released: Logitech Driving Force GT USB
Steam callback timer active
ls: about:blank
le: about:blank
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : _browserControl added
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : lu: file:///E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/launcher/themes/default/index.html
ls: file:///E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/launcher/themes/default/index.html *
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : \\.\DISPLAY1 0 / 1600
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Width limited: 2560
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Current screen: 1600 x 900
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : GetWindowRect: 0 x 0 -- 0,0,0,0
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Window 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Resize 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Starting theme engine
le: file:///E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/launcher/themes/default/index.html *
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Dispatcher invoked: file:///E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/launcher/themes/default/index.html
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading theme URL: True
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Including default JS libraries
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\init.js (156573)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery-1.9.1.js (277978)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery.easing.js (9336)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery.flot.js (106797)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery.selectbox.js (15469)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery.stickyfloat.js (6728)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\jquery.ui.js (448297)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\ac.utils.js (28699)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\__ACClasses.js (12937)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\__AC.js (18411)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading script E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\.base\__ACUI.js (2093)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : \\.\DISPLAY1 0 / 1600
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Width limited: 2560
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Current screen: 1600 x 900
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : GetWindowRect: 1600 x 900 -- 0,1600,900,0
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Window 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Resize 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Loading game data
3/8/2020 10:54:18 PM : Dispatcher operation completed.
Requesthandler Steam API: True
3/8/2020 10:54:20 PM : * Loading track metadata
3/8/2020 10:54:20 PM : * Loading car metadata
3/8/2020 10:54:20 PM : * Initializing
3/8/2020 10:54:20 PM : * Loaded 156 tracks
3/8/2020 10:54:21 PM : * Loading car metadata 24%
3/8/2020 10:54:21 PM : Intro Complete
3/8/2020 10:54:21 PM : >>>E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\launcher\themes\default
3/8/2020 10:54:22 PM : * Loading car metadata 34%
3/8/2020 10:54:23 PM : * Loading car metadata 42%
3/8/2020 10:54:24 PM : * Loading car metadata 47%
3/8/2020 10:54:25 PM : * Loading car metadata 52%
3/8/2020 10:54:26 PM : * Loading car metadata 57%
3/8/2020 10:54:27 PM : * Loading car metadata 62%
3/8/2020 10:54:28 PM : * Loading car metadata 68%
3/8/2020 10:54:29 PM : * Loading car metadata 75%
3/8/2020 10:54:30 PM : * Loading car metadata 81%
3/8/2020 10:54:31 PM : * Loading car metadata 86%
3/8/2020 10:54:32 PM : * Loading car metadata 91%
3/8/2020 10:54:33 PM : * Loading car metadata 95%
3/8/2020 10:54:34 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:35 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:36 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:37 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:38 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:39 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:40 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:41 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:42 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:43 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:44 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:45 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:46 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:47 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:48 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:49 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:50 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:51 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:52 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:53 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:54 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:55 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:56 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:57 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:58 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:54:59 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:00 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:01 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:02 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:03 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:04 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:05 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:06 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : * Loading car metadata 100%
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Close requested
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Not an emergency shutdown
AssettoCorsa.exe Information: 0 : Render process terminated
ls: file:///E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/launcher/themes/default/index.html *
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : \\.\DISPLAY1 0 / 1600
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Width limited: 2560
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Current screen: 1600 x 900
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : GetWindowRect: 1600 x 900 -- 0,1600,900,0
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Window 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Resize 1600/1600 x 900/900 (1/1)
3/8/2020 10:55:07 PM : Starting theme engine
Vanilla AC has a size capacity for data. That is why you can start AC with CM. Just use CM.
Just a quickie from me for the modded 33 Stradale from @Marneus_boss
Clean and simple as a Gulf livery should always be ;)!DSIg2QYS!QhqN9MRW_kg55YXRPWawAj1O3fn3QNvaHfp6uKMsFNQ

More to come.
With permission from unknownindydriver:
Mclaren F1 LM

tuning done by unknownindydriver and the gauge textures were done by unknownindydriver sadly they are rough around the edges and special thanks to kenneth for the help of swapping the seats and the gauges.
the mod is open for improvement if somebody is willing to improve it just notify me.



Glendale by Alessandro Cosentino is out!

Glendale Raceway v1.0 Release
Finally it's time for the first release of this track, it started as an experiment, this is my first attempt in track modding and also on releasing a mod for Assetto Corsa. Original model and textures from Shift 2: Unleashed by Slightly Mad Studios, 3D rework made by me.
This is my first work so don't be so harsh, I know it isn't perfect, I'm still learning, especially the 3D modeling stuff. If you find some bugs or something else, report them to me.
To obtain the same look you need install Custom Shader Patch (CSP) By the great Ilia Jusupov, SOL 1.5 Alpha and A3PP post processing filter.
CSP is not mandatory, the track should work without it, but it's highly recommended.
21 pits
all layouts included: East, West, Club
CSP lights config and VAO patches
SOL compatible
3 skins included: "grassy" version, red color scheme and yellow color scheme (Content Manager is needed to use them)
additional shaders included, to use the track in vanilla Assetto Corsa
custom loading backgrounds for CSP
Here's the link to a video:
Download link:!84Y1TA6a!LsSPGnavNphtFL6c-FK7Bgi_-JmBtmBoUabWPxWxhmc
Mirror link:
If you enjoyed it and you appreciate the time I spent on it, you can buy me some beer, so I could stay drunk (jk lol) and motivated to bring more stuff in the future:
Last edited:
Gentlemen im back. i was on vacation for a week. ill have alot of catching up to do in the meantime. you guys are on page 875 ALOT of catching up. hope to see some cool stufff. also the eagle mkIII was almost finished when i left. so ill be picking up where i left off with that. ill be back on in a few hours after some Chores and get to work and catch up with the boys. hope you guys had a good week while i was gone! i cant wait to see what kinda progress the community made
What a week on Facebook. After an unbelievable 488 pista pack from Beto, we got today Camaro GT4, Mustang GT4 and Aston Martin Gt4 from Guerilla Mods (to go with Cayman, Mercedes and BMW, KTM and 570s to follow soon), Assetto Corsa Racer released a phenomenal update for Peugeot 207 time attack mod. And if that is not enough Dan Busca will release Audi 90 IMSA GTO this weekend.... Yes, all plans I had for the weekend have been canceled. It's gonna be just me and my t300. :)

GT4 pack released ?
Glendale by Alessandro Cosentina is out!

Glendale Raceway v1.0 Release
Finally it's time for the first release of this track, it started as an experiment, this is my first attempt in track modding and also on releasing a mod for Assetto Corsa. Original model and textures from Shift 2: Unleashed by Slightly Mad Studios, 3D rework made by me.
This is my first work so don't be so harsh, I know it isn't perfect, I'm still learning, especially the 3D modeling stuff. If you find some bugs or something else, report them to me.
To obtain the same look you need install Custom Shader Patch (CSP) By the great Ilia Jusupov, SOL 1.5 Alpha and A3PP post processing filter.
CSP is not mandatory, the track should work without it, but it's highly recommended.
21 pits
all layouts included: East, West, Club
CSP lights config and VAO patches
SOL compatible
3 skins included: "grassy" version, red color scheme and yellow color scheme (Content Manager is needed to use them)
additional shaders included, to use the track in vanilla Assetto Corsa
custom loading backgrounds for CSP
Here's the link to a video:
Download link:!84Y1TA6a!LsSPGnavNphtFL6c-FK7Bgi_-JmBtmBoUabWPxWxhmc
Mirror link:
If you enjoyed it and you appreciate the time I spent on it, you can buy me some beer, so I could stay drunk (jk lol) and motivated to bring more stuff in the future:

I thank you so much for the share, just one thing, my last name is Cosentino, not Cosentina:P:cheers:
Really cool car, One of my favorites ever. I personally changed the color paint to a more vibrant orange that reminded me more of original's papaya orange and made the interiors dark grey. Some textures should be made better like the writings on rims, brake calipers and steering wheel. Hope that someone more skilled than me will fix those
unknownindydriver wanted the dashboard to be grey but when he changed the seats the whole dashboard along with the steering wheel turned orange if somebody could separate the textures. Also the f1 LM skin was made back in 2015 this car was based off the kunos f1 gtr and was never updated again. But thank god that we have gotten all of the MC F1'S the base f1 the f1 lm the f1 gtr short tail the f1 gt road car and the f1 gtr longtail.
I thank you so much for the share, just one thing, my last name is Cosentino, not Cosentina:P:cheers:
Ah, sorry about that, and welcome to GT Planet..!
I posted Glendale from my phone and FB wouldn't let me copy your name.
Thanks very much for the track - it's excellent, and very impressive especially considering it's your first ever attempt at a track mod. It's just as tricky as I remember it from Shift 2.
Keep them coming please. :cheers:
Steering/shifting animation tweaks for Dan's Audi Quattro 90 IMSA GTO.
Unpack data and edit driver3D thus:



Just a note to say is that (code) meant to be there at the end of the invert_shifting_hands line?[/code]
Glendale by Alessandro Cosentino is out!

Glendale Raceway v1.0 Release
Finally it's time for the first release of this track, it started as an experiment, this is my first attempt in track modding and also on releasing a mod for Assetto Corsa. Original model and textures from Shift 2: Unleashed by Slightly Mad Studios, 3D rework made by me.
This is my first work so don't be so harsh, I know it isn't perfect, I'm still learning, especially the 3D modeling stuff. If you find some bugs or something else, report them to me.
To obtain the same look you need install Custom Shader Patch (CSP) By the great Ilia Jusupov, SOL 1.5 Alpha and A3PP post processing filter.
CSP is not mandatory, the track should work without it, but it's highly recommended.
21 pits
all layouts included: East, West, Club
CSP lights config and VAO patches
SOL compatible
3 skins included: "grassy" version, red color scheme and yellow color scheme (Content Manager is needed to use them)
additional shaders included, to use the track in vanilla Assetto Corsa
custom loading backgrounds for CSP
Here's the link to a video:
Download link:!84Y1TA6a!LsSPGnavNphtFL6c-FK7Bgi_-JmBtmBoUabWPxWxhmc
Mirror link:
If you enjoyed it and you appreciate the time I spent on it, you can buy me some beer, so I could stay drunk (jk lol) and motivated to bring more stuff in the future:

Super track! Very funny to drive!
Congratulations for the excellent quality :cheers:
Do any of you know how I can find the legend or keyboard shortcuts to the Preview Options window? I searched and I see people pressing T to change light source and F7 this and F11 that but I can't find a complete shortcuts key.
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.

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