Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I don't see the R-201 happening. The R-101 is already a top-tier plane, and I remember the difference between the R-101 and the R-201 being enormous. The R-201 would have to significantly outperform every other plane in the game to make sense.

Maybe if it could only be upgraded to level 5 (for $1 billion of course so it's worthless to us regardless).
Ok, they showed up next tournament:
MOBIUS 1! For the happiness of @Vitocorp! It is called "Become a Legend", description "It doesn't matter if it is a lie. Say him that Mobius 1 is already here!". It shows an F-22 and... A su-37 -Y13-??? *****?
Ok, they showed up next tournament:
MOBIUS 1! For the happiness of @Vitocorp! It is called "Become a Legend", description "It doesn't matter if it is a lie. Say him that Mobius 1 is already here!". It shows an F-22 and... A su-37 -Y13-??? *****?
Jean Louis, the 021 of the Yellow squadron!
250+POSSIBLY 120 fuels.
I'm ready (?)
When is the maintenance on again? Have a big assignment so haven't been able to play much lately. Need to finish that NSU challenge too.

~22hrs from now.

Ok, they showed up next tournament:
MOBIUS 1! For the happiness of @Vitocorp! It is called "Become a Legend", description "It doesn't matter if it is a lie. Say him that Mobius 1 is already here!". It shows an F-22 and... A su-37 -Y13-??? *****?

I know right? Does that mean we can get the Yellow 13 again? I bet the Mobius 1 is top 200.

Edit: @Vitocorp is it a different Yellow squadron member?
~22hrs from now.

I know right? Does that mean we can get the Yellow 13 again? I bet the Mobius 1 is top 200.

Edit: @Vitocorp is it a different Yellow squadron member?
Jean-Louis was the leader of the second Yellow squadron, the one which defended Megalith.
Yep it was the leader of the Yellow squadron after 13 died,it has the 021, so basically it's yellow 13 plane's with the 021 number.
Yep it was the leader of the Yellow squadron after 13 died,it has the 021, so basically it's yellow 13 plane's with the 021 number.

And, if I had to guess, generally lower stats. Perhaps on par with the normal Su-37. Still, I'm not one to say "no" to a possibly free Su-37.
And, if I had to guess, generally lower stats. Perhaps on par with the normal Su-37. Still, I'm not one to say "no" to a possibly free Su-37.
lower or maybe equal stats (more stability traded with lower air to air power) would be fair, I mean...Y13 it's the non plus ultra of the Erusean aviation...
Yet, I'm still thinking...why not Y04?
Be prepared, this is may be the end game of tournaments, we may get 500K + points as top 200 requirements. I just hope we are NOT going through 2 full weeks of forced sorties, some fans are already skipping this for what I've read on the facebook page, mostly discouiraged by the fact this will be actually a bloodbath.
I don't care...this is the first time since September I will burn fuel as a mad man from the start.
If you're going for any kind of ranking, well...may the Mobius be with you!
Oh and there's the Sp aircraft level cap icrease request that MAY save us our butt if it comes for lower rankings...
From my post on GameFAQs and ACS, I repeat here to stimulate the fantasy and the preparation for this new patch:

"Ok guys, patch is coming, it is time not only to hope or speculate on what they will add / change / remove, and at the time will be out report what we find, but also to get an image of the personal situation for all of us, in the meanwhile we wait to know if we will have to change something in our own gameplay style or used aircraft after the patch.

This is my situation:
Player status:
Credits: around 1 milion; Stocked Fuel: 42; Extra Investment Contract: 6; Mercenary Contract: 8; Non-Standard upgrade: 1; Plane Research: 12; Special Weapon Research 4; Parts Research: 74; Tickets: 2.974

Planes levels in the 40-aircraft sets list:
Level 10: F-15 S/MTD
Level 7: Su-35 -S1-, F-16F -DR-, F-2A -NG-, F-35B, FB-22, ASF-X, F-117A -ST-, EA-18G
Level 5: Gripen C -GF-, YF-23, Typhoon, F-5E, F-15C -PT-, Mirage 2000-5 -WT-, X-29A, Su-47, T-50, F/A-18F -BH-, F-14D -JR-, X-02, F-4E, Su-34, Rafale M -VA-, Su-25TM, Rafale M, F-16XL, Su-24MP, F-4G, A-10A -DT-, F-15E, MiG-21bis, AV-8B -KM-, ADF-01, ADFX-01
Level 1: B-2A

Planes in the regular aircraft tree:
Unlocked and bought everything less Su-33, Su-37, ATD-01, Delphinus, XFA-27. Some planes not listed in the above list are little leveled up by time ago, before getting their substitute.

Everything unlocked and bought.

Special Weapons:
Level 5: HPAA, FAEB
Level 3: Almost all weapons, for simplicity "those not listed above and below"
Level 1: MUGB
Level 0 (not unlocked): LAAM, MSTM, MSOD, MAGM

What I hope from this patch:
SFFS nerf
XFA-27 reduce cost
A Multirole with SOD which not broughts also a new weapon (XFA-27 brought MSTM) to delete the only "double" in my list (Rafale M for SOD and Rafale M -VA- for LASM)
Good -Gemini- planes (my zodiacal sign, would like to put a -GM- plane substituting a regular one which is still lv5), unlikely they will do another patch in 1 month to add them, -Taurus- were added along with -Aires- planes
Good things in Ticket Store"

This doesn't considers all of the drops from yesterday evening 'till today and what I'll get from my around 4.000th place in tournament.
Good variety of planes, my situation is a bit different...Much less upgraded planes, and most of those are special variants.

LVL X: Gold Falcon, Mickey Simon,
LVL 9: Pixy, Black Hornet, Typhoon, Yellow 13
LVL 8: Garuda
LVL 7: F-4E, F-16, Experimental (Mirage), Zipang, Stripes
LVL 6: MiG-21, Kim Aba, Desert Rock, Nagase, Experimental (X-29)
LVL 5: Gripen C
LVL 4: Pixy (Morgan)
LVL 3: Distant Thunder, ADFX-01, ADF-01
LVL 2: Mirage 2000-5, F-15E

Fuel: 250 units
Credits: 10,9 mlns
Investiment plan: 20
Merc plan: 16
NSU form:2
Plane R.: 60
Part R.: 64
Weapon R.: 41
Tickets: 3540

Got pretty much all the parts,except some specific parts (HVAA speed part) or those new hybrid parts.

Prizes are UP!

F-22A Mobius 1 top 300
Su-37 Jean Louis top 3000
Mobius Emblem top 1000
Three Arrowhead (not the full ISAF emblem BTW) top 5000

The top 300 sounds actually quite cool (you'll get Mobius instead of Mobius 1)...mad enough to climb on the top 100 to get the Mobius 1 nickname?
Top 20 gives you "heroes do really exist" and 3x SP planes max lvlcap increaser request.
Grab top 1000 for 1 lvlcap thinghy.
Prizes are UP!

F-22A Mobius 1 top 300
Su-37 Jean Louis top 3000
Mobius Emblem top 1000
Three Arrowhead (not the full ISAF emblem BTW) top 5000

The top 300 sounds actually quite cool (you'll get Mobius instead of Mobius 1)...mad enough to climb on the top 100 to get the Mobius 1 nickname?
Top 20 gives you "heroes do really exist" and 3x SP planes max lvlcap increaser request.
Grab top 1000 for 1 lvlcap thinghy.

Why would anyone want to increase the level cap of a special plane? We can't afford high levels on an F-4E :lol:.
ehm, shhh, I will have something like 30 milions or even more after the tournament but...don't tell anyone... You could upgrade any jet to level 15 with that, are you going to do it? You could upgrade any jet to level 15 with that, are you going to do it?
Probably not,lvl 9 for my classic aces will be enough...Mobius, Jean Louis and Grabacr, plus Garuda 1 lvl more...
Plus special weapons to upgrade and MAYBE my little project "Falcon 1.5" (a.k.a. pull the F-16 to LVL15).
From lvl 10 to 15 it's just a waste of credits for most planes.
Mobius will be like 850 base cost...
Only been a day of maintenance and I miss Infinity already :lol:.

The vanilla F-35B may get levelled during this tournament along with the Pixy Morgan. That plane has really grown on me after unlocking it to get the stealth/armor/repair part. Emphasis on might since it's level cap is at 15.

Realistically I want to unlock all the parts, get most if not all the special weapons to level 3 and unlock/level aircraft (minus the stupidly priced ones) to level 5.

Thoughts on the new planes we'll be getting on this update (apart from the tournament prizes)? I reckon the CFA-44 will be in the game and expect someone from to have cracked open the code before the end of the weekend.



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Hmm, thought someone would have revealed the update features by now since it's already available to download.
2 questions:
how much fuel you got?
aiming for top?
Personally I'll try the top 100, if I can't of course top 300, 250 are not enough imo, but I can buy some 60 packs :sly:

The real question is how many points we need for top 100 :lol:. Didn't Razgriz top 200 need something like ~450k points? I think Mobius top 300 will be the same if not a little more due to the tournament being two weeks long. < Feel the excitement! >

Hmm, thought someone would have revealed the update features by now since it's already available to download.

Oh that's true. Might download it before maintenance ends to save the hassle of getting it later. Someone's probably working on cracking the files open already haha.

From the Ace Combat Reddit:

Reminder that a full list will be provided here:

Following were confirmed by "unofficial" sources:

  • "Adriatic Sea Landing Operation" is the new Online Co-Op Mission, based off of Bunker Shot
  • Special Challenges will be available for the F-16XL Wizard and F-15 S/MTD Sorcerer skins
  • Moby Dick I/II/III, Stonehenge I/II/III, and SOLG I/II/III will be available
Following were confirmed through Twitter @PROJECT_ACES

  • Players will now be able to browse the aircraft skins they own without having to create an Aircraft Set.
  • If a host changes any lobby settings, all players will immediately cancel the "Ready to Sortie".
  • You can now create 2v2 and 3v3 rooms with or without bots.
  • Rental Sets available in Online Co-Op Missions and Team Deathmatch can now be hidden.
  • A new filter is available when selecting an Aircraft Set that will show the aircraft sets in order of last used.
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I think top300 will be over 700k... This is actually the plane 90% of the players were waiting for.

Patch is little over 300MB.

Good findings over there.
@Louie_Schumii @Flaren89
I start with 250 stocked plus supplied.
I can purchase a 60 pack, MAYBE 2 more ONLY if necessary. 430 total.
Now, personally, I think that we'll need something like 500K points for the top 300.
Sure, top 100 for "Mobius 1" would be super cool, but I can skip it.
There are 100 more rooms than a top 200, much players (even veterans, reading on the facebook group) will be satisfied with the emblem or the -Jean Louis-, more are even going with supplied only. Some of those are discouraged by the fact the plane is so requested and it's still a top 300 and not a top 1000.
Best case scenario: you'll get around 100K points from supplied fuel, if you play in 4 payers room, avoid bugged maps and pray for raid missions.
250 stocked can grow up to 300/350 units with drop and challenges, and this will guarantee 400K pts if not more.
I've ended the Grabacr tournament with 20 units less than the quantity I've started, placed inside the top 1000 at 170k pts.
The more you burn the more you drop.
The fuel drop rate has been quite kind lately. Been getting the 5x stocked fuel drops a couple of times a week if I play often. I'm just happy that the game items most of us have been waiting for is finally around the corner!

Also I quickly put together a wallpaper to get everyone in the Mobius spirit for the upcoming tourney :D

I think I'm gonna change my facebook profile image, I know people are gonna miss the handsome guy I am's Mobius time :sly:
When the tournament is over it's time for some classic ace reunion...
@Flaren89 can use his Su-35 Scarface, me and @Louie_Schumii will have both Yellow and Mobius (and Jean Louis of course). I do have Pixy and Garuda as well as the Ofnir Su-47. So we should do a little formation :P

The XR-900 Geopelia and the X-49 Night Raven may have the same the same power and very similar appearance, but Night Raven is faster, since it has 8 engines when the Geopelia only has 6. However, in japanese version of the game, both planes have maximum speed of 5068 km/h.

S++ speed wouldn't come close to cutting it. As much as I'd love it, there is no way to make the Night Raven fit in the development tree when the R-101 (which was, need I remind you, one of the most basic planes in AC3E) is already at the top of the food chain of ACI.

I'm not even going to try get a decent ranking this time around. But hopefully there will be plenty of credits to be made nevertheless.
Mobius 1 will equip LAAMs at level 7.
Now that's just beautiful, LAAMs are what HVAAs should be...I guess we'll have the ultimate dogfighter in TDM...
Of course, new planes are overpriced as ****...

Found something gud on the internetz...
Here's the decal kit from the Hasegawa Mobius 1.
Can we have the Ring of mobius emblem pls?
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@Vitocorp good find! They actually have a ton of content to keep the game going for years (maybe even until the PS3 servers shut down completely). Not sure which plane the ring of mobius emblem will go well with though. A bomber maybe? B1-B? Will definitely look good on the Mobius F-4.

It would be a lot better too if I could read Japanese :lol:
@Vitocorp good find! They actually have a ton of content to keep the game going for years (maybe even until the PS3 servers shut down completely). Not sure which plane the ring of mobius emblem will go well with though. A bomber maybe? B1-B? Will definitely look good on the Mobius F-4.

It would be a lot better too if I could read Japanese :lol:
Not sure if you noticed but the arrowhead is made by the ISAF logo, fantastic!
And yeah, on the F-4 will definitely look better than on the F-22A.
Would be nice if they release those as challenges or drop, maybe during the tournament, will keep some players away from burning fuel and take the emblems and it would be a nice addition for us!
Speaking of protagonist this was the last one missing except for ehm...Nemo?
Now, tomorrow we'll see if forced sortie will go for the entire tournament or not but I'm sure we'll have full forced all the way.
Now, just a friendly tip, don't burn all the fuel already, wait for the second week, me may get more drops or challenges or other stuff like gold box increased drop rate and DON'T BUY fuel, we'll probably get a discount soon!
I'm planning to keep me near the top 100, then chose if keep the spot or get inside the top players...
Personally, I don't think I'll spend money for any new aircraft...not even sure if I'm going to lock research this time...
If there's a second run, then next month will be our chance to get out hands on the Wardog as well...I hope so
In GameFAQs somebody reported changes in special weapons, need somebody that certify this:

SAAM homing and damage buff
HPAA damage buff
MAGM distance buff
GPB damage buff
SOD damage buff
MPBM slight radius buff
SFFS is now more similar to UGB than GPB in distance and speed and also nerfed damage (maybe).