I stand corrected. The way they added in the X-49 is horse manure. The Night Raven should eat R-101s for breakfast... Not be outperformed by them.
The MiG-31B, on the other hand, is beautiful. Handles as it should: it does 1500kn easily even at low altitude and climbs very fast, but it doesn't want to turn, nor slow down (it will stall, and it's quite hard to do tight maneuvres for this exact reason). With the LAAM it will become the ultimate long-range interceptor, should the upgrade parts slot allow it. It also costs about 2500 credits to get it at lv. 1, I was expecting it to cost around 100-150k, was pleasantly surprised.
Also unlocked the Su-35 event skin thingy. S-rating, MVP and 55k points without even looking at the screen. Is it just me, or the 6AAM homes just a little bit better since the upgrade dropped? Oh, and they also decided to throw the Red Ugly One in as a bonus at the end of that same game. Couldn't care less about it tho, I hate the Falken with a passion.
The new mission is fun, plenty of clusters of AA targets and high-value ground targets which are easy to hit. Also, there's a high chance of two B2s appearing, and hey, it's an easy 8000 points.