Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Now my FB-22 is level 8 and my SFFS is level 3. I can already afford level 10 for the FB-22 but the research is slow. My YF-23 has been awesome since the patch that makes HVAA one-shot orange targets without upgrades. I just did a 4 players (No BOTs) Moscow room and scored 90k+ 4 times in a row, 3 MVP's. All players in the 2000's MR. My F-35 feels inadequate by comparison now. I think the FB-22 is now strong enough to say I have a jet for all occasions.
YF-23 level 10, level 5 HVAA (for when my team-mate/s are going for ground and B7R)
ADF-01 level 10, level 5 4AAM (for aerial special raids)
F-35 level 10, level 5 4AGM (jack of all trades, master of none)
FB-22 level 8 (and rising), level 3 (and rising) SFFS (Pound that ground baby!)
B-2 level 1 (let's be honest, Bombers are practically useless)

I've still yet to start upgrading the T-50 Akula I won with QAAM for PvP TDM, but I can survive without it. I would like to upgrade the Mig-31 at some point, as well as get the F/A-18 and F-4E to level 10.

Funnily enough I came across someone with an F-4G the other day that had a 1790 cost and way too many weapons parts to be running on the standard amount of parts slots. It kept pace with me in my YF-23 at Tokyo, I was impressed. The guy must sortie almost exclusively with the F-4G to have it so advanced.
That's one crazy F-4G. Highest I've seen any F-4 was an F-4E that was 1300 or 1400 and took MVP.

It's really quick to catch up with the older planes that have very few parts slots to begin with however. Some have a slightly easier time of it than others, but it only takes me about 10-12 missions to upgrade the ones with 15-20 slots(I can fit Pitch L and Missile Reload M on my Su-24M now :) ). But I was looking at the F-4G and the MiG-21... 201 points for the first slot. That would let you catch up to the others in a hurry. It may be time for me to bust out my MiG-21 again soon.

Being able to make your favorite planes grow, and make some of the useless ones a bit less useless is really nice, but it also means it won't be long and they'll all be pretty similar(in parts loadout, anyway).
That's one crazy F-4G. Highest I've seen any F-4 was an F-4E that was 1300 or 1400 and took MVP.

It's really quick to catch up with the older planes that have very few parts slots to begin with however. Some have a slightly easier time of it than others, but it only takes me about 10-12 missions to upgrade the ones with 15-20 slots(I can fit Pitch L and Missile Reload M on my Su-24M now :) ). But I was looking at the F-4G and the MiG-21... 201 points for the first slot. That would let you catch up to the others in a hurry. It may be time for me to bust out my MiG-21 again soon.

Being able to make your favorite planes grow, and make some of the useless ones a bit less useless is really nice, but it also means it won't be long and they'll all be pretty similar(in parts loadout, anyway).

Doesn't change the cost of upgrading them though, so unless you have lots of time and real world cash, they'll remain fairly average.:indiff:
Come on, tomorrow they should change gold drops, ticket store, login bonuses and maybe we will know also which will be next tournament :D
F-15E -Gemini- as challenge, YES! I hope they also add another as gold drop or tournament.
I wonder why they put already a -Cancer- in the Ticket store, it's Gemini month -.-
CFA special ad gold drop hype!!! Let's spend 100 milion to get it to level 5

I told ya, they recycle the tournaments
Is there going to be a special Mig-29 or is that some other jet in the ad for the upcoming tournament? I wonder if the rewards will be given to lower ranks this time.
Aside from no doubt costing super plane money, that CFA-44 gets a missile launcher that sprays 12 missiles at once at any target/s in any direction!
The tournament is just like the first one it's a recycle, the MiG-29 is just a random plane, maybe we'll get more stuff like NSU form or the new level cap increaser.
I was waiting the Wardog tournament but I'm afraid I can't do more burn during this month if they bring back the Wardog...ehm...I placed 141st in the Mobius tournament...only got like 25 fuels...
So, when do we get the rewards from the closed tournament? I was in 2500's in the rankings so I should be getting that Jean Louis Flanker..
My FB-22 reached level 9 and SFFS reached level 4 tonight. I've never seen a special weapon gain so much damage output by levelling up as SFFS, I suppose it had something to do with the increased range/dispersal area.
Mhm. I've removed that plane from my active planes and concentrate on getting better regular ones.
So the other night I was on an Avalon sortie, I believe it was with 8 players. We got one of the "easy" layouts where the doors never opened to fly through the tunnels, had generic ground reinforcements to splatter. We wiped out every single target in all 3 phases of the mission, Mission Accomplished with over a minute left... and somehow we only received an A rank.

I'm pretty certain there were no bonus targets anywhere like the SR-71 and other things you sometimes see that aren't generally required to get S. I've never seen any targets like that on Avalon before, either. No idea what the problem was.
So the other night I was on an Avalon sortie, I believe it was with 8 players. We got one of the "easy" layouts where the doors never opened to fly through the tunnels, had generic ground reinforcements to splatter. We wiped out every single target in all 3 phases of the mission, Mission Accomplished with over a minute left... and somehow we only received an A rank.

I'm pretty certain there were no bonus targets anywhere like the SR-71 and other things you sometimes see that aren't generally required to get S. I've never seen any targets like that on Avalon before, either. No idea what the problem was.

Infinity has always had problems with this on one mission or other. It used to be the Alps, recently it was Pipeline Destruction (not sure if that one's been fixed), I think Tokyo might have had it at one stage.
Is there any other attackers worthy of attention besides A-10? I love that beast but the speed isn't best possible.
Infinity has always had problems with this on one mission or other. It used to be the Alps, recently it was Pipeline Destruction (not sure if that one's been fixed), I think Tokyo might have had it at one stage.
Pipeline still has this bug, had a A rank during the Mobius tournament, pretty rare btw.
Is there any other attackers worthy of attention besides A-10? I love that beast but the speed isn't best possible.
Uhm...the fullback? it has LAGMs, 4AGMs and GPBs, a very nice roster of weapons.
Personally I prefer multiroles instead of attackers, my hangar have a very limited amount of those...for the main reason I tend to engage enemy fighters, std missiles of an attacker have rubbish homing...
F15/MTD with FAEBs are the kings of Moscow, so you may consider this option
Is there any other attackers worthy of attention besides A-10? I love that beast but the speed isn't best possible.

The FB-22 is quite probably the best Attacker, unless SFFS has been nerfed so much it's been overtaken by other jets.
Hm.. We shall see. both F22B and F15 MTD and SU-34 are far outside my reach since I haven't researched that far yet.. Not even close lol.
The FB-22 is quite probably the best Attacker, unless SFFS has been nerfed so much it's been overtaken by other jets.
yeah, I always forgot about the FB-22s, plus SFFS tend to gain fast upgrades...
Speaking of upgrades, my Mobius is now at lvl4, can one shot MiG-29 without part and seems like QAAMs have a massive damage. Not tested online yet since I'm waiting lvl 6 to get the 2 extra slot part and make a setup.
Looks like it has some sort of special paint, it changes various shades of grey blue and it looks gorgeous, in some conditions you can even admire it's golden nozzles...
Hm.. We shall see. both F22B and F15 MTD and SU-34 are far outside my reach since I haven't researched that far yet.. Not even close lol.
F-117? Ask @Flaren89 , he's the expert lol
Hm.. We shall see. both F22B and F15 MTD and SU-34 are far outside my reach since I haven't researched that far yet.. Not even close lol.

If you're presently stuck around A-10 range then I'd say stick with the A-10. It's a solid Attacker and in the right missions with large clusters of ground targets (like Moscow) FAEB is very good. Sorry my power dropped out earlier, I was psyched to find you in the room.
LOL, I know right, I was surprised to see you too! :lol: I just wish I was in bit cooler jet than the elephant man of planes, AKA F-117. Also, color me surprised that F-111s aren't in the game..
Well then. :odd: Butterfly Master pops up as emergency mission boss in Adriatic Sea now. And if you thought that she was easy before, you will find that she has improved by a mile.. :eek: :scared:

edit: she shot me down 4 times. and we didn't get more than 25% of her health gone.. :irked:
Well then. :odd: Butterfly Master pops up as emergency mission boss in Adriatic Sea now. And if you thought that she was easy before, you will find that she has improved by a mile.. :eek: :scared:

edit: she shot me down 4 times. and we didn't get more than 25% of her health gone.. :irked:

The mistake I see most people make(and that I used to) is trying to take out her drones. Unless you have some serious equipment that usually results in just wasting time, and lots of it. If you just focus on the main plane, even mid-level fighters can take her out, although it takes several salvos and you may get shot down in the process. She's not invulnerable like in the campaign. Ok, I'm not quite sure she's invincible in single-player either, but I'll never have the skill to take her out with only machine guns while she's immune to missiles.
Doing Pipeline Hard today in an open room ranging from 1200 to 2200 MR(because I like getting kills stolen from me all mission long when my missiles are more than half-way to targets less than 1,000 feet from me). Was in the middle of the line of IL-76s trying to take off and blowing them to bits as I started seeing an impossible amount of gunfire shooting past me. I got shot down by an F-15C... turns out there were four of them merged together on top of each other in the same exact space behind me shooting the worlds most powerful machine gun at me. :lol:

Got an A for the challenge and picked up a gryphus emblem I already have so it didn't turn out to badly at least.
Doing Pipeline Hard today in an open room ranging from 1200 to 2200 MR(because I like getting kills stolen from me all mission long when my missiles are more than half-way to targets less than 1,000 feet from me). Was in the middle of the line of IL-76s trying to take off and blowing them to bits as I started seeing an impossible amount of gunfire shooting past me. I got shot down by an F-15C... turns out there were four of them merged together on top of each other in the same exact space behind me shooting the worlds most powerful machine gun at me. :lol:

Got an A for the challenge and picked up a gryphus emblem I already have so it didn't turn out to badly at least.

In the non-HARD missions I hang back and wait for those F-15's to spawn, they're worth more points than going after the lowsy cargo planes.
I guess I'll try to make as much money as possible so I can buy some new mods... But I still don't know what plane category I should concentrate on.. on the other hand, I should buy F-16XL now that I can and do the challenge to get the skin..
Alright guys, so I now have ~$1.8mil stored to buy level 10 on the FB-22 and level 5 on the SFFS when they both finish researching, anything I earn from here on out can basically be spent on what ever I like. I'll probably upgrade the Super Hornet some more, but I want your opinion on whether I upgrade an F-4E or F-4G. I was thinking probably the F-4G as it's a little more specialised and since the F-4's don't have much mobility ground pounding might be the way to go. It's a shame levels higher than 10 are basically out of reach.

Edit: And level 10 just happened for the FB-22. Bought level 7 for the F/A-18F and level 4 for the F-4G. Today I encountered a Mig-29 with a 2100 cost.:eek: I was in an F-14D-JR for the 6AAM challenge, but he still scored over 100k points at B7R.
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