Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Well, it seems I won't be able to get top 200, exhausted the fuel after the burn and I'm only 20k over top 200, but still 1 week to go.

Results of the burn (main reason I did it):
- Got F-15E -Gemini- from 2 to 5;
- Got F-117 -Stars and Stripes- from 8 to 10 and obtained a slot;
- Got Su-35 -Scarface 1- from 7 to 10 and obtained 2 slots;
- Got 6AAM from 3 to 5;
- Dropped CFA-44 -Strigon Leader- and obtained its ADMM. ADMM also leveled up to 3;
- Got LAGM and GPB from 3 to 4, getting credits and researches to level up them to 5;
- Obtained a slot for F-15 S/MTD.
I guess I should go down the multirole path, as it seems to have sufficient slots to make it decent at anything.. Not good but decent. If I want good I should go for the specialized ones.
I guess I should go down the multirole path, as it seems to have sufficient slots to make it decent at anything.. Not good but decent. If I want good I should go for the specialized ones.

Pretty much.
I think I did got the CFA-44 -Strigon Leader- after use two supplied fuels, but I saw upgrade cost around 4.5 million credit.
Yes, CFA-44 -SL- costs 4.5 milion credits to upgrade 1 to 2. Better wait a regular version which will be 800-825Cst but will cost much less to upgrade although will have to buy at a quite high price. I think will cost something like the ADF-01, considering its -OSEA- special version costs around the same as -Strigon Leader-.
Millions.. How are we supposed to get millions with the sortie fuel system without throwing money at it?
Ugh.. If only they'd bring back missions with sortie fuels as reward..
There's 1 mission that brings you stocked fuel during the special aircraft level cap increase form not remember if the 7th or the 8th. By the way, just one...
Tried the Mobius LVL6 with roll, pitch and yaw L, the plane, compared to the Y13, is much much more nervous despite it has similar stats in terms of maneuverability. Tried in Moscow, the plane is awesome, it has a great potential as close range dogfighter, tends to do very quick high-g maneuvers and it has LAAMs as well, can be a pain in the butt during naval TDM.
The game is getting pretty generous in terms of stocked fuel, I should reach 55 units for sure before the week ends, still no -Strigon Leader- which I will upgrade and avoid to go for the Su-33 strigon. If they bring back the wardog tournament this month I'll make sure to grab both of them so my classic Ace plane roster is almost done!
I played with a guy that had a level 18 F-4E the other day, it kept up with my F-35, but really it only reaches level 10 F-35 territory at around level 18-20, and the amount of cash required to get it there is absurd. This game's shelf life is short for me now, right around the time Star Wars Battlefront comes out and I get a PS4. Some time before it's over, I'll have to burn all my fuel in a tournament and just spend it on what ever I have left (like getting a Super Hornet to as high a level as possible).
Some new challenges were added today. And I'm wondering if I will ever get the F-15S/MTD Active..

Edit: X-49 Rena edition is the next reward plane
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Now, I'm sure most of you can't afford a decent LAAM equipped plane but I've tested this SP weapon recently and from what I can say it's a great weapon if not THE greatest you can have for now.
LVL7 Mobius 1 with LVL 2 LAAMs, speed and homing L, ammo M, all for SP weapon.
Speaking about long range it does not have rivals, the high imput damage and the 2km extra distance it has really makes the difference, most of your long range engagements will result in a guaranteed shot (can't say that about an HVAA or a 6AAM).
Short/medium range is surprisingly good, while it should be rubbish since the stat bar of the homing is quite terribile compared to most of SP missiles...I'm comparing it to the QAAM I have on my Y13 and the difference in close range doghfight is not as big as you may think.
Plus the missile is bugged, at least for the Mobius, no drop delay, it's fired directly in front of the aicraft just like a QAAM and not like an HVAA. (bugged because trails appear shortly after the launch and not immediately).
It has 2 drawbacks, it's awful against mid-stage bosses (QAAM all the way against those) and the reload takes ages.
Sure, I'm testing this thing with parts but considering I ALWAYS use SP weapon part on my sets that's a fair comparison.
From a tactical point of view I see why PA has given the new Rena Hirose night raven this SP weapon...
Quick question: Should I buy Su-37 Terminator for 226k, or upgrade the Yellow 021 -JL- which would cost 200k?
Depends on how much credits you got.
Consider that Su-37 have quite high price buy cost and it's slighty worse, but it is much cheaper than -JL- to upgrade.

Vanilla upgrade cost:
1 to 2: 36k
2 to 3: 55k
3 to 4: 112k
4 to 5: 154k
5 to 6 (without NSU): 487k
9 to 10: 940k
Total cost to level 10 (considering also the buy cost): 3m

-JL- upgrade cost:
1 to 2: 147k
2 to 3: 200k
3 to 4: 294k
4 to 5: 400k
5 to 6 (without NSU): 716k
9 to 10: 1.9m
Total cost to level 10: 5.4m

Difference in damage:
- Vanilla: One-shots MiG-29s at level 6, at level 10 one-shots up to S/MTDs, need S damage or level 11 to one-shot MiG-31s, to one-shot F-22s/T-50s need level 13 with L damage;
- -JL-: One-shots MiG-29s at level 5, at level 10 one-shots up to MiG-31s, to one-shot F-22s/T-50s need level 11 with L damage.

Difference in damage special weapons:

- Vanilla: level 5 OR level 4 + S damage OR level 2 + M damage OR level 1 + L damage to one-shot MiG-29s, level 5 + L damage one-shots MiG-31s;
- -JL-: level 5 OR level 3 + S damage OR level 1 + M damage to one-shot MiG-29s, level 5 + M damage one-shots MiG-31s.

- Vanilla: level 3 + M damage OR level 1 + L damage to one-shot MiG-29s, level 5 + L damage one-shots up to Typhoons;
- -JL-: level 5 + S damage OR level 1 + M damage to one-shot MiG-29s, level 5 + L damage one-shots to S/MTDs.

- Vanilla: level 1 one-shots up to S/MTDs, level 5 one-shots up to YF-23s, level 4 + S damage to one-shot F-22s/T-50s, level 5 + L damage to one-shot F-35B WILDFIRE (emergency mission, phase 2 of co-op sorties);
- -JL-: level 1 one-shots up to MiG-31s, level 5 one-shots up to MiG-29 LOUDMOUTH, level 2 + S damage to one-shot F-22s/T-50s, level 4 + L damage to one-shot F-35B WILDFIRE.

Average cost to upgrade special weapons:
1 to 2: 55k
2 to 3: 115k
3 to 4: 360k
4 to 5: 780k
Total: 1.3m (4AAM costs more, HVAA and QAAM less)

Final note: usually put damage parts for standard missile or special weapons just to one-shot red targets is not suggested unless needed. HVAA and 4AAM for example, when they can one-shot MiG-29s is enough.
I always double-tap every opponent.. Just to be sure. So maybe I'll upgrade the Yellow and buy the vanilla later.. or just save for F-15S/MTD..

also, it's unlikely I'll get any plane above level 6 or 7 as I'm not a wallet warrior that can throw money at the game to win :P
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Then I suggest you to not upgrade special planes unless you really need them and/or are much better than Vanilla version.
Remember, you have to spend quite good money to buy a Vanilla plane, but its special version will need almost double credits to upgrade it over level 1 up to maximum level.
I've got some cash to earn, but soon my Super Hornet will reach level 10, after that I'm not sure what to do. Start upgrading jets beyond level 10?
New rewards planes for the next event have been announced. Nothing interesting really.. Oh, and I'm really close to getting the X-49 Rena, I'm within top 200 for once :D
New rewards planes for the next event have been announced. Nothing interesting really.. Oh, and I'm really close to getting the X-49 Rena, I'm within top 200 for once :D

You know level 2 will cost like $6 trillion on that plane?
Seems like no one cares about the -Rena Hirose-, maybe beacause it will be overpriced as ****
And I still haven't dropped the nosferatu
Does anyone else think the stats on the Mig-21 Viper are bugged? It's a 725 cost jet but the performance is the same as the woeful standard version. Depending on the required rank and whether they fix its stats, I'm going to try and get that Mig.
Yeah but the initial purchase cost is couple thousand instead of raw 8 millions of the vanilla..
Just got level 10 on the F/A-18F thanks to a forced sortie with Merc Contract in Satelite Intercept II. I guess I should start saving for level 11 on the F-35?
Surprise guys, I'm back.

So I've been in a much more enthusiastic mood the last few weeks and decided to pick this up again. Went to upgrade one of my planes and found this AV-8B "HB". Curious, I went to look at it and it turns out that it was one of the IDOLM@STER aircraft (specifically, the AV-8B Hibiki). Yeah, I kinda forgot I actually won that. Its been way too long :lol:

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