Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I wonder if they replenish at a faster rate, like every 2hrs instead.:confused:

It can be:
- That;
- Increase maximum number (but not rate, so it's just that you can use all 6 fuel in a single 30 minute session of game);
- Both (best option).

EDIT: It seems to be the second, so not really a "bonus" to players like me that could already use all 6 sorties in the day.
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@Paulie In any case a larger "tank" of supplied fuel is welcome. You can actually time your sorties so that the 3 aircraft reports challenge is do-able just by using two extra stocked per day the anniversary celebrations are on (and a lot of people are spending fuel for the tourney anyway).

Anyone else in the forum going for the Mobius F-22 apart from @Vitocorp and I?
@Louie_Schumii No, I'm waiting now if comes a -Gemini- tournament.
And then I'll check out, if they declare they will re-do EVERY single tournament done, I'll start to stock fuel and fuel to have 400-500 stocked for next February for XFA-27 -S1-.

No real need to get credits apart of the burn in a possible -Gemini- tournament because:
- F-15 S/MTD at level 10;
- Various planes at level 7 (in these Su-35 -S1-, F-2A -NG-, EA-18G, soon MiG-31B);
- Other around 30 planes at level 5;
- HPAA (used by level 7 Su-35 -S1- and level 5 Gripen C -GF-) and FAEB (used by level 10 S/MTD and level 5 A-10 -DT-) are at level 5;
- Almost all other special weapons (bomber sp., MSTM, LAAM and LSWM excluded) are level 3 and started right now to upgrade at least to level 4, will do the same for LAAM when I'll unlock them because of lvlling up MiG-31B.
- To lvlup MiG-31B and upgrade special weapons above I got 3.3 milions right now, but obviously I'm getting them as far as I sortie, researching only 2 things at a time to get 3.3k extra credits if I win (getting in this way around 15-16k in win matches);
- In case, I should have something like 5-6 per type of contracts (Elite and Investment).
So apparently I can purchase 240 units of fuel instead of 180 with this discount, for a total of 500 cans of stocked...enough for the top 300 I suppose...pretty sure I won't burn more for the top 100, I'll keep the rest for next tournaments...
So apparently I can purchase 240 units of fuel instead of 180 with this discount, for a total of 500 cans of stocked...enough for the top 300 I suppose...pretty sure I won't burn more for the top 100, I'll keep the rest for next tournaments...

Still on the fence about going for top 20? :P

The tourney is actually very competitive despite no forced sorties (until the weekend). Top 20 are already past 100,000 points after only two days. Bamco will be very pleased with their bottom line before tourneys end :lol:.

EDIT: So my ADFX-01 -PX- is level 5 now. Level 6 upgrade is halfway complete.

Question is if I should use an NSU form on the thing since it currently is the most expensive plane to upgrade from level 5 to 6 (minus the bombers and stupidly priced super-planes) at 891,000 credits.

I've got 3 NSU's. Saving one for Mobius F-22; possibly one for a bomber; and if I'm still playing this game regularly after this tournament one for a super-plane. What do you guys think, should I use one on the Pixy Morgan?
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Still on the fence about going for top 20? :P

The tourney is actually very competitive despite no forced sorties (until the weekend). Top 20 are already past 100,000 points after only two days. Bamco will be very pleased with their bottom line before tourneys end :lol:.

EDIT: So my ADFX-01 -PX- is level 5 now. Level 6 upgrade is halfway complete.

Question is if I should use an NSU form on the thing since it currently is the most expensive plane to upgrade from level 5 to 6 (minus the bombers and stupidly priced super-planes) at 891,000 credits.

I've got 3 NSU's. Saving one for Mobius F-22; possibly one for a bomber; and if I'm still playing this game regularly after this tournament one for a super-plane. What do you guys think, should I use one on the Pixy Morgan?

I think you'll be playing this game a lot longer than me if you might be getting a Bomber or Super Plane to level 6! Pretty sure I have 4 NSU's at the moment, I'm just waiting for the new parts to finish researching so I can spend one on the FB-22 without having too many research panels open. I'm not far off being cashed up enough to buy level 10 for the FB-22 already, but the research will hinder that.
I think you'll be playing this game a lot longer than me if you might be getting a Bomber or Super Plane to level 6! Pretty sure I have 4 NSU's at the moment, I'm just waiting for the new parts to finish researching so I can spend one on the FB-22 without having too many research panels open. I'm not far off being cashed up enough to buy level 10 for the FB-22 already, but the research will hinder that.

> Paulie
> Level 10 Falken
> Level 10 FB-22

> Where on strangereal do the credits come from?!? :lol:

Speaking of NSU's I hope their drop rate increases as promised for rare drop items during the tournament. I will probably end up using one on the Morgan in the hope that we either get them as drops or challenges in the future.
@Louie_Schumii no way I would go for a top 20 in any case :lol:
I mean, for a nickname? are you crazy?:lol::lol:
The competition is tough and I still have some tournament planes to re-catch...I'll probably need 100 fuels for a single nicnkame...not worth it...
So I'll be happy with the plane and the emblem and I still grab the Mobius nicnkame...
Top 20 gives also 2 more upgrade form for special aircrafts... Oh right, they are nearly useless because they increase only 1 level the cap and you still have to pay the upgrade itself...
With today, they added to the golden drop list a design for the T-50 which resembles the one of the ADFX-01 -Block1- (original), so somehow an "experimental" design.

Also received a warning notification about "if you manipulatw the results to give benefits to a specific players you will be banned / excluded by rankings as it's against the rules"... Is this the end of seal clubbers, as this warning is specificately done to players which playes only with newbies and/or forces enemies to play with an afk secondary account of the host?
> Paulie
> Level 10 Falken
> Level 10 FB-22

> Where on strangereal do the credits come from?!? :lol:

Speaking of NSU's I hope their drop rate increases as promised for rare drop items during the tournament. I will probably end up using one on the Morgan in the hope that we either get them as drops or challenges in the future.

Pretty soon I'll have the F-35, YF-23, ADF-01 and FB-22 all on level 10. The cost of ALL four of those jets at level 10 combined would not even get me to level 5 on a super plane.:lol:
Battle report.
30K points, 3 stocked burned.
Now the top 300 is at 100K points.
Usually the players are going brutal during Friday/Saturday...during the week the situation SHOULD be stable...
Since I got tons of credits, I'm maxing out every aircraft/sp weapon I need for this bloodbath.
Garuda finally at level 9 proved I can litterally wipe out the Avalon map alone. Yellow 13 is suffering from high level Wyvern-6AAM spammers in B7R still the best choice in Moscow...For some reasons I can't use 4AAMs I'm leaving experimental aicraft inside the hangar
I tested a machine gun setup on my level 6 FB-22 today, it was fairly terrible unfortunately. You just can't successfully line targets up fast enough.
I'm now up to challenge number 9 on the level cap increase card challenges. It's no distraction to regular sorties, and the individual rewards for each challenge are better than the end prize.
Ok, THIS is what makes me go nazist... Losing a game for few points because low-score-and-brain teammate decide to leave after emergency mission. This made the whole room also lose S rank for 3 targets. Yes, THREE targets, a TGT hangar (lot of hp, but I was about to kill it) and 2 yellow targets.
In the room, I was higher in MR, but around the MR of other ppl.

Great to do some sorties with you @Louie_Schumii and @Vitocorp, I was trying my best not to steal kills but I think I did some by accident.
That one sortie where I scored over 120K points was a new PB for me, helps not having bots in the room.:) A shame @Vitocorp dropped out of that last mission I was in. It was turning out to be a close one.;)

Tonight my YF-23 gained enough experience to get an extra parts slot. The extra parts slot appears orange on the bar. Unfortunately at this stage it's fairly useless to me, I'll need more.
Got tons of ranking pts and credits today!
@Paulie was a worthy opponent, in the first phase of Moscow the YF-23 was outscoring my Y13, having the QAAMs my fighter is better in the final furball. One more sortie and I'll get the 3rd extra slot part!
I'm getting 1'300 ranking pts/sortie and I need less than 100K points for the top 300 and I got 360 fuels left, at this point I should be able to catch the spot and save 300 fuels. Got a decend amount of dropped fuel as well!
Great sorties @Vitocorp and @Paulie. That YF-23 was killer! Got to do some decent testing with different aircraft sets as well. Don't get why FAEBs or so popular in Moscow. They're an AoE weapon but can't finish the job off for the most amount of points per target.
Well, I'm slowly but certainly getting into this game. It's annoying though, that the matchmaking throws beginners with planes like lvl3 F14A together with players who have lvl10 morgan/shinden/whateversuperplane.. in games like that, even the CPU scores higher than I do. :irked:
Well, I'm slowly but certainly getting into this game. It's annoying though, that the matchmaking throws beginners with planes like lvl3 F14A together with players who have lvl10 morgan/shinden/whateversuperplane.. in games like that, even the CPU scores higher than I do. :irked:

Just join 8 players room with ppl from 1.450 to 1.550 MR. Probably you won't be able to S rank all games, but at least you can enjoy the game untill you get a good plane. At that point (for example, a level 5 F-15E), start to join 6 players room with ppl 1.700-1.800 MR. When you will have a really good plane (level 7 Su-34 or level 7 FAEB S/MTD or level 7 Typhoon/F-22) start join 1.900-2.000 MR 4 players room.
You can't get too worried about pilots in superior equipment or it will just get frustrating. Even when you get better stuff, you'll just run into people with even better stuff... and people who are just plain better. I just try to find something to enjoy, find a way to help the room get S rank if possible, and rate my own performance against what I know I can do. I used to get a bit annoyed by it, but lately I often don't even mind joining rooms with people varying from 2,000MR+ down to the 1,400 MR range.

There are too many variables that I don't think it would be possible for the game to ever really force a room to be closely-matched, even if it tried a lot harder than it does. A plane's cost isn't that much more indicative of its real performance than the level is. I do still however tend to get a foolish sense of satisfaction when one of my 1,200-1,300 cost planes takes MVP in a room full of 1,800-1,900s. And of course you never know whether people are using their best planes, or their favorite planes, or doing challenges, or if they don't usually use the monster jets that they do have.
Ended up taking the S/MTD to 11 lol. Couldn't stand seeing stocked fuel research go to waste on a fully researched plane.

~1/3 of my aircraft in the tree are now at level 5. Just been upgrading the cheapest aircraft/special weapon every time a block of research finishes. Still deciding whether a B-2A or a B-1B is feasible to upgrade during this tournament on the journey to the top 300 or better. It will cost approximately 21 million credits to get the 'Spirit' to level 7 with an NSU form.
And universe proved me wrong by randomly giving me two planes, F-35 Taurus which is decent, and by a stroke of blind luck, ADF-01.. :odd: Well, I'm not complaining anymore! :lol:
And universe proved me wrong by randomly giving me two planes, F-35 Taurus which is decent, and by a stroke of blind luck, ADF-01.. :odd: Well, I'm not complaining anymore! :lol:

I wouldn't spend any money on that red ADF-01, it's quite expensive to upgrade and the standard version performs slightly better (plus black looks way better).

Edit: BAH! I was in a 4 player room when by chance @Flaren89 joined, the host then changed it to an 8 player room.👎 All 3 of us are in the 2000's MR, no way we needed 8 players or even 6. But oh well, eventually we got the 🤬 and left, the room wasn't filling anyway. I repetitively told the host I wanted the number of players changed but he did not oblige.
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Attacker, Fighter, Bomber, Multirole.. which class brings best bang for buck? Multirole is bit iffy IMHO, since it doesn't shine in anything, bombers are unavailable for me for now, Fighters seem to lack punch and attackers are usually too damn slow to achieve anything.
Here's some of my thoughts. Sorry if I'm too long-winded. I'm surely the lowest MR long-time player in this thread so maybe the others can correct me where I'm wrong. Paying attention to the battle situation and finding where you can do the most good goes a long way to getting good scores, whatever the plane you're using. That and knowing what happens next on each mission.

I think once you reach a certain point of development multiroles become arguably the best, because once their missiles are strong enough they can easily blow up all but the strongest targets and they are much faster than the attackers. I don't have any that I feel confident using yet however... maybe once I level up some of the newest and fanciest ones I have they'll be great. It seems like they need to be a bit higher than the ~1,300 cost I can get mine to to be better than my best Fighters and Attackers with similar or lower costs. I used to get good results with a Mirage, but that was back when I was starting out and was probably due to 4AGMs and top speed.

I tend to always notice how multiroles aren't as good as the others at taking out targets instead of focusing on using their versatility. Then I get mad at that guy in the F-35 that keeps stealing red kills from my Fighter.

I used attackers early on since ground targets are easy to hit and easier to learn their positions in the various layouts. I usually give them my best top speed part to make getting from one area to another less painful. Fighters were difficult at first because they were always outperformed by the other players. Once I got my F-14A to level 5 or 6 it started to get much easier(or I learned a few things) and I started using fighters more often, probably most of the time nowadays. It depends on the other planes on my team and the mission and likely emergency objective, of course.

Building a good multirole is my own next general objective. My Su-24MP just doesn't cut it at level 5. I have several candidates now with special and normal Rafales, F/A-18s, F-15s and the normal Su-47. I'm sure one of them will be all right with a bit of investment.

Never used the bombers myself, being new and expensive. I see them take MVP on certain maps, but I assume they are only suited to the right missions.

It might be worth focusing on trying to reach one of the high-level planes(I mean like the T-50/F-22/F35 range, not the ridiculous ones) or upgrading a good special plane(not sure how expensive they get after the first few levels) so you can have one really good one and use that to build up your money and the rest of your fleet. I mostly avoided specials and researched and upgraded to lvl 4 or 5 most everything along the way... so now I've been playing for a year and I still have a whole bunch of crap with like 3 decent planes.
Speaking of...what is best need to focus on a big variety of variables: the map, other player's plane (setup and sp weapon included), the map configuration, mission updates...a LOT of things...
Now, it's more like: SP weapon suitable for each map.
You can predict wich of the mission update will pop out during the hangar selection in the lobby area.

This map as a limited number of low health tgts located in a wide open area on the first part and on the second part a wide variety of low and high heath tgts.
Rare but sometimes you can have some ships on the first part of the mission and a good number of high value tgts.
Recommended 4AGM and LAGM (or LASM only if the mission update consist in the stealth vessels but the massive urban configuration can be a pain in the butt for those missiles, make sure to aim safely or you'll waste tons of them)

Little groups of 2 low tier fighters each on the first part with some mid tier fighters, on the second you get MiG-29 squardons, AV-8B and F-22s.
Rare but sometimes some F-15SMTD will pop on the first part.
Recommended 4AAM and HCAA expecially for the second part, you can use QAAMs to take down mid tier jets but save them for F-22s later.

The pipeline consist of a number of tgts on each platform and big clusters on the sea, the initial part is always the same. The second part consist of 3 configurations: ships, coast+ships (limited number of vessels), airstrip.
Recommended SOD, 4AGM and LASM (or LAGM maybe) since you can encounter the fleet during the mission update and you get a chance to get ships at the end of the map.
FAEB/UGB/SFFS good for the first part only, then they get useless IMO.

Spread groups of MiG-29 and other mid tier jets,on the second part MiG-29 and F-22s in a little furball, they always pop up very close.
You can get tons of choppers as mission update.
Recommended 6AAM, 4AAM and HCAA. HVAA can be useful for the first part as well, but the long range feature of 6AAM will do the job.

Made those two "beta" guides, now I need to go to sleep, maybe I'll do more if someone is interested...
Attacker, Fighter, Bomber, Multirole.. which class brings best bang for buck? Multirole is bit iffy IMHO, since it doesn't shine in anything, bombers are unavailable for me for now, Fighters seem to lack punch and attackers are usually too damn slow to achieve anything.

They're all similar IMO, as @Vitocorp said the best thing you can do (depending on the mission) is take the opposite of what your team mates have. Fighters for me didn't really take off until I had the right combination of parts that allowed my YF-23 to one-shot reds. Attackers are nearly always effective and easy to use.
Played so many times the game starts to get really boring...
Currently sitting inside the top 300 in a very safe spot, I should keep the top 300 without burning more fuel during the next 24/48hrs if I'm lucky. Around 53Xk ranking pts...
Still 130 stocked to burn and an emergency double 60 pack, I just found 20€ inside my book!
Personally I don't think this weekend will have some madness, most of people burned all the reserve during the sale and the week, the amount of ranking pts is tremendously high as well.
With lucky drops I should reach 700K ranking pts. without buying more fuel, planning to burn every single stocked I got, just to be safe!
I'll keep that in mind. I'll try to find a plane that suits my style and needs best.. And looks sexy while doing so! :lol: