Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Also, you can use the special versions such as Zipang for the F-14 A challenge, and Jolly Rogers for the F-14 D.
6 straight S-rank Co-op missions!

Is there a difference between the F-15J and the F-15 S/MTD? I know one is a fighter and the other is a multirole, but does one completely dominate over the other?
Fighters usually have far better homing missiles and higher likelihood of hitting special aerial targets. it sucks against ground targets though as they're tougher to kill for fighter.. F-15S/MTD can do both.
6 straight S-rank Co-op missions!

Is there a difference between the F-15J and the F-15 S/MTD? I know one is a fighter and the other is a multirole, but does one completely dominate over the other?

The S/MTD is the better of those two. Normally you need not look too far past the base cost of the planes.
I'm not so sure if S/MTD is that much better.. it's cooler, for sure, but the special weapons leave room for improvement.
So there's a few more Yellow squadron planes in this tournament, including Yellow-04 and Gene.

Yellow-13 also got a performance boost.
I'm happy with my Yellow 21. I guess I should finally buy stage 4 upgrade for it. but with 6 sortie fuels per day, it's not hapening.. :P
Ok here we are. This is my situation right now:

AC1 skin challenges:
All done less the 2 Typhoons. 51% of completition for skin #01.

Godzilla challenges:
All completed.

Squadron skin challenges:
- Indigo have to do only last one;
- Gelb have to do only last one;
- Schnee have to do 2 and 3;
- Espada have to do all.
Notice: I will be able to complete Schnee #2 and Espada #2 while progressing with the Indigo #3 using a 4AAM equipped Gripen C -Griffon-.

Pipeline Destruction (Hard):
Done 100k, I'm at 56% (around 270k) of the 500k challenge for the emblem.

Level ups:
- MiG-1.44 is actually level 4, close to level 5 (gonna stop at level 5);
- MiG-21bis -Viper- will get level 5 in next sortie (gonna level it up up to 10);
- J35J is level 7 (my goal) and soon finish researches for level 8 (no gonna buy);
- Typhoon -Omega- is still level 1, ready for level up to 2 (gonna level it up up to 5);
- YF-23 is still level 5, ready for level up to 6 (probably won't level up it more);
- ADFX-01 is still level 5, ready for level up to 6 (gonna level it up up to 10).
Optionally I may level up my level 3 MPBM to 4 or even 5.

Got 1.8 milion credits

Also, for notice, I'm gonna prepare the upload of campaign missions. Will do 3 runs, the first one is already underway.
1. Reaper run: gonna use preset setups, record also briefing and debriefing, just like if he is Reaper.
2. Vanilla run: gonna use my own setups I got with non-special aircrafts. If no changes will be applied in the meanwhile, this is the list:
#Mission - plane (lvl) - special weapon (lvl) - skin - emblem - nickname
#1 Lost Butterfly - F-5E (5) - HCAA (3) - Default - Flaming Unicorn - Beast Tamer
#2 Great Migration - MiG-31B (7) - LAAM (3) - Default - Satellite Interception (Gold) - Military Satellite Killer
#3 Rescue - F-16XL (5) - SOD (3) - Wizard - 6th Air Division - Ground Falcon
#4 Stonehenge - Su-34 (5) - LAGM (5) - Knight - Hwoarang's Emblem (1) - Fullback
#5 Far Eastern Front - F-15 S/MTD (10) - FAEB (5) - Ferris - The Ace of Arrowblades - Colonel
#6 Avalon - MiG-1.44 (5) - UGB (3) - Default - 5th Fighter Wing - Excess Baggage
#7 Area B7R - YF-23 (6) - HVAA (4) - AC1 #01 - King of Aerial Combat - King of Aerial Combat
#8 Operation Bunker Shot - ADFX-01 (10) - MPBM (3) - Default - Reaper Squadron - Warbird
3. Special run: gonna use my own setups I got with non-special aircrafts. If no changes will be applied in the meanwhile, this is the list (legend same as above):
#1 Lost Butterfly - F-14D -JR- (5) - HPAA (5) - Default - Aerial Fleet Suppression (Gold) - Aerial Fleet Destroyer
#2 Great Migration - F-15C -PT- (5) - SAAM (3) - Default - Arrowblades - Stars and Stripes
#3 Rescue - AV-8B -KM- (5) - RKTL (3) - Default - Union of Yuktobanian Republics - Area 88
#4 Stonehenge - F-117A -ST- (10) - GPB (5) - Default - UNF - Midnight Bird
#5 Far Eastern Front - F/A-18F -BH- (5) - 4AAM (3) - Default - Black Hornet - Black & Gold
#6 Avalon - Rafale M -VA- (5) - LASM (3) - Grey - EM Railgun Destruction Mission (Gold) - 1994XF04
#7 Area B7R - MiG-21bis -VP- (10) - MGP (5) - Default - Bone Arrow - Flying on the fly
#8 Operation Bunker Shot - Su-35 -S1- (10) - 6AAM (5) - Default - Phoenix (emblem) - Scarface

Focus of the 3 runs is to never use 2 times the same plane (neither a vanilla + his special version). Focus of the 2 "my" runs is to never use 2 times also the same special weapon.
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Sorry for the double post, but I have a question.

Three blackouts happened throughout today, all of which I was in the middle of a co-op campaign mission.

Since this counts as disconnection, would my mission completion rank suffer?
Encountered a Stonehenge III today in a 4 players (no bots) room. We S ranked it, I came 2nd in the lobby to some 2300 MR whale (though only by 10k). Apparently that was the first time I've seen the Gold Stonehenge.
Bought the Mig-1.44 today, and got the F-4E 20th up to level 8.

Sorry for the double post, but I have a question.

Three blackouts happened throughout today, all of which I was in the middle of a co-op campaign mission.

Since this counts as disconnection, would my mission completion rank suffer?

Probably, though unless it told you you've actually received a penalty I wouldn't worry about it.
I've got a credits x2 bonus today, I used 3 stocked fuels to get more credits and the random drop gave 8 stocked fuel back. Profit. :)

That Varcolac thing is the kind of aircraft I would expect to see in an Austin Powers movie. :lol:
well, TBH, The Neucom R-101 is supposed to be reminiscent of AC3 craft as is... So I guess pixels are just authenticity thing.
Now, here's the hoping that one following multirole aircraft they'd add would be the Saab Viggen
Finally saw my first X-49 in the wild today, crazy looking space biplane thing. Guy got MVP but not by much, was on the other team. Tokyo normal, 4/4 - everyone was 50-60k except me flying a brick Gripen for its challenge. Well, it's level 5 but it still feels like a useless brick. I've still never seen a silver R-101 or the XFA-33, not to mention the new GAF-1 Varcolac Klingon thing. I'm actually not sure I've seen the standard dark gray ADFX-01 either, though it seems unlikely. I see lots of them but they always have the fancy paint job of the specials.

Also recently ran into a joy of a host who, upon getting a Special Raid II, sat around for a few minutes before saying "I want to invite a friend." Soon almost the whole room(who had all been hanging around for 4-5 missions and flying quite competently) quickly disappeared and several got replaced by people with MRs much much higher than any of us or the host. Needless to say, I didn't give them the pleasure of my company on that mission.
I've never had any special raid higher than II.. although, when it did happen, the host closed the room. :irked:
Finally saw my first X-49 in the wild today, crazy looking space biplane thing. Guy got MVP but not by much, was on the other team. Tokyo normal, 4/4 - everyone was 50-60k except me flying a brick Gripen for its challenge. Well, it's level 5 but it still feels like a useless brick. I've still never seen a silver R-101 or the XFA-33, not to mention the new GAF-1 Varcolac Klingon thing. I'm actually not sure I've seen the standard dark gray ADFX-01 either, though it seems unlikely. I see lots of them but they always have the fancy paint job of the specials.

Also recently ran into a joy of a host who, upon getting a Special Raid II, sat around for a few minutes before saying "I want to invite a friend." Soon almost the whole room(who had all been hanging around for 4-5 missions and flying quite competently) quickly disappeared and several got replaced by people with MRs much much higher than any of us or the host. Needless to say, I didn't give them the pleasure of my company on that mission.

I'm pretty sure I saw a silver R-101 once, and I definitely saw an XFA-33, may have even seen an X-49 as well. They're always crap because nobody can afford to upgrade them.
I'm pretty sure I saw a silver R-101 once, and I definitely saw an XFA-33, may have even seen an X-49 as well. They're always crap because nobody can afford to upgrade them.
Yup. I use my R-101 NC from time to time, and I managed to get it ready for a level up.

It's almost 1.6 million credits.

Majority of the time, I stick with my F14-A or the F15-C I just obtained. The SAAMs for some reason, I can manage to use with ease.
I never have much luck with SAAMs. On the rare occasion that I do get a long-distance shot something always happens to make me stop focusing on the target, and despite what it says they'll never even hit a plane slowly flying straight away from me with the missile already almost there without me keeping them in the focus circle.

I was a bit under 2,000(about 1,850) in the rankings for the last event so I decided to wait-and-see instead of playing last night. In about 3 hours after the first time I checked I had lost 50 positions. This was at about time for sleep, with about 3 hours to go in the event. When I woke up I had lost 620 spots. Guess I should have played a couple sorties lol. I've usually only lost maybe 50-100 in that amount of time, but it's pretty unpredictable with who's playing and how far behind they are. If they do an event with the 6x forced sorties they're advertising it will be even crazier.
I never have much luck with SAAMs. On the rare occasion that I do get a long-distance shot something always happens to make me stop focusing on the target, and despite what it says they'll never even hit a plane slowly flying straight away from me with the missile already almost there without me keeping them in the focus circle.

I was a bit under 2,000(about 1,850) in the rankings for the last event so I decided to wait-and-see instead of playing last night. In about 3 hours after the first time I checked I had lost 50 positions. This was at about time for sleep, with about 3 hours to go in the event. When I woke up I had lost 620 spots. Guess I should have played a couple sorties lol. I've usually only lost maybe 50-100 in that amount of time, but it's pretty unpredictable with who's playing and how far behind they are. If they do an event with the 6x forced sorties they're advertising it will be even crazier.
I namely use SAAMs whenever there's an SP target that is at a distance, but is too fast for me, or there are people from the opposing team going for it. At a distance, it's pretty easy to guide them towards the target, it also helps that they can lock on much farther than the standard missiles.

My second weapon of choice would either be the HCAA or the HVAA. Use those as backup missiles in case the standard ones miss, or just use them to take down enemies Macross style.
Well I screwed up a little bit, I had meant to finish in the top 3000 in the Yellow Squadron tournament but didn't find the time to get on in the last couple days, so I finished outside the top 5000.

However! The next tournament looks really cool! There is a special A-10 which becomes the 2nd most powerful Attacker in the game behind the FB-22 (and has 14 FAEB at level 1 :drool:), and there is a special Mig-31 which has an A+ for speed at level 1!:eek: Can you say "Fastest jet in the game"? I'll be aiming to at LEAST get the Mig-31 (top 2000) but will probably try for the top 1000 and get that A-10 as well.
Which plane has the most effective machine guns in the game, say, for fighter or multirole? Attackers don't really matter that much in that regard as they're more powerful against ground targets..
Which plane has the most effective machine guns in the game, say, for fighter or multirole? Attackers don't really matter that much in that regard as they're more powerful against ground targets..
Not at that point to make a good conclusion yet. However, I thought that the MiG-21bis has pretty effective machine guns.
On the topic of machine guns, machine gun pods can sure wreck.
Hmmm.. I'll look into it. I just feel like that I should start killing things the proper ace manner, with machine guns/cannons..
I've never really studied to try to be sure which gun is the best, though some are certainly more potent. I assume the planes level makes a difference too which makes it even more complicated to figure out. Well it must, I'm sure my F-14A couldn't take down a MiG-21 in about 2 shots when it was low level. I have a pretty hard time hitting planes with guns if they don't give me an easy opening anyway. I did see somebody try using multiple machine gun parts on a Gripen the other day and he was really trying to focus on using them in the sortie... to little avail. Probably takes a lot of practice.

I wonder if I screwed myself a bit using fuel in the last several events with even more extra planes on offer in the upcoming one... I'm under 40 at the moment, not sure if that will even get me to 2,000 depending on whether people ranked that low use the 6x fuel deal or not. I'm sure the people gunning for top 1,000 will, they always seem to have unlimited fuel to blow... which I'm sure is what they say about the top 200.

I saw the B1-B in a loading screen last night - it is described as a "bombing fighter." :D
Well.. Varcolac squadron. Another set of planes that I do not need or can't get because ridiculous requirements and lacking sortie fuel rewards. :grumpy::irked: Pointless.