Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I've never seen anything about a time or score attack mode or hard modes for the campaign missions before, you just picked a mission and played it. Guess I have to look further. A bit refreshing to have some challenges that don't consume fuel, at least.

I should be able to get the skin challenges complete in another couple days of fuel-based playing, and I've built my fuel stock up over 40 again. Still doubtful that that will be enough for 2 weeks of Naval Fleet Assault to get top 2,000 but I guess it depends on how many people play... and how lucky I am with being on the winning team. I've kinda left the monthly score challenge for the last minute, too - only 22% complete.

EDIT: So I was right, there are no time attack or hard modes. The challenges just give you a target to beat.
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I like the campaign mission challenges (easy, free $$$), but so far I'm sure Stonehenge is the hardest. Getting the required score within 7mins is not easy, they spend like 3 of those minutes talking while you fly aimlessly about the place!
Results doing the challenges. ADFX-01 vanilla level 9 with level 5 MPBM:

I like the campaign mission challenges (easy, free $$$), but so far I'm sure Stonehenge is the hardest. Getting the required score within 7mins is not easy, they spend like 3 of those minutes talking while you fly aimlessly about the place!

I found Stonehenge to be really hard when I was going back through the missions with my own planes and trying to get S rank on the ones I could. I never did manage it, despite feeling like I was doing perfect runs. That was with my Su-24M at about level 7. Now with the plane at level 10 I got S and the challenges in two tries(one each challenge). Not sure how much difference the plane made. It took too long to kill everything to get the speed run, but skipping some nonessential targets the second time was enough. I could only find the 2 or 3 SAM's right next to the jammers during the endless talking. Those things are so tough to spot.

I was a bit more worried about the challenges for the final mission. That one was tough for me just to clear(I never respawned in Campaign, felt like cheating) before since I had no multiroles that seemed up to the task, lvl 5 Su-24MP was the best I had and it took a lot of failing. Hoping my lvl 3-4 Su-47 or Chihaya F-15E can handle it this time.
So decided to play the newest NTDM and it has left me somewhat frustrated. It seems that my missiles can't miss in one match and yet won't reach the targets in another.

I played in these tournaments before, but this one, something isn't right.

FYI - Currently operating a Level 10 F-15E "Garuda" with Level 5 6AAM.
NTDM is funny like that. Actually Co-Op can sometimes frustrate me with that too, missiles flying straight past bots right in front of me that don't even evade. Two games ago I had a guy in NFA that seemingly couldn't miss me with his F-35. Only thing that ever shot me down too, hitting from impossible angles even though I was keeping my speed up. At least I can never hit attackers flying at a 70 degree angle towards me from close range, but no problem for him.

Next room I joined I won a very close battle and got MVP with my Su-37 and then promptly got removed from the room by the host who had achieved 2nd high score and had a higher MR. Nice. I did have a really good game and only got shot down(and hit) once, but that's at least partly their fault for bringing 3 attackers and an F/A-18(who was shipbusting). :P
I created "alt" account (secondary) today. Will focus on completely playing F2P, sorting only on 3 planes and upgrade ONLY them and over level 10, unlike I'm doing on the main, in which I stop levelling up at level 10.
4-Planes setups I gonna use on this account:
- Fighter: F-14A with 6AAM;
- Multirole: F-4E;
- Attacker: F-117A with GPB;
- Random: for challenges.
For F-4E I don't know if use LAGM or UGB. LAGM would make a change from GPB's being a bomb, so that a plane got a bomb and another got a missile for ground-pounding, but damage is really low and I feel like if it is better to do something similar with S/MTD's FAEB, getting as wider area as possible to kill a lot of low-hp targets in 1 hit (LAGM area is similar to GPB). Also, UGB got same damage as LAGM (excluding LAGM's efficencies which are only AD Tank and HVY Artillery).
- LAGM to have a missile A2G, faster and longer range, faster reload;
- UGB to have a wider area and being free to drop it without wait the lock-on of the missile, also being able to drop it to targets below me without risking of stall / crash on ground.
Personally I would go for UGB. F-117's GPB for thin area but high damage, F-4E's UGB for wide area but low damage.

Notice for everybody
I think you may be interested on knowing that new accounts now will start:

Base equipment from base + notifications:
- 80k credits;
- 10 Stocked Fuel;
- 1 NSU 5 > 6;
- 2 Special Plane level cap;
- 120 Tickets;
- 100 Plane Researches;
- 40 Special Weapon Researches.

Equipment from Welcome/Welcome back (over 6-7 days):
- 100k + 150k + 200k credits;
- 400 Tickets;
- 100 Plane Researches;
- 5 Stocked Fuel.

Plus all of the items you get from Tutorial challenges and eventually Special Challenges like now, for example the Su-47 -Virgo- from sorting in Co-op.
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So decided to play the newest NTDM and it has left me somewhat frustrated. It seems that my missiles can't miss in one match and yet won't reach the targets in another.

I played in these tournaments before, but this one, something isn't right.

FYI - Currently operating a Level 10 F-15E "Garuda" with Level 5 6AAM.

I'm having the same issues, I'm pretty sure it's lag. The worst part is I'm being hit by missiles without ANY warning.
Getting hit without warning is pretty annoying, but for some reason the thing that really drives me crazy is when I get a warning then it stops so I think I shook them, and then they blow me up anyway.

Are the matching ranges different for deathmatch? I was just in a room with a 160x MR host with it set to standard range, yet there were 3 people 1750+ in the room. I've seen this before a couple of times, but invites are supposed to be disabled in TDM so there shouldn't be a way around the range limit which in co-op is I think about +/- 100 MR.
Had a pretty good run today, got to the 400's in the rankings and I'm kind of hoping to keep to 1000 for the A-10, but top 2000 is the main prize. Got my F-35 to level 12 but it will be level 13 VERY soon (I'll probably stop it there though).
I barely know anything about this game except for the fact that it's F2P and there's gigantic aircraft you have to shoot down during some missions. How good is the B-2 Spirit in this game, because this video is hilarious:

I barely know anything about this game except for the fact that it's F2P and there's gigantic aircraft you have to shoot down during some missions. How good is the B-2 Spirit in this game, because this video is hilarious:

Normally it's quite terrible, they're so slow that everything is normally destroyed by the time you get there.
In most missions the bombers in general don't fare well, but on a couple of the rare special raid missions or the occasional naval fleet assault deathmatch mode they can do well, at least in the right hands. The slow speed cripples them even more than the fighter-bomber attackers, but just like them... if they can get to a lot of targets they can cause a lot of destruction quickly.

In the current naval assault I'm seeing a lot of them get MVP, if they can manage to hide from the fighters. If you find one it is a sitting duck of course.

However, things change depending on the level of equpiment a lot in this game. If you are playing with really high-level players and aircraft they may get easily overpowered by the others, I don't know since I'm not that good and neither is my stuff.

I've also never spent the relatively large cost to try to build one so can't really say how hard it is to use them, only what I see happen when others do. They are basically just for fun and if you really want to use them though, not terribly practical.

Finally cleared the Operation Bunker Shot challenges yesterday with a bit too much difficulty. Level 5 Chihaya F-15 was plenty good enough, I just kept failing to keep my guard up and my eye on the radar for the entire very long mission, or got caught out being too aggressive and bumping into things. Still only got a B rating on the mission, probably for being too slow.
Normally it's quite terrible, they're so slow that everything is normally destroyed by the time you get there.

In most missions the bombers in general don't fare well, but on a couple of the rare special raid missions or the occasional naval fleet assault deathmatch mode they can do well, at least in the right hands. The slow speed cripples them even more than the fighter-bomber attackers, but just like them... if they can get to a lot of targets they can cause a lot of destruction quickly.

In the current naval assault I'm seeing a lot of them get MVP, if they can manage to hide from the fighters. If you find one it is a sitting duck of course.

However, things change depending on the level of equpiment a lot in this game. If you are playing with really high-level players and aircraft they may get easily overpowered by the others, I don't know since I'm not that good and neither is my stuff.

I've also never spent the relatively large cost to try to build one so can't really say how hard it is to use them, only what I see happen when others do. They are basically just for fun and if you really want to use them though, not terribly practical.

Finally cleared the Operation Bunker Shot challenges yesterday with a bit too much difficulty. Level 5 Chihaya F-15 was plenty good enough, I just kept failing to keep my guard up and my eye on the radar for the entire very long mission, or got caught out being too aggressive and bumping into things. Still only got a B rating on the mission, probably for being too slow.

Thanks for clearing things up, guys. 👍

Is this game really worth playing? It looks fantastic and it's the only game with an A-10 Warthog that seems worth getting. I hear that F2P microtransactions are terrible, though.
Thanks for clearing things up, guys. 👍

Is this game really worth playing? It looks fantastic and it's the only game with an A-10 Warthog that seems worth getting. I hear that F2P microtransactions are terrible, though.
You can play the game without spending money on microtransactions. You may tread along slowly, but you'll still do just fine. 👍

I think it's a pretty fun game, worth giving a try.
Thanks for clearing things up, guys. 👍

Is this game really worth playing? It looks fantastic and it's the only game with an A-10 Warthog that seems worth getting. I hear that F2P microtransactions are terrible, though.
You'll get to the A-10 pretty quickly.
Mhm.. A-10's "BRRRRRRRRRTTTT!!!" is wort of every credit though. Those ground targets just go boom when it hits.. all I need now is 4AGM for it and it might be even more horrifying opponent than my tier V Su-34..
Mhm.. A-10's "BRRRRRRRRRTTTT!!!" is wort of every credit though. Those ground targets just go boom when it hits.. all I need now is 4AGM for it and it might be even more horrifying opponent than my tier V Su-34..
Too bad the sound is kinda quiet. :/
But good thing, that it's a unique sound.
Finland should buy all retired A-10's from US. That would give the Russians something to consider if/when they decide to go on war footing.
What exactly is the F-35 supposed to be? A replacement for the F22?

It's supposed to be a stealth attack/fighter jet that will replace the F-22, A-10C, most likely the F-16, AV-8B Harrier, and probably the F-18.
Do you fell lucky, punk?! I got the $880k drop twice out of the 9 sortie fuels I spent tonight!. My F-35 is level 13, where it will stay, and I've got the F-117 up to level 6, which tbh I may never use.:lol: Still sitting well inside the top 1000 of the rankings.👍

It's supposed to be a stealth attack/fighter jet that will replace the F-22, A-10C, most likely the F-16, AV-8B Harrier, and probably the F-18.

I don't think it's meant to replace the F-22, but the others yeah. Plus be a stealth export jet for allies, since they won't share the capably awesome F-22 (go Australia, who should have bought Sukhoi's).
I got that drop once, as well as the smaller drop. Finally bought T-50 :D Although, I wonder if B1-B would've been better option.. Also, after getting 3 Area 88 drops, all I'm missing is Shin Kazama's plane :D