Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Are there any good beginner's guides or tutorials?

It's a Jack of All Trades that doesn't do anything well with VTOL being it's only good side.

Can you even use VTOL in AC:I?

I don't think it's meant to replace the F-22, but the others yeah. Plus be a stealth export jet for allies, since they won't share the capably awesome F-22 (go Australia, who should have bought Sukhoi's).

The F-22 was basically America's answer to the Su-27, being that it's the only American fighter that can perform the Cobra Manuever.
There's a tutorial when you first begin to play.

Ok. I was hoping for user-created ones to say things like "Don't buy this thing because it's crap," or "Don't waste your money on this right now because it's cheaper later in the game," etc.
How in the blazes am I supposed to get S in Operation Bunker Shot? best I can manage is C.. and that's with everything killed.
I imagine it's a combination of speed and score, but the best I've got is a B when I did the challenge. Just surviving without getting hit by more than 4 missiles is tough enough(and usually means a lot of wasting time flying around evading missiles). Might require a more formidable plane than my 14xx F-15E.


I don't see anything that resembles a "getting started guide" from a quick search. There's a few things you have to figure out but it's not terribly complicated.

Tips I can think of:

Don't join rooms with Matching Rates way above you unless you don't mind watching everything you look at blow up before you get a shot off.

Don't waste too much time attacking red ground targets with Fighters or red air targets with Attackers, you usually have something else to shoot at that your plane will do much better at killing. Multiroles also tend to have a hard time with red air targets because of their manueverability until they get leveled up a fair bit. On the other hand, killing red targets as quick as possible is a great way to help your team win(and your own score). I don't know how many times I've got the "Ace" award for killing the most targets(or at least the most targets for my plane's specialty) and still been in last place. AA guns and MiG-21s aren't worth too much.

If you have a shot at a SAM, take it. If there's other targets nearby... shoot the SAM. Even low level Fighters can take out the regular ones easily, although the XSAMs and AD Tanks are tougher for Fighters. Nothing on the ground is even half as dangerous than anything that shoots missiles.

Always keep an eye on your radar. Seeing missiles on there makes them much easier to avoid. You also want to watch where your teammates and rivals are so you can decide where to go to either do the most good for the mission or to steal some kills from the other team. I found the option to show the enemy planes' altitudes on the radar very helpful, as well as controlling it with pressure on the square button. Not sure if those options help everyone or not.

The early planes are pretty limited, but since they've made them cheaper to upgrade it might not be as much of a waste of money to build them up as it used to be. It still might be a good idea to pick one or two "target" planes further up the tree and work towards them instead of spending time and money leveling up the early ones. You can always improve them later.

I don't know if there are any planes that are inherently terrible, other than the general idea that planes farther up the tree are much more capable. However, nothing is much good at level 1(the missile range and homing is bad), so you'll need to put a few levels into that new plane before it starts to outperform your current best even if it's "cost" is a little higher.

One thing to remember is that if you keep your research to only one or two items at a time you will make significantly more money. You usually research two things per sortie, plus another if your team wins, and another sometimes... maybe for doing well. You get a payment of about 4,000 for every one of those you don't use which can sometimes be more than you make from a crummy mission. The general practice then is to do two things at once so you'll get extra money if you win. Sometimes you'll want to do more(especially early when there's so much stuff to get) but you just don't want to start 25 projects as it will take forever to finish them.

That's it off the top of my head, hope I didn't get anything too wrong. Much of the game is a matter of learning the missions and what to expect. And of course, remember not to blow up Aigaion before all the other planes are gone -- and the same for the last Stonehenge turret.
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My Lvl.5 1460 Su-34 wasn't enough.. edit: So, I got 2x880k, so I bought both T-50 and B1-B. And of the Area 88 planes only one I'm missing is Shin Kazama's.
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Little tip for NTDM: If you are high enough on the aircraft tree, put the pure Fin L part with combo Prop/Fin M part. It will increase the chance to hit opponent players.
Yeah, seemed very trivial.

I can barely play any of the co-OP missions because I'm getting locked every 3 seconds. I know I have to shake the lock, but that always happens when I'm going after a target, whether it's a ground target or one in the air. I'm still using my default F-4E Phantom, without any upgrades because I'm trying to save up for other aircraft. Do I have to buy the next aircraft to progress to ground attack jets? I really want the A-10, but I don't know if I need to buy everything before it. Should I stick with the F-4E and upgrade it, or not? Tell me what to do.
I can barely play any of the co-OP missions because I'm getting locked every 3 seconds. I know I have to shake the lock, but that always happens when I'm going after a target, whether it's a ground target or one in the air. I'm still using my default F-4E Phantom, without any upgrades because I'm trying to save up for other aircraft. Do I have to buy the next aircraft to progress to ground attack jets? I really want the A-10, but I don't know if I need to buy everything before it. Should I stick with the F-4E and upgrade it, or not? Tell me what to do.
As you progress, you'll have access to other planes such as the F16 (?) and others. The best way to shake off the lock quick is to alter your altitude, go fast and circle about, or dive. You have to buy the jets that are blocking the path to your desired jet. But the first few planes are not at all the expensive, and I would suggest saving the credits for purchasing and upgrading other jets than focusing on the F-4E.
As you progress, you'll have access to other planes such as the F16 (?) and others. The best way to shake off the lock quick is to alter your altitude, go fast and circle about, or dive. You have to buy the jets that are blocking the path to your desired jet. But the first few planes are not at all the expensive, and I would suggest saving the credits for purchasing and upgrading other jets than focusing on the F-4E.

I have the first vertical set of jets unlocked. Should I definitely get the F-16C?
Edit: Did another little burn tonight. I currently have $3.6mil and the F-117 is almost level 9. Since I'll be trading in my PS3 for a PS4/Star Wars Battlefront within the next couple of months I'm going to start going for basically every prize jet and burning all of my 280+ remaining fuel in future tournaments. Any thoughts on what I should spend the cash? I was thinking of getting the F-117 to ~Lv.13-14 (it'll start getting too expensive after that). I don't really feel the need to upgrade my YF-23 any further (level 10, 33 ammo parts slots, can already one-shot red targets) or my F-35 (level 13, wouldn't get much better even if I did). I also have a level 10 FB-22, level 10 F/A-18F (could keep upgrading this further?) and a level 9 F-4E 20th.
I supposed after this tournament is over I'll have that special Mig-31 to upgrade, so I can start there.

I have the first vertical set of jets unlocked. Should I definitely get the F-16C?

I'm probably too late, but if you want to get the A-10 I'd recommend buying the F-4G right now and not the F-16C, you have to progress and buy each part in line before the A-10, so don't buy anything on a different branch that you don't need to get to the A-10. Once you have the A-10, start working on upgrading it immediately. Every time you upgrade a jet it increases unseen stats like reload speed (very important for higher scores) and missile speed/homing (not as important for an A-10). You can also start working towards part upgrades you'll want.
Also, DON'T spend any cash or any more fuel on the campaign, if you want to play the campaign I'd just buy the campaign free pass that lets you play it without spending fuel or in-game credits. (The way I saw it, $20.00 or so was an acceptable price for the worth I was getting from this game).
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@CallmeDan if you want to get the A-10, do what Paulie said. You have just to buy all things on the line before it. So F-4G, Mirage 2000-5 (better because of tutorial challenge) OR AV-8B, Yaw S, Ammo (MSL) S, Roll (S), then you can get A-10.

Other tips: a low tier but high level plane will always (skill dependant) beat a high tier but low level plane. So it may be better for you to get the A-10 at least to level 5 before even start to look for parts. Also, sorting only on few planes will increase the chance to get more slots for it, with the exp system introduced with 2.05 2 months ago.

Parts I would use as a novice on that plane:
Body: Acceleration L, Defence whatever you can put on depending on slots (look above the exp thing);
Arms: Hardpoints L (more FAEB ammo and reload speed), FAEB Explosive (to increase radius);
Misc: Data Link, Rescue Points (you will delete these when you'll be able to put 3/4 parts for each Body and Arms).

To finish, I don't suggest you to spend in any way credits on campaign missions. They are useless unless you want to play the "storyline". I would suggest you, if you want to play it, to buy the campaign ticket, as they will become free fuel to sortie, they will be unlocked without credits and a tutorial challenge gives you 20 stocked fuel for completing mission #5.
BTW, the story missions end in a cliffhanger. :/
And each new mission costs more and more.
200.000 for mission 3
300.000 for mission 4
400.000 for mission 5
and so on.
Edit: Did another little burn tonight. I currently have $3.6mil and the F-117 is almost level 9. Since I'll be trading in my PS3 for a PS4/Star Wars Battlefront within the next couple of months I'm going to start going for basically every prize jet and burning all of my 280+ remaining fuel in future tournaments. Any thoughts on what I should spend the cash? I was thinking of getting the F-117 to ~Lv.13-14 (it'll start getting too expensive after that). I don't really feel the need to upgrade my YF-23 any further (level 10, 33 ammo parts slots, can already one-shot red targets) or my F-35 (level 13, wouldn't get much better even if I did). I also have a level 10 FB-22, level 10 F/A-18F (could keep upgrading this further?) and a level 9 F-4E 20th.
I supposed after this tournament is over I'll have that special Mig-31 to upgrade, so I can start there.

Give me all of it. :lol:

I'm probably too late, but if you want to get the A-10 I'd recommend buying the F-4G right now and not the F-16C, you have to progress and buy each part in line before the A-10, so don't buy anything on a different branch that you don't need to get to the A-10. Once you have the A-10, start working on upgrading it immediately. Every time you upgrade a jet it increases unseen stats like reload speed (very important for higher scores) and missile speed/homing (not as important for an A-10). You can also start working towards part upgrades you'll want.
Also, DON'T spend any cash or any more fuel on the campaign, if you want to play the campaign I'd just buy the campaign free pass that lets you play it without spending fuel or in-game credits. (The way I saw it, $20.00 or so was an acceptable price for the worth I was getting from this game).

You weren't late. I haven't bought anything. The $20 price tag just to play the story angers me because that's a pathetic cash grab, but I guess I'll buy it. Is there a way to sell jets if I don't plan on using them anymore?

@CallmeDan if you want to get the A-10, do what Paulie said. You have just to buy all things on the line before it. So F-4G, Mirage 2000-5 (better because of tutorial challenge) OR AV-8B, Yaw S, Ammo (MSL) S, Roll (S), then you can get A-10.

Are all of the bolded items things I should put on the AV-8B or another jet?

Other tips: a low tier but high level plane will always (skill dependant) beat a high tier but low level plane. So it may be better for you to get the A-10 at least to level 5 before even start to look for parts.

How do I rank up the plane before upgrading it?

Also, sorting only on few planes will increase the chance to get more slots for it, with the exp system introduced with 2.05 2 months ago.

Parts I would use as a novice on that plane:
Body: Acceleration L, Defence whatever you can put on depending on slots (look above the exp thing);
Arms: Hardpoints L (more FAEB ammo and reload speed), FAEB Explosive (to increase radius);
Misc: Data Link, Rescue Points (you will delete these when you'll be able to put 3/4 parts for each Body and Arms).

To finish, I don't suggest you to spend in any way credits on campaign missions. They are useless unless you want to play the "storyline". I would suggest you, if you want to play it, to buy the campaign ticket, as they will become free fuel to sortie, they will be unlocked without credits and a tutorial challenge gives you 20 stocked fuel for completing mission #5.

Thanks for your advice on which parts I can use. 👍 I'll look into buying the campaign ticket.
Like the others, I bought the campaign ticket as I felt the $15 it cost at the time was plenty fair to cover the value of the game as a whole. Hopefully they'll put it on sale again sometime soon. Not having to spend fuel makes the campaign immensely more enjoyable, to boot. I'd probably have never bothered with it otherwise, especially since it doesn't really get fun until halfway through(but it does get fun). I'd never spend a penny on anything else they're selling for this game though.

[rant]Oh, to play in a room that isn't full of planes with costs 400-600 points higher than my best planes...[/rant]
I read that the SR-71 Blackbird spawns on the Pipeline Destruction map at high altitude and you get 6,000 points for shooting it down. It would be awesome to fly, but it doesn't have any weapons and would fall out of the sky if you made hard turns.
I've shot it down many times. It's fairly fragile.. And then there's always the armed version that was in AC3, was it A-12 or Y-12..
Well, the special version isn't that special that I'd sweat about the normal version.. It's a disappointment, really. Especially that multi missile thing. I'd rather have that special cannon weapon it has.
Give me all of it. :lol:
Are all of the bolded items things I should put on the AV-8B or another jet?

How do I rank up the plane before upgrading it?

Thanks for your advice on which parts I can use. 👍 I'll look into buying the campaign ticket.
1. No, they aren't items you should put on a plane, but they are required to purchase to get to the A-10. Your choise is just "I buy Mitage 2000-5 (suggested) or buy AV-8B to get further?

2. After you purchase it, hopefully you will get sometimes researches for it. Getting the research to the max will unlock the chance to upgrade it to a higher level (it costs credits, more and more expensive each level up). Researches are 2 when you lose, 3 when you win and are taken randomly over all active researches you have, this is why I suggest to not reseach anything other than the plane and max 1-2 other things.

3. It's just if you want to play campaign, which is almost nothing in the game. Still, it is really cheap and with the tutorial challenge paybacks the cost (20 stocked fuel costs a bit more of campaign ticket price in PSN shop)
1. No, they aren't items you should put on a plane, but they are required to purchase to get to the A-10. Your choise is just "I buy Mitage 2000-5 (suggested) or buy AV-8B to get further?

2. After you purchase it, hopefully you will get sometimes researches for it. Getting the research to the max will unlock the chance to upgrade it to a higher level (it costs credits, more and more expensive each level up). Researches are 2 when you lose, 3 when you win and are taken randomly over all active researches you have, this is why I suggest to not reseach anything other than the plane and max 1-2 other things.

3. It's just if you want to play campaign, which is almost nothing in the game. Still, it is really cheap and with the tutorial challenge paybacks the cost (20 stocked fuel costs a bit more of campaign ticket price in PSN shop)

Ok. Thanks for the advice.

I accidentally bought the F-16C for around $9,000. Is it ok or can I sell it some way?