Adrenaline Tune Reviews ~ Honda HSV - Part 1

  • Thread starter Adrenaline
Same may have noticed the link on the page, but I'm currently working on a write up for the Honda HSV. I took the currently existing 7 tunes, tested and reviewed them all, as part 1 of 'The Evolution of an AdrenaTune' and it is now live. For all those interested the link can be found on the main GT5Tune website here: AdrenaTune
Ive read the write up , nicely done.very informative.
Glad to hear it, should have part 2 finished in a week or so.
Look forward to it . I enjoy driving this car.lots of fun .I have a race this week at deep forest rev im gonna run it there.using 1 of those tunes
Look forward to it . I enjoy driving this car.lots of fun .I have a race this week at deep forest rev im gonna run it there.using 1 of those tunes

I did some pre-lim testing on Deep Forest (forward) and I'd recommend you start with Photo Finish Racing's tune first, and tweak to suit your needs.
Was very surprised to find my Weider tune on this list of 7. Good job for finding it 👍

I'm surprised it's held up well through the 2.08/2.09 updates. Looking at it over there's a couple of things I would try and do now (Ride Height/Toe/Roll Bars). I originally tuned the car over on Tokyo R246 where it felt quite a bit understeery entering into turns. If I remember correctly I wasn't fully satisfied with entry performance but left it at a certain point. I'll admit, LSD tuning isn't my..strong point but I'm getting better at it. If you've ever driven any of my tunes you'll know I like my cars a bit loose - glad that sensation was present in the HSV.

I really ought to update it for 2.09.
I did some pre-lim testing on Deep Forest (forward) and I'd recommend you start with Photo Finish Racing's tune first, and tweak to suit your needs.

Thanks , ill start there first appreciate the advice , question full aero or partial im just not sure .
Thanks , ill start there first appreciate the advice , question full aero or partial im just not sure .

I recommend max on the front, and then, the rear is driver preference. Usually 55-60 for the rear should be fine, based on balance of over/understeer needs. For Deep forest, I'd probably just stick with Max front and back, due to the back and forth cambered turns.
Good read, thank you. Regarding Aero, I was wondering what aero setting you used to test each tune. Did you use the default or did you use each tuners settings?

Look forward to the next write up.
Anyone have a baseline laptime in gt500 cars around deep forest rev . Im at 502 hp . In the hsv im doing 1:10's low, with photofinish setup and 40/55 aero
Anyone have a baseline laptime in gt500 cars around deep forest rev . Im at 502 hp . In the hsv im doing 1:10's low, with photofinish setup and 40/55 aero

1:05.5xx forward with 517hp.

Good read, thank you. Regarding Aero, I was wondering what aero setting you used to test each tune. Did you use the default or did you use each tuners settings?

I used the 'as written' aero settings for all of them, except CSL's because his was track specific for a longer straight away, and he was the only one not using max on the front. I should have mentioned that, I apologize.
I will publish later today my HSV tune for suzuka, i think it's ok for another grip track too, is it too late to enter in the review???
1:05.5xx forward with 517hp.

I used the 'as written' aero settings for all of them, except CSL's because his was track specific for a longer straight away, and he was the only one not using max on the front. I should have mentioned that, I apologize.
It has lowered aero because if I enter the race room with more aero or less power, I'll be DQ'd from the race. (Must have at least 514HP, cannot weigh more than 1109kg, and doesn't exceed 597PP)

I'd go into detail about more aero, but tbh the whole tune would have to change at any more aero than 40/50-55, most likely.