AI slow down to let you win.

  • Thread starter Alss
The worst thing ist they not only slow down to let you catch up again, the keep getting slower and slower until you pass them.

You can perfectly see it in the replay if you switch to the leading car and watch his laptimes.

I did it on serveral races, best you can see it in the 10min. Race in Int. B , Rome.

First i took the BMW 1 tii, and did about the same lap times as the leader with the M3GTR (~1:22)
So i was always 10-12sec. behind. First 3/4 laps he did 1:22, then he started to slow down 1:25, 1:29, 1:30.
7th lap i closed up and passed him and he started to go faster again.

Next i took the NSX-R, i was behind him in 4th lap but did not pass ( stayed ~1sec behind)
First he was driving ok, i could not keep up at the straights, but he started breaking way to soon and rolling around corners, after 3 laps of this game i had to take back throttle to 70% on the straight to not pass him. Last 3 laps we did 1:26, 1:27, 1:29.

Next i did the same but this time passed him in 4th lap and kept on going fast, guess how his laptimes looked like in the replay ?
1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22, 1:22

This is really FUBAR, worst thing ever in my opinion.
Makes the whole carrer mode kind of pointless, why spent hours doing races i cant lose no matter how bad i drive or how bad my car selection was ?

I could understand it a tiny little bit if they would only slow down until you are lets say 2sec. behind them and then continue with 100%
Would make it more easy for newcomers and lets be onest, many races are impossible to win on a really equal car if you only have 3 laps and are 10sec. back and last on start.

But slowing down more and more until you pass them is so wrong...

It is just against all rules of sportsmenship and competition and terrible to have in a "driving simulator"

This comes to mind:
"Let Michael pass for the championship"

I've trying to look at the AI lap times to see if they were changing throughout the race, but in the races I've done so far I didn't see a change in their times. I will try that Rome race.

There is a lot of complaints about the GT AI, it's sad to hear they are making the AI worse on purpose. GT6 is a great driving simulator, but it looks like it's a terrible racing simulator.
Whatever. It shouldn't be that way either. I don't believe this rubber band madness just disappears.
One can only hope... I´m 34 and "playing" GT since GT1, and I can see the need of RB for the casuals that buys the game because "it looks good"... Even so I expect this to be someway corrected while playing....

And you can be right too... We´ll see along the road
Lets not turn this in a Forza vs GT war this thread has nothing to do with T10 or there game ( you know who you are ).
I dunno why pd did this, to support casuals? No, its the only reason I can think of and we have driving aids for that.
This AI is the very meaning the word "a piece of ****. If you don't understand English and you don't know what "a piece of ****" means, The quality gt6 AI will give you a good idea.
[quote, post: 9062661, member: 249598"]Whatever. It shouldn't be that way either. I don't believe this rubber band madness just disappears.[/quote]

It doesn't ive ran a couple of S races and its the same only the lead car battles harder once caught up .
I was thinking (while trashing some racing hards, EVO X Rally Car in GT All star Chamionship) that tire degradation could be the cause of the AI slowdown.
It probably can't handle the way it works.

After 3-4 rounds, my tires are no way as grippy as in rounds 1-2.
So why wouldn't the tires of the AI degrade?

Just needs some tweaking.
Anyway, I don't think it's "letting us win"
I don't think I'm playing the same game as some of you. The ai caused me to have spin outs and pretty much knocked me off of the course a few times. It's not like gt5 where it feels like I'm the only one trying to win.
also, might just be my driving, but has anyone noticed in certain situations it speeds up at all? in particular i'm thinking of the gtr silverstone mission challenge, where gold was like 2:20.8 or something. i'd be far ahead and the red gtr would somehow barrel down the longer straights and be on my bumper
This "AI slowing down" thing needs to be fixed ASAP. Just did the historic race car cup and used the 330P4, one AI used the frigging Toyota 7. FFS PD, stop this ****.
Now back to the race, I shaved of couple of seconds each lap, but as soon as i passed the Toyota, it seemed to pull a switch and upped his pace alot, finished all 3 races with .1 gaps. Also, the stupid AI always keep crashing into me while braking.
I think basicly the AI is quite good. They're changing the roadside if you follow them, the overtaking you and also it's fun to look at them battling each other. But the problem is that they are waiting for you and then, when you passed them, the follow you with a very small gap.

I hope PD will bring an update where you can adjust the AI strength like in the CM F1 games (easy, professional, expert and legend).
I mean, I want to drive a fast car against other fast cars. Battleing a Ferrari FFX (or what it's name is) in a S2000 sucks :/
The slowdown is really noticable. Last time today i spun around while i was gunning to catch 1 & 2, they where quite far away, and i was catching them only very slowly. After i spun they really slowed down ... allot.. i catched them within 10-20 sec.
I do think GT6 is great, but this slowing down to let me win is just silly.
I am upset that the AI is so slow overall. I won basically all the noice and b races with a stock Honda Fit. There is no way that should happen. I want to lose with a stock car in some cases so I have to tune the car to the point it is competitive. This is really annoying and takes a lot of the joy from playing. There is zero challenge. what happened. At least in GT5 the rabbit gave you something to work for.
Off topic, why are the races so short? 2 laps is a waste, minimum 3 would have been much better.
Off topic, why are the races so short? 2 laps is a waste, minimum 3 would have been much better.
To be honest in a rubber banded environment, the shorter the race the better probably.
The other side of it is that a 24hr endurance race under those conditions would be farcical.
To be honest in a rubber banded environment, the shorter the race the better probably.
The other side of it is that a 24hr endurance race under those conditions would be farcical.
I understand what your saying there but trouble is the way the AI are set at the moment the whole racing structure is a farce.
To be honest in a rubber banded environment, the shorter the race the better probably.
The other side of it is that a 24hr endurance race under those conditions would be farcical.

True, but in GT1,2 and 3 there was rubber banding and it didn't affect Endurance races.

I wish PD would stop it though. It is insulting to be gifted a race win like this.

Either add qualifying or let me choose my starting position, either pole, mid-grid or the back, but with proper speed from the AI all the way through.
Right now I'm watching replay where two leader cars are driving like morons. This is some kind of comedy. Actually I laugh. These guys are breaking in the middle of the oval. The fastest lap was 1:58 and the last one 2:07...:dunce:
You think thats funny, , I've just done a national B in a stock RX7 with CS and out dragged a M3 GTR & a Corvette C5 down the longest straight , I literally just pulled away from both of them leaving them far far behind to say its laughable is an understatement.
Yes, I had this happen to me also. I span out badly on Mt Panorama, not once but twice. I was 16 seconds adrift of the pace after the first spin out, but still managed to finished the race, three seconds ahead of the pack.
Do you own a PS4? Do you actually know how great it is? Did you ever compare the features a PS3 has and what the current PS4 offers? (a friend of mine owns a PS4)

I am happy GT6 came to PS3, because at the moment, there is nothing that would make me buy a current PS4.

On Topic: From the "national a" races onward, the ai gets more competitiv. That is what i experianced so far.
no i dont have a ps4 but i know its specs... i play mainly PC games and playstation for the exclusives so the ps4 is a bit close to my pc power... believe it or not my pc run games 4x times better than ps3 in terms of graphics , frame rate smoothness ect... , ps3 is so old tech now bro and so weak
Do you ever think maybe PD just sucks at it's own game? And these AI are actually hard to them?

Only real reason I can think of, otherwise they would just turn them up a bit faster.
From what I noticed
The worse I drive the worse AI drives. If I drive clean and without mistakes in equal car (i am thinking touring series) AI becomes challenging. But if let's say I spin then AI slowdown become very noticeable.

My advice drive clean and don't spin. :-)
So how does that work when I choose a competitive car and simply thrash them so ok I'll choose a car thats 150pp less like I did with a stock rs clio and yet I was still out running skylines and M3's and just now a stock RX7 and im out running M3 GTR's and Corvettes down the bathurst straight , no matter what you try to do to compensate for the lack of competitive AI in this game nothing works .

Match there cars your thrash them, use lower class cars they wait for you , spin out they wait for you , catch the rabbit and he'll let you pass no matter how much more power his cars got ok he might try and chase you after hes let you pass but come on this is silly.
I was doing a race at the 'Ring (last in a PP720 series in IA). Now I must admit to hating the track in a fast car (I was in the Peugeot 908 at just under 1000 HP) due to the fact it is so narrow. Lap 1 was a "wonderful" 8:10 and the lead car was some 20 seconds away. Lap 2 (the last) was no better with intermittent crashing. I caught the lead car about half way round the lap (had to oevertake second place on the way which didn't help). I won after a few more minor skrimishes with the barriers. Lap time on Lap 2 was 8:20, 10 seconds slower and I made up around a 20 second deficit!
I was doing a race at the 'Ring (last in a PP720 series in IA). Now I must admit to hating the track in a fast car (I was in the Peugeot 908 at just under 1000 HP) due to the fact it is so narrow. Lap 1 was a "wonderful" 8:10 and the lead car was some 20 seconds away. Lap 2 (the last) was no better with intermittent crashing. I caught the lead car about half way round the lap (had to oevertake second place on the way which didn't help). I won after a few more minor skrimishes with the barriers. Lap time on Lap 2 was 8:20, 10 seconds slower and I made up around a 20 second deficit!

Yup he slowed down to let you win , really makes you feel like a champ doesn't it ;-)

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