> alexwrc autoFOTO - 7th last

  • Thread starter alexwrc
Touring Mars. Oh thanks. Nice to receive a +rep from a mod! This mean you liked it enough.

TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Thanks hehe, glad they help you to improve. Sometimes I feel the same!

ALPHA. Thanks too. My method is quite variable. For some photos I use a texture filter wich can provide a nice small stone look. Of course, I do this in a duplicated layer, and then I usually play with blending modes.

Another new method is creating a new black layer to apply a noise filter. Then I invert it, and set the layer blending options in linear or dodge mode. This seems to work better, but it depends on each photograph in particular.

The Trial Celica example seems to be not the best of texture method, but the Z3 M entry for 2.0 tournamet worked much better with the subtle second method.

Beerzgood. Hehe, you got it. The rims angle is easier than it could seem really. You must just try it. You have to see the original race image while doing the rims photo, and then use a similar car/camera position and objective type (Zoom). But the most important as you said, is the lighting. As the geometry won't be exactly the same, you will be able to transform the rim a little without distorsion, but you won't redo a new lighting.

If this fails, the rim won't fit, no way! So use a phototravel location with the proper lighting source acourding to the race photo. For example, to the Celica I used a Fish Market light because it is quite hard and directly oriented. For Solstice, I went to Beacon Hill to get a natural upper sunlight.

Arathorn. lol, foromierda is not very interested in photomierdas :lol::lol:

I just went to view your work and got a server problem on Imageshack so I only got to see the 406 shot.

I like it a lot though, I like how you've taken the car out on track and photographed it as if it were in Phototravel mode. The cleanup is a little blurry in places but as always you've managed to make the car look really metallic, something which I struggle to do. I also like the fog lights.

I've seen the ambulance before so that wasn't affected by the server problem, and I love it. It looks very funny!

Great work as always!
Thanks vr6gti72 for your visit.

The server problem seems already fixed now, so you can ckeck out them 👍. I'm trying to find a good alternative to imageshack btw, their continuous delays suck. The 406 is the worst of the batch imo, it has a problem with darks (In LCD at least I guess) and as you said, the overall reflections are blurred and exagerated in the right side. I was specially wrong when doing that chop. Anyways take a look to the rest and let me know what is your opinion :)

Hmmm I almost slept on this update! :dunce: It's really good man, those reflections are so nice, I haven't got a appropriate word for it. 👍 Especially the hood of the solstice looks so smooth. Fantastic job on these pics, Alex. The presentation is also very professional looking like LGF said. Keep this up, please. :)
Thanks sejtur for your support. And forza Ferrari!

I'm glad to introduce a quite special update with some entries wich won (Or are winning actually) GTP competition. It's a honour to participate in those high level competitions, more after seeing the new Hall of fame showing so awesome works.

- Toyota 7. It won the 2.0 Comp Week 60
- BMW Z3 M Coupe. It won the 2.0 Tournament Round 1
- The Carrousel. It is winning the Head2Head Comp Week 47 - Landscape
- BMW M3. It won the CCCL Comp Week 10 (2.0 Rules)
- Toyota Trueno Shuichi Shigueno Version. It is winning the 2.0 Tournament Round 2

As I said some time ago, I only compete to win. That's what I always try to do not only at GTP, so I decided to enter when I was able to manage all variables to make it possible. I'll keep doing it as long as possible, because to want it in not enough.

At the same time I'm a little bit confused with the AE86 entry. Many people said it is one of my best, but did not vote for it. Oh well, I don't mind it, everyone is free to vote or don't vote without giving any explanation. But it's strange lol. I guess the theme problem is the key. I have to say I did not undertand it really, even the rules said I can use a single car...

I think a "car meeting" should have more than one or something. It's a quite wide theme I guess, so I don't know how people interpretate it due to the "automotive culture" differences. I went with an Initial D version what I always was wanting to make. The lateral ideograms could not be the best idea for the comp... anyways I think any rule was broken (Like rims enlarging discussion?).

Finally thanks everyone who had participated and commented the polls/posts.

Edit. Here are some of the original with just quick new levels:

Remember, click on the thumbnails!



OVERKILL entries update 👍
I love the AE86 Tofu car the best. That rim is perfectly edited with the sunlight shine thru the fog over the alley. Seriously I would entitle you as "Light Master" for that. Still love your work so keep them coming :D
Wow alex, it's the first time I've seen that scenery shot. Very beautiful. you'll have to let me in on what you do to get your asphalt to look so nice.
talk about Killer shots!!! you really are a god! awesome work alex! i cant wait to update again after i get back from vacation. i got so many ideas boiling in my head waiting to be released. looking at your stuff just makes me more inspired.
Oh yeah! Those shots are all really impressive. The entry for round 2 is really cool. The cleanup is perfect and yet there was something missing for me. :indiff: Maybe just because I like action in shots.. The M Coupe you also used in the tournament is one of the best shots I've seen. Sooo clean again and yet there's power going on in that shot.

good luck on the next round (well I guess you will win round II) 👍
Yeah Alex, all shots are very beautiful!! So full of details...U really know how to do things right.
I specially like the M3 Coupe and the Carrousel, those are to me my favourite ones, really works of art!!!
Well...now U have another great challenge in the Tournament, so get ready to bring another "winner shot"👍
That has to be one of the best updates ever on this site. Every picture is superbly done, beautiful. It deserves +rep!

I love the look of the BMW M Coupe, the colour is so well controlled. The lighting on the car looks great and so does the texture on the road. Sweet clean up too.

The Carousel is so good, the best scenery shot I have seen from GT4. The glow of the lighting on the tress and the colour are spot on.

My favourite out of all of them is the Trueno. I love it, you did such a great job on that shot. I am a big fan of the Trueno and of Initial D, which would explain why I like it so much I guess. Everything about it is good, the lighting, the clean up, the colours, it's all so well done. Can't wait to see what you come up with for Round 3.

You really do go for the win when you enter a Competition, don't forget you also won the Drift Photomode Competition Week 4. :D

Keep up the amazing work alex. 👍
franz. Wowow lol. To be honest I love readding that kind of posts. And who don't! Thanks a lot man!

Cod_Father. Thanks! Someone asked for it in a previous post. Basically I use two different methods: One applying a texture filter in a duplicated or new layer and adjusting the blending options; the another one is using a 1000x1000px black layer with gaussian noise (With a similar amount to a standard asphalt look), wich is blended in screen/linear dodge/ or color dodge mode.

It's nice to adjust levels of the new layer to get better control of the final effect. I think the 2nd method is much more reallistic actually, but sometimes I use a combination of different values 👍

lmracer. Thanks for your visit man

Funkshen. Absolutely thankful!

jgda9rs. Hahaha, go away man, go away lol. You should be enjoying your hollydays and not spying GTP :lol:. I guess you're in a Caribbean beach... meanwhile I'm fighting with this crap of Internet connectioonnnnnn. Hope to see that ideas comming real soon! Thanks for postting.

freddy86. Thanks. Yup, they are quite static. Yeah, they're simply static actually hehe, but I wanted to do some phototravels at track lately. Glad you liked the overal look!

NTX1982. Muito obrigado! Your tournament is becomming really funny but I guess if I lost it... it won't be so then lol. Even I was dissapointed winning by 10 points :grumpy:. What can I do hehe, you make it possible.

Drift2XS. Thanks man. As you said, I'm trying to keep more control of my editting style. Glad you liked it so much. The Trueno is a very special shot indeed. I only saw both films (Animation and real one) but I also like that japan culture :).

I don't forget I won the Drift Comp hehe. I've a compilation of all things I made here, including every poll saved in html file lol.

The show must go on!

Alex... hombre estoy en shock! These pictures are killershots my friend...You just put yourself on top of the masters here on Gtplanet....for real man.
And I ask the members who have been with GTP since the beginning of GTP: has there ever been a more talented GT4 Photographer?
Thanks LGForce. Hope you don't have to go to the hospital due the shock hehe.

Thank you too GT Pro. I guess you're shocked too lol.

Here is Made to win 2. Finally the 440 pic inspired a little film graphic design.

- 350Z JGTC. It tied the Inspirational Photo Competition Week 7.
- Viperino GTS. It should be entered in a Spanish GT Foum Comp, but my PC died before deadline. Remember this crap of computer was carried in the previous Honda Life Step Van ambulane... :):)
- Charge 440 R/T. It was entered in the final comp of the Spanish GT Forum Comp.
- BMW Z4. It was entered in the 1st Round of 2.0 Tourney. Seems almost nobody liked it :( lol
- GTone TS020. It won the Inspirational Photo Competition Week 5.

Remember, click on each thumbnail!



Beautiful shots alex. My favorite is still the trueno from the last update, its just so damn clean and the angle is perfect.
I'm suprised i never thought of doing it like that. With the background & all; I may just do that now :lol: And i may want to spend a little more time in photoshop, than doing a quick level-adjustment. I've never put forth that much effort here. You have inspired me [and my soon to be changed - again.. gallery] to pride yourself on your work.You do a lot of airbrushing to get these super-realistic finishes. Very nice work here. We can only hope that GT5 looks as good as your renderings :)

I'm suprised i never thought of doing it like that. With the background & all; I may just do that now :lol: And i may want to spend a little more time in photoshop, than doing a quick level-adjustment. I've never put forth that much effort here. You have inspired me [and my soon to be changed - again.. gallery] to pride yourself on your work.You do a lot of airbrushing to get these super-realistic finishes. Very nice work here. We can only hope that GT5 looks as good as your renderings :)

Glad you were inspired by my work. It's always good to heard something like that. I have to say the same, because last 2 hours have been spent in a GT40 photosession like yours (Posted in your gallery and 105 PMC comp). I can confirm the combination of that car with Opera is amazing, but I need more time to do something in PS and see how it works. I'm not sure if the lighting and cameras will look so good as expected.

If you like to improve a little bit your pics quicky, learn to use the color balance, and use levels as gamma/exposure in the same pic. It doesn't require a lot of time and could help you indeed.

Brilliant shots Alex. They are very impressive shots in all. Great work. Check out my gallery if you have time.
Glad you were inspired by my work. It's always good to heard something like that. I have to say the same, because last 2 hours have been spent in a GT40 photosession like yours (Posted in your gallery and 105 PMC comp). I can confirm the combination of that car with Opera is amazing, but I need more time to do something in PS and see how it works. I'm not sure if the lighting and cameras will look so good as expected.

If you like to improve a little bit your pics quicky, learn to use the color balance, and use levels as gamma/exposure in the same pic. It doesn't require a lot of time and could help you indeed.


I dont need the help, really - just never felt like going that far into it. I've been photoshopping for over 10 years now, so I know what I'm doing; its just whether i feel like doing it :dopey: Thanks for the tips tho :) from one chop-artist to another ;)
OH MY GOD!!! The previous update and the current one is just STUNNING!!! I LOVE the 86 shot!!!!! Also, the GT1 shot is just beautiful! SUAVE MAN!!!

I really like the GTone shot in this set of photos, the colours and the reflections look great with that car. The only problem I can see is that it looks like it's floating due to it being parked on such a steep curve.
Suzq is one hell photoshopper and illustrator. She must have been away from photomode scene too long and haven't seen any presentation trend evolving here.

This update is nice but not as good as previous one. The Z4 shot is weaker than your usual quality, but I don't like GT4's spinning blur. Viper looks good but slightly over-exposure in my opnion. Other shots are fantastic, good compositon and tone, no wonder they won the competitions 👍
Another great alex update, I love the way you present them. So elegant and professional.

I was surprised that the Z4 was your shot, not your usually quality.

I really like all the other shots. I love the Charger shot, great lighting and addition of noise. I like the look of the Viper too. They are all sweet and no wonder you do so well in the competitions. Keep it up, I look forward to your next stunning update. 👍