Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 @ Targa Florio part 2

United States
Vintage Car Race Club
Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 @ Targa Florio part 2


1 hour endurance race with heavy damage & tire wear.


Tuesday 30 April @ 18:00 UTC
2pm US EDT / 11am US PDT / 7pm BST / 8pm CEST

and / or

Saturday 4 May @ 15:00 UTC
11am US EDT / 8am US PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST

Event Duration: Approx 90 minutes (race duration approx. 1 hour)

Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 carrozzata da ZAGATO CN.AR750106 '65
This car is Premium, available in the New Car Dealership!

Car Regulations:
Tuning: Prohibited
Sports Medium Tires
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint
"Tuning Prohibited Explained"
Note: If you purchased your car pre-patch (or post-past) there may be a difference in the default transmission setting.
You may need to reset the transmission in tuning to Default in order to enter under the Tuning Prohibited.

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (driver's choice)
tire wear on (very fast)
damage heavy

slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off
Track Settings Race Start 18:00, Time Progression: 1
race end timer set to maximum (3 minutes)


Targa Florio Part 2 (Toscana tarmac) (4.58 miles)

Currently shared on PSN: VCRC

Race Procedures:

1 timed lap @ Targa Florio Part 2 (Toscana tarmac) (4.58 miles)
Drivers enter the track, do 1 timed lap (2 including out lap) then park & wait for race start.

16 laps @ Targa Florio Part 2 (Toscana tarmac) (4.58 miles)
Grid Start, Fastest First

Pit Stops:
No mandatory pit stops.
However, pit stops may be found to be desired, or likely necessary.
Damage & tire wear is not an excuse for reckless driving.
Pitting for damage or tire wear should be done
if either of these are causing the car to be a nuisance on the track.

Drivers will follow the GTP OLR Rules
Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
More info on rules & guidelines are specified below to clarify expected track etiquette.
  • You are expected to race clean & fair, and to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times.
  • Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • Please freely ask questions if you are unsure about any of the rules & guidelines.
  • What is "clean" or "dirty" driving? : "Driving in an aggressive manner where your intention is to collide or distract the opposition is considered "dirty" driving. Driving in a manner where you have respect for other drivers on the course and avoiding body contact wherever possible is considered "clean" driving." - MSTER232.
  • Post-race penalties may be issued for rule violations, in order to preserve clean racing and fairness - you have been advised.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing! This is NOT a hit-to-pass derby. Bumping another car off their line to take their position is considered DIRTY.
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results - or be demoted in finish position otherwise accordingly)
  • "But it wasn't on purpose." is not a valid excuse for failing to make contact conessions. If your mistake, or your car's movement, caused the collision, you must make the contact concession, or you will receive a post-race concession penalty.
  • "I didn't know it was my fault." is not a method to avoid penalty. The only exceptions to contact concession rule is if the car you hit was already spun out, improperly re-entering the track, or if you hit the ahead car because you were hit from behind. If you are not certain about the fault and choose to not make concession, and it is determined you were at fault, a post-race concession penalty will be imposed.
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Careless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered. Everyone makes errors from time to time -- but repeated excessive aggressive or sloppy driving that is frequent or persistent is entirely avoidable by even the least skilled of drivers. It takes no special skill to slow down & get your car back under control. (If you are making contact often when you're near other cars on the track, or bumping often in the corners, this is a good indication that your driving may be considered reckless, & you'd best reign it in.)
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules.
  • Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • Excessive horn beeping is forbidden. Horns should be used in the manner they are intended only - for civil communication purposes. Using the horn to distract another driver, or to annoy them to give up position is considered "dirty" and absolutely prohibited.
  • Cornering Rights must be respected. Consult the GTP OLR Rules for specifics on cornering rights. For example, you are expected to hold your line through a turn, and allow space for another car who had overlap before the turn in point. If you do not have overlap on an ahead car before the turn in point, you do not have the right to force into their line.
  • ONE blocking maneuver per straight is the maximum allowed. NO weaving to block on straights.
  • Prohibited Maneuvers include (but are not limited to): riding another car through a turn, using another car as a brake, shoving another car off track, dive bombing the inside of corners, nose clipping by diving abruptly in front of another car, rear clipping - with or without pit maneuver, cramming into a space that does not exist to force a pass, punting, inappropriate blocking, wild weaving, brake-checking, slamming, ramming, parking inside the track boundaries or near traffic during a race, driving backwards.
  • Turn #1 Incidents: Harsher post-race penalties are imposed for violations occurring on Turn #1 of any race. Patience should be the top priority at Turn #1 of any race. In some cases, special Turn #1 race procedures will be implemented. Always review the "Race Procedures" section of an event description. (It should be noted and accepted as fact that "Turn 1 Drama" is a particular pet peeve of the race director, and Turn #1 of every race will be scrutinized in replays.)
  • All rules & general track etiquette, is to be exercised during any Qualifying Period. "Informal Qualifying" means there will be no roll call, and no one should expect to have the track to themselves while others wait. However, drivers are expected to spread out. There should be no "pressuring" during qualifying as this is NOT racing. Leave a gap during your out-lap from the car ahead of you, so that you do not disrupt the ahead car's timed laps, and will not be accused of taking advantage of someone's slipstream draft. Courtesy should be exercised when you finish your timed laps, to allow others to finish theirs. Park well away from the racing line, preferably in a spot that is significantly apart from the racetrack boundaries.
  • Bump drafting is widely accepted on ovals, and is sometimes used on straights. However, drivers should exercise caution and thoughtful judgement before employing this in technique in regular race tracks. Bear in mind that not all of your fellow racers may be of the same mind when bump drafting is appropriate, and some might find it distracting or unwelcome. It should never be done near a brake point. When in doubt, do without!
  • Text chat during races is to be restrained so as not to distract drivers still racing.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
  • Any overtly dirty driving should be reported immediately after the race. You should also always report any driving you see that appears to be deliberate rule violations or persistently disruptive, so the driver may be reminded & warned of the rules & post-race penalties, and for the preservation of enjoyment for all participants.
Race Director: watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race Steward: YOU!
All racers are expected to be stewards - of good racing & rule adherence!
Save replays in case you are called upon!

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge,

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.


For more information about VCRC & MCRC events check out the club thread:
And join the VCRC club forum in the GTP social group to get involved in planning:
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Sign-Up Registry:
GTP Name / PSN Name / car colour (if you wish)

Indicate for these schedules:
Probably, Maybe, Possibly, Unlikely, or Definitely Not

Tuesday 30 April @ 18:00 UTC
2pm US EDT / 11am US PDT / 7pm BST / 8pm CEST

  1. Audiman2011 / Street-King-07 / Bluebell
  2. Coreyb / Coreyb_26 /
  3. HusamOne / HusamOne /
  4. cbcvabch / cbcvabch /
  5. John Wells / johnwells69 /
  6. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / dark green
  7. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Blu Hera
  8. Nicktune / Nic-KL
  9. jackargent / jackargent /
  10. m8h3r / m8h3r
  11. ShiftingGears / HighStakes123
  12. Akmuq / Akmuq /
  13. MarkB75 / GTP_MarkB75 /
Saturday 4 May @ 15:00 UTC
11am US EDT / 8am US PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST

  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Goodwood Green & Red
  2. Audiman2011 / Street-King-07 / Bluebell
  3. GTsail290 / GTsail2 / WR Blue Mica
  4. ShiftingGears / HighStakes123 /
  5. snowgt / GTP_SnowCrash / Blu Hera
  6. m8h3r / m8h3r
  7. Longbowx / Longbowx
  8. MarkB75 / GTP_MarkB75 /
  9. Dano20 / ste100e /
  10. GTP_PaulMac / Sapphire Metallic / Yellow
  11. Akmuq / Akmuq /
  12. cbcvabch / cbcvabch /
  13. aceboy127 / aceboy127 / blue

Interest sign-up:

  1. Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso
  2. dsgerbc / dsgerbc
  3. moolett / moolett
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One of my favourite cars. Unfortunately my availability is spotty at best. Weeknights are best for me, weekends about 50/50, weekdays during the day about 10/90. I'll keep an eye on the thread and see what happens, but consider me a reserve.

@ JP : And here I thought you didn't like heavy damage! :sly:

BTW: This is possibly one of the coolest custom tracks I've EVER come across.
And that's saying a lot because I'm a connisseur of custom tracks, particularly Toscana tarmac, and continually test drive people's custom tracks.


Isn't this EVERYONE's favourite car? ;)

To anyone who hasn't driven this car before...
It drives like a DREAM. You will NOT find it grueling to drive it for one hour.
Believe me, I don't do endurance races very often for a reason. This is very accessible racing.
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I'm in, schedule allowing. I'm GMT+1, so weekdays from 19:00GMT would generally be a good idea.

Isn't this EVERYONE's favourite car? ;)

To anyone who hasn't driven this car before...
It drives like a DREAM. You will NOT find it grueling to drive it for one hour.
Believe me, I don't do endurance races very often for a reason. This is very accessible racing.

The TZ2 does drive very well but it isn't my favourite (I'm only 20).

But I digress, I'm looking forward to this race.

Car Colour - Blue Bell
It's cool but modern/fast FFs are my Fav, hehe. There was a series Brandon did with these (Tuning prohibited also) and it was great fun, JP was in it too ;).
It's cool but modern/fast FFs are my Fav, hehe. There was a series Brandon did with these (Tuning prohibited also) and it was great fun, JP was in it too ;).

FF's? :crazy: May your copy of GT5 burst into flames!!!:)
I'm not a touring car/BTCC nut for nothing :D. FFs just make me happy, driving a good FF with a tad of oversteer etc is just heaven to me :drool:. And most FFs I can tune to handle epicly, some like the Civic '08 and Scirocco R are pretty perfect out the box.

Heck driving the Avantime stock on CS was insane fun :P.

To me theres just nothing more satisfying than wringing the neck of a FF and it shows in my pace :sly:. (Slow in Rwds relative to my FF pace :()

paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac - madly unpredictable euro schedule

:lol:👍... Fyi I have all next week off work :sly:.
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FF's? :crazy: May your copy of GT5 burst into flames!!!:)

Some people like the FFs. Of course some people like the 4wds, & I hate those. For some reason understeer doesn't bother some people as much as it seems to hinder me. :boggled: I had an awful time with the Pontiac Vibe understeer the other day. :odd: I felt like I was arguing with it the whole time. :lol:
(But the Avantime was pretty fun, I must admit.)

@ paul - you should check out these FF cars! :sly: :D

The TZ2 does drive very well but it isn't my favourite (I'm only 20).
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. :odd:
:sly: :lol:

But it DOES drive very well. And it's geared pretty nicely.

Car Colour - Blue Bell

Very timely.👍 Mine started blooming this week.

Of course these are not "true" blue bells. But I guess they're related & a type of blue bells...
People around here call them blue bells.
Real blue bells I think should look like these blue bells.
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. :odd:
:sly: :lol:

Long story short, I appreciate most classics in this game and I enjoy racing them, but I prefer the cars from my generation (late 90's to present). Also IMO, the Alfa is ugly compared to an XJ13 or a Miura, and it sounds like a bag of hammers.
Long story short, I appreciate most classics in this game and I enjoy racing them, but I prefer the cars from my generation (late 90's to present). Also IMO, the Alfa is ugly compared to an XJ13 or a Miura, and it sounds like a bag of hammers.

May your copy of GT5 also burst into flames:yuck: :)
I thought flaming wasn't allowed!:-D
There is a strange noise going on in the background...always imagined there was an onboard percolator!

I love that sound!!!!

It happens in the 74 Lambo too. :lol: :D
You can hear it sometimes in the Ginetta G4 as well.

I do have a coffee obsession of course.

But I always thought it sounded more like a light sparking sound. :)
I guess I romanticize it. :guilty: :lol:
The track is now currently shared on PSN: redshifting
Send a FR to that acct to get the track. (FRs will be added daily.)
I thought flaming wasn't allowed!:-D
There is a strange noise going on in the background...always imagined there was an onboard percolator!

Bowling balls is what it sounds like to me...rattling around in the back.:dopey:
One of my favourite cars! I'm interested in joining depending on when it is. I'll watch this thread and let you know when date and time is set.

Isn't 1 hour too short? :)
Hi knukken! Good to see you interested. I hope we can make this work for as many people who are interested.:nervous:

Isn't 1 hour too short? :)
Not for me. :lol: I do like pit strategy racing. But the pit is not long enough on this track for a real life bathroom break and I'm getting to that age that women get to that they use the lavatory often, and a Gatorade bottle is just not a viable option for the fairer sex. :sly: :lol: :odd: (Sorry about TMI. :dopey:)
Yes, 1 hour is to short but so is 10 mins :P. (Like the MPV races) 1 hour is as good as it gets here which is fine, the more 1 hour events the better.. But I do agree 1 hour "endurances" is for the weak :sly:. (Once did a 4 hour race :crazy:.)
Please put me down as very much interested!👍

The Alfa Romeo is a beautiful car.... bowling balls and all!:)

US evenings or weekends

@ paulmac2k9
There are other people running 1Hour+ endurance races. You are free to join those events/series.

I'm offering a 1 hour event.
The truth is I can't sit in the same spot for more than an hour, due to physical limitations.

If you think this is "weak" and deserving of thoughtless criticism, that's on you.
I hardly think playing a game for 2 hours straight is any "measure of a man". :lol:
Gosh... think before you speak. :rolleyes:
You really need to read Dale Carnegie's book or something. :dopey: :crazy:
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Err.. I was poking fun, I wasn't serious.. Do the smilies mean nothing? (Tongue in cheek and sly faces to show I was only joking...)

I am very :boggled: you read it that way.. :indiff:
@ paulmac2k9 - it's just that you often say things that are a bit peculiar. :boggled: :lol:
(My husband would explain this with the "young men" explanation.:lol::lol:)
May I suggest the REGULAR smiley :) rather than the SLY :sly: smiley??
The sly smiley comes off a bit snarky sometimes, depending on the context. :indiff:
So it may be better for you to just use the wink. ;)
I would avoid the :P smiley too unless conjoined with a regular smiley thus: :P:)
HTH :lol:
I'm going to rewrite Dale Carnegie's book converted to "communication through internet forum smiley icons". :lol: