Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 @ Targa Florio part 2

Great fun!

Love the car!

Just need tons more practice to handle the track!:ill:

My only complaint with the car was that I could not make up my mind whether to be in 2nd gear or 3rd gear for some of the slow corners. I need more practice with the track to decide.

Crashed twice, so I had a compromised pit schedule. I had to pit at the end of lap # 3 to repair some fender damage.:grumpy::grumpy:

Oh, and I did a 3:15 in the race.

I improved my lap times from 3:32 to 3:27 during the race. I'm sure that I could easily run a 3:25, but a 3:15, yikes!:bowdown:

Enjoy the racing!
The racing was great and the car was fun to drive. I'm more satisfied with the second race as I didn't compromise my own strategy of doing a 1-stopper.

I could've reeled in Longbow if it wasn't for my tyres going off as I had plenty of fuel to get to the end.
Just couldn't get that race right, even with a second try. First, there were connection troubles, so I had to reboot. Came back and managed to miss melon's "go" for the qualifying, so I had to start in the last row.

Once I had worked my way up into 4th, I was about 6.5 seconds behind the lead. Managed to bring it down to 4s and then started making stupid mistakes, which dropped me back to about 10s again. Longbow was roughly going the same outright pace, so I didn't see how I would catch up to him. I therefore opted for a 2-stopper, so I pitted after laps 5 and 10. I came out 45 seconds behind after my last stop, and while I was able to bring it down to 20 at the finish line, it just wasn't the faster strategy.

Bloody great car/track-combination though!

Oh, and I did a 3:15 in the race. Proud of that!

it is not an easy track to get right. The whole second half of the course except perhaps the last sequence was still tough for me by the end. Also, sorry for causing the connection reset...if I wasn't there you would have been okay, maybe.

Well, you had to try something so it is commendable. The time lost on track with worn tires just didn't seem enough to me. Even though I wasn't pushing after the pitstop (except for the out lap, and then next). Well done on the 3:15(.6), nipped me by a tenth a believe.

Great fun!

Love the car!

Just need tons more practice to handle the track!:ill:

My only complaint with the car was that I could not make up my mind whether to be in 2nd gear or 3rd gear for some of the slow corners. I need more practice with the track to decide.

Crashed twice, so I had a compromised pit schedule. I had to pit at the end of lap # 3 to repair some fender damage.:grumpy::grumpy:

I improved my lap times from 3:32 to 3:27 during the race. I'm sure that I could easily run a 3:25, but a 3:15, yikes!:bowdown:

Enjoy the racing!

Well done on the improvement, that's more of a % increase than I got. It is a tough track to learn. The gears can be difficult to decide, but it also depends on your rhythm too.

The racing was great and the car was fun to drive. I'm more satisfied with the second race as I didn't compromise my own strategy of doing a 1-stopper.

I could've reeled in Longbow if it wasn't for my tyres going off as I had plenty of fuel to get to the end.

It is a very fun car. My strategy towards the end was since I had a 10 second buffer or so (after I did one fast 3:15 lap and then started to get less confident with the fuel), I would save fuel up until you were 5 seconds back or so, then I would push a little more to try and keep you behind. I think that because I wasn't pushing as hard, it actually help preserve my tires a bit as I wasn't lapping terribly quick. Almost like a 'target lap' scenario. The racing at the beginning was very good, great close racing.