
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
That's basically the way I look at it. I'm running on the theory that both space and time are infinite and, y'know, if you roll an infinite number of dice an infinite number of times, eventually you'll roll an infinite number of 6's.

Yep, and if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters they will eventually write out the complete works of shakespeare. Ahhhhh, the power of infinity.
Yep, and if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters they will eventually write out the complete works of shakespeare. Ahhhhh, the power of infinity.


Maybe that explains it. Vettel is a alien.
Yep, and if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters they will eventually write out the complete works of shakespeare. Ahhhhh, the power of infinity.

This has been proven recently, using simulated monkeys and simulated keyboards. Granted, it was done with a very limited string of Shakespearian text, but the point was proven.
Yep, and if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters they will eventually write out the complete works of shakespeare. Ahhhhh, the power of infinity.

This also explains some of the posts here at times!:sly:

I think of it this way - if an alien race is smart enough to a) detect our activity and b) drop by, then it probably doesn't matter what we do in any case. They'd probably already know more about us before we ever got a sniff that they even exist...

Also, if ET is so smart and has survived long enough to reach a far more advanced state of intelligence than us (to the point where they have mastered interstellar or even intergalactic travel), then there is a more than fair chance that they have learned to respect intelligent life when they find it (even the pond scum they find on a planet like ours), have learned the folly of pointless wars, and will probably already have more than enough resources to survive without having to go around ransacking distant planets like our own.

I would also add that there is a good chance that we could greatly benefit from meeting such a race of aliens - as they would no doubt have a lot of useful information to share with us. It is just as likely (if not considerably more likely) that it would be our own hostile treatment of the aliens that would be the cause of any rancour. Put it this way - I wouldn't want to live next door to us.

This pretty much sums up how meeting aliens would be to me.

If I could only rep+ this post. 👍
I don't know if this was posted here already, but here is what Stephen Hawking had to say about us meeting the aliens:

Hawking speculated that such aliens would likely be nomads, living in ships after sucking their own planet dry of resources, and hopping from one interstellar refueling station to the next. Earth, he said, shouldn't do anything to encourage their visit.
There is absolutely & most definitely other life in our Universe in my opinion.I don't know if my following information has been covered in this thread,it is 40 pages long afterall. In a summary of what I know,I would tell you all that no matter how scary the following information seems and how unbelievable it might seem in some peoples eyes,the truth is that they have visited mankind in various times throughout documented history.If you think that's crazy & untrue then that's quite okay with me,it just means you are not ready to open up to this possibility yet.I would like to tell anyone reading this that Nasa is a cover up for Americas " Real " space program.They edit out UFO's from satellite images,and along with JPL,they both have a common interest to keep a lid on that information .The moon or Luna,as the US Military designates it,is quite possibly an artificial structure or " Observation Base " for EBE's,( Extra terrestrial biological entities ) & military operations.I have links too......
Sorry for double posting as i'm browsing on a PS3 & it gives you a word amount restriction on the amount of letters you type in one post.

If anyone is interested , then feel free to check these links out -

Keeping an open mind is very important , as believe me when I say that most media information is suppressed , there is not much truth to be seen in the mainstream.....

Happy researching.

If "keeping an open mind" means believing that this kind of rubbish is real, then you can keep it.

it just means you are not ready to open up to this possibility yet.
Absolutely not. I couldn't disagree with this comment more strongly. This seems to be the view of many UFO-ologists (and others), but I find it quite insulting to be honest. Most rational people, when confronted with the basic facts regarding the awesome scale of the universe, readily accept the possibility that planet Earth is not the only centre of intelligence in the universe. But accepting that intelligence exists outwith this planet is one thing... having compelling evidence of it is quite another. I'm sure that the thousands of scientists who devote their lives/careers, passions, energies etc. to investigating the possibility of extraterrestrial life might take some umbrage at the notion that they are either spectacularly incompetent or involved in a giant conspiracy to withhold "the truth" from the general public.

Perhaps those who make such insulting claims of misconduct and dishonesty should take their own advice and 'keep an open mind' - specifically that their conspiracy theories might actually turn out to be a bunch of crap and perhaps it is their pet theories that are wrong.
Sorry for double posting as i'm browsing on a PS3 & it gives you a word amount restriction on the amount of letters you type in one post.

If anyone is interested , then feel free to check these links out -

Keeping an open mind is very important , as believe me when I say that most media information is suppressed , there is not much truth to be seen in the mainstream.....

Happy researching.

That "moon banding" one is hillarious. Nothing to do with the fact that it's a series of digital images that have been slighlty overlapped as they've been stitched together? The text states that these "bands" would be 1KM wide! You would almost be able to see those with the naked eye, let alone with a telescope. There are millions and millions of amatuer stargazers out there, do you not think one of them would have noticed something like that? I mean, if you look at any image where a crater crosses one of these "bands" you can see it's not been lined up properly.

The "battle of LA" is a well-documented case of mass-hysteria at a time of extreme paranoia and nothing more.

The idea that the US government and NASA somehow covers up alkl this evidence doesn't take into account a couple of important questions:
1) How would they? There are other agencies who look out into space, y'know? And not all of them are controlled by a state.
2) Why would they? What purpose would they have to cover this stuff up for so long?
which then leads onto the biggie:
3) If there is a cover up and it has been going on for so long, how has it not leaked out yet? With the sheer number of people involved, someone would have blabbed / let something slip / left a disk with all the info on a train somewhere.
3) If there is a cover up and it has been going on for so long, how has it not leaked out yet? With the sheer number of people involved, someone would have blabbed / let something slip / left a disk with all the info on a train somewhere.


@ Touring Mars & @ ScouserInExile

Just the kind of reaction I was expecting , although presented in such a narrow minded fashion that you can consider yourself lucky to even have this reply , especially the Moderator .

You keep telling yourself that everything you're told is true & that your Government will never lie to you okay . Enjoy your life of being brainwashed by the media , as they never lie now do they ?? Your replies are jokes , I bet you're the kind of people that believe that the Gulf War 2.0 was backed up & justified with all that fabricated WMD evidence that was dreamed up . Oh i'm sorry , I bet you BELIEVE what the governments told you there , oops.

You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings. :dunce:

And by the way , everything I have presented I have thoroughly researched , from different sources & all angles , if you would bother to research what I showed you then you would see plenty of valid points to counter your arguments against . I have an answer to every question you both had , but you're both too closed minded to listen....... Gone.
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@ Touring Mars & @ ScouserInExile

Just the kind of reaction I was expecting , although presented in such a narrow minded fashion that you can consider yourself lucky to even have this reply , especially the Moderator .

You keep telling yourself that everything you're told is true & that your Government will never lie to you okay . Enjoy your life of being brainwashed by the media , as they never lie now do they ?? You're replies are jokes , I bet you're the kind of people that believe that the Gulf War 2.0 was backed up & justified with all that fabricated WMD evidence that was dreamed up . Oh i'm sorry , I bet you BELIEVE what the governments told you there , oops.

You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings. :dunce:

Don't let yourself get down by them man. The responses you got are compliments compared to those, I already got a few times, also from "moderators".

You simply will HAVE to get used to this, but what do you expect? You know in what world we are living in...
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Don't let yourself get down by them man. The responses you got are comliments compared to those, I already got a few times, also from "moderators".

You simply will HAVE to get used to this, but what do you expect? You know in what world we are living in...

Thanks Alex P , but i'm not going to waste my time here with these narrow minded " People " , they'll have to learn the hard way....

I expected more rational reasoning skills from a " Moderator " , but it looks like they give that job to just anybody these days.......

Sad times for GTP i'm afraid when people of this sort get high off their own perceived power .

I bet he's just itching to give me an infraction right now , hahaha!
Thanks Alex P , but i'm not going to waste my time here with these narrow minded " People " , they'll have to learn the hard way....

I expected more rational reasoning skills from a " Moderator " , but it looks like they give that job to just anybody these days.......

Sad times for GTP i'm afraid when people of this sort get high off their own perceived power .

I bet he's just itching to give me an infraction right now , hahaha!

I guess he is, yes, unfortunately.

I EXACTELY know what you mean when you say "wasting time", but really, just keep going, from time to time there are people, who appreciate what you are sharing.👍
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@ Touring Mars & @ ScouserInExile

Just the kind of reaction I was expecting , although presented in such a narrow minded fashion that you can consider yourself lucky to even have this reply , especially the Moderator .

You keep telling yourself that everything you're told is true & that your Government will never lie to you okay . Enjoy your life of being brainwashed by the media , as they never lie now do they ?? Your replies are jokes , I bet you're the kind of people that believe that the Gulf War 2.0 was backed up & justified with all that fabricated WMD evidence that was dreamed up . Oh i'm sorry , I bet you BELIEVE what the governments told you there , oops.

You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings. :dunce:

And by the way , everything I have presented I have thoroughly researched , from different sources & all angles , if you would bother to research what I showed you then you would see plenty of valid points to counter your arguments against . I have an answer to every question you both had , but you're both too closed minded to listen....... Gone.


First off, I don't believe very much of what any government tells me, or most of the media, for that matter. I tend to believe things I can see or can actually be proven. I'm not sure what WMDs and the second Gulf War have to do with aliens, but I'm fairly sure there were WMDs in Iraq, mostly because they were sold to Saddam by the countries that then invaded, they were just used as a way of justifying a massive oil-grab.

Anyway., back to the point: I critisized that site saying there are bands on the moon that point to it being artificially created (I'm assuming by some alien civilsation millions and millions of years ago?) because there is a large amount of evidence to prove that they don't exsist. I could look tonight and see that, as millions of people around the world will.

I'm curious as to what other sources you have researched on this subject? And this isn't sarcasm, I genuinely would like to know what other proof can be brought on this subject, other than that one site.

But I notice you've just resorted to hiding behind "I would tell you how you are wrong, but you wouldn't understand, so I'm not going to say anything" which is the last refuge of someone who actually has no answers at all. It's not unlike some fundamentalist religious types who will always hide behind "faith" when asked to give some proof that there is a god. Just believing is not enough for me, I want to see some actual evidence.

I'm very open minded about this, as I said higher up: it would be rediculous to believe that we are alone in the universe, given the infinity of time and space. But the examples you ave givin in you post are so bad that I would swear that they are deliberate disinformation, they're just so outlandish and, more to the point, can easily be proved to be wrong.
I guess he is, yes, unfortunately.

I EXACTELY know when you say "wasting time", but really, just keep going, from time to time there are people, who appreciate what you are sharing.👍

Like me.I appreciated those videos. 👍

Oh and going back to NASA.Some say they cover stuff up and some say there were never anything out there to cover up in the first place.I look at it this way....

I've been patiently researching the UFO phenomenon for over 40 years. I've seen them up reasonably close on more than one occasion.

My tentative conclusions:

- The UFO phenomenon is real, but it is based on natural physical phenomena. It's simplest form is ball lightning. Because it can involve intense magnetic fields, it can cause hallucinations which stimulate false ideas in the human mind.

- The US government and many world governments have repeatedly investigated UFO's and come repeatedly to the conclusion that although they exist, they pose no real threat to man or earth. However, if you come too close to one you can experience radiation burns and stuff like hallucinations.

- There is no government conspiracy, except perhaps to exploit them as cover for experiments, and/or to deny them altogether because they can be a distraction and nuisance, and were once thought to threaten public stability and order.

- France and handful of other governments have concluded the "most likely" explanation is extraterrestrial. The British government has concluded they are most likely electromagnetic plasmaforms, as have I.

- Not a single alien ET or alien ET artifact of any kind has ever been proved to exist.

- The physical reality and physical basis of UFO's, such as they are as electromagnetic plasmas , has essentially been solved. The big unsolved mystery is how and why they sometimes seem to "react" in some kind of semi-sentient way to humans has not been solved. This needs more study. The underlying questions are those of consciousness, plasma physics and particle physics. Conspiracy writers gleefully confuse the issue for profit.

- Actual alien ET's may exist on a faraway planet - no doubt. None are close enough to travel here with any form of technology known to humans. Alien ET's are a foolish explanation for UFO's because UFO's are seen literally thousands of times each year. Taking into consideration additional unreported and unseen manifestations of the phenomenon they appear tens or hundreds of thousands of times each year. It beggars credulity and reason to suppose alien ET's are visiting earth every hour of the day every day of the year, and yet not a shred of evidence exists. It is an absurdity.

- Because the universe is 99.98% inorganic plasma, it is more likely in my opinion that life would exist in inorganic form than in organic form. It is possible according to the laws of physics as currently accepted that some UFO's may be inorganic lifeforms. More research is needed in this area.

Respectfully submitted,
Uh? Sorry but either you guys don't know what "debating" means or you know but don't like debating.

There's a known rule in respectful debating: You don't agree with someone, refute his ideas, don't go on to personal attacks. So, what do I see here? What you think was refuted. And when that happened you made a personal attack calling the people debating you ... "sheep".

I wonder what would happen if you tried to defend the belief in God in the respective thread ... I guess that by your third post you'd already be sending the 99% of posters there (non-believers) to hell :lol:

PS - Many posts in between, sorry but I'm slow :D My post is directed to Alex p and TJC_69
You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings.

I'm sorry TJC, but you are being a complete hypocrite.

If you are so open minded why are you doing exactly what Mars and Exile are doing - disagreeing. You definition of open minded seems to be "accept what I say, because it's obviously the truth". The greatest sheep in the world are probably conspiracy theorists. And they are completely blind to their own errors.

Open mindedness does not mean that you accept everything you're told. Accepting everything that you're told is stupidity. An open minded reply to your post is what you have been given, multiple times. Your post was looked at, examined, and deemed invalid. Yet, you refuse to accept this opposing view point because you happen to be totally close minded.

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Okay ScouserInExile , a couple of things , I did appreciate your last post there , it seemed more genuine & up for a debate. A few things you said plus my answers -
I'm not sure what WMDs and the second Gulf War have to do with aliens
Wars are started by Governments, sometimes untruthfully for profit & gain.The information regarding EBE information & technology is also protected & run by the the same Governments & their militaries.
because there is a large amount of evidence to prove that they don't exsist
There is also evidence to suggest that they do & they have made contact with the human race.And when I say human race I mean in all areas of the globe in different periods of history.There are more fake than real pieces of evidence out there,due largely to idiots who think they are funny or to get attention.
I'm curious as to what other sources you have researched on this subject?
I study all aspects of this in my spare time.I use a combination of historical,biblical,1st hand experiences,sightings,videos,pictures,plus any other media I can find to research this.If you look at the bigger picture of everything it gives you a broader understanding of what you are actually seeing. And believe me , i'm very good at distinguishing real from fake. I have been looking at all of this information for a very very long time. Name any 1 link I have posted & I can give you a detailed description of what you are looking at.
@ Exorcet - I've had dealings with you before on GTP , your questions will get no reply from me.
Anal probe anyone?

So much to "adult" and fair debate...this board is full of people like you.

Oh and TJ, please just take my advice and IGNORE the ones, like Spagetti, so like, over 80% of the people here. They WANT to have a dispute, and afterwards they ALWAYS act like they wanted a fair debate, total hypocrits. It never ends well believe me, eventually YOU will be the one with the infraction, as most moderators have the same mindset as those 80+%.

Really, just take it easy and ignore them and debate and discuss with those, who truly can. 👍
Well said, Exorcet 👍

@ TJC: I just love being ordered by people to be 'open-minded' and then screamed at for disagreeing with their definition of what being open-minded entails. I also love being insulted (both directly and indirectly) for voicing my opinion in an opinions forum. As for your other insults, I won't even dignify them with a response. My advice is simple - if you don't like people disagreeing with you, then don't post in opinion threads.

@ Exorcet - I've had dealings with you before on GTP , your questions will get no reply from me.
Alex p.
take my advice and IGNORE the ones, like Spagetti, so like, over 80% of the people here
Open-mindedness par excellence. Bravo. :clap:

Not a single alien ET or alien ET artifact of any kind has ever been proved to exist.
Atleast, however, we're in an increasingly good position to find whatever may be out there - but finding real evidence of ET requires real open-mindedness, as well as real scientific rigor and discipline.
I see the joke but it is a bit childish....

@TJC - I'm not too keen on reading or watching those videos and links about the cities apparently on Mars, can you post up some pictures and a bit of a synopsis of what's apparently there?
So much to "adult" and fair debate...this board is full of people like you.

Oh and TJ, please just take my advice and IGNORE the ones, like Spagetti, so like, over 80% of the people here. They WANT to have a dispute, and afterwards they ALWAYS act like they wanted a fair debate, total hypocrits. It never ends well believe me, eventually YOU will be the one with the infraction, as most moderators have the same mindset as those 80+%.

Really, just take it easy and ignore them and debate and discuss with those, who truly can. 👍

Good advice man , thanks . 👍
I don't mind joking about things like probes etc , but only in the right time and place. My post as you know is serious , there will always be like you say , people who want to pick apart posts & joke on a subject such as this one.
Those people will not get a response from me.
Open-mindedness par excellence. Bravo. :clap:

Oh, intresting that you didn't quote Spagetti, although he is obviously being silly and provocative.

Further proofing everything I said, bravo!:sly:

Sorry, but you really lost this time.
Sorry I'll pull the plug. ( pun intended ) felt it needed a bit of light hearted banter.
Let's get something straight. I'm a member of this forum first and a moderator second. As like everyone else on this forum, I'm entitled to my opinion, and I'm entitled to participate in a debate. I don't mind people disagreeing with, challenging or even mocking what I say. But I do object strongly to personal insults and having my character/personality attacked for merely challenging what someone else has said. That is my right as a member of the forum, and it's what this subforum is all about. Casting up my role as a moderator because of my opinion on a subject is totally unfair. Ironically, as soon as someone does step over the line, I'm expected to be the moderator and do something about it... :rolleyes:


I would like to tell anyone reading this that Nasa is a cover up for Americas " Real " space program.They edit out UFO's from satellite images,and along with JPL,they both have a common interest to keep a lid on that information .
I'd be interested to hear what either one of the two people I know who actually work at the JPL have to say about that, and of your accusation that they are government stooges involved in a cover-up.
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But as I do believe in God/Angels/Demons/Aliens I wouldn't be too surprised if it was real.

You are passionate about this which is a good thing, but I do have one problem with believing in God and also aliens. In the above statement you say that you believe in God and presumably the word of God. Could you therefore point out in the Bible where it says that God created life across the universe? In fact, where does it say anything other than life on earth?
I have always had an interest in this kind of thing, and only until recently my interest has spiked.

I have been watching allot of docs recently, there are some good feature length ones on youtube.

It does annoy me though, as it is hard to really know what videos or pictures are real, especially now with how easy it is to make a mock up with photoshop or some clever vid editing software. I wish the hoaxes outthere would stop, as it makes getting to the truth much harder.

I have watched some very convincing docs, many with witnesses from the milatry, high ranking offices, airforce pilots as well as civilian, politicians etc. It makes for some very interesting TV.

My Personal opinion is that life is abundant in the universe, and I would say that there is a very good chance that we have been visited. Although allot of signtings could be explained away, and many people reporting sightings arfter watching too many scifi movies. I am sure among the countless sightings there is some truth that we may have been visited my ET's.

This is a good documentary to start with for those interested. I know what I saw.

Space is soo vast, it is crazy to get your head around. The observable universe is something like 14 Billion ligh years from us. The speed of light is 186,000 mile per second or 670,616 629 mph yes 670 million MPH. And at that speed its will take 14billion years to reach what we can see, though what we see is likely even further from us as the ligh is still travelling here and apparently the universe is expmanding, and also there could be more beyond what we can see.

So travelling at the speed of light 670 million MPH it will take 14 billion years to reach as far as we can see!!!

I think this is 14billion light years in miles: 176892673974923902874354548546886456455275424528584945734865834053475394753053487593534487584878475804. 1 light year is 6 trillion miles apparently.

nice picture's_Location_in_the_Universe_(JPEG).jpg
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