@ Touring Mars & @ ScouserInExile
Just the kind of reaction I was expecting , although presented in such a narrow minded fashion that you can consider yourself lucky to even have this reply , especially the Moderator .
You keep telling yourself that everything you're told is true & that your Government will never lie to you okay . Enjoy your life of being brainwashed by the media , as they never lie now do they ?? Your replies are jokes , I bet you're the kind of people that believe that the Gulf War 2.0 was backed up & justified with all that fabricated WMD evidence that was dreamed up . Oh i'm sorry , I bet you BELIEVE what the governments told you there , oops.
You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .
Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings.
And by the way , everything I have presented I have thoroughly researched , from different sources & all angles , if you would bother to research what I showed you then you would see plenty of valid points to counter your arguments against . I have an answer to every question you both had , but you're both too closed minded to listen....... Gone.