
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
@TJC - I'm not too keen on reading or watching those videos and links about the cities apparently on Mars, can you post up some pictures and a bit of a synopsis of what's apparently there?
I can give you a brief overview for sure yes,I don't have pictures on this PS3 hardrive but i'll give you a summary of the YouTube video I posted.
This clip was from a reel of film that was posted to a reporter in 1977 to be aired on a Science programme on Anglia TV in the UK.It was originally in a scrambled form , (Standard NASA practice), & the studio was able to decode it.What it shows is a craft,possibly a captured Grey scout ship,making a landing on Mars in 1962,7 years before the Moon landing.There are many reasons to believe this video is authentic.These include - The atmospheric reading of the Planet , ( 700mb as opposed to Earth 1000mb+),the way the camera cuts out when the craft makes a new manouveur , (A by-product of an anti-gravity drive is electrical disturbance due to the amplified wave from the drive itself.) And finally, the commentary on the video.

To directly answer your question, i'm not sure yet.But if the atmosphere is as hospitable & as stable as the clip then there could be anything up there.Ranging from military settlements with our people to aliens themselves.In the clip you can see what is possibly a mole or something wriggling through the dirt. I would recommend at least 1 or 2 looks at this clip to decide for yourself what you are seeing.

I've still got ALOT more research to do on this planet , but i'm confident that it has water , forestation & life on its surface. You really have to wonder why , if this is correct , that you're told since you're 5 years old that it's a dead , lifeless rock .
@TouringMars - I provided you a link that explains about that..... You didn't read it ?? And how high up are these people ? If they do not sit at the top of the pyramid then I doubt they would even know , or if they did would they be allowed to blurt out national secrets to you on a whim ? Doubtful....
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.In the clip you can see what is possibly a mole or something wriggling through the dirt. I would recommend at least 1 or 2 looks at this clip to decide for yourself what you are seeing.

That alone made me watch it, nearly poo'd my pants!
a captured Grey scout ship
The supposed aliens never tried to reclaim it?

The atmospheric reading of the Planet , ( 700mb as opposed to Earth 1000mb+)
Easily faked.
the way the camera cuts out when the craft makes a new manouveur , (A by-product of an anti-gravity drive is electrical disturbance due to the amplified wave from the drive itself.)
Easily faked.

And since you know how "anti gravity" drivers work, do happen to have a source paper, or anything explaining them in detail?
And finally, the commentary on the video.

To directly answer your question, i'm not sure yet.But if the atmosphere is as hospitable & as stable as the clip then there could be anything up there.Ranging from military settlements with our people to aliens themselves.In the clip you can see what is possibly a mole or something wriggling through the dirt. I would recommend at least 1 or 2 looks at this clip to decide for yourself what you are seeing.

Here is a video from a satellite camera.

Now this obviously isn't real, eventhough it looks "plausible". What's to say your video isn't fake?
That alone made me watch it, nearly poo'd my pants!

Glad you liked it lol. I urge you to form your own opinion on what you see , i'll provide any information I can but i'll will leave everyones decisions on what they see or don't see to the individual . 👍

@Exorcet - I don't like you , i've already dealt with you before . Say what you like about fake or not fake , i'm not expanding any information to you as an individual . Troll me all you want with your keyboard ......
And by the way , yes I do know how they work !! Hahaha !!

And i'm sorry but your video is blantly CGI , it looks like it's from a PS3 game intro sequence . Laughable......
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You are passionate about this which is a good thing, but I do have one problem with believing in God and also aliens. In the above statement you say that you believe in God and presumably the word of God. Could you therefore point out in the Bible where it says that God created life across the universe? In fact, where does it say anything other than life on earth?

REALLY not starting a dispute, but your post is ignorant, as it proofs you have no knowledge of the things you dismis, and yet, you act as if your opinion would be totally legit (like most people handle this topic).

Here's why: The Bible and Koran are full of references to extraterestrials=Angels=Demons, you get the point?

The Bible talks about the "Nephilim", who are the offsprings of us humans, and the Fallen Angels, who came here from the sky to breed with us. Who says it had to happen the "natural way"?
Bio-lab engeneering anyone? (Virgin Maria being pregnant although still virgin? and directly receiving a son, who is worthy of being called the "Son of God."

If I am not mistaken the Koran states that God created "many worlds with intelligent beings".

But there's more. The Book of Enoch. Allegedly was part of the Bible, but at one point in history was took out. It's full of references, like the "watchers", who watched us but at some point interfered with us.
@Exorcet - I don't like you , i've already dealt with you before . Say what you like about fake or not fake , i'm not expanding any information to you as an individual . Troll me all you want with your keyboard ......

That's fine. I have no problem with you, and you have every right to believe that anyone who disagrees with you must be purposely trying to agitate you, even if they clearly aren't.

Your response isn't necessary, because the inconsistencies and problems with the video, or other things that may be posted are there, whether they are defended or not.

Also, if I'm understanding the transmissions in the video correctly, Earth is communicating with the space ship on Mars, in real time. There would be a delay due to the speed of light of the transmissions if it was real.
You have a great grasp on the historical information I was referring to AlexP.

The Book Of Enoch is a perfect example of what I was referring to earlier.

I'm hoping , if anything , that people who read this thread read up on some of this information in the historical texts. It was omitted from the Bible for a very specific reason.

@Exorcet , distort your past trolling of me ( On a different thread ) , all you like . I will not repeat myself a 3rd time........
I can give you a brief overview for sure yes,I don't have pictures on this PS3 hardrive but i'll give you a summary of the YouTube video I posted.

This clip was from a reel of film that was posted to a reporter in 1977 to be aired on a Science programme on Anglia TV in the UK.It was originally in a scrambled form , (Standard NASA practice), & the studio was able to decode it.What it shows is a craft,possibly a captured Grey scout ship,making a landing on Mars in 1962,7 years before the Moon landing.There are many reasons to believe this video is authentic.These include - The atmospheric reading of the Planet , ( 700mb as opposed to Earth 1000mb+),the way the camera cuts out when the craft makes a new manouveur , (A by-product of an anti-gravity drive is electrical disturbance due to the amplified wave from the drive itself.) And finally, the commentary on the video.
Or this:

@TouringMars - I provided you a link that explains about that..... You didn't read it ?? And how high up are these people ? If they do not sit at the top of the pyramid then I doubt they would even know , or if they did would they be allowed to blurt out national secrets to you on a whim ? Doubtful....

I can't find the reference to the JPL that you mention.

Simply stating that the JPL is corrupt is not acceptable, and you better have good evidence to back up your claim - or withdraw it. Either way, I would sooner believe a senior academic with over 40 years experience in the field of astrobiology than a random website with dubious sources. When you attack something like the JPL, you may not realise that you are talking about people that some of us know and/or have dealt with through our own work. Hence, unless you can back up your claim that the JPL are involved in corruption, then you should withdraw the claim.

Also, an apology for your unacceptable personal insults would be appreciated.
REALLY not starting a dispute, but your post is ignorant, as it proofs you have no knowledge of the things you dismis, and yet, you act as if your opinion would be totally legit (like most people handle this topic).

Charming. You have no idea what I do and don't know. Was there any need for that response, I don't believe my question isn't valid?

Here's why: The Bible and Koran are full of references to extraterestrials=Angels=Demons, you get the point?

I get the point that the Bible and the Koran are full of references to supernatural beings called angels and demons, as duality is the basis of most religions. However this is not evidence of extraterrestrial life. If anything it's closer to unsubstantiated evidence of inter-dimensional life.

Why restrict it so much to the 'recent' and heavily edited religions of the Hebrew and Arab gods? For instance, the Dogons of Mali believed their gods came from the constellation containing Sirius (the dog star) and can accurately draw and describe that constellation even though not all of it is visible with the naked eye. This would be closer to validating your argument than claiming that mythical creatures (for all the evidence created by man) representing extra rather than ultraterrestrials.

Believe me, I have plenty of knowledge on this which allows me to dismiss that which is the most unlikely.
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The Bible talks about the "Nephilim", who are the offsprings of us humans, and the Fallen Angels, who came here from the sky to breed with us. Who says it had to happen the "natural way"?
Bio-lab engeneering anyone? (Virgin Maria being pregnant although still virgin? and directly receiving a son, who is worthy of being called the "Son of God."

If I am not mistaken the Koran states that God created "many worlds with intelligent beings".

Aliens are a possible explanation. But not the only one. You're kind of skipping to the end and not allowing for other explanations. Like people a really long time ago writing things down a really long time after they happened and not getting the details remotely correct, and just plain making things up.
@TouringMars - It looks like I didn't dig deep enough into that one . Bravo & I stand corrected on the Validity of the Mars clip . I never normally look to the wikis as I find them to be mostly biased , in this case I was wrong , and I admit that on the record too.....

NASA & JPL work hand in hand on the airbrushing out of UFO's from source material . I will search my sources for your information .

And as far as an apology goes , you said my information was rubbish & that I just spout conspiracy theorys . I will apologise if you can disprove the rest of my links......
And as far as an apology goes , you said my information was rubbish & that I just spout conspiracy theorys . I will apologise if you can disprove the rest of my links......

I specifically called out the YouTube video, which is patently rubbish. I went on to challenge your view that people don't believe this stuff because they are not open-minded enough, which is patently untrue as well.

In response, you called me and others "ignorant", "sheep", "lemmings", "close minded" and "being brainwashed", unfairly questioned my reasoning skills, questioned the rationale behind me becoming a moderator at GTPlanet (which was grossly unfair and unjustified), suggesting that I was 'getting off on my own perceived power' (how?) and even had the audacity to accuse me of wishing to abuse my position as a moderator ("I bet he's just to itching to give me an infraction right now"). All of that deserves an apology in my book.
I specifically called out the YouTube video, which is patently rubbish. I went on to challenge your view that people don't believe this stuff because they are not open-minded enough, which is patently untrue as well.

In response, you called me and others "ignorant", "sheep", "lemmings", "close minded" and "being brainwashed", unfairly questioned my reasoning skills, questioned the rationale behind me becoming a moderator at GTPlanet (which was grossly unfair and unjustified), suggesting that I was 'getting off on my own perceived power' (how?) and even had the audacity to accuse me of wishing to abuse my position as a moderator ("I bet he's just to itching to give me an infraction right now"). All of that deserves an apology in my book.

Says who exactly ?

I can see your hurt ...... I'm sorry .

The first story on this link will give you an insight into information suppression & airbrushing via NASA / JPL . I'm sorry that you don't wish to believe that this happens , & also that you have friends who work there . But the truth is the truth , & sometimes it isn't pretty. If you still look at this & think that nothing like this goes on , well , than that's up to you.

A quote from the article -
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not point out the extensive image tampering in this image. I suspect most of this tampering is designed to obscure view of a civilization. The bottom areas of the head monument are obscured by multiple partially transparent tampering application treatments designed to carefully blend in and appear as terrain. One of these layers can be seen passing across the lower portion of the nose and cheek area.
Says who exactly?

You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

Says me.

Your conduct towards other people for simply daring to disagree with your point of view is unacceptable.
I was referring to this Famine -
I went on to challenge your view that people don't believe this stuff because they are not open-minded enough, which is patently untrue as well.

I.E. - In my opinion a person has to be open minded to really accept a paradigm shifting view change . Otherwise , they just do not accept or merely ridicule said information .

In saying says who ? I was pointing out that closed minded people lack this ability , & that who is to say which opinion is correct? It was not a personal attack if that's how you viewed it.
I'm pretty sure the first aliens we encounter will be Hanar. They will pleasure us.
I.E. - In my opinion a person has to be open minded to really accept a paradigm shifting view change . Otherwise , they just do not accept or merely ridicule said information .

And everyone you're arguing with is. The video I posted says it all. An open mind will disagree with the illogical. A close mind readily accepts it. Disagreement is not close-mindedness.
And everyone you're arguing with is. The video I posted says it all. An open mind will disagree with the illogical. A close mind readily accepts it. Disagreement is not close-mindedness.

I'm not arguing with anyone .
Is that a philosophical statement or a contribution to the thread?
Are are you just trying to gloat about something?

I have watched that documentary before , it's very good . Good link Pappaclart.
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I'm not arguing with anyone .
Is that a philosophical statement or a contribution to the thread?
Are are you just trying to gloat about something?

Perhaps discussion is a better word then. If you're in this thread, you should be arguing, that's what it is here for. Your argument is that your sources are real/correct. That's fine.

But phrases like this

If you still look at this & think that nothing like this goes on , well , than that's up to you.

are not.

Unless I'm interpreting this wrong, you still think that disagreeing with you must equate to brainwashing/ignorance/complacency/etc, when it is not the case.

In order to rationally disagree with you, one must be open minded - to disagree, someone would need to read your posts, analyze then, and come to a conclusion. Nearly everyone here has done so.
Perhaps discussion is a better word then. If you're in this thread, you should be arguing, that's what it is here for. Your argument is that your sources are real/correct. That's fine.

But phrases like this

are not.

Unless I'm interpreting this wrong, you still think that disagreeing with you must equate to brainwashing/ignorance/complacency/etc, when it is not the case.

In order to rationally disagree with you, one must be open minded - to disagree, someone would need to read your posts, analyze then, and come to a conclusion. Nearly everyone here has done so.

Incorrect , you are trying to put words into my mouth . I am stating that will be my final input on the JPL matter , I said earlier that I would present evidence & the reader can then interpret that their own way . I could cite evidence I have on JPL from the doctoring of the hi-res imaging of the face on Mars for another example , but I won't as I don't want to spend all day discussing JPL & their activities.
It was not a personal attack if that's how you viewed it.
This was though:

@ Touring Mars & @ ScouserInExile
Just the kind of reaction I was expecting , although presented in such a narrow minded fashion that you can consider yourself lucky to even have this reply , especially the Moderator .

You keep telling yourself that everything you're told is true & that your Government will never lie to you okay . Enjoy your life of being brainwashed by the media , as they never lie now do they ?? Your replies are jokes , I bet you're the kind of people that believe that the Gulf War 2.0 was backed up & justified with all that fabricated WMD evidence that was dreamed up . Oh i'm sorry , I bet you BELIEVE what the governments told you there , oops.

You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

Delete my posts please , i'm not going to waste my time on this rubbish thread with narrow minded lemmings.

And by the way , everything I have presented I have thoroughly researched , from different sources & all angles , if you would bother to research what I showed you then you would see plenty of valid points to counter your arguments against . I have an answer to every question you both had , but you're both too closed minded to listen....... Gone.

I'm not arguing with anyone.

Funny that anyone who disagrees with you is so readily insulted then.

Incidentally, being open-minded is great. I am a scientist, Touring Mars is a scientist. Our training is pretty much telling ourselves we're wrong and trying to prove it in carefully controlled circumstances to eliminate all other variables. If we fail to prove ourselves wrong, science wins. We're open-minded - it comes with the job.

Being open-minded doesn't mean accepting any old tripe that fits in with our pre-conceived notions of the world - that's being narrow-minded. It doesn't mean abandoning the scientific method (of proving ourselves wrong) and the burden of proof simply because of "belief" - that's being narrow-minded. People who set out to prove themselves right invariably succeed by simply disregarding anything that doesn't fit - that's not how being open-minded works.

As Granny Weatherwax once said, the problem with being open-minded is that if you're too open-minded your brain falls out.
I have probably not read every page of this thread, but I kind of like the type I, type II and type III civilizations idea. So if a type III civilization found us, we probably wouldn't know it. Or perhaps we are the result of one of these kinds of beings. Neil Degrasse Tyson likened aliens passing by earth,therefore humans, to us walking by a worm. Such inferior beings don't even catch our eye... Unless we harvest them to go fishing!
Very informative Famine .

What is your field & do you have any evidence you can show me regarding proof for or proof against EBE's?
Incorrect , you are trying to put words into my mouth . I am stating that will be my final input on the JPL matter , I said earlier that I would present evidence & the reader can then interpret that their own way . I could cite evidence I have on JPL from the doctoring of the hi-res imaging of the face on Mars for another example , but I won't as I don't want to spend all day discussing JPL & their activities.

Well that would be fine. But then you called all who disagreed, crazy.

OK, looking back now, you only did call everyone crazy after the first replies to your original post. But, that did sent a pretty strong message, or at least lent itself to be interpreted in a certain way.

If you're backing off from that, and just posting information as you say, then all is fine.

I have probably not read every page of this thread, but I kind of like the type I, type II and type III civilizations idea. So if a type III civilization found us, we probably wouldn't know it. Or perhaps we are the result of one of these kinds of beings. Neil Degrasse Tyson likened aliens passing by earth,therefore humans, to us walking by a worm. Such inferior beings don't even catch our eye... Unless we harvest them to go fishing!

Well, people have seen worms everyday for 1000's years. If they find a new worm species though, there will be people excited about it (namely biologists). I'd think that if an alien race did discover humanity, with no previous knowledge of our existence, they would be curious at least.

They could also wish to preserve us in our "natural" or "primitive" state though.

to TJC
Alright fine, not crazy, but ignorant or brainwashed.
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Show me a direct quote where I say that if anyone disagreed with me , then they were " Crazy " . Exact wording please.....

Thankyou ....👍
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NASA & JPL work hand in hand on the airbrushing out of UFO's from source material . I will search my sources for your information .

Provide some proper photos, or videos, not the like the ones you gave us earlier.

I'm pretty sure the first aliens we encounter will be Hanar. They will pleasure us.

Hmmm, wouldn't that be nice.

Incidentally, being open-minded is great. I am a scientist, Touring Mars is a scientist. Our training is pretty much telling ourselves we're wrong and trying to prove it in carefully controlled circumstances to eliminate all other variables. If we fail to prove ourselves wrong, science wins. We're open-minded - it comes with the job.

Being open-minded doesn't mean accepting any old tripe that fits in with our pre-conceived notions of the world - that's being narrow-minded. It doesn't mean abandoning the scientific method (of proving ourselves wrong) and the burden of proof simply because of "belief" - that's being narrow-minded. People who set out to prove themselves right invariably succeed by simply disregarding anything that doesn't fit - that's not how being open-minded works.

As Granny Weatherwax once said, the problem with being open-minded is that if you're too open-minded your brain falls out.

This. 1000x.

And by the way , yes I do know how they work !! Hahaha !!

And i'm sorry but your video is blantly CGI , it looks like it's from a PS3 game intro sequence . Laughable......

Please, would you like to share your information about the anti-gravity device, and how it works, or can't we build it with that information? If so, never mind.

And the links you provided are just as laughable as the video Exorcet posted
Show me a direct quote where I say that if anyone disagreed with me , then they were " Crazy " . Exact wording please.....

Thankyou ....👍

You guys are sheep , just going with the herd and making baa noises like all your ignorant counterparts .

In my book, sheep are crazy. Sitting there all innocent like... engaging in shenanigans when the farmer isn't looking.

do you have any evidence you can show me regarding proof for or proof against EBE's?

There is never a need for negative proof of something for which no positive, unfalsifiable proof exists.

You've yet to provide positive proof.

Some of those links are laughably naive... I did photo-editing for a living back in College (graduation pictures), and... come on... digital artifacts presented as real structures? No.

Your Youtube video is a well-known hoax. There's a list of the actors available online... the most any conspiracy theorist can claim is it's "based on fact, even if it's fiction."

I must not need to provide proof that "Aliens Among Us" don't exist. You can't prove a negative. It's your job to prove that they're there.
Great posts by the mods here , some funny jokes too that I liked . 👍

Anti-gravity devices and reverse engineering of propulsion systems , discussed in a documentary by Bob Lazaar - .

Now , i'm sure the topic of Lazaar's integrity & academic background will be discussed here , which I openly encourage , but looking inside this mans story it seems entirely plausible that this man is telling the truth , and he passed 50% of the polygraph tests he undertook . The other 50% were inconclusive . He also took John Lear & a few friends to witness test flights at scheduled times in the Nevada desert . John Lear also has alot of information he has exposed into the public eye .

Now , I have learnt that some of you Mods are scientists , although I do not know what field/s you specialise in.

What is your opinion of Bob Lazaar ?
And how do you view this story ?
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