@ Dennisch
I wondered why your posts were all in the same context . So you're admitting then that any piece of evidence that you think is too far out of your comfort zone must be a conspiracy theory & those who post them must be banished & scared away?
My posts are in the same context because I stand by my point. I'm not admitting that anything outside of my comfortzone must be a conspiracy, as I don't believe in Alien cover up conspiracies, only people like you do that. They don't have to be banished or scared away, they need to wake up and smell the coffee.
You seem a bit scared of the unknown my friend . Of course I believe that there are unexplainable cases , if there wasn't then why is this thread here ? There are official and now declassified files that state the reality of them . And if you're curious about what files i'm referring to then maybe you should try & find them on the internet & see for yourself ?
Scared? When (if) they come, I'll be the first on top op a large building to take me away, or blow me up, doesn't matter.
This thread is here to discuss alien life, if it's out there, and if we are going to find it. Alien and UFO sightings is something that comes with the discussion, but people with a healthy mind don't partake in that kind of nonsense, because of the lack of real evidence, not the crap we have today.
The files? Ah yes, the so called "official" files, altered for the conspiracy convenience. If they were real, and showed proper evidence, CNN, NBC, FOX etc etc would have it rolling on the bottom of the screen : ALIEN LIFE CONFIRMED. But that didn't happen, did it?
I guarantee that if I had a crystal clear HD photo of a extra-terrestrial space craft that landed in my back yard , & posted it here . Then I see you as being the first person here to type " Faked " / " Photoshopped " etc etc ....
Nope. I'll first look at it, then look really good at it, and by the time I am done with that, a lot of other people will have seen it, and if it's real, we go nuts, if it's fake, you will hear it too.
But, before you upload the picture, the governement will take it from you and tuck it away with the other classified pictures, according to your logic.
You're not ready for a paradigm shift in my opinion , but many people are.
Well, your opinion is wrong. I am open for a shift, but I, and many people with me want real evidence. Again.
Let me add this : I really want to believe you, because us humans need a higher life form to come and teach us a quick way to move to the universe. Because I really would like to visit an other planet, but with our technology it won't happen in my lifetime.