
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
:lol: Nice one.

It seems that more recent images (such as those at the bottom of the page you linked to) have resolved these structures much more clearly, and contrary to what Arthur C. Clarke may have thought of them, they're not vegetation. One thing is for sure, though - if NASA were trying to cover up the issue of life on Mars, they weren't trying very hard - firstly for taking the images in the first place, and then for putting them up on the internet for all to see!

Ah, but that's part of the deception, you see. They post the pictures knowing full well that someone will interpret them as living banyan trees then debunk it, thereby convincing the masses that life doesn't exist on Mars so they can keep the true fact that it does hidden.

The scary part here is I can easily imagine one of our resident tinfoil-hatters reading the above, nodding sagely, and muttering "He has a point".
I believe that Europa, Callisto and Enceladus are all potential hotspots for life like this.

Indeed - as even is Venus, since we know some organisms can thrive in high temperature and highly acidic environments.
I believe that Europa, Callisto and Enceladus are all potential hotspots for life like this.

But of course you know about the Leonov's expedition last year, don't you? I think traces of life were found under the water on Europa.


(I'm really old, I saw this during the cold war :lol: and it was all so believable ... 2010 was 25 years away still ... I'm really old I tell you) :ill: ;)
Ha, I love these crazy future predictions. Even in the 90's people were like, in 2000 we're going to fly our cars, it's teh 2000's!!! :eek:

"2010" (the movie) was very reasonable in the regard. In fact, it's funny that the previous "2001" (made in the 70's) was much more sci-fiesque about 2001 than "2010" (made in the 80's) was.
"2010" (the movie) was very reasonable in the regard. In fact, it's funny that the previous "2001" (made in the 70's) was much more sci-fiesque about 2001 than "2010" (made in the 80's) was.

I always thought that The Time Machine by HG Wells had some amazing foresight when I was a kid, with those predictions of world wars and so on. Then I realised that all that stuff had been added in by whoever turned it into a film in 1960 and it isn't actually in the book. Talk about disappointment...
I just ventured into this tread and have to say it seems like complete tosh.

Zombies are a much realer threat!
Based on the way the whole of life has evolved across the planet from all pretty much the same thing, and that is on a scale of just our planet, then the chances of that happening elsewhere is highly probable. Chances of them being identical to us are slim. I mean the differences between fish and us are massive but we started very similar. So the differences if a species evolved in a completely different atmosphere and environment to anything found on Earth would mean that they could look like anything within reason because what we must remember is that a certain atmosphere is required to maintain life and Earth is the only known atmosphere and environment that we have been able to discover which shows that the required atmosphere etc is very rare to find so I think that their are definately other beings but they cannot be massively different to us. It is even possible that there is a species that has indentical appearence to humans due to the reuqired atmosphere for life meaning they developed in the same way. They could be undercover among us. Although I think that they would be similarly advanced to our race so painstakingly trying to make contact with another race in the universe but lacking knowledge or technology.
I always thought that The Time Machine by HG Wells had some amazing foresight when I was a kid, with those predictions of world wars and so on. Then I realised that all that stuff had been added in by whoever turned it into a film in 1960 and it isn't actually in the book. Talk about disappointment...

Hey, the Time Machine is a brilliant litle book anyway. His concept of mankind splitting into two branches of evolution, one deriving from the working lower class and the other from the lazy upper class. And in the end the descendants of the upper class are nothing but cattle for the true rulers of the planet. Brilliantly thought and written.
But of course you know about the Leonov's expedition last year, don't you? I think traces of life were found under the water on Europa.


(I'm really old, I saw this during the cold war :lol: and it was all so believable ... 2010 was 25 years away still ... I'm really old I tell you) :ill: ;)

Damn... I forgot to sit out last year to look for Jupiter erupting into a miniature sun! :lol:
Something called bible and ufo isn't really going to get a lot of credit.

And after reading it, it doesn't get any from me.
Science would have no theories to cover the enigma of their inability to detect such an obvious presence and the very purpose of all scientific research would be brought into question. Education would be in turmoil as, certainly, most accepted knowledge would be subject to very critical analysis.

I don't get it. Science would want the smarter aliens to come tell us we're wrong. There's no issue with education either, better math and science, everyone wins. Everyone already knows that not everything is totally right.

Even the new field of astrobiology, created by NASA, is focused on theories dealing with the hypothetical existence of life on other planets and in other galaxies, and not the study of alien life actually evidenced on international radar screens. Ufology is not a subject in our higher institutions while theoretical science is widely taught. Certainly there is more evidence supporting the presence of UFOs than there is for the hypothetical existence of bucky balls, fat wormholes, and invisible dark matter.

There is? I mean, UFO's as unidentified flying objects certainly are real. As alien ships? Not much evidence.

Big business would also find it much more difficult to manipulate and brand an advanced race of beings than it is to manipulate the human race. Unless big business can get the visitors under contract, sporting corporate logos on their craft, doing guest appearances on talk shows or convince them to switch to the internal combustion engine, none of which is likely, they could only be a burden. The cover-up is just smart business.

I'd rather pay them for their technology and sell it to people for money.

There are, of course, rumors that the government has contact with the aliens, in negotiations, or in some other such communication. We can only hope that these rumors are false because certainly politicians and military leaders would be doing the negotiating. If such a scenario were true and assuming that advanced technologies and advanced intelligence go hand-in-hand, the negotiations probably wouldn't last very long. Any self-respecting alien would probably give up in frustration in minutes. If the aliens capitulated to the dishonesty and insincerity of power-hungry and lobby-controlled politicians and the aggressive, overly protective and government-controlled attitudes of gun toting career military officers, they wouldn't be very intelligent. We know that the government would not consider our best interests in any negotiations and would be more likely to first protect their own power. If these aliens are peaceful and intelligent, we, at least, have the hope they have the welfare of all mankind at heart and would be able to see that negotiating with our leaders will not benefit the people as a whole.
Sounds biased.

As far as the whole cultural upheaval thing, quite a few people are already sure aliens exist. It wouldn't be too big of a surprise. I know it wouldn't for me. I'm sure some people would make a big deal out it though, like the world ending in 2012. But anyway, if you want an easy way around that, introduce aliens slowly. Don't just blow open the covers. Have NASA announce finding a worm on planet Q, let people get used to aliens being real, and proceed from there.
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I didn't realise that you had above top secret classification .
Thanks , I can stop my search now .


You are welcome. On behave of the US and UK governement, I can inform you that there is no top secret classification needed for this kind of information.

Google is your friend, and foe.
But is there anything there that can be agreed upon?

The Brookings Institute concluded that such contact could cause cultural upheaval, threaten social and scientific institutions, and cause stress to the public, on a worldwide scale.

I do agree that that could happen, and that if the government is covering everything up, that could be one of their reasons.

But I think the chances of civilization collapsing because we find people on Mars is pretty slim. I also think it would be way easier to attempt to trade for technology and just carry on like normal, rather than cover everything up.
I do agree that that could happen, and that if the government is covering everything up, that could be one of their reasons.

But I think the chances of civilization collapsing because we find people on Mars is pretty slim. I also think it would be way easier to attempt to trade for technology and just carry on like normal, rather than cover everything up.

+1 👍
Oh goody! More links to nutcase sites!

Oh goody ?? Umm okay......

Nice addition to the debate by the way . I am taken aback by your intelligent contribution to the thread , in fact i'm so overwhelmed with your knowledge that I would like to hear more about it.

Please enlighten me on -

Govermental cover ups.
UFO sightings / Top Secret files on the matter.
Why you clearly know we are alone in the Universe.


Did you only come to make a silly throwaway comment on a subject that is way over your IQ level perhaps ?
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Govermental cover ups.
UFO sightings / Top Secret files on the matter.
Why you clearly know we are alone in the Universe.

1. The cover ups aren't so big as you think, if it was, we would already know a lot more, as there is always someone who will talk.

2. All explainable. Give us a HD video, showing a UFO,confirmed by real scientists, not some faint dot in a pixelie video, and we will believe you.

3. Who said we are alone? Given the numbers of galaxies/stars/planets, we can't be alone.
Oh goody! More links to nutcase sites!

Actually, the (no debate) nutcase link in TJC's post had an excerpt from the Brooking's Institution report that is an essential part of the historical UFO record, and upon which OP Exorcet commented favorably.

Here's the excerpt:
NASA commissioned the most influential think tank in the country, the Brookings Institute, to study the impact of revealing the existence of extraterrestrial life to the public. The Brookings Institute concluded that such contact could cause cultural upheaval, threaten social and scientific institutions, and cause stress to the public, on a worldwide scale. These following excerpts from the 1961 report titled "Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs", done by Brookings, show some of the cautionary suppositions and generalizations that brought it to that conclusion.

“Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways: others that survive such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.” (Pg. 15)

“It has been speculated that of all groups scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures since these professions are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature rather than the understanding and expression of man. Advanced understanding of nature might soon vitiate, (corrupt), all our theories at the very least.” (Pg. 225)

"It is perhaps interesting to note that when asked what the consequences of the discovery of superior life would be, an audience of Saturday Review readers chose for the most part not to answer the question at all, in spite of their detailed answers to many of the other speculative questions. Perhaps the idea is so foreign that even this readership was bemused by it. But no one can speculate too, that the idea of intellectually superior creatures may be anxiety-provoking." (Pg. 226)

This statement also caught my attention:

In consideration of the fact that they show little aggression, except for their total disregard of security zones and that they always flee when pursued, at least the evidence weighs heavily on the side of their being peaceful rather than combative. However, a positive and friendly agenda would be perhaps the greatest threat to the status quo in almost every area of society.

Respectfully submitted,
1. The cover ups aren't so big as you think, if it was, we would already know a lot more, as there is always someone who will talk.

2. All explainable. Give us a HD video, showing a UFO,confirmed by real scientists, not some faint dot in a pixelie video, and we will believe you.

3. Who said we are alone? Given the numbers of galaxies/stars/planets, we can't be alone.

1 . Bob Lazaar / John Lear ? Possibly anyway....

2 . They are not ALL explainable . A good 5 % or so are not . Just because I am not in possession of one does not mean that someone else in the world isn't . Good quality photos have been passed on the authorities before that simply vanish to be filed away into top secret files.

3 . You're also forgetting how many theoretical dimensions there are speculated to be . Last time I saw anything on this the number was 11 . Given that the Earth is around 5 billion years old and our Universe is 13.7 , then I would say that we'll need a very big calculator.
1. Still possible that someone talks.

2. You really believe that? Someone with a good video or photo would get very, very rich.
So the video or photo would be passed on to a newspaper or broadcasting network. And then to youtube. The governement doesn't smell it when someone his this in his possession.

3. We don't need extra dimensions, for now, our uni/multiverse is big enough to find life in, and we will, or traces of it. But, it won't be intelligent life that we are going to find.

We don't need a big calculator, we need to get rid of conspiracists who think that we are kept dumb.

People keep screaming that the moonlandings are fake, when the evidence is overwhelming.

The evidence of UFOs of extra terrestrial origin, however is not so overwhelming.

Remember this, and I mean really think hard about this (It has been said to death already) : EVERYBODY has a camera nowadays, with decent photo quality, and some of us have a good videocamera, why are there no new photos or videos of alien aircraft? 💡
@ Dennisch
We need to get rid of conspiracists who think that we are kept dumb....

I wondered why your posts were all in the same context . So you're admitting then that any piece of evidence that you think is too far out of your comfort zone must be a conspiracy theory & those who post them must be banished & scared away?

You seem a bit scared of the unknown my friend . Of course I believe that there are unexplainable cases , if there wasn't then why is this thread here ? There are official and now declassified files that state the reality of them . And if you're curious about what files i'm referring to then maybe you should try & find them on the internet & see for yourself ?

I guarantee that if I had a crystal clear HD photo of a extra-terrestrial space craft that landed in my back yard , & posted it here . Then I see you as being the first person here to type " Faked " / " Photoshopped " etc etc ....

You're not ready for a paradigm shift in my opinion , but many people are.
Give us a HD video, showing a UFO,confirmed by real scientists, not some faint dot in a pixelie video, and we will believe you.

There are many top notch photos and videos of UFO's, some taken by professional scientists and engineers on active assignments while attempting to study the phenomenon. There are some attached to the following links:

The closer to the UFO and the better the photographer and his equipment, the more clear it becomes that UFO's ARE NOT SOLID OBJECTS!! They look like fuzzy, amorphous blobs or balls of light because that's exactly what they are. I have personally seen them up fairly close and I can confirm that's the fact, as best I can understand it.

It's time that everybody gets used to the idea that while UFO's are real (as a phenomenon), they will NEVER, EVER be caught, captured or examined in a laboratory. This is simply because they are almost pure energy, and very little if any matter. They are not ships from another world. They are natural to this world and probably to all others as well, whether they are Earth-like or not.

Everybody by now should be aware that basic UFO's such as ball lightning, Yakama lights and Hessdalen lights are electromagnetic energy (plasma) forms and almost completely harmless.

The real problem for us to solve is that some (very few) UFO manifestations show signs of intelligence, the ability to **** with jet fighter pilots and weapons sites, and even shapeshifting properties such that beings or structured craft are reported by percipients. The Iran case and the Rendlesham Forest case are classics of this genre. I suggest you read up on these important cases.

I have my own specific ideas as to what is behind it, but I can assure you that at the end of the day it is physics, and not magic or religion that will explain it.

Charlatans, scoundrels and disinformation agents such as Lazar, Cooper, Lear and many others thrive in this environment of mystery where government, educators and science are mute. The bad guys should be ignored and a concerted effort by top people be made so that the mischief shall stop.

Respectfully submitted,
@ Dennisch

I wondered why your posts were all in the same context . So you're admitting then that any piece of evidence that you think is too far out of your comfort zone must be a conspiracy theory & those who post them must be banished & scared away?

My posts are in the same context because I stand by my point. I'm not admitting that anything outside of my comfortzone must be a conspiracy, as I don't believe in Alien cover up conspiracies, only people like you do that. They don't have to be banished or scared away, they need to wake up and smell the coffee.

You seem a bit scared of the unknown my friend . Of course I believe that there are unexplainable cases , if there wasn't then why is this thread here ? There are official and now declassified files that state the reality of them . And if you're curious about what files i'm referring to then maybe you should try & find them on the internet & see for yourself ?

Scared? When (if) they come, I'll be the first on top op a large building to take me away, or blow me up, doesn't matter.

This thread is here to discuss alien life, if it's out there, and if we are going to find it. Alien and UFO sightings is something that comes with the discussion, but people with a healthy mind don't partake in that kind of nonsense, because of the lack of real evidence, not the crap we have today.

The files? Ah yes, the so called "official" files, altered for the conspiracy convenience. If they were real, and showed proper evidence, CNN, NBC, FOX etc etc would have it rolling on the bottom of the screen : ALIEN LIFE CONFIRMED. But that didn't happen, did it?

I guarantee that if I had a crystal clear HD photo of a extra-terrestrial space craft that landed in my back yard , & posted it here . Then I see you as being the first person here to type " Faked " / " Photoshopped " etc etc ....

Nope. I'll first look at it, then look really good at it, and by the time I am done with that, a lot of other people will have seen it, and if it's real, we go nuts, if it's fake, you will hear it too.
But, before you upload the picture, the governement will take it from you and tuck it away with the other classified pictures, according to your logic.

You're not ready for a paradigm shift in my opinion , but many people are.

Well, your opinion is wrong. I am open for a shift, but I, and many people with me want real evidence. Again.

Let me add this : I really want to believe you, because us humans need a higher life form to come and teach us a quick way to move to the universe. Because I really would like to visit an other planet, but with our technology it won't happen in my lifetime.
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