
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters

Discuss ?
Isn't that a picture from the Conrad Murray trial?
I can , but I won't.

On evidence, neither of those is true.

Obviously not , there were no hi-jackers.

Odd that you knew they were Pakistani - enough to post it as if it were fact.

Yep , Wikipedia is the most accurate , truthful & non biased source on the web . Oh wait , it really isn't.

Hence the emphasis of even Wikipedia.

Even Wikipedia carries pictures of the planes' debris. Even. Wikipedia.

It's in hundreds thousands of pieces. Many, such as wheels and engine cowlings, were large enough to be recovered and identified. There is video of the plane hitting the building. However it was your assertion of the plane that crashed in Shanksville - flight 93 - leaving no debris that I was refuting. Especially since there was enough plane left to identify it as a plane (including large sections of fuselage and engines) and nearly a quarter of a tonne of human remains despite the massive aviation fuel fireball.

But I'm sure those people weren't really on board, their remains didn't exist and they weren't identified by simple familial DNA testing at all. The 40 didn't really die and their families are grieving for nothing. Right?

It never ceases to amaze me how we're expected to believe that the mainstream media is constantly lying to us, that the evidence they cite is always either fake or doctored, and therefore that the 'official' version of events should be disregarded wholesale, whilst also being expected to believe that the evidence (such as it is) of the average conspiracy theorist is totally legitimate and trustworthy...

In the case of 9/11, the facts speak for themselves. But as soon as you are willing to dismiss fact as fiction, and consider the evidence as fake under any circumstances, then the game is a bogey. Such over-zealous and misguided skepticism can just as easily be applied to the conspiracy theories too. The difference usually being that conspiracy theories are often based on a gross misrepresentation of the raw data in the first instance.

Every word of this.
I like how everyone is sooooo quick to jump on my posts and the mods will always join in , slap each other on the back with lol etc .

Tell you what guys . Maybe these Mods / Scientists and the like should maybe try and .... wait , what's the word i'm looking for here..... ahh yes , CONTRIBUTE to the thread and post evidence for or against the main topic.

Or does everyone just come here to pick apart posts perhaps ?
Sounds good , i'll chose a random target and that's what we'll all do from now on yes ?
I like how everyone is sooooo quick to jump on my posts and the mods will always join in , slap each other on the back with lol etc .

Tell you what guys . Maybe these Mods / Scientists and the like should maybe try and .... wait , what's the word i'm looking for here..... ahh yes , CONTRIBUTE to the thread and post evidence for or against the main topic.

Or does everyone just come here to pick apart posts perhaps ?
Sounds good , i'll chose a random target and that's what we'll all do from now on yes ?

You were asked to provide evidence, on several occasions now, and you tell us you can't give it to us, and then provide us with a silly photo.
And it may be very hard for you to accept, but the mods are right. Being a scientist is gives someone far more credibility then someone seeing a conspiracy in everything. And that someone is you.
I like how everyone is sooooo quick to jump on my posts and the mods will always join in , slap each other on the back with lol etc .

Who's posting as a moderator then?

If you didn't post bilge, you wouldn't get people refuting it (and so easily). Cause and effect.

Tell you what guys . Maybe these Mods / Scientists and the like should maybe try and .... wait , what's the word i'm looking for here..... ahh yes , CONTRIBUTE to the thread and post evidence for or against the main topic.

Who's posting as a moderator then?

Everyone posting in this thread has contributed to it - look over the entire thread. Well, except the people who post just to make silly, unsubstantiated claims and claim an intellectual high ground on the basis that the mainstream is always a lie.

Or does everyone just come here to pick apart posts perhaps ?

I'll keep saying it until you grasp it: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". If you're going to post extraordinary claims you need to back them up. It is no-one else's job to provide you with evidence for your claim if it is unsupported, nor is it anyone else's job to disprove that which you've made no effort to establish.
You were asked to provide evidence, on several occasions now, and you tell us you can't give it to us, and then provide us with a silly photo.
And it may be very hard for you to accept it, but the mods are right. Being a scientist is gives someone far more credibility then someone seeing a conspiracy in everything. And that someone is you.

Incorrect you're from Holland.

My science disproves your theory.

Wikipedia is teh best.

Man , i'm really getting the hang of this !!
Almost forgot my smilies... phew !
Tell you what guys . Maybe these Mods / Scientists and the like should maybe try and .... wait , what's the word i'm looking for here..... ahh yes , CONTRIBUTE to the thread and post evidence for or against the main topic.
Hmmm. Speaking as one of several people who have made atleast as much of a contribution to this thread as you have, I don't really accept your criticism. An important part of any discussion about a subject like this is regarding the veracity of evidence and what constitutes something worthy of genuine excitement (not to mention billions of taxpayer dollars to research properly) and what is merely internet fodder. If you read this thread again, you should hopefully realise that this is what some of us are trying to say.

The fact is, there is very little real evidence that even comes close to proving the existence of extraterrestial life, but it is certainly not for the lack of desire to find it - you won't meet many real scientists (or anyone else for that matter) who doesn't care about that subject. But, because it is of such huge interest and fundamental importance - not only to science, but to every living person - then it is all the more important to hold the highest possible standard for what qualifies as real evidence.
Incorrect you're from Holland.

My science disproves your theory.

Wikipedia is teh best.

Man , i'm really getting the hang of this !!
Almost forgot my smilies... phew !

You're doing it wrong. :confused:
It's surprises me how some people are so stupid, and don't listen to the people that almost certainly know what they're talking about( that you Famine and Touring-Mars). But then I suppose this is the Internet. :lol:
It's surprises me how some people are so stupid, and don't listen to the people that almost certainly know what they're talking about( that you Famine and Touring-Mars). Bit then I suppose this is the Internet. :lol:

Sucking up has never been sooo good.

Couldn't give a monkeys mate.
Well I can't miss such a good opportunity. :lol:

Me too , I mean , its not as if anyone here will post anything good is it ?
My new aim is to be your best buddy on this thread . I will agree & back up anything you say whilst ganging up on one poster .

We will call this " Contributing To The Thread " .
Are you in ?

Lol // Sarcasm.
Me too , I mean , its not as if anyone here will post anything good is it ?
My new aim is to be your best buddy on this thread . I will agree & back up anything you say whilst ganging up on one poster .

We will call this " Contributing To The Thread " .
Are you in ?

Lol // Sarcasm.

...And if you have nothing to contribute to this thread, please leave it. Otherwise, you're making an ass of yourself.

After that, we commence the infractions.

(Not using sarcasm.)
...And if you have nothing to contribute to this thread, please leave it. Otherwise, you're making an ass of yourself.

(Not using sarcasm.)

Yes , let's contribute ! Waiting for one of these non conspiracy theory types to give us some real evidence . Do you have any input / evidence for the main topic ?

// Not sarcasm.
Yes , let's contribute ! Waiting for one of these non conspiracy theory types to give us some real evidence . Do you have any input / evidence for the main topic ?

// Not sarcasm.

I'll keep saying it until you grasp it: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". If you're going to post extraordinary claims you need to back them up. It is no-one else's job to provide you with evidence for your claim if it is unsupported, nor is it anyone else's job to disprove that which you've made no effort to establish.

Still true.
I'll answer that by way of a statement.

There is a fluorescent pink, invisible, intangible teapot orbiting your head.
I'll answer that by way of a statement.

There is a fluorescent pink, invisible, intangible teapot orbiting your head.

Is it accompanied by the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Btw, the homeplanet of the Alien luke Skywalker has been found.

Scientists working with NASA's Kepler mission have discovered a planet containing two suns as shown by the 1977 sci-fi movie "Star Wars," breaking several galactic assumptions that were previously thought to exist only in science fiction movies or books.


What are the thoughts on the WOW signal by the way? Extra terrestrial or just a fluke of nature?
As it has never been detected again, I say small fluke. Still awesome btw.
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its not as if anyone here will post anything good is it ?

After reading your posts, I'm inclined to agree.

The (irrelevant to this thread) 9/11 conspiracy theories: Easily refuted by actual evidence, and you've singularly failed to provide any evidence on your behalf of the supposed conspiracy. Pick any aspect you consider conspiratorial and I guarantee you there's evidence to refute it.

The Roswell conspiracy theories: Absolutely zero actual evidence to suggest that we were ever visited by extra terrestrials, however much some insular pseudoscientific websites claim there is.

And before you start, I absolutely believe that alien life exists, but if there's ever been such thing as an alien on planet Earth, it's almost certainly ourselves. Given that a great number of our planet's precious metals and much of our water is considered to have been delivered by early bombardment from asteroids and comets as our solar system was being formed, there's a very real possibility that the amino acids required for life had come from elsewhere too.

Aliens at Roswell? There's a chance they're the guys and girls who work there.

Incidentally, in order for us to provide this evidence you seem so desperate for us to produce, you actually need to pick an aspect of something you consider to be relevant to the conversation.

But then, you've already made up your mind. Even if you were the only one on Earth who had a different viewpoint you'd still stick with the easily refuted theories because you've decided they're correct.
I'll answer that by way of a statement.

There is a fluorescent pink, invisible, intangible teapot orbiting your head.

I imagine he's glad it's Somebody Else's Problem, then.

This leads me to the entirely falsifiable statement that Hotblack Desatio's place is in Islington. I'm surprised he's still there, though.

Is anyone else depressed that there's likely no comprehensible sentient life forms within any reachable part of our universe that hasn't disproved Alcubierre drives/traversible wormholes et al (or at least viable energy budgets for the like) and gotten on with Singularitating?

Or is it more important to figure out how to be around for the entire process of a simpler life form's evolution?
Btw, the homeplanet of the Alien luke Skywalker has been found.

Scientists working with NASA's Kepler mission have discovered a planet containing two suns as shown by the 1977 sci-fi movie "Star Wars," breaking several galactic assumptions that were previously thought to exist only in science fiction movies or books.

Stuff like this and past errors in scientific theory (flat-earth theories, for example) are often used by conpiracy theorists, UFOlogists and religious nuts to "prove" that they are right by saying stuff like "well, science doesn't know everything. Dara o@Briain has a fantastic quote for this one:
“Well, science doesn’t know everything.” Well, science knows it doesn’t know anything, otherwise it would stop … But just because science doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairytale most appeals to you.”

I like to think I'm open minded about the posibility that alien life may have visited the erath at some point, but the "evidnce" that claims to prove this is often so horribly flawed that even someone like myself, with no real grounding in science, can see the problems with it all. The issue is often that a massive leap of assumption is made to bring forth a theory, then "facts" are found to support this theory. There's a technical term for this, but I can't recal it right now. False-positive? Something like that?

Anyway, this theory that all mainstream media is lying to us? This may well have been true not that long ago but, given the way the world is today and the advances in communication technology, it's pretty much ipossible for them to tell blanket lies. A quick google would cause this to fall down fairly quickly. And I don't mean "there's this blogger who reckons it's not true"l, but from large news organisations reporting differently. I'm aware that all sources of information will always put their own spin on things, but the basic facts are normally the same (Fox News and the Daily Mail accepted, from what I've seen, they tend to just lie a lot). There is also the issue that 90% of the population now has a video recording device about their person at all times...

The 9/11 stuff mentioned above is a great example of where someone has come to a conclusion, then carefully selected evidence to support that theory...
I like to think I'm open minded about the posibility that alien life may have visited the erath at some point

I'm open minded to the idea, I just don't think it's happened. There are just so many "ifs" and "buts" to the possibility of it happening before you even get to the stage where someone on our planet has witnessed anything that it makes the scenario incredibly unlikely.

In such a vast universe a vast number of possibilities opens up, but you've got to make assumptions like:

  • Whether intelligent life exists elsewhere
  • How long intelligent life has existed elsewhere
  • Whether intelligent life has surpassed our own levels of technology
  • If they have, whether they've mastered interstellar space travel
  • If they have, whether they're anywhere within range of our planet for it to be enough of a curiosity to visit
  • If they have, whether they have the ability to survive on a world likely very different to their own
  • ...and so on

Each subsequent scenario becomes more unlikely than the last because the preceding scenario is already unlikely. There could well be an alien race out there capable of fractionally sub-light travel through space, but even if they're a million years more evolved than us technologically but live a billion light years away, it'll still take them a billion years to reach our planet even at the speed of light.

So then you have to start making assumptions that they're capable of faster than light travel, and then that they're not travelling a billion light years in completely the opposite direction from us to another populated planet...

Like I say, too many ifs and buts and not enough evidence to suggest they've visited us at any point in recorded history. As such, the most likely alien life on Earth is the life we see on Earth.

It's ironic that the very thing that makes life likely in the universe - the size of the universe - is also the same thing that makes it incredibly unlikely we'll be visited by intelligent life. In such a vast space, the chances of our blue dot being chosen to visit are almost infinitely slim.
  • Whether intelligent life exists elsewhere
  • How long intelligent life has existed elsewhere
  • Whether intelligent life has surpassed our own levels of technology
  • If they have, whether they've mastered interstellar space travel
  • If they have, whether they're anywhere within range of our planet for it to be enough of a curiosity to visit
  • If they have, whether they have the ability to survive on a world likely very different to their own
  • ...and so on

Something you've missed there is:
If they are out there and are capable of interstelar travel and we are within their range of travel, have they discovered us yet?

Given the vastness of space and our recnt exploration and observations thereof, how many planets have we found that would actually be habitable?
Something you've missed there is:
If they are out there and are capable of interstelar travel and we are within their range of travel, have they discovered us yet?

I think I covered that with "if they're in range". If they were, and had mastered interstellar space travel, they'd likely already have discovered our planet.

Given the vastness of space and our recnt exploration and observations thereof, how many planets have we found that would actually be habitable?

Us personally as human beings? None. If you mean "habitable" to be "habitable for intelligent life". I don't think any exoplanets we've discovered lay within the "Goldilocks zone" of their star, though that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't capable of supporting some sort of life.

As for life of any sort (mainly extremophile life), there are still several places within our solar system that could potentially harbor basic life, including Mars, Venus, Io, Europa, and potentially Titan.
Mysterion might interest you, Colin Mcginn in particular. His ideas on big bang and consciousness.

Also an article 'consciousness and space' by him is a good read even if not right to your point 👍