
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
Oh dear Dennisch . You seem to believe that everything the mainstream media tell you . Maybe you should take a little look at this-

Uk news channel trying to pass off computer game footage as a terrorist attack. Yes , they'll always tell you the truth ....

Dotini makes some great points there . Is he also one of these people that you think should wake up ?

The Rendlesham Forest incident was one of the examples I was hinting at you to find. Real evidence for you , but you probably won't believe it as it's not on Fox news ...

I think my brand of coffee is just fine thanks.
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Seen that already. And you can clearly see something is wrong with the footage.
Isn't a very good example.

I never said anyone should stop posting, just to stop believing nonsense.

I think we also have a different view of UFOs, I see a UFO as an actual solid thing, flying saucer, X fighter, Emperial cruiser, something like that.

Every single video about strange lights is nothing more that some strange fluke of nature.
I think we also have a different view of UFOs, I see a UFO as an actual solid thing, flying saucer, X fighter, Emperial cruiser, something like that.

Every single video about strange lights is nothing more that some strange fluke of nature.

You have been conned by media into thinking UFO's are solid things like Imperial cruisers and Star Wars X-fighters, which of course exist only on celluloid.

It is the strange, fluky lights of nature that inspire the mystery of the UFO. But we must still explain the Rendlesham Forest case!

Seen that already. And you can clearly see something is wrong with the footage.
Isn't a very good example.

I never said anyone should stop posting, just to stop believing nonsense.

I think we also have a different view of UFOs, I see a UFO as an actual solid thing, flying saucer, X fighter, Emperial cruiser, something like that.

Every single video about strange lights is nothing more that some strange fluke of nature.

Rendlesham Forest is a great example , military witness testimonies infact.
Nonsense is a misconstrued interpretation of fact . Religions teach of invisible men in the sky for example , but billions of people believe this as fact . Evidence = proof , there is no doubt . But I like to deal in possibilities also . And in my opinion it's one very large possibility that we have concrete proof already , but it is being witheld from us . Reasons can be speculative.

I appreciate that you want to believe,it just will probably take solid evidence for you to do so.
There are many top notch photos and videos of UFO's, some taken by professional scientists and engineers on active assignments while attempting to study the phenomenon. There are some attached to the following links:

The closer to the UFO and the better the photographer and his equipment, the more clear it becomes that UFO's ARE NOT SOLID OBJECTS!! They look like fuzzy, amorphous blobs or balls of light because that's exactly what they are. I have personally seen them up fairly close and I can confirm that's the fact, as best I can understand it.

It's time that everybody gets used to the idea that while UFO's are real (as a phenomenon), they will NEVER, EVER be caught, captured or examined in a laboratory. This is simply because they are almost pure energy, and very little if any matter. They are not ships from another world. They are natural to this world and probably to all others as well, whether they are Earth-like or not.

Everybody by now should be aware that basic UFO's such as ball lightning, Yakama lights and Hessdalen lights are electromagnetic energy (plasma) forms and almost completely harmless.

The real problem for us to solve is that some (very few) UFO manifestations show signs of intelligence, the ability to **** with jet fighter pilots and weapons sites, and even shapeshifting properties such that beings or structured craft are reported by percipients. The Iran case and the Rendlesham Forest case are classics of this genre. I suggest you read up on these important cases.

I have my own specific ideas as to what is behind it, but I can assure you that at the end of the day it is physics, and not magic or religion that will explain it.

Charlatans, scoundrels and disinformation agents such as Lazar, Cooper, Lear and many others thrive in this environment of mystery where government, educators and science are mute. The bad guys should be ignored and a concerted effort by top people be made so that the mischief shall stop.

Respectfully submitted,
Good post. And I agree 100%
Was just about to mention Hessdalen lights, there has bin research on these lights for many years in Norway and I belive many of UFO sitings in the world is from the same type of energys.

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I appreciate that you want to believe,it just will probably take solid evidence for you to do so.

Because the phenomenon presented itself to me and others in spectacular fashion, I had no option to disbelieve. Long did I search for the facts behind the phenomenon. But the more solid the evidence, the less solid (liquid or gas, for that matter) did the phenomenon become! Plasma physics and electrical engineering, and nothing else, can explain the physical reality of the basic phenomenon. Full stop. Advanced cases like Rendlesham are another couple of levels up.

If you are one of those who "want to believe" but require solid evidence, then go to one of those places where they appear on a semi-regular basis. They are not hard to find.

You have been conned by media into thinking UFO's are solid things like Imperial cruisers and Star Wars X-fighters, which of course exist only on celluloid.

It is the strange, fluky lights of nature that inspire the mystery of the UFO. But we must still explain the Rendlesham Forest case!


Rendlesham Forest is a great example , military witness testimonies infact.
Nonsense is a misconstrued interpretation of fact . Religions teach of invisible men in the sky for example , but billions of people believe this as fact . Evidence = proof , there is no doubt . But I like to deal in possibilities also . And in my opinion it's one very large possibility that we have concrete proof already , but it is being witheld from us . Reasons can be speculative.

I appreciate that you want to believe,it just will probably take solid evidence for you to do so.

The forest mystery is a mystery, even in these 2 posts!

Conned by the media. So all the media works as 1. And what is the difference in media between, lets say CNN, and the UFObible site?
And, the mysterylights do seem to be a mystery, but nature has some strange (space)tricks up her sleeve.

And evidence = proof, could be, but it has to be very solid evidence!
In your opinion we are witheld from concrete proof.
And in my opinion we are witheld from proof made of some loose sand.

I'm sorry if I seem a bit cluttery with my post, but my first language isn't English, it's getting late, and all the reading starts to wear me down. :)
The Hessdalenphenomena still remains unexplained, even after all these years. There are some hypothesis, but they were never confirmed.

It is a fantastic thing to watch. And if I'd ever find myself in Sør-Trøndelag county, I'm definitely going to try and stay there for a little while to perhaps experience this phenomena myself.

It is a fantastic thing to watch.

Agreed, having seen lights almost entirely identical to those shown in this great multi-part video.

Thanks for this valuable addition to the thread, Bram Turismo. 👍

This video, in all its parts, is recommended fare for all who would make subsequent posts.

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I'd like to echo that. While the second video would lead one to think it was yet another "old crazy folks in a small village" documentary, especially the fourth and fifth part of the documentary astonished me.

In fact, tomorrow I'm putting my friends on the grill why they haven't told me about this phenomenon in the 6 years I've been living here now. One could only gaze at what is for us at this particular point, an unknown thing.
3 . You're also forgetting how many theoretical dimensions there are speculated to be . Last time I saw anything on this the number was 11 . Given that the Earth is around 5 billion years old and our Universe is 13.7 , then I would say that we'll need a very big calculator.

11 dimensions does not make for a place to hide aliens. The Universe is 11 dimensional in the same way a virtual space is four dimensional (X, Y, Z, Time). So that's not 11 separate spaces, but 11 dimensions for one space.

A "dimension" is a measurement. Some of those measurements are not of physical space (see 4th dimensionality of time). Some of them are microscopic. (Look up string theory. It's headache-forming)

But if you're talking about multiverses... we don't just have 11. If we can confirm they exist, the number is likely close enough to infinite as doesn't matter. Of course, the energy requirements for visiting those other Universes is also close enough to infinite (compared to our current capabilities) as doesn't matter. Theoretically, we could use a macroscopic wormhole, or enlarge one. My favorite idea is to create a gigantic ring-type singularity with a flaw in the middle through which a spacecraft could theoretically pass... but as we can't even create a microscopic black hole at the moment, that's pretty far-fetched.

Dotini makes some great points there . Is he also one of these people that you think should wake up ?

The Rendlesham Forest incident was one of the examples I was hinting at you to find. Real evidence for you , but you probably won't believe it as it's not on Fox news ...

As Dotini points out, the phenomenon is unexplained.

I love this link he gave:

The Study is NOT a "UFO Organization", since the current use of the acronym "UFO" is almost invariably equated with extraterrestrial origins of the phenomena. When the term is used on this site, it is used in its classical sense - meaning Unidentified Flying Object.

There's a big difference between an unidentified flying object or an unexplained atmospheric phenomenon and aliens.

Lights in the sky over a city? UFO. And they'll remain UFOs until someone identifies them as a flock of geese, a helicopter, an experimental aircraft, or whatnot.

There's a lot in Nature that is still unexplained and unexplainable by our current state of knowledge. Earthquake lights. Ball lightning. Sprites. Saint Elmo's Fire (well... we actually sort of understand that one...)

That these lights are a regular occurence, at a regular time of day, and are seen and documented in one area specifically suggests a natural reason for them being there. They are not seen to land at some docking port or move close to large cities. They don't shoot down aircraft or swim up to observers like ethereal space dolphins (that would be cool, mind you). Hell... even ball lightning sometimes enters houses in search for whatever luminous balls of electrified plasma look for.

Sherlock Holmes always tells us:

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Which is why you can assume nothing about these lights unless given evidence for said assumptions.

Is it extraterrestrial? We don't know.

Is it intelligent? We don't know.

Is it terrestrial? We don't know.

Is it a natural atmospheric phenomenon? We don't know.

Is it perhaps dust plasma interacting with the clouds? We don't know.

Is it perhaps akin to Earthquake lights, formed from electrical energy generated by rock crystals grinding against each other in the ground below? We don't know.

Or is it a mirage effect, where the temperatures at the particular times of the sighting cause a high-altitude mirage that distorts and lenses light from aircraft or motor vehicles many miles away? (Which would explain why the lights appear at certain hours only). We don't know.

As for lack of coverage... the US does get National Geographic. But news channels don't carry news about repetitive poorly understood phenomenon which have been happening continuously for decades, otherwise the Aurora Borealis would be on the news every week...
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I've actually been to Rendlesham Forest in 2009. I stayed on the campsite there overnight. Two things strike me about the place - first, it's in Suffolk and second, it's remarkable the people there don't report sightings of cars as UFOs. This is directly connected to the first thing.

I was at Rendlesham Forest some months previously too. Doing this:


Famine driving the MaX-5 spec Merlot; RAF Woodbridge

It's worth noting that, at times, Woodbridge has served as a Shuttle TAL site (with ARRS based there) and, along with Bentwaters to the north, as an A10 base, an F-101 (nuclear capability) base and, allegedly, a site for both Have Blue and the F-117 (with nuclear capability).

What's probably most surprising is that a nuclear airbase operating stealth aircraft in East Anglia in the 1980s only had one report of UFO sightings.
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Oh dear Dennisch . You seem to believe that everything the mainstream media tell you .

You have been conned by media into thinking UFO's are solid things like Imperial cruisers and Star Wars X-fighters, which of course exist only on celluloid.

Conned by the media. So all the media works as 1. And what is the difference in media between, lets say CNN, and the UFObible site?

Please answer my question.
Please answer my question.

Dear Dennisch,

Please accept my apology for suggesting you have been snookered by the media. It was untactful, lacked solid evidence and quite possibly untrue.

In lieu of that I would positively assert that among the media there is a range of sources, with the beautiful documentary given to us by Bram Turismo near the top, CNN somewhere lower, and special interest sites promoting idiosyncratic or dogmatic viewpoints such as "UFO's are ET's from other planets" or "UFO's are satanic demons" ranking lower still.

All of these sites are going to offer something entertaining or interesting to consider. There will be chaff or disinformation lodged either intentionally or unintentionally in most of them. After nearly 50 years of study in the subject and spending a small fortune on what turned out to be false and misleading, I'm getting a bit short with sources which continue to peddle recycled unsubstantiated opinion. As I stated earlier, supposedly responsible institutions such as government and education have *cough* fallen short in studying and explaining the UFO phenomena, which leaves the field wide open for commercial, private and religious interests to ply their trade.

As Touring Mars has previously stated, this thread is of necessity rather lighthearted in nature, so I stand corrected in momentarily taking it a bit too seriously. Please continue to express whatever questions, opinions or viewpoints you find interesting. It's not my role to instruct or correct anyone at all, and I certainly regret all my errant remarks - I've made plenty in the past! :guilty:

Respectfully yours,
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God Dotini your patience knows no limits eh? Huge respect for that but I believe sometimes it's better to ignore certain individuals, as they do not accept being taught something=no exchange of knowledge=no exchange of energies=waste of your time and energy.
Please answer my question.

Mainstream media tends to overhype and / or lie to the audience . I don't trust anything these news agencies say as for the last 11 years they have been spewing out the ludicrous lie of the 9/11 incident . I'm not braindead enough to believe that poorly trained pakistanis can perform technically demanding aviational manoeuvres into buildings which then collapse from fire . And lets not forget the pentagon with the hole in the side , no plane caught on their cctv with no wreckage to be found . And the other aircraft that crashed in a field , but there was a tiny hole in the ground , no real wreckage & absolutely no debris trail or bodies anywhere to be seen.

Yes , i'm really going to trust everything they tell me . Don't get me wrong , I understand that the Internet is far from perfect with photoshopping & disinformation . But you're not going to find the real " Truth " from mainstream televisual news agencies when they are busy running these lies.
I don't trust anything these news agencies say as for the last 11 years they have been spewing out the ludicrous lie of the 9/11 incident . I'm not braindead enough to believe that poorly trained pakistanis

Saudis. Largely. Of the rest, two were from the UAE, one from Lebanon and one from Egypt. Quite some distance from Pakistan.

Of course that only comes from the 9/11 Commission Report, so is probably a lie too.

can perform technically demanding aviational manoeuvres into buildings which then collapse from fire . And lets not forget the pentagon with the hole in the side , no plane caught on their cctv with no wreckage to be found . And the other aircraft that crashed in a field , but there was a tiny hole in the ground , no real wreckage & absolutely no debris trail or bodies anywhere to be seen.

All of this is bollocks. I have absolutely no idea where you got it from (I'm guessing Loose Change and Zeitgeist) but it is all complete and total bollocks.

Oh, also, done. To death.
Dear Dennisch,

Please accept my apology for suggesting you have been snookered by the media. It was untactful, lacked solid evidence and quite possibly untrue.

In lieu of that I would positively assert that among the media there is a range of sources, with the beautiful documentary given to us by Bram Turismo near the top, CNN somewhere lower, and special interest sites promoting idiosyncratic or dogmatic viewpoints such as "UFO's are ET's from other planets" or "UFO's are satanic demons" ranking lower still.

All of these sites are going to offer something entertaining or interesting to consider. There will be chaff or disinformation lodged either intentionally or unintentionally in most of them. After nearly 50 years of study in the subject and spending a small fortune on what turned out to be false and misleading, I'm getting a bit short with sources which continue to peddle recycled unsubstantiated opinion. As I stated earlier, supposedly responsible institutions such as government and education have *cough* fallen short in studying and explaining the UFO phenomena, which leaves the field wide open for commercial, private and religious interests to ply their trade.

As Touring Mars has previously stated, this thread is of necessity rather lighthearted in nature, so I stand corrected in momentarily taking it a bit too seriously. Please continue to express whatever questions, opinions or viewpoints you find interesting. It's not my role to instruct or correct anyone at all, and I certainly regret all my errant remarks - I've made plenty in the past! :guilty:

Respectfully yours,

All is good. 👍

Mainstream media tends to overhype and / or lie to the audience . I don't trust anything these news agencies say as for the last 11 years they have been spewing out the ludicrous lie of the 9/11 incident . I'm not braindead enough to believe that poorly trained pakistanis can perform technically demanding aviational manoeuvres into buildings which then collapse from fire . And lets not forget the pentagon with the hole in the side , no plane caught on their cctv with no wreckage to be found . And the other aircraft that crashed in a field , but there was a tiny hole in the ground , no real wreckage & absolutely no debris trail or bodies anywhere to be seen.

Yes , i'm really going to trust everything they tell me . Don't get me wrong , I understand that the Internet is far from perfect with photoshopping & disinformation . But you're not going to find the real " Truth " from mainstream televisual news agencies when they are busy running these lies.

Up to this post I had respect for you and the things you had to say.
But now, you seem to be way too much of an paranoid conspiracist.

That's your opinion Famine , nothing more. EDIT - The 9/11 Commission Report was truthful was it ? I don't think so . 9/11 was an inside job , fact .

Dennisch , you asked for answer , that's what you got . It's really not my fault that you didn't want to hear it .

And to be honest guys , if you believe the official line on what you were told on 9/11 , then you deserve to be kept in the dark . 👎 For both of you too .
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That's your opinion Famine , nothing more.

No it isn't. Read the 9/11 Commission Report.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You're claiming that something other than that which can be factually proven (and which handily abides by Occam's Razor) is the case. That's an extraordinary claim - you'll need better evidence than the tired old conspiracy nut staple of "the government/media lie to you".

Incidentally each of your individual statements is demonstrably false - they weren't Pakistanis (nor poorly trained ones), the manouevres weren't complex, there was a plane caught on CCTV hitting the Pentagon, there was substantial and consistent wreckage at that site, there was debris of the fourth plane found at its crash site in Shanksville. Each of these things has evidence behind them. To state otherwise - and to state that it's just "opinion" - misrepresents the truth on such a grand scale it would embarrass Matilda.

And to be honest guys , if you believe the official line on what you were told on 9/11 , then you deserve to be kept in the dark . 👎 For both of you too .

You know nothing of what I have been told. What have you been told to come up with such obvious, bare-faced inaccuracies and present them as the real truth - and by whom and why?

Read the two links I provided you.
I get that you are a skeptic Famine , & you view alternative ideas with such witty remarks as -
a one hour conspiracy nut showcase
Reality is not around to take your call at the moment

All that these thread show me is your viewpoints on any matter are " I must always believe what my Government tell me . And I must mock any alternative ideas that approach topics from a different angle . "

Please provide this picture of said plane if you have it . PM it to me if you like as this thread seems to be becoming the new 9/11 thread.

The official evidence was falsified , 9/11 was an inside job , my viewpoint on this matter is clear & is unchanged.
Well, atleast I was right about 1 thing I said in this thread. Fact.

I'm sorry, but you really have lost the touch with reality.
When you were in school, did you doubt everything your teachers had to say? Because it's too mainstream?

But as this is the Alien thread, as in ET alien, and not the 9/11 thread, should we go back ontopic?
All that these thread show me is your viewpoints on any matter are " I must always believe what my Government tell me . And I must mock any alternative ideas that approach topics from a different angle . "

"My" government told me nothing about 9/11.

I am a scientist. What people tell me is irrelevant to me.

Please provide this picture of said plane if you have it .

Uh... it's everywhere on the internet. Even on Wikipedia.

The official evidence was falsified

Extraordinary claim - provide the extraordinary evidence.

9/11 was an inside job

Extraordinary claim - provide the extraordinary evidence.

my viewpoint on this matter is clear & is unchanged.

You still think the hijackers were Pakistanis?
Well, atleast I was right about 1 thing I said in this thread. Fact.

I'm sorry, but you really have lost the touch with reality.
When you were in school, did you doubt everything your teachers had to say? Because it's too mainstream?

But as this is the Alien thread, as in ET alien, and not the 9/11 thread, should we go back ontopic?

Incorrect observation , but thanks . I'll take it as a compliment .
No , I worked very hard at school actually .
Yes , I have already said this above ^^ .

Extraordinary claim - provide the extraordinary evidence.
I can , but I won't.
You still think the hijackers were Pakistanis?
Obviously not , there were no hi-jackers.
Yep , Wikipedia is the most accurate , truthful & non biased source on the web . Oh wait , it really isn't.
And by the way , where is the plane ? -
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Reality is not around to take your call at the moment

It never ceases to amaze me how we're expected to believe that the mainstream media is constantly lying to us, that the evidence they cite is always either fake or doctored, and therefore that the 'official' version of events should be disregarded wholesale, whilst also being expected to believe that the evidence (such as it is) of the average conspiracy theorist is totally legitimate and trustworthy...

In the case of 9/11, the facts speak for themselves. But as soon as you are willing to dismiss fact as fiction, and consider the evidence as fake under any circumstances, then the game is a bogey. Such over-zealous and misguided skepticism can just as easily be applied to the conspiracy theories too. The difference usually being that conspiracy theories are often based on a gross misrepresentation of the raw data in the first instance.
Oh goody ?? Umm okay......

Nice addition to the debate by the way .
Why, thank you!

I am taken aback by your intelligent contribution to the thread , in fact i'm so overwhelmed with your knowledge that I would like to hear more about it.

Please enlighten me on -

Govermental cover ups.
UFO sightings / Top Secret files on the matter.
Why you clearly know we are alone in the Universe.
Dennisch and others have already covered the first two points fairly well, so I won't elaborate. As for the third, however:
I said:
Oh goody! More links to nutcase sites!
and from that you somehow inferred:
you clearly know we are alone in the Universe.
That's quite a leap you made there. That's a conclusion totally unsupported by anything I said. But then, leaps across logical chasms like that are pretty common amongst the conspiracy theorists and other nutjobs.


Did you only come to make a silly throwaway comment on a subject that is way over your IQ level perhaps ?

Given the response it generated from you I'd think that's hardly the case, wouldn't you?