All Avatar Related Items Here....

< - Avatar Size 50x50, i use 50px. because some forums don't allow more than 50px,

<- Worked at this sie before shrinking, 200px.

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Honestly, I dont understand what most of your avvys even mean. Mind explaining? And that same font and same type style is getting a bit annoying too, what about a change?
Honestly, I dont understand what most of your avvys even mean. Mind explaining? And that same font and same type style is getting a bit annoying too, what about a change?

Didn't pay attention to the teacher during chemistry, right? :P
MY Avy, "A17" is simply a compostion of my Name and the day of my birthday. IT's not something i find cool.

On thate note, i almost always see you with a Golf GTI avy, so.. yeah, you should've thought about that a bit more.. but anywho...
Ok, if anyone has the time

Can someone give that the transparent background but give it the maximum height of a premium avatar, as if your whacking a block of nothing on the top and bottom of the picture?

Thanks alot to whoever can help


EDIT: It will probably work better if the actual signature is made black instead of a very close colour to the forums style.
Thanks buddy that's exactly what I was looking for, invisible +rep

i think the sig would look more crisp if the lines altered from thick to thin. :)

Just a suggestion on improvement, I'm still trying to perfect my signature...
Thanks for the link a Trico Pro
Although now I need to work on my avatar....... the reflection kinda sucks.. :yuck:

Edit: On second thought, maybe i'll just keep it as it is....
Thanks for the link a Trico Pro
Although now I need to work on my avatar....... the reflection kinda sucks.. :yuck:

Edit: On second thought, maybe i'll just keep it as it is....

Just my opinion, but I think you should crop the picture so there isn't that gap between the avy and you name and/or user title, or center it a bit so the gap is even?
No problem, im disappointed they didnt have an Elise as the one you have now is a Europa in im not mistaken?

here's my Cute lido Saturn btw,

can someone find me a picture of a 1986 celica supra? i can't even find a picture of one let alone find a pint sized version of it.