I just won it with the Peugeot 908 yesterday. I won by 9 seconds (in I think 42 minutes and 27 seconds), which could have been around 7-10 seconds more if my driver wouldn't have gone off at Mulsanne in lap 9. The strategy that seems to work best (at least for me, but tried it with different cars, i.e. Peugeot 908, Audi R8 Team Oreca (which led to wins), Bentley Speed 8) is by pitting in lap 2 and 7 (or 8). Yesterday when I ran with the 908 HDI I pitted in lap 2, immediately after the Pescarolo (the green one) and in lap 3 I passed that one and managed to pull away thanks to the GT-ONE being slow on slicks. Then my driver pressed on and right before the Porsche curves I managed to catch up with the rest of the pack, I thought to be in the lead group of cars, but to my complete surprise I ended up being in front. Then my driver pulled away and since I was doing well I chose to select the safe option and pit in lap 8 (so I only have 2 remaining laps on new Inters instead of 3, slightly improves the quality of my tyres during the last lap). I exited the pit being maybe 10 seconds behind the '01 R8 and the Bentley, though I think they were increasing the gap. Then I made a stupid mistake right before Mulsanne by saying my driver should go faster, while I should actually have had to calm him down, so he went of the track (the only mistake in the entire race). I got passed by the Pesky and I think the other R8 and was mad at myself since I knew they would slow me down through the corners leading to the start/finish straight. Luckily I ended up in front again and the R8 was closing in pretty damn fast (but he was at slicks, I was on inters). In the end, I won by 9 seconds.
The tactics I used were to always tell my driver to go faster. Especially in the first few corners leading up to the Hunaudieres straight they won't make mistakes. Then at the chicanes at the Hunaudieres straight I did the same, and then exiting the second chicane of the Hunaudieres, leading up to Mulsanne I told my driver to cool down and go slower, otherwise, if they are in the red they will most likely spin off the track. Since they will only get back on the track with an initial speed of 80 km/h (I have no idea why) it costs a lot of time. Then for the remaining of the course I mostly told him to speed up, though sometimes with worse tyres and worse strength of my driver I told him to slow down for the Porsche curves too. Main points of attention are the Mulsanne and Porsche curves, for the rest the drivers can go all out.
The stops in lap 2 and 7 (or 8) is my fave, since only stopping at lap 3 has never brought me victory yet (tried it with the 908 and Sauber Mercedes, with the Sauber Merc only lost in the last corner though) and with stopping in lap 2 and racing on inters during lap 3 will really win you a lot of time, always ending up in the lead pack of cars (doesn't really matter where you are when you stop) or even put you in front, enabling you to set the strategy. The stop in lap 7 or 8 is just because otherwise your tyres won't hold during the last lap, which could cost you the race. The change in lap 7 or 8 is to inters, though it might be beneficial to then already change to slicks, though I would think the track is then still too wet for slicks. However, it seems that if the track is 40% wet slicks are already the better choice, but I've never tried it since I didn't want to take the risk of losing the race. Changing to new inters is a safe solution, since the opposition will never win more than around 5 seconds on you during the last lap.
This victory was with the first grid (having opposition from '01 R8, the Oreca R8, Bentley Speed 8, 2 Pescarolo's (the green one and I think the blue & white one), 787B, BMW V12, GT-ONE, AMG Mercedes, R390 GT1, and the Audi R10. The set-up that I used was the same as that I used for the Spa time trial in the rain, only modified the ride height. Dunno if this is a good set-up, since I'm no good with set-ups but if someone is interested let me know.

It was a very easy race, after lap 2 I actually never had to push anymore, which was good.
The next race I tried it with the Nissan R92CP, can't recommend that one, it seems that your driver will spin off the track at each and every corner. The car is insanely quick, but it doesn't work, too slow in the corners and the drivers are not able to drive it well.