All-Purpose Guide to the B-Spec Online Seasonal: La Sarthe

  • Thread starter Famine
Having done this before in the Bentley Speed 8 (with a lot of Bob poking). There is another way, but not sure how it happened. I followed the instructions for the R8, I was in 4th on lap 10 all looked lost until coming up to the end of the straight and then this happened..

All the front 3 in everyones favorite sand pit 👍 If you look very closely you can see Stig grinning.

On topic, the R8 was the easiest without using the 2J, and the instructions in the OP are spot on. Thank you.

Sorry clicked quote instead of edit, it's 3am here :dunce:
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Reposted from another thread that's a tad lost now. Here's what I did.

Ok, beat Sarth 6 times now. Here's how I did it and it's not bad at all now that I got the hang of it.

Used the Audi R8 Race Car (Audi Team Playstation Oreca) 05

Here's the tune I used.

Be sure to get the High RPM turbo to help with the wheel spin.

Lvl 35 bob and a lvl 32 bob

The trick is the switch off drivers mainly. That was the big secret I needed to figure out.

I could always get up to around 7th place or so and then they just drug off and eventually spun out badly on the last lap. It was because they are crap drivers even half way tired in that car.

Started off with the lvl 32 bob to start in Racing Hards. Punched the overtake button anytime I got near one of the other cars. Punched it until it was clear and hit increase everywhere except right before the Mulsanne Straight. That last corner at the straight they like to play in the sand too much so I always slowed them down for that.

I was about 7th place usually after some crappy driving on my bob's part losing a couple of spots here and there with one spin out the first time by lap 3.

Pitted lap 3 grabbed 7 liters gas (not sure if you even need to) and intermediate tires, also switched drivers to my lvl 35.

Let him drive up until lap 9. Punched increase and overtake a lot until he got into first place. He was in first and starting to drive crappy by the time he got up there around 8th lap. When he got first I just let him cool down and drive in the blue the whole time so he didn't mess up.

9th lap I pitted with the other cars and went back to other driver who was fresh about that time and got a new set of inters. No gas.

By the time my lvl 32 driver got back on the track, I was still in first with a commanding lead. Drove in the blue the whole way and won with tons of time to spare.

Hope that helps since this track seems to be giving everyone hell.
Sauber C9 '89 - Unlikely to win even with very high level Bobs. Overpowered, so it's excellent on the straights even for lower level Bobs - so devastatingly fast that it can break the slipstream - but it will chew its tyres out of every corner. Avoid

Break the slipstream?!! 💡 Oh my God, what power!!! :dopey:
This is a seriously good post - Famine, do you do this for a living?

Heh, I wish.

Break the slipstream?!! 💡 Oh my God, what power!!! :dopey:

Yep. It will pull away from cars that are slipstreaming it. Not just the Pescarolos either - which seem to not pull past 210mph - but from the BMW and even the Bentley.
Four points:

First, the PP level is 600 for the Spa event. Typo I'm sure.

Second, the best tires are Sport Soft for the Spa event. Bob will run the whole race just as fast as Intermediates, he will never even try to pit, and he'll have half his rears left at the end.

Third, if you need to run the Spa event with a low level Bob, let the track dry to 20% or less before you hit start. The AI cars will start on Race Hard, but the track goes back to 30% so the AI cars will pit on lap one and you get the lead for free. And they'll still pit on lap 7. If you use SS tires you basically can't lose.

Fourth, a great way to level up Bob is to put him in a FGT or X1 and let him run the 9 hour enduro overnight. Way more XP than the seasonals, and will happen automatically while you sleep. When I retire a Bob I have a new replacement level 32 Bob the next day.

Just to say thanks for helping on this, tried so many times and could only manage 4th but followed this and works perfectly :)
Well .. I've done it with Sauber C9, fully tuned (high RPM Turbo, minimum downforce) at 699PP. Used one Bob at level 40 with mood arrow pointed down. There was a 905 in line-up, but I can't remember where it started and there was a BMW V12 LMR too. Also the Audi R8, Bentley (it finished 2nd), Mazda 787B and Pescarolo and others I can't remember exactly.

It is true that it ate the tyres almost twice as fast as the AI, but I still won. I started the race and pushed him at about 80-90% with Racing Hard tyres for two laps. I got to third place (about 3 sec behind the leader), pitted at the end of lap 2, switched to Intermediate tyres, added a little bit of fuel (5 units) and took it easy (50%) for the out-lap. Ended in the lead with about 6 seconds to 2nd (Bentley) at the start of lap 4 as the remaining AI pitted. After that I drove at about 75% in the next few laps with my lead builing up to 15 seconds and then in lap 9 (as the tyres were almost completely wasted and driving at 50%) have it reduced to about 8 seconds. Pitted together with AI at the end of lap 9 and again used 50% push for the out-lap. Won by 8 seconds.
Doing Sarte now 2J lap 5 in 1st place. no pittings yet.
lap 9 ATM 1 st place 45% wet
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Did it with the Audi R8 (works, not Oreca), downtuned by about 100hp, but otherwise stock. Transmission set to 390km/h. Level 33&32 bobs.

In the early stages on Racing Hards I pushed my bob pretty hard between 75-100%, with overtake-commands when appropriate. Pitting at Position 6 after lap 3 for inters, then had my bob at between 75-50% (lower the wetter it gets), then went into the lead shortly after lap 5, was in 10 second lead after lap 9, changed again to new inters, because the wetness was still at 40% and I figured that Racing Hards would heat up much slower, which was apparently the case and cost a lot of time for the AI over the last lap.

Won with 19 seconds ahead.
I won this race with a Pescarolo Judd '04 (the white one) started with a lv. 37 bob using your strategy. 1st stint was until the end of lap 3, then changed to intermedy tyres, no re-fuel and cruised till the 'end. Easy victory, AI were lost far behind. Time was 40'10.650 and could have been easily under 40 mins if I used 2 bobs instead of one, I let him sleep on the last 2 laps. I used gearbox at 390km/h, slightly reduced rear wing, slightly increased front downforce. Then front camber 0.8, rear toe 0.10.
Thanks for the great guide.
Do not run the audi r8 '05 with SS. Well unless you want 45 minutes of staring at a screen in disbelief as bob drives around the track like he is on a Sunday drive. There were a few outbursts as well but they don't need to be repeated here.
Having done this before in the Bentley Speed 8 (with a lot of Bob poking). There is another way, but not sure how it happened. I followed the instructions for the R8, I was in 4th on lap 10 all looked lost until coming up to the end of the straight and then this happened..

All the front 3 in everyones favorite sand pit 👍 If you look very closely you can see Stig grinning.

Holy Awesome ! Lady Luck must like your Stig quite a bit. I would agree that these semi-random events (accidents) are what make this race seem almost real life-like. Very enjoyable and rewarding ! 👍
Oh cack! I just put the R390 second. SECOND!
Oh cack! I just put the R390 second. SECOND!

Dang it. Please pray tell what's the gap to the lead car ? :dunce:

And please post your quick setup too. We can try to replicate that. Thanks!
Marginally more inefficient was the fact that I came in on lap 8 to put Sports Softs on the rear for an experiment and noticed I hadn't bought any...

Pitted in from 5th, came past the pits on lap 10 in 4th, passed the Bentley as he crashed at Tertre Rouge and the R8 Oreca as he crashed at Mulsanne, but the R8 '01 didn't crash :(

I've posted the setup in post 1 (under not-wins). Gap was 13s.
what's the best lsd setting so there is no more spinning of the wheels?

or is that just not possible?

i keep getting 1st place by the 4th lap but then later on my car starts to spinn out of best is still second.
Two Level 39 BoBs. Pescarolo C60 Hybride. Pit end of lap 3 from RH to RI added 15 liters fuel and changed drivers. Pit at end of lap 9 RI only, no fuel and same driver. Finished 40:01.695 with a 38 second gap. One of the toughest B spec races I have ever completed.
I finished this again last night in the peugot 908.
I had been using the 05 Audi r8 but just wanted to run my new car.
Any way, I used the one stop strategy. Holding out for only one extra lap before coming in for inters. I only passed to first when they all had there second pit but i genuinely feel i could have been faster if it weren't for that pesky BMW. (that's a super heads up at the start of this tread by the way for anyone who has'nt ran it yet.)I tried the one stop with my R8 and crashed on the porsche curves, lap 10. Tragic I know. This car seems to be a little easier for bob when it's tyreless.
Finally i won 1St place, thanks everybody for your tips n stuff, it takes time but you will get through it, i used what ya see below...Dj

here is my settings/tune that i use, i think i need help with my LSD settings, my BOB is 33.

Chaparral 2J Race Car '70

Tires: Sports Soft

Ballast: 46 Postion: +50

High RPM Range Turbo Kit

Top Speed: 247*/254 MPH
1st. 1.143*/1.122
2nd. 0.794*/0.777
3rd. 0.617*/0.602

Final 4.100
Top Speed 242*/249

Initial: 10
Accel: 20
Braking: 5

Wheel Algnment
Camber: 2.5/1.5
Toe: 0.00/+0.20

Ride Height: -10/-10
Spring Rate: Front 13.8 Rear 15.8
Extension: 8/8
Compression: 8/8
Anti-Roll: 7/7

Brake Balance: 0/0
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I just beat it, first try. I used djrebel236 tune. I was using Sport hard tires, until the end of lap three where I pited for RI tires. I was behide the leaders by a lot until lap nine when they all pited and I didn't. Won by fourteen seconds.
Done! 1st place with the R8 ORECA (as is, except for downforce, 55/100), 731CV, started with RH, pitted on 2 an 7 for RI and new driver (both lvl38). Speed at 390km/h (242mph)
Time: 4.40.116 (not famous at all, but... enough), just 3s in front of sister R8.
Drivers always at 60-75%.

Won 6M Cr (3Mx200%) and, guess what car I got as prize...

...the Chaparral 2J !!! By the weekend I will be a millionaire! (as long as PD doesn't turn of this "slot machine")
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does anyone have a Chaparral I can borrow ? :nervous: I've tried with the 787b, GT One and the 908 and it didn't go well.
Finally Managed to win it (about 15 attempts with the R8 Oreca) I stuck to the 2 and 8 pit stops for every attempt.

I think a higher level Bob makes all the difference. Started with Bobs at 29 and 30, and eventually won when they elevated themselves to 31 and 32....

Time first try 40m 45s down to 40m 04s.....
2 wins to report with the 908. Both with 1 stop on lap 3. First one started with a lvl39 bob (whose stats have declined somewhat), then switched to a lvl38. 2nd run was the other way round.

Then, as the first bob had reached lvl40, I swapped him out for a lvl 35 bob, and switched to the Minolta. Went from 1st to 3rd in the Ford chicanes on the final lap :( The total race time would have got me 1st in the previous race though. A lot depends on whether the AI stick together and stay "hot".

The Minolta is not very fast in a straight line due to having to power it back to get under 700pp. I might try adding ballast instead next time to keep the power up.
I Win with the Audi R8 (Audi Playstation Team Oreca) '05 time 39.59.659

2 Bob's 31 + 29 level.

Pit Stop Strategy (thanks to danmargar for the idea)

Start with RH (Bob 31)
1st Pit at the end of 2nd round.Change to RI and driver.
2nd Pit at the end of 7th round. Change to RI and driver.
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Bentley, bob's level 32 and 28.

Started with less experienced but hot-headed one, kept bar at 80%, entered pits at the end of 3rd lap.

Switched to inter with more experienced one but cooler (40%), kept him around 90% at all times. STuck behind LMP BMW for a lap but 787B and Courage in front allowed to pass this group. Behind first three, driven at 80% upto 8th lap then dropped to 40-50% and skipped the pits. Had 15-20% of rubber left at the end with some 10 secs advantage.

EDIT: LSD 35/50/35
Another go yesterday with the R8 '01 and level 33 and 31 Bobs.

Tried a slightly different strategy to last time and stayed out on the Hard tyres until the end of lap 4 and all was going well, changed to Inters and then proceeded to catch and pass everyone.

Was thinking about changing back to Hards at end lap 7 but stayed out and stopped with the rest on lap 8 as I had a few seconds lead.

Changed driver and onto Hard tyres, left the pits in the lead and all so far so good.

He then proceeded to slide all over the place and ended up in the gravel at least twice.

Ended up dropping back to a miserable 4th!

Guess I should have "cooled" him down after leaving the pits the last time.

Still haven't won this event, but will have another go soon.
Still haven't won this event, but will have another go soon.

Me neither, although I'm using slightly off the wall cars so far (787, XJR9 & R10.) Got closest with the 787 but was taken out by the other 787 on lap 9!

Also, I'm sure my overtake button doesn't work and has been replaced with a "Hit the car in front up the arse" button. It also annoys when my Bob (lvl38) gets alongside and then eases off, even though he has the inside line, therefore letting the other car drive round his outside.