ok for me now
minor threat
suicidal tendencies
afi(davey is NOT homosexual)
tsunami bomb
tiger army
the misfits
dead kennedys
black flag
offspring's earlier stuff
agent orange
ramones(pioneers, i dont care if people say they have no talent)
with some of those, i know you have never heard any. by the way, real punk is dead; only hardcore is dead. what you see on tv is not punk or even close to it. its fake. you cannot also describe a person as "punk". it dosent matter what clothes you wear, who you hang out with, who you are, how much money you have, nope. you can be described as sXe, but i wont go into that. now, punk has a real meaning to it which you can describe people in the context of punk. example, lets ask merriam-webster what it is.
Main Entry: 1punk
Pronunciation: 'p&[ng]k
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1596
1 archaic : PROSTITUTE
2 [probably partly from 3punk] : NONSENSE, FOOLISHNESS
3 a : a young inexperienced person : BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a young man b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian c : a youth used as a homosexual partner
4 a : PUNK ROCK b : a punk rock musician c : one who affects punk styles
ill list some bands that attempt to grasp a "punk" image.
good charlotte
simple plan
the new blink 182
american hi-fi
all american rejects
avril lavenge(horrible)
sum 41
the atarias
new found glory(i hate you. one time, a friend's friend put one of their cds into the player of a car which his mom was driving. we listened to them, and my friend says the singer is somewhat bad(means really bad). i agreed to this(i already knew the band and hated them well, but i didnt want to say this)and even the mom said the singer needed singing lessons. that means the singer is pretty bad.)
and there is others. ok, that is all i will say for now.
but, to tell you what emo is duke, i will.
Originally posted by neon_duke
Will someone please explain to me what the hell "Emo" is? I heard it was short for "emotion".
All music should have emotion in it, or else there's no bloody point in listening to it. Music is emotion.
emo is a type of music that is usually slow or medium pace. it usually has accoustic and other things that dont sound that heavy. the singer sings about emotional things, such as how his girlfriend dumped him the other day and now hes going to commit suicide or how much hes angry. the angry part is called angst, which is in some emo. basically, emo to me is a person whining about pointless things that are really depressing and sounds horrible. but, have your opnions as i have mine.