ALMS Season V

Seth you need to stop for two reasons:
1) You're being ridiculous
2) I'm running out of popcorn
Maybe I can halt all of your incessant rambling and arguments, as I shall open the room thyself tonight, at 8PM Easterneth time.
Okay. A new rule needs to be implemented here.

Any argumentative comments or messages geared towards other racers should be limited to Private Messages only, to either the other racer in question, or the race steward if there was an infraction in a previous race you think needs to be analysed. Any infractions should be penalized with starting from the rear of the pack, suspensions, and if need be, banns. Excessive arguments should not be allowed here. Forum rules also apply to everyone.

I like racing with you guys and I even struggle to keep up with you guys :lol:, but I don't come here to see pointless debates or arguments over something so small. We all get heated sometimes, but my best advice, don't take it personal. Mel was joking, and I don't know what's going on with ghskilla, so whatever. Drop it, get over it, and move on guys. Where's a race steward when you need one?

I guess we're doing SSR5 tonight from what I've read? I'm not sure if I'm sticking with the Vantage. I might go back to my 458. Oh and Kevin, why you sell PS3?

Debut of the 2013 SRT Viper GTS-R this weekend at Mid-Ohio!
"I probably could have passed on the first straight"

Seth, I would still love you if you suddenly became humble :sly:


Anyway, jokes aside, here's my vote on how tonight should go. SSR5, full track, open qualify from the room opening up until 9pm promptly. Then we announce the order, get behind who you're supposed to get behind and we start the parade lap. If anyone gets DC'ed we can wait a few minutes for them to come back, but after that we need to just get started so people can get their sleep. Everyone agree?

EDIT: @Stormy, telling racing drivers to calm their tempers :lol:
I'd rather not do the Special Stages, but if everyone else is OK with it, I'll do it.

Gatrs, what mods do I need for RFactor again to race with you guys? I think I may already have them downloaded, but they may have been updated since then. I might be getting it up and running soon. Crossing my fingers.
Oh and Kevin, why you sell PS3?

Well there just arent too many console games i really enjoy or care to spend 60 bux on. I mainly used my PS3 for GT5 and since i got iracing i just dont care to play GT5 anymore because its inferior. I mostly just want more cheddar to buy a better PC for iracing lol.
Why're you here? You don't race in this series, you add nothing to the discussion, and you caused nothing but an uproar last season. I never start the race late purposely. Definitely not to get pole, especially seeing as how there was only 2 of us racing consistently in LMP last season. So what's the difference in getting pole when I'm racing one person that I can probably pass on the first straight? You're just a child who has to chime in because you got beat by me in Rolex. Ever since then you can't get over the fact I came in 1 race late, switched cars and still beat you at every race aside from the first one when I wasn't even running upgrades on my car. Grow up, kid. And no, your vote counts for nothing. You don't have a say because you don't partake.

As far as time goes, the race always started at 9pm Gshkilla, get it right. You're new here too, so maybe you should get accustomed to how things were run before you chime in.

Maybe you'll run your car to the regs this time. Oh, you won't be there. Guess you'll have to prove yourself next time.

Don't come in here blabbing b.s. you don't have a clue about. Same goes for you Ghskilla. Things were fine before you and your company showed up with this stupid attitude like I was holding off the start of races to qualify first. With public rooms you don't control who shows up, so you have to EXIT the track, which makes you lose your time, then kick the trolls. Kinda hard to get a lap in when so many people join that aren't supposed to. That's why I suggested a lounge where only friends can join. Everyone here has me as a friend on PSN, if not they're a friend of a friend, so they can all join.

Actually you have to be a direct friend of the person whose lounge we are running in.

Well I'm sorry for trying to get accustomed. Guess if I chime in once or twice and get stick for it either way from you I guess I won't bother raising my opinion, then? 👎

And I've read the OP, it said races start at 9pm EST, I know. I know you guys start a little late, but I honestly don't have the time for an hour after scheduled time. I've said it before.

EDIT - No, I never, ever said you were trying to set fastest lap then start the race. I never said that. If you think this series was better without me then consider me gone. I don't want to race thinking somebody hates me for God knows what I did. You obviously think I did something, tell me.

GHS you are welcome here buddy. I am sure TT13 will say the same thing.

Wow, I was kidding. No one else even noticed, or bothered with it.

And, ghskilla's not involved in the matter. How dare you even consider something that I do his fault? That's low, even by anyone's standards, dude. Accusing someone else, of something that they didn't do, while you know who ACTUALLY did it... Not cool, man. Not cool.

How would you like it, if a kid in the class threw an orange at the teacher, and the teacher saw it, and gave your kid the punishment? :grumpy: Leave ghs out of it. He's cool. He's a lot more accepting than you are. You want to get your own way, in every deal, but never do.

Anyways, just drop it, I forgot I was dealing with someone who has no sense of humour.

There's your problem, you're making things up. No one made up a room last friday, even though they were welcome to. There's no rule here that says I'm the fixed host of the series. If you wanna start early, open the room yourself.💡 Don't complain because I didn't get it open on your expected time. The only reason it opened later was because I was in another race with Mel (who ironically is complaining). Just funny to see the hypocritical comments by people. It was preseason anyway, so if time is that big of a deal to you, don't race in it, it doesn't even count.

I'm not complaining. I made a joke, you lack a sense of humour, so you didn't understand, that I was kidding, and then you lashed out at ghs, over some joke that I told. I mean, you could punch the baby (figuratively speaking) OR you could punch the bad parent; which would have the best result?

It's pre-season. I wanted to get testing done in a racing environment. If I could have hosted, then I could have. I said last week that I wouldn't host a room, because I don't have the best connection. I never would, out of my own. But had you said I can host if time's not allowing it for you instead of calling me a "nobody" then maybe I could have hosted the lobby. Why do you seem to hate me for some reason?

I don't need to hear your babble. You may have been joking, Mel, but don't come out your mouth and say stupid things like I hold the race start off to get pole. How the hell would you know? And Gshkilla, you made a comment about the start time too. I responded to it. Why're you speaking for him anyway, Mel? He can type just fine. You're derailing the thread, again. You talk about joking, but when I joke it's taken seriously? More hypocrisy!

So from practice, I think 1:13's are a good time for the LMP's here at SSR5. Probably high 1:12's.

Because ghs is cooler than you, and definitely more mature. He's a guy who's worth standing up for. He's the sort of guy I enjoy racing with.

Thanks for the kind words Mel, very appreciated, but just end it. If we're going to have some massive argument, take it somewhere else, I don't want to see this thread polluted.

This^. You're welcome. Honestly, it's been a pleasure racing with you in Rolex, and these guys in the ALMS will find out, for themselves, that you're a good guy. I'm hoping that this is the final word in this whole matter. It doesn't have to continue. There's no reason for it.

Birds of a feather flock together... when you talk trash you show yourself to be it.

too late for that. Next time read the OP before you try to call someone out.

This is just for the record. I never called you out on anything. You started this.

Seth, stop it, you're calling us hypocrites, but you're carrying on, though we tried to end it.

But, again, ghs didn't call you out on anything. I did. Don't blame him for what I did. I'm the one who called you out, on that last minute flying lap that put you in the lead right before you started the race, (it happened at Monza last season.)

And, I didn't say that it was for sure; I said it was co-incidental.

Besides, I have more to deal with, like a single mom, and former best friend of my ex-girlfriend, seemingly dropping hints that she likes me. :scared: :crazy: I bet, that, being a father, you too have more to worry about, than me making a joke of a weird co-incident.

Really? Maybe you forgot what you wrote:

That's what you said, the only host was me. it wasn't delayed an hour. The room opened only about 10 minutes later than usual. Like I said, you try reading the OP first then comment.

You're being hypocritical by saying I delay the start, and that I opened the room late but in reality I was racing with you. And the room opened about 10 minutes before 6pm. Not an hour late like G said. That's why I said check the OP before you make comments like this.

As for Monza, I used a Toyota. It has the highest top speed of the LMPs. Did you really expect anything different than pole from it? Like I said before, there's only two of us who showed up regularly in LMP, it didn't matter who started from pole nearly as much as in GT. So don't accuse people of things you don't have a clue about.

Don't question me. When I go into a new series I read the OP.

Yet, I knew from Laguna that you guys started a bit late. I was fine with that. But the actual race started about 9:40-50.

And I wrote that post without the intention of badmouthing you. I never said "and as long as Seth doesn't start the race an hour after scheduled time..." I just meant as long as any other host in general doesn't start it an hour after scheduled time. If you took it as in I was badmouthing you then I'm sorry, but I never meant it to mean you.

Seth you need to stop for two reasons:
1) You're being ridiculous
2) I'm running out of popcorn

+1 on that one. I miss one day on this thread and all this happens :lol: Look I don't care who hosts or what time it starts. LET'S SETTLE THINGS ON THE TRACK TODAY AND SETTLE THEM CLEANLY

"I probably could have passed on the first straight"

Seth, I would still love you if you suddenly became humble :sly:


Anyway, jokes aside, here's my vote on how tonight should go. SSR5, full track, open qualify from the room opening up until 9pm promptly. Then we announce the order, get behind who you're supposed to get behind and we start the parade lap. If anyone gets DC'ed we can wait a few minutes for them to come back, but after that we need to just get started so people can get their sleep. Everyone agree?

EDIT: @Stormy, telling racing drivers to calm their tempers :lol:

I agree with the dc policy. I don't want you to wait on me if the race has already begun and I dc. From seeing other people dc a few laps into a race and us restarting mucks up everything. If we are doing the parade lap though, I would like for you to wait on me. :)

I will be there tonight guys. I changed my work schedule just for this 👍 I will be in the Pescarolo JUDD GV5
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Does thou wish to taketh part in thy race this glorious evening?

Thy shall thinketh about it.

And Why art thou not using eBay to sell thou's PS3? Thou could probably geteth more than 99 gold pieces.
Thy shall thinketh about it.

And Why art thou not using eBay to sell thou's PS3? Thou could probably geteth more than 99 gold pieces.

If thou clicketh on thy link, thou shall hath noticed it IS on eBay.

Im hoping to get somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 for it, freakin gamestop wanted everything for $80 cash, psh! Although if i dont get a high enough bid ill probably just pull it and keep it.
"I probably could have passed on the first straight"

Seth, I would still love you if you suddenly became humble :sly:


Anyway, jokes aside, here's my vote on how tonight should go. SSR5, full track, open qualify from the room opening up until 9pm promptly. Then we announce the order, get behind who you're supposed to get behind and we start the parade lap. If anyone gets DC'ed we can wait a few minutes for them to come back, but after that we need to just get started so people can get their sleep. Everyone agree?

EDIT: @Stormy, telling racing drivers to calm their tempers :lol:

Damn they're on to me. I gotta go home now. And Seth, humbleness is definitely not your forte! :lol:

Well there just arent too many console games i really enjoy or care to spend 60 bux on. I mainly used my PS3 for GT5 and since i got iracing i just dont care to play GT5 anymore because its inferior. I mostly just want more cheddar to buy a better PC for iracing lol.

I get you there. I am also starting to look into PC sim racers. No offense, but GT5 is looking kinda bland right now. And let's not talk about the physics and tire model. Although, GT6 is in development and more DLC is on the way for GT5. Hopefully, it'll contain the 2013 Viper, because Forza will have it later this month. #91 and #93!
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Damn they're on to me. I gotta go home now. And Seth, humbleness is definitely not your forte! :lol:

I get you there. I am also starting to look into PC sim racers. No offense, but GT5 is looking kinda bland right now. And let's not talk about the physics and tire model. Although, GT6 is in development and more DLC is on the way for GT5. Hopefully, it'll contain the 2013 Viper, because Forza will have it later this month. #91 and #93!

Not to mention that the #91 and #93 are running at Mid-Ohio tomorrow :) Me Gusta :sly:
Why're you here? You don't race in this series, you add nothing to the discussion, and you caused nothing but an uproar last season. I never start the race late purposely. Definitely not to get pole, especially seeing as how there was only 2 of us racing consistently in LMP last season. So what's the difference in getting pole when I'm racing one person that I can probably pass on the first straight? You're just a child who has to chime in because you got beat by me in Rolex. Ever since then you can't get over the fact I came in 1 race late, switched cars and still beat you at every race aside from the first one when I wasn't even running upgrades on my car. Grow up, kid. And no, your vote counts for nothing. You don't have a say because you don't partake.

As far as time goes, the race always started at 9pm Gshkilla, get it right. You're new here too, so maybe you should get accustomed to how things were run before you chime in.

Why are you here? You don't have the wherewithal to dignify who does and doesn't have a say, you're adding nothing to this discussion but a display of some kind of bloated ego. Why? I don't know and frankly could care less. The point? Lose whatever chip it is you have on your shoulder or I'll have absolutely no problem removing you from the forum, and seeing as you're already walking that thin line as is, it's pertinent you curb the attitude.
Just to clarify: We can wait a few minutes for DC's prior to green flag, but I wouldn't propose starting the race over for a DC even super early in the race. We never have in the past. I would just call it a DNS or DNF as if it were a technical problem with the car IRL.

Anyway see you guys tonight. Watching qualifying now. Go Green Hornet!
Why are you here? You don't have the wherewithal to dignify who does and doesn't have a say, you're adding nothing to this discussion but a display of some kind of bloated ego. Why? I don't know and frankly could care less. The point? Lose whatever chip it is you have on your shoulder or I'll have absolutely no problem removing you from the forum, and seeing as you're already walking that thin line as is, it's pertinent you curb the attitude.

Uh oh. A super moderator getting involved? Oh boy. Well, at least the gif came complete with the DIVX logo! :lol:

Well, I tried going online. It succeeded, but I got disconnected about a half hour in because of my router, again. I'll try again later.
That's worse than Mitch has had. At least in this series.

What's the difference between Mod, Super Mod, Admin, and whatever Prisonermonkeys is?
That's worse than Mitch has had. At least in this series.

What's the difference between Mod, Super Mod, Admin, and whatever Prisonermonkeys is?

The difference between an Administrator and a Moderator is the level of privilege. Administrators have control over the entire site (can edit anything on the site), while Moderators usually have control over certain sections of a site.

The Super class, I believe, just gives them more jurisdiction over their territory. I could be wrong though. I don't know who Prisonermonkeys is, and I didn't see him on the list of Administrators and Moderators (Super or otherwise).

You can also go this route:

"Moderators are moderate, super moderators are super moderate, and administrators are excessive :P"
The difference between an Administrator and a Moderator is the level of privilege. Administrators have control over the entire site (can edit anything on the site), while Moderators usually have control over certain sections of a site.

The Super class, I believe, just gives them more jurisdiction over their territory. I could be wrong though. I don't know who Prisonermonkeys is, and I didn't see him on the list of Administrators and Moderators (Super or otherwise).

You can also go this route:

"Moderators are moderate, super moderators are super moderate, and administrators are excessive :P"

He used to be one I think, but it says something in like Latin in the rectangle.
That's worse than Mitch has had. At least in this series.

What's the difference between Mod, Super Mod, Admin, and whatever Prisonermonkeys is?

Prisonermonkeys I think is a Staff Emeritus, I'm pretty sure that means they were previously a mod/admin and they left the ranks, whether due to leave or personal request, I guess. I know there's a page on it somewhere.
:lol: Kevin, I was thinking the same thing.

Hopefully order is restored. Not saying Seth was the only one to blame.

Remember how it was like in season 1? People used to tell each other good race and we used to help each other out. :). But now, complete opposite. :(
:lol: Kevin, I was thinking the same thing.

Hopefully order is restored. Not saying Seth was the only one to blame.

Remember how it was like in season 1? People used to tell each other good race and we used to help each other out. :). But now, complete opposite. :(

I think 99% of the guys from season one are now dead.