America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
You do realize this series of emojis means you want to have sex with a clown, right?
not that there's anything wrong with that seinfeld GIF by myLAB Box
Ok I know you're not interested in having an actual discussion, but this is a bit of a "hold up" thing. You do realize this series of emojis means you want to have sex with a clown, right?
I think it might be an attempt to get around the swear filter, but that couldn't be the case from a member that has so constructively contributed to good-faith discussion...

...oh wait!
I really wish after Trump that the Biden administration had hit the ground running and be amazing and show people how definitely great a President can be rather than have a really good press secretary and therefore good messaging (even when that's not a good thing) but otherwise be... kinda incompetent. Not laughably openly corrupt and unable to get out of their own way like Trump was but just kinda ineffectual at everything.

Like I know a lot of voters selected him because he's not Trump so it should have been expected but still... I see stuff like "Biden tapping a small amount into federal oil reserves after saying nothing doing" and it just seems like he focus tests everything.
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An armed society IS a polite society, because if EVERYONE is packing, then violent, predatory behavior is too risky to persue, because ANYONE can put a stop to it at ANY time! 🤗
Everyone here was packing, yet not much politeness.

The investigation indicates; Sara – Nicole Morales intentionally hit the motorcyclist, Andrew Derr (40 years old) in the area of the 1400 block of N. Volusia Ave. This was a minor crash, Derr was not injured or ejected from his motorcycle. Witnesses and Derr attempted to have Morales stop at the intersection of 17-92 and Wisconsin Ave while she was attempting to make a left turn. Verbal contact was made with Morales for her to pull over for the arrival of law enforcement. Morales refused and was able to make the left turn onto E. Wisconsin Ave when traffic permitted.

Morales traveled to 1052 E Wisconsin Ave. Derr and witnesses followed Morales in attempt to help identify her for law enforcement. They stopped in the roadway in front of 1052 E. Wisconsin Ave, calling 911 to have law enforcement respond to this location.

Morales went into her house and re-emerged a short time later. Morales confronted the witnesses and Derr, as they were on the phone with 911. Morales pointed a handgun at the witnesses and Derr.

Derr having a valid Florida Concealed weapons permit, drew his concealed handgun and fired multiple rounds, striking Morales. Morales’ handgun was recovered on-scene.

Derr remained on scene and has been cooperating with law enforcement from the beginning.

These facts have been established by independent interviews.

Orange City Police Department in conjunction with the States Attorney’s Office is continuing to investigate this incident.[/quote
In 2017 Alabama passed something known as the Memorial Preservation Act. This is a law designed to prevent Confederate monuments from being renamed or removed if they are more than 40 years old.

Montgomery's African American mayor Steven Reed and the city council voted to rename a street previously called Jeff Davis Avenue named for the Confederate president Jefferson Davis to Fred D Gray Avenue. Who is Fred D Gray you ask? Fred D Gray is now 91 years old but he is a retired attorney that represented Rosa Parks and others that challenged Alabama's segregation policies. I would say Mr. Gray is a better representation as a person for the citizens of Montgomery than Jefferson Davis.

Well Alabama's Attorney General, the idiot called Steve Marshall doesn't think so. He has notified the mayor that Montgomery is in violation of that 2017 law and if they don't return the name of Jefferson Davis to that street they will have to pay a $25,000 fine.

If I were the mayor and the city council I would pay that fine in pennies and drop them on Marshall's desk and then flip him the middle finger.

But yeah there are no such thing as racist laws on the books anymore are there?

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Ok I know you're not interested in having an actual discussion, but this is a bit of a "hold up" thing. You do realize this series of emojis means you want to have sex with a clown, right?
You literally follow a right-wing outlet that tried to paint Robert E. Lee as a man who did nothing wrong in regards to black people. Prager U routinely tries to rewrite what racism, fascism, climate change, LGTBQ, the civil war, black American issues, immigration, and so forth are in world history so that it can not-so-subtly promote the narrative that white people haven't really done anything bad at all, and it's the youth's, blacks', liberals', Europeans', basically anyone else' fault for the issues in the world.

One of Dennis Prager's biggest attempts at rewriting history is that it's the left's fault you can't say the n-word in America. That's been a huge taboo for decades & even the majority of the right knows better than to prop the notion that they're completely fine with folks saying it.
🤔 Interesting. I haven't watched or read anything about that, but I haven't dug around in their archives. Do you happen to have links to those examples?
Everyone here was packing, yet not much politeness.

The whole "everyone is polite if everyone has a gun" thing feels a lot like the idea that massive punishments are good deterrents for crime. Neither is actually true in real life.

Many criminals simply don't think that they'll get caught. Many people with guns assume that they're the good guy and will win any firefight. They're all wrong, and even if they're not in the majority it only takes a few to start questioning whether there might be a better way to do things.
Right. And if those were the only parts that made up a society, and everyone always followed the rules all the time you'd be absolutely correct.

That's not entirely true. All other things being equal, working harder should give better outcomes. But all other things are not equal, I can be the hardest working guy at the company but if it gets bought out by the Chinese who then fire us all it means 0"8
What a lot of people fail to take into account is that words like "fair", "equal", "deserved" and even "justice", "right" and "wrong" - these are human concepts that are NOT present in the natural world. There is no way to level the playing field because we are complicated, multifaceted and nuanced in shades of gray. We all have different abilities, strengths and talents and as you pointed out - some of us start at the bottom of the mountain and have to climb, and some of us start at the top and just coast down. Therefore I believe it's more appropriate to set parameters and make people fit the system, rather than trying to create a new system to appeal to everyone.

absolutely nothing.
You posted a lot of good points. 👍
There's any number of legitimate things that can create inequality by pure random luck, and that's before we even get into the idea that who your parents are and where you're brought up has a large effect that is completely out of your control. If you think everyone starts out equal, you're absolutely wrong.
Again, people are never going to be "equal" - some people are just going to do better, have more and be be more well-liked. This line of thinking leads to wealth redistribution, which I do not agree with. If we're going to elevate society, we should do it by raising the poor, not stealing from the rich. Even if their wealth comes from selling people lung cancer, if we steal from them, we're not any better than they are, and we need to be, or what's the point?
And unfortunately, the way that society is designed at the moment is that being successful makes it easier to be more successful. It's much easier to make money if you have a whole lot of money already than if you're poor. That means if you get hit with bad luck early, or at birth, then it's significantly harder to even get into the same game as everyone else.
This is also true. But unlike equity, equality and fairness, "Survival of The Fittest" and Newton's Law of Motion do exist in nature, and they would be how I would describe the wealthy - they have found or created a way to generate enough wealth to free themselves from the daily toil most of us experience, and many wealthy people know how to keep that momentum going. And I say good for them, because a lot of wealthy people nowadays didn't come from money - they found a way to pull themselves out of the grind with hard work and by thinking outside the box.
You don't understand what people are asking for. They're not asking for equality of outcome as you describe it. They're actually asking for what you described above, how well you do being proportional to how hard you work, to actually be more of the case in real life. At the moment that's not how it works for a lot of people for things that are completely beyond their control.
This is true. Life doesn't care about our plans. Life isn't fair, equal or just, because these are only human concepts. THIS is the cognitive dissonance that people experience when the world refuses to be fair, equal, just or kind. Does it mean we shouldn't strive for those things? NO. it means we should try HARDER.
Wanting success to be actually proportional to work and skill is not insane or socialism, and it's something that you seem to think is pretty good. What you don't seem to be able to see is that it's not the case for quite a lot of people, both at the top and the bottom of "success".
While I agree that the system in place isn't perfect, I don't think we should try to tear it down without having a something to replace it. That would be like someone renovating a house by knocking down random walls without bothering to check if they were load bearing.
🤔 Interesting. I haven't watched or read anything about that, but I haven't dug around in their archives. Do you happen to have links to those examples?
There's literally Wiki links highlighting Prager's inaccuracies.
Historian Paul Gottfried, who has written extensively on the subject of fascism, harshly criticized a PragerU video hosted by Dinesh D'Souza which stated that fascism was a leftist ideology. D'Souza maintained that Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who influenced Italian fascism, was a leftist, to which Gottfried noted that this contradicted the research by almost all scholars of Gentile's work who view him as a distinguished intellectual of the revolutionary right.[51]
In 2018, the PragerU video "The Suicide of Europe" by Douglas Murray argued that Europe is "committing suicide" by allowing mass immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described the video as a "dog whistle to the extreme right". Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League described it as "filled with anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric".[12][29] "Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?" is another video that the SPLC says contains such dog whistles. In this video, Vanderbilt University professor Carol M. Swain argues that the Southern strategy, the political strategy which saw the Republican Party exploit racial tensions to appeal to white Southerners, was false revisionism. History professor Kevin M. Kruse said that the video presented a "distortion" of history, "cherry-picked" its evidence, and was an "exercise in attacking a straw man".[12]

Dennis naturally, has instances as well.
In February 2020, he told a caller: "Of course you should never call anybody the n-word, that's despicable," but complained about the word itself being considered unacceptable.[40][41]

Most recent:
In a November 2021 Newsmax interview, Prager argued that "irrational fears" about people not vaccinated against COVID-19 had wrongly made them "the pariahs of America as I have not seen in my lifetime", more than gay men and intravenous drug users during the AIDS crisis, who he inaccurately said had not been ostracized.[45][46]
🤔 Interesting. I haven't watched or read anything about that, but I haven't dug around in their archives. Do you happen to have links to those examples?

Here we go, Prager himself complaining that he can't be racist or antisemetic and the its the lefts fault becuase they only object to one slur and not the other (not actually true - but Prager doesn;t give a crap about that).

What a lot of people fail to take into account is that words like "fair", "equal", "deserved" and even "justice", "right" and "wrong" - these are human concepts that are NOT present in the natural world. There is no way to level the playing field because we are complicated, multifaceted and nuanced in shades of gray. We all have different abilities, strengths and talents and as you pointed out - some of us start at the bottom of the mountain and have to climb, and some of us start at the top and just coast down. Therefore I believe it's more appropriate to set parameters and make people fit the system, rather than trying to create a new system to appeal to everyone.
Humans are part of the natural world and those concepts do exist in it... a base level they also exist in nature because humans are animals, and therefore a part of nature as well, we are not separate from it (despite what the religious may claim).
Again, people are never going to be "equal" - some people are just going to do better, have more and be be more well-liked. This line of thinking leads to wealth redistribution, which I do not agree with. If we're going to elevate society, we should do it by raising the poor, not stealing from the rich. Even if their wealth comes from selling people lung cancer, if we steal from them, we're not any better than they are, and we need to be, or what's the point?
Taxation and social welfare isn't stealing from anyone, what people have been (increasingly) is for the wealthiest to contribute to society in the same way the rest of us do. Taxation for the rich is pretty much as low as it's ever been in the US, which makes it ironic when the right bangs on about he good old days, when everything was much better, which coincidentally when you had 70%+ top tier tax rates.

It's also ironic that you recognise that they are doing wrong (we-re not any better than they are), but don't want to do anything about it.

This is also true. But unlike equity, equality and fairness, "Survival of The Fittest" and Newton's Law of Motion do exist in nature, and they would be how I would describe the wealthy - they have found or created a way to generate enough wealth to free themselves from the daily toil most of us experience, and many wealthy people know how to keep that momentum going. And I say good for them, because a lot of wealthy people nowadays didn't come from money - they found a way to pull themselves out of the grind with hard work and by thinking outside the box.
Ah pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, you do know that phrase comes from a dig at those who suggest, what is in reality, very rare?

The reality is that the income gap has grown significantly (and that gap accelerated), because a lot (the vast majority) of wealthy people did start out wealthy.

Nor is it "survival of the fittest", Darwin used the term 'fitter' and based on reading his works you would know that to mean best adapted. It's not the '**** over your neighbour to get on top' than many have co-opted it to mean. IN human terms, as we are a social animal, it would (in part) mean those who fit best into the working society.

You may also want to note that Prager doesn't believe in evolution anyway, spouting the same old ID nonsense as many other fundamental Christian right-wingers (be warned this link contains pseudoscience to a huge degree)..

Nor is social inequality an inherently human trait.

This is true. Life doesn't care about our plans. Life isn't fair, equal or just, because these are only human concepts. THIS is the cognitive dissonance that people experience when the world refuses to be fair, equal, just or kind. Does it mean we shouldn't strive for those things? NO. it means we should try HARDER.
Except that's not true at all, altruism and society working together is seen all over the natural world. In many cases it's the ones in a society who don't work for the common good of that society that end up outside it.

While I agree that the system in place isn't perfect, I don't think we should try to tear it down without having a something to replace it. That would be like someone renovating a house by knocking down random walls without bothering to check if they were load bearing.
No one is suggesting anything of the sort, but your argument is an excuse to do nothing, which makes no sense at all, as those breaking society are not standing still either.
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Thanks! Good stuff 👍 I did watch The Suicide of Europe and found it to be a bit alarmist and xenophobic for my tastes, although my feelings about it might change, since I live in a border state that housed kids in cages for the Biden / Kameltoe Menagerie.
Here we go, Prager himself complaining that he can't be racist or antisemetic and the its the lefts fault becuase they only object to one slur and not the other (not actually true - but Prager doesn;t give a crap about that).

🤣 I get what he's TRYING to say, but yeah. He only succeeded in looking like a tool. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Humans are part of the natural world and those concepts do exist in it... a base level they also exist in nature because humans are animals, and therefore a part of nature as well, we are not separate from it (despite what the religious may claim).

Taxation and social welfare isn't stealing from anyone, what people have been (increasingly) is for the wealthiest to contribute to society in the same way the rest of us do. Taxation for the rich is pretty much as low as it's ever been in the US, which makes it ironic when the right bangs on about he good old days, when everything was much better, which coincidentally when you had 70%+ top tier tax rates.
This makes sense to me. 👍
It's also ironic that you recognise that they are doing wrong (we-re not any better than they are), but don't want to do anything about it.
Everyone is aware of the ugliness of their
Situation, they just choose to ignore it. I, myself, do not presume to have any answers to society's ills, and I'm very wary of people that claim to. Nor do I want people messing around with the societal structure without at LEAST providing a compelling argument or a representative doodle on a cocktail napkin 😉
Ah pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, you do know that phrase comes from a dig at those who suggest, what is in reality, very rare?

The reality is that the income gap has grown significantly (and that gap accelerated), because a lot (the vast majority) of wealthy people did start out wealthy.

Nor is it "survival of the fittest", Darwin used the term 'fitter' and based on reading his works you would know that to mean best adapted. It's not the '**** over your neighbour to get on top' than many have co-opted it to mean. IN human terms, as we are a social animal, it would (in part) mean those who fit best into the working society.
The best adapted people in modern society are the very wealthy. That was what I was trying to get at.
You may also want to note that Prager doesn't believe in evolution anyway, spouting the same old ID nonsense as many other fundamental Christian right-wingers (be warned this link contains pseudoscience to a huge degree)..

Nor is social inequality an inherently human trait.
I do NOT agree with everything Dennis Prager has to say, although I still find Prager U commentary to be of more value than that of Corporate Media (CNN, MSNBC) but it's their own fault that their viewership has tanked along with Democrat approval ratings.
And I stay FAR away from creationists, lest I hear (yet again) how we were made from clay. 🙄🤣
Except that's not true at all, altruism and society working together is seen all over the natural world. In many cases it's the ones in a society who don't work for the common good of that society we end up outside it.
Fair point. 👍
No one is suggesting anything of the sort, but your argument is an excuse to do nothing, which makes no sense at all, as those breaking society are not standing still either.
Those who are CURRENTLY breaking society are the ones who were elected to maintain it. I mean, those approval ratings! 🤣🤣🤣 So no, I don't feel a need to become an instrument of social justice, because our BIGGEST problems are doing a damn fine job of making sure they don't get reelected. 🤣🤣🤣 Former Vice Sock Puppet Biden, Kameltoe Hairless and The Fraud Squad are rare examples of trash that empties itself! 🤣🤣🤣
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Thanks! Good stuff 👍 I did watch The Suicide of Europe and found it to be a bit alarmist and xenophobic for my tastes, although my feelings about it might change, since I live in a border state that housed kids in cages for the Biden / Kameltoe Menagerie.
I live in Europe, it's beyond 'a bit alarmist', then again Fox news did once claim that the Birmingham in the UK (the countries second largest city) was a Muslim controlled zone than non-Muslims couldn't travel in. Which I celebrated the very next day by having a beer in the middle of Birmingham.

Everyone of the media sources you lists trades in this kind of crap.

🤣 I get what he's TRYING to say, but yeah. He only succeeded in looking like a tool. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Mainly because he's spouting racist and anti-semetic nonsense.

I am the left he's accusing and I will quite happily object to people using either term. Prager created a position that doesn;t exists to complain that he can't use the slurs he wants. Well technically he can use them, nothing in law stops him, but what he wants is to not only be free to use them, but also free from the consequences of using them.

Everyone is aware of the ugliness of their
Situation, they just choose to ignore it. I, myself, do not presume to have any answers to society's ills, and I'm very wary of people that claim to. Nor do I want people messing around with the societal structure without at LEAST providing a compelling argument or a representative doodle on a cocktail napkin 😉
We have plenty. Let's take a look at one example. Socialised healthcare, it's not that it never been proven. Quite the opposite, the US is the only developed country that doesn't use it. Pure private healthcare isn't the norm, it's a failed outlier.

Hell the social and welfare programs that run throughout Europe work, are they perfect? Of course not, but do they, overall, work better than the models the US uses? I would argue that they do, and do to such a degree that the US right has to mislead and misrepresent them to avoid that reality.

The best adapted people in modern society are the very wealthy. That was what I was trying to get at.
I would argue that the very wealthy have adapted society to ensure that they are the best adapted, particularly in the US.

I do NOT agree with everything Dennis Prager has to say, although I still find Prager U commentary to be of more value than that of Corporate Media (CNN, MSNBC) but it's their own fault that their viewership has tanked along with Democrat approval ratings.
And I stay FAR away from creationists, lest I hear (yet again) how we were made from clay. 🙄🤣
Yet that's what PragerU promotes, its Christian content is based in the creationist fantasy of intellegent design.

Those who are CURRENTLY breaking society are the ones who were elected to maintain it. I mean, those approval ratings! 🤣🤣🤣 So no, I don't feel a need to become an instrument of social justice, because our BIGGEST problems are doing a damn fine job of making sure they don't get reelected. 🤣🤣🤣 Former Vice Sock Puppet Biden, Kameltoe Hairless and The Fraud Squad are rare examples of trash that empties itself! 🤣🤣🤣
No, they are the ones currently failing to fix it, they are not however the cause of it, that would be the likes of 45 and his socioeconomic group.
Can anybody enlighten me, as to why you would want to say the n-word (as a kaukasian)?


Unless you like to dressup in white hoods.
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I've only ever uttered the N word a handful of times in my life and that's when I'm rapping along to a song I like and forget the words that are coming next.

Other than that sorry I can't enlighten you at all tbh.
Fox News are melting down over a left-wing liberal plot to destroy Thanksgiving by (checks notes) making Turkeys more expensive.

So to further annoy anyone who believes in such nonsense, he's a piece exploring the history of the myths behind Thanksgiving.

Fox News are melting down over a left-wing liberal plot to destroy Thanksgiving by (checks notes) making Turkeys more expensive.

So to further annoy anyone who believes in such nonsense, he's a piece exploring the history of the myths behind Thanksgiving.

It's weird because I paid exactly .99 a pound for turkey this year, the same I pay every year. Turkeys probably are more expensive, but pretty much every grocery store uses it as a loss leader to get people to buy all the other stuff you need for Thanksgiving dinner. Still, Thanksgiving dinner this year was probably less than $10 more than it was last year.
That's not what either CRT or the 1619 project do at all (and you still do have systemic racism - you just want to ignore it and claim its all gone away rather than actually discuss it).

I mean it's what Fox and the morons over at Prager want people to think it is, but that doesn't make it true at all.

What CRT and 1619 (and similar projects) want is for Slavery, and what it lead to and the impact it still has to this day, to be openly discussed, regardless of if it's comfortable or not, and yes it is an integral part of the origins of the US, in exactly the same way that Colonialism is an integral part of the history of Europe. Both should be discussed openly, regardless of if it makes anyone feel uncomfortable, and that's not re-writing history.
The problem that people (myself included) have with CRT is NOT the fact that it discusses the history of slavery or racism, but that it insists that racism is commonplace, normal and unavoidable.

The 1619 project is a narrow view of American history from the perspective of African Americans living under 400+ years of oppression, with slavery being the main focus.

The problem that people have with The 1619 Project is that again, it's from a single perspective, and also because it claims that the oppression of black citizens is ongoing and systemic.

While I disagree with the idea of Systemic Racism™, I could certainly see CRT and The 1619 Project having a place in college sociology classes. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with these subjects being taught in K-12 schools. This is because Systemic Racism™ is the underlying theme they both share. I don't think white children need to be introduced to ideas like "White Guilt™" and black and minority children don't need to be taught that The System hates them and that their ethnicity will always hold them back.

CRT and The 1619 project don't "just teach history" as many claim - they are pushing a RACIST agenda to ensure a climate of racial tension. If you can't see the negative impact that perpetuating the Opressed /Oppressor narrative has, then you are part of the problem.

Furthermore, I count myself among the masses that are tired of the racism that's being thrust upon us by leftist ideas like CRT. I disagree with the concept of Systemic Racism™ as well. I myself am a minority, and have NEVER felt discriminated against, or that my race was ever an issue with anyone.

Systemic Racism™ would seem more credible if it had a root cause, or if it's effects were apparent, obvious and shared by many. As it is, Systemic Racism™ is a ghost - a shadowy spector casting a racist shadow over America that can't be dispelled. I call B.S. America isn't a Racist country. 🇺🇲💯
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I could certainly see CRT and The 1619 Project having a place in college sociology classes. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with these subjects being taught in K-12 schools.
Critical Race Theory isn't really taught in K-12 schools and even if it was, it likely wouldn't be taught until high school and even then it would likely be taught in the appropriate setting like a sociology class.

University and college courses are another thing though, but Critical Race Theory 100% belongs in sociology and anthropology courses.
The problem that people (myself included) have with CRT is NOT the fact that it discusses the history of slavery or racism, but that it insists that racism is commonplace, normal and unavoidable.

The 1619 project is a narrow view of American history from the perspective of African Americans living under 400+ years of oppression, with slavery being the main focus.

The problem that people have with The 1619 Project is that again, it's from a single perspective, and also because it claims that the oppression of black citizens is ongoing and systemic.

While I disagree with the idea of Systemic Racism™, I could certainly see CRT and The 1619 Project having a place in college sociology classes. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with these subjects being taught in K-12 schools. This is because Systemic Racism™ is the underlying theme they both share. I don't think white children need to be introduced to ideas like "White Guilt™" and black and minority children don't need to be taught that The System hates them and that their ethnicity will always hold them back.

CRT and The 1619 project don't "just teach history" as many claim - they are pushing a RACIST agenda to ensure a climate of racial tension. If you can't see the negative impact that perpetuating the Opressed /Oppressor narrative has, then you are part of the problem.

Furthermore, I count myself among the masses that are tired of the racism that's being thrust upon us by leftist ideas like CRT. I disagree with the concept of Systemic Racism™ as well. I myself am a minority, and have NEVER felt discriminated against, or that my race was ever an issue with anyone.

Systemic Racism™ would seem more credible if it had a root cause, or if it's effects were apparent, obvious and shared by many. As it is, Systemic Racism™ is a ghost - a shadowy spector casting a racist shadow over America that can't be dispelled. I call B.S. America isn't a Racist country. 🇺🇲💯
Neither teach white kids or black kids what you claim, and they have the focus they do because it's been ignored in the past.

However a large body of evidence exists, some of which has been linked here to demonstrate that systematic racism does exist in the US. That you wish to ignore it doesn't change that.
Neither teach white kids or black kids what you claim, and they have the focus they do because it's been ignored in the past.

However a large body of evidence exists, some of which has been linked here to demonstrate that systematic racism does exist in the US. That you wish to ignore it doesn't change that.
Here's Critical Race Theory Give it a read. You'll see that it does too teach what I claim it does.
CRT and The 1619 project don't "just teach history" as many claim - they are pushing a RACIST agenda to ensure a climate of racial tension. If you can't see the negative impact that perpetuating the Opressed /Oppressor narrative has, then you are part of the problem.
Mate, you've already got a climate of racial tension, and it was around a long time before CRT and the 1619 project. Pointing out that something exists is not the same as perpetuating a narrative, and sticking your head in the sand doesn't make it go away. It's probably a lot more comfortable if you're not directly affected by systemic issues not to have to hear about them all the time, though.

I myself am a minority, and have NEVER felt discriminated against, or that my race was ever an issue with anyone.
Complete and total ********.

Your profile says you're 45 years old. No one goes for 45 years without running into at least one intolerant asshole. It's literally impossible unless you're a hermit living in the woods, there are just too many assholes living in the world. A 45 year old white dude would almost certainly run into at least one instance in his life of someone using his race to discriminate against him.

It may be true that you may not have felt discriminated against, but that's more an indication of your lack of perception than anything else.
Mate, you've already got a climate of racial tension, and it was around a long time before CRT and the 1619 project. Pointing out that something exists is not the same as perpetuating a narrative, and sticking your head in the sand doesn't make it go away. It's probably a lot more comfortable if you're not directly affected by systemic issues not to have to hear about them all the time, though.

Complete and total ********.

Your profile says you're 45 years old. No one goes for 45 years without running into at least one intolerant asshole. It's literally impossible unless you're a hermit living in the woods, there are just too many assholes living in the world. A 45 year old white dude would almost certainly run into at least one instance in his life of someone using his race to discriminate against him.

It may be true that you may not have felt discriminated against, but that's more an indication of your lack of perception than anything else.

Mate, you've already got a climate of racial tension, and it was around a long time before CRT and the 1619 project. Pointing out that something exists is not the same as perpetuating a narrative, and sticking your head in the sand doesn't make it go away. It's probably a lot more comfortable if you're not directly affected by systemic issues not to have to hear about them all the time, though.

Complete and total ********.

Your profile says you're 45 years old. No one goes for 45 years without running into at least one intolerant asshole. It's literally impossible unless you're a hermit living in the woods, there are just too many assholes living in the world. A 45 year old white dude would almost certainly run into at least one instance in his life of someone using his race to discriminate against him.

It may be true that you may not have felt discriminated against, but that's more an indication of your lack of perception than anything else.
🥰💯🥰💯🥰💯OMG THANK YOU for pointing out how WRONG I was about MY life experiences! 🙏🙏🙏PLEASE, is there ANYTHING else you can tell me about myself!? 🤗🤗🤗 Am I adopted? Do I have any allergies? Your GODLIKE PERCEPTION has me SO AROUSED! Wait... AM I GAY TOO? 😱😱😱
🥰💯🥰💯🥰💯OMG THANK YOU for pointing out how WRONG I was about MY life experiences! 🙏🙏🙏PLEASE, is there ANYTHING else you can tell me about myself!? 🤗🤗🤗 Am I adopted? Do I have any allergies? Your GODLIKE PERCEPTION has me SO AROUSED! Wait... AM I GAY TOO? 😱😱😱
I mean, if I told you that I, an Australian who is definitely an adult, had never been called the c-word, you'd pretty rightly call me out for talking complete dribble. It's pretty inconceivable that I haven't been called that at least once when it's such a core component of the society I live in. I could tell you that it doesn't happen enough to bother me, which is true, but the idea that it has never, ever happened to me is so unlikely that if anything it really reinforces the opposite idea.

You can claim whatever you like mate. Maybe it's true, maybe you're the one person in the world who got through 45 years without any discrimination or racism whatsoever. I don't believe you, because it sounds less plausible than "I got picked up by a flying saucer and anal probed once". Which to be fair, would be a little gay.

I'm not telling you your experience was wrong. You feel what you feel. If you feel that you've never been discriminated against, then good for you. I'm telling you that at some point you're basically guaranteed to have been discriminated against, what with you being a human who is alive, and that if you didn't notice then you're just oblivious.

I don't think you're a liar. I find it far more likely that your perception of what's going on around you is so flawed that you simply don't notice discrimination at all. Why attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity?

Also, I greatly enjoy that you're so not triggered by my post that you not only used an abundance of emojis, capitals and sarcasm, you also quoted it twice. Getting a bit twitchy over the reply button, were we?
There are a lot more upper case letters and emojis the more this goes on.

It's genuinely making things more difficult for me to read, this isn't a tabloid newspaper AZ.