America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe not. But until I have a substantive reason to doubt him, I'm taking him at his word.
Buhlieve me, I would not mind if it's true because it would do even more damage to Abbott's re-election bid. Folks here will draw hard lines about politics, but Abbott's been such a colossal screw-up in the last 1.5 years, that if a story got out he was trying to pay family members of the fallen to say, "No Gun Control!" & then threaten them if the family shared that proposition, he'd be pretty much done. Beto is already attacking him over the grid which is now a touchy subject here & he'd easily use this as ammunition against Abbott.
Yep. That's why I made my edit.
I didn't catch that.

Abbott being absolute ****ing garbage and the story being ******** aren't mutually exclusive. It's important to not be like the right and accept/spread stories about the opposition that don't make sense just because it feels good.


Second Edit: The Florida executive's next target for punitive governmental action over protected speech?

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I was born in 1993 and Port Arthur was in 1996. I was a young kid so I dont remember but my parents said the whole event shocked Australia. The Nation became paralysed.
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Bill Burr agrees with the psych evaluation part. I don't know why anyone would be opposed to this. Most gun owners would get the license and buy all the things that previously required tax stamps. Full autos, silencers, SBR/SBS etc. Gun lobby should be in favor.
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Bill Burr agrees with the psych evaluation part. I don't know why anyone would be opposed to this. Most gun owners would get the license and buy all the things that previously required tax stamps. Full autos, silencers, SBR/SBS etc. Gun lobby should be in favor.

Unfortunately, a bunch will. Republicans in this country will notoriously shoot down any proposal that even begins to hint at making it harder to get weapons or limiting their availabilty & instead offer: God in the classroom, parents needing to teach their kids better, teachers having guns (while under threat of what they can teach & not paid enough), or in Cruz's latest moronic idea; a single entry/exit in a school & an armed officer at that point. Even as they're harping, "It's a mental health problem", they won't actually propose a solution that targets mental health because public health care is a boogeyman to conservatives.

Even Bill's argument is hit with the, "Criminals don't care" line as evident in the YT comments.
"Oh! I have to have a license BEFORE I commit this heinous crime? Oh... well never mind." GG, Bill. Get out of LA fantasy island, chump. Sell out.

These people don't want to make any compromise. At this point, dead kids & mass shootings might as well just be an acceptable loss to have 2A untouched at all costs to many of them.
Roxane Gay wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times which says, in part:-
The United States has become ungovernable not because of political differences or protest or a lack of civility but because this is a country unwilling to protect and care for its citizens — its women, its racial minorities and especially its children.
Of course she's right. Whether it's Covid, guns, accessibility to healthcare, pollution, climate change or simply ensuring a living wage for employees, power trumps morality and decency. (Pun intended).

Until a higher proportion of Americans become willing to give a flying
about their fellow Americans, Republicans will continue to lie and exploit the gullible, and cheat their way to maintaining a majority of right wing extremists on the Supreme Court.

Australia proved that gun deaths don't have to be a "long term problem". It took weeks.

I'll just leave THIS here and see myself out.
State appointed lawyer fails to do there job and you get convicted and put on death row? Tough luck from now on, doesn't matter if you have enough new evidence to show you are likely innocent, doesn't matter if your conviction was overturned, doesn't matter if your 6th amendment rights were violated, you're staying on death row. Supreme court says so after state prosecutors successfully argue that 'innocence isn't enough' to void a conviction!

These people don't want to make any compromise. At this point, dead kids & mass shootings might as well just be an acceptable loss to have 2A untouched at all costs to many of them.
It's not a compromise if they get much more in return. I'm sure campaigns teasing people with full autos and SBR's with a one time step will get support. Currently they have to fill a form every single time they get a 1 short barrel rifle, 1 silencer or 1 pre-NFA full auto. Then they wait forever for the approval. Would be much easier to just get a license one time and buy whatever you want, right?
For those of you following the discussion of a bipartisan national red flag law for firearms at the senate, I'll mention that we have such a law in Colorado today.

The red flag law enables a judge to temporarily suspend firearm rights to individuals who are identified to be at risk. It requires a case to be brought against an individual showing that they are dangerous and a court order removing their firearms. It has been used a few hundred times in Colorado since its inception, mostly by police, but in some instances by civilians. There have been some aggravating examples of judges refusing to issue the order in cases of domestic abuse.

I'm not sure that a red flag law would have prevented Uvalde, I suppose it's possible, but I think it's unlikely. Still, the red flag concept is a good one and appears to make a small dent.
You will never get bipartisan agreement on gun control so states should be looking to make their own gun laws more strict. Sadly too many people cherish guns over human beings. Maybe if we lie and say that guns will make you want to teach CRT it would get one party to act?
Meanwhile I emailed my kids' school this morning to share specific suggestions for how to improve security, and asked how to get involved in the discussion within the district.
...and just like that, I'm in touch with the person in charge of school safety for my district. I'm already learning a lot about what they have in place. I'm kinda stunned that they took the time to actually respond so quickly, I'm sure they were inundated with emails.

The door has been cracked for me to bend the ear of the school district, I will be taking that opportunity.
Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine published a paper based on CDC data, which included the chart below.

In 2020 the falling motor vehicle fatalities allowed the rising per capita deaths due to gun injuries amongst people aged 0-19 to become the number one cause of death in that group.

No doubt we will treat this as a public health threat and react as effectively as we did for Covid. /s

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Ah, so that's what caused all these then.

Too bad Fox is full of ass kissers that no one would call him out on how absolutely asinine that claim is.
To Cavuto's credit, he tried...and then apologized for interrupting. Of course, [Mo]Ron then countered by saying CRT and liberal indoctrination have been going on for a long time.
Obviously what's needed is fewer doors.

Well I do have a question about the doors actually. Because I want to know if they're using this kind of technology:

But beyond that, I want to talk about what happened in Highland Ranch (Denver) a few years ago where students smuggled weapons in music cases, and how to address that.
Well I do have a question about the doors actually. Because I want to know if they're using this kind of technology:

But beyond that, I want to talk about what happened in Highland Ranch (Denver) a few years ago where students smuggled weapons in music cases, and how to address that.

Security guard to stop anyone with suspicious packages. I mean, with all of the education funding cuts, I doubt there are any music programs still intact.
Security guard to stop anyone with suspicious packages. I mean, with all of the education funding cuts, I doubt there are any music programs still intact.
If we could ditch backpacks so that kids weren't carrying paper back and forth between home and school, it would be feasible to do a visual inspection of music cases at the door (just like a water park or football game). I know that the questions about feminine products and school lunches going back and forth can be addressed. Bathrooms should probably stock tampons. Getting rid of backpacks isn't an overnight thing, but it's completely do-able.
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Bathrooms should probably stock tampons.
I don't see why this shouldn't be easy to do. Hell the legislature in Utah passed a bill to have all public schools stock feminine hygiene products and our Congress is notoriously anti-women, anti-school, and anti-spending. If it can pass here I don't see why it couldn't pass anywhere else.
Security guard to stop anyone with suspicious packages. I mean, with all of the education funding cuts, I doubt there are any music programs still intact.

School boards typically don't have the instruments, the students rent them elsewhere and then bring them to school. Something like an upright bass violin or piano are possible exceptions.