I don’t think any entity has a right to request vaccination status as I don’t think any entity has a right to request sexual orientation or HIV status. Regarding Covid, I have always believed it’s appropriate for the individual to protect themselves as they see necessary. Not for Gov’t to dictate.
Private entities have every right to ask you whatever questions they want in order for you to go onto their property. However, you have every right not to answer them, but if you don't and go onto the property anyway, then you're trespassing.
And while, yes, ideally, you'd protect yourself with COVID, the problem comes into play that you don't have the right to harm someone else, which is to say you don't have the right to get them sick. There's a decent part of the population who are unable to be vaccinated or who have weakened immune systems where the vaccine isn't as effective. I'm not for the government dictating things, but DeSantis has purposely obstructed private entities from actually being able to provide protection for people. With vaccines for kids 6 months - 4 years old, they're incredibly difficult to find in Florida due to the state just saying they weren't going to get them. While that's fine and dandy for the government not to provide them, it is a problem when they control the actual product distribution. Healthcare systems can attempt to order the vaccine directly from the supplier, but that's not how things are currently set up so they have a pretty difficult time getting them.
I have a friend who lives outside Jacksonville who has two small girls. She had to drive to Georgia to get her kids vaccinated because there just weren't any places around her that were administering the vaccine for kids. She wanted to get her kids protected, but due to the government getting in the way, she couldn't. Now imagine that at a federal level, it would be a disaster.
DeSantis has also claimed he "followed the science," but he's an absolute imbecile when it comes to science. He's never believed in masks and he doesn't think vaccines matter for kids. It's fine that a politician is stupid about science, it becomes a problem when they use that stupidity to make policy decisions that should be science-based.
I don’t think extreme complicated subjects need to be discussed with 4-9 year olds.
It doesn't need to be a part of a lesson plan, but a teacher can get fired for simply answering the question, "why does Johnny have two dads?" I don't think teachers should be going in-depth into sexual relationships and identity at a young age either, and for the most part, they don't. But kids are curious and will ask a million and one questions. Teachers should be empowered to be able to answer those questions and foster an environment where kids can be curious.
So if a kid asks "why does Johnny have two dads?", a teacher should be able to explain to them that some people have a mom and a dad, some have two moms, some have two dads, and some have just one mom or one dad. It's something that's common enough in society that kids shouldn't be sheltered from it because it doesn't require sheltering.