Unfortunately, Trump didn't even get OWS correct. The biggest and most successful vaccine maker Pfizer didn't take any money for the research. Pfizer did receive a ton of orders due to the OWS though and got EUA quicker, but whether OWS existed or not the CDC would've pushed through any vaccine that had a remote chance of working.
Moderna benefited by getting $2.48 billion. But the other participants sort of fizzled out. Johnson & Johnson failed, AstraZeneca never got authorization in the US and contributed to blood clotting, Novavax never made it to the US market, Merck's project was terminated, and Sanofi's vaccine didn't work. Monoclonal treatments were funded to the tune of like $1 billion, but those never really panned out in any massive scale.
So the biggest winner in the pharmaceuticals side of the pandemic had very little to do with OWS at all, which opens the floor for debate on public vs. private funding.
My Brother in Christ, it's 1030 on a Wednesday in California and you're making a beer run?