America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I really don't understand the mentality of setting fire to your own town's establishments and buildings. Sure, you're angry, but all you are doing is hurting yourself in the process.
All you have to do is witness a riot in Europe vs in the US. Over there, they have nothing to lose. They constantly take on police lines head-on because they're fighting for something.

Here, these idiots light buildings on fire & rob stores because they just want to act like dumbasses. They get to act out their wildest dreams of being degenerate for one night. They couldn't care less if Brown is dead.

The only thing that pisses me off about the verdict is that it's 1 fat excuse to play the race card. Reading tweets from all these athletes like Magic Johnson or LeBron (the rest all also, unsurprisingly black) about how disappointed they are in the verdict & how suppressed black communities, yet not one of them ever comments on the other constant problems in their communities; music that views women as whores, black-on-black crime increasing, etc.

These guys make Charles Barkley look like the most intelligent politically-speaking of the bunch because to him, the issue is not whites or the govt. or whatever else. To him, these issues are coming from within' the black communities because there's no structure to guide them, or basically, a father/mother figure. And it just becomes a continuous cycle because they see as acceptable when they follow that path later on.
Edit* Wilson's testimony word-for-word. It won't change anybody's mind because the time for that is long gone, but he got shot, stumbled, and then kept going. As if that's not a big enough reason to just give up. :dunce:
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I'd like to think I have a pretty basic understanding of the physical evidence in this case, most of which suggests that Wilson was acting in within his rights as a police officer. Thus, I agree with the grand jury's decision not to indict him. Does this make me a neo-nazi skinhead white supremacist Ku Klux Klan Al-Qaeda ISIS sympathizer?
Going off some great posts these last two pages on problems in black communities, a positive show like the Fresh Prince has never been more relevant.


The sad thing is though, this shouldn't matter in the first place.
I think what we need is an MLK like figure that is able to unite people (not just blacks) and work towards a common goal. Unfortunatly, all we have right now are two guys in Jackson and Sharpton that really have no desire to actually end what they are fighting.
I don't think you take into account that apart from the video evidence of Michael Brown stealing the cigars, we don't know exactly what happened in those two situations because Brown and Martin are dead and Zimmerman and Wilson aren't talking and will not talk and there is no video evidence. You are assuming that Brown got physical and you are assuming that Martin was scoping out houses. In your mind, I guess it's just no chance that Zimmerman or Wilson could have been wrong. That's why I said, you should have just called them "good dead ******s".

You mentioned nice kids, well nice black kids do have to deal with the crap that comes from rotten black kids but they also have to deal with mindsets like yours.

I don't think you're taking into account that a jury and grand jury could not convict Zimmerman or Wilson of any wrongdoing.

I'm assuming that Brown got physical because that's what the accounts say. I'm assuming that Martin was scoping out houses because the area was plagued with robberies and a kid walking through houses is totally suspicious. Neither of these assumptions ever considers skin color. To me, it's as trivial as hair color. When you think of it like that, you realize how ridiculous racism in America is. But it's around-- thanks in no small part to the fact that these two just happened to be black and rough.

By definition, everyone ought to deal with mindsets like mine. I already told you: if you're dumb enough to do something that is going to put you in a bad situation, and you make things exponentially worse by some aggressive action, then don't expect my sympathy.

Peace and love, not rioting and looting and hatred. Maybe the cops will stop killing us.
We are less violent than ever. Still hasn't stopped them.

I've never been even close to being shot by the police, that is strange. Must be 'cause I'm white.

I am genuinely curious, do you have any statistics over the past 10 years or so to see if unjustified Police shootings have increased or decreased? As a side note, I hope incidents like this encourage Police Departments all across America to get body cams for their Officers. Not only will it help Officers in situations like this, it will make it easier for Law Enforcement agencies to get rid of all the asshats who make us all look bad.
We are less violent than ever. Still hasn't stopped them.

I think perhaps some people have gotten more brazen, even in the face of a gun. At the same time, perhaps officers are more afraid than ever. Or they're desensitized to the killing power of their guns. Kind of like the military mindset of, "I don't give a **** about these Iraqis I just want to get home in one piece."

It used to be that officers were explorers, then they were trained by the best cops, and it was sort of a master and apprentice type thing. Like the jedi.

Now, with all the people out of work, you have business students going to the academy for 4 weeks and then they're hired by the county-wide police force because they have to serve another city that shut down its own police force. And don't forget those with the most useless degree ever: criminal justice majors. If you have a degree in criminal justice, you can usually work in the justice system (police, etc). But these kids don't know squat compared to back in the day. And they have no experience, and absolutely no firearms training. Have you ever seen a sample of police officers shoot? There's maybe 1 or 2 that are good. The rest are terrible.
I think perhaps some people have gotten more brazen, even in the face of a gun. At the same time, perhaps officers are more afraid than ever. Or they're desensitized to the killing power of their guns. Kind of like the military mindset of, "I don't give a **** about these Iraqis I just want to get home in one piece."

It used to be that officers were explorers, then they were trained by the best cops, and it was sort of a master and apprentice type thing. Like the jedi.

Now, with all the people out of work, you have business students going to the academy for 4 weeks and then they're hired by the county-wide police force because they have to serve another city that shut down its own police force. And don't forget those with the most useless degree ever: criminal justice majors. If you have a degree in criminal justice, you can usually work in the justice system (police, etc). But these kids don't know squat compared to back in the day. And they have no experience, and absolutely no firearms training. Have you ever seen a sample of police officers shoot? There's maybe 1 or 2 that are good. The rest are terrible.

Why yes, I actually qualified at in-service this year next to the local PD. I disagree that the majority are terrible, in fact the 50 or so Officers I saw shoot were far above the average shooter I've encountered at local gun ranges. Unfortunately being at a range and shooting is completely different than being in an active shooter situation.

When were were in the academy we performed various active shooter drills in order to try to recreate what we'd feel in a real situation, unfortunately there is no proper way to do that but even with the added stress of a drill we knew was fake, our accuracy decreased.
I'm biased because our city recently had a budget squeeze (the mayor is an idiot) where they tried to screw over the police. They figured if all the other cities around us were doing it, why couldn't they do it? Well, because all the people that would've been great officers picked up and went elsewhere in the country for their careers. They got stuck with people that probably should have considered another line of work, or at least people with absolutely no experience whatsoever (as I described earlier). You know, like female cops that want to know why they have to have short hair and then complain about it. (You know, so the guy you're trying to arrest can't grab your ponytail and slam your head into the ground)

Am I the only one that thinks each generation has gotten weaker and softer? I mean, it has its merits, but maybe that's another thing contributing to how quickly lethal force is being deployed today.
I'm biased because our city recently had a budget squeeze (the mayor is an idiot) where they tried to screw over the police. They figured if all the other cities around us were doing it, why couldn't they do it? Well, because all the people that would've been great officers picked up and went elsewhere in the country for their careers. They got stuck with people that probably should have considered another line of work, or at least people with absolutely no experience whatsoever (as I described earlier). You know, like female cops that want to know why they have to have short hair and then complain about it. (You know, so the guy you're trying to arrest can't grab your ponytail and slam your head into the ground)

Am I the only one that thinks each generation has gotten weaker and softer? I mean, it has its merits, but maybe that's another thing contributing to how quickly lethal force is being deployed today.

One thing that is happening, which I think is absolutely disgusting, is females are filing lawsuits over the physical requirements of some Police Departments claiming that they are being discriminated against because women are generally weaker and as such shouldn't be held to the same physical standard as men. I seem to recall a lawsuit against the PSP being awarded in favor of the females.
What's hard about these kind of cases for me is that I really do agree with @FoolKiller about the big picture when it comes to the insane increases in police shootings over the years. But in both this case and the Trayvon Martin case, I don't see any issue with the actual outcome. I genuinely believe there is significant institutional racism that seriously impacts the black community in America (not trying to be the smug Canadian either, there's plenty of problems here too). What I struggle with is that I don't think there was any justification to charge either Wilson or Zimmerman, nor do I think either case is representative of systemic racism.

Originally we were led to believe Martin was an innocent young kid stalked and killed by a wannabe racist white vigilante. Turns out Martin was in high school, a 5'11 160lb football player, and was beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete before he was shot. We were led to believe Brown was a gentle giant, and that he was innocently walking in the street and shot in cold blood, and then again in the back by a racist cop. Turns out he had just violently robbed a corner store, Wilson was responding to the call and saw someone matching the description walking in the middle of the street, and after an altercation where Brown tried to grab the officer's gun he was shot.

Nobody I know personally has faced anything more from the police than a night in a drunk tank. I've been treated with respect from police, and only once been pulled over for speeding. I can walk into a supermarket wearing a backpack and it's not a problem. I can look back on any failures in my life and know with certainty that it was because of my conduct. Based on my experiences, I have no reason to believe that the proceedings in either the Brown or Martin cases were carried out wrongly, and I can trust that the investigation was sound.

In 2010-2012, blacks were killed by police at a rate of ~31 per million, compared to ~1.5 per million for whites. Of course, the easy counter is that blacks disproportionately commit crimes, but that's once again ignoring that's it's not about why these disparities exist, but it's that they exist at all. Someone who's grown up in a poor black neighbourhood and seen their friends arrested for marijuana possession, seen friends killed by police, been watched like a hawk when they go into a store, and have lived in poverty their whole life aren't going to have the trust in the justice system that I would have.

It sounds awful to say this, but in cases like this it's
not about the facts. These things are really about who can and can't trust the establishment. I'm a white guy, and every dealing I've had or seen my peers have with police has been positive. The Brown and Martin cases aren't a sign of systemic racism, but the reactions to them certainly are. When it comes to race issues perception is reality, we can come up with logical arguments about why cops aren't actually racist, but until poor black neighbourhoods can have the trust in police that I take for granted, this stuff isn't going away.
And when you're a privileged white kid, a governor's son, you could possibly get a pardon for a drug related crime. Because everybody deserves a second chance in life.

If he gets it, several million people should claim the same treatment.
While I will agree that the urban, lower class black community has some social ills that are enforced by their supposed community leaders, police violence is not just a race issue these days. Just ask the two Asian women shot by LA Police during the Dorner manhunt.

Whose statement? Just from the coroner's report Brown had six bullet wounds spaced around his body. Were they fighting over the gun at full arm's length and waving it around? If so, how was Brown's body so far from Wilson's car?

Unless Wilson is testifying that it was an unintentional killing the lethal shot was not during the struggle.

Let me think. He was armed and clearly attempting to kill the officer. Doesn't sound like shooting an unarmed man.

Where did I say otherwise? Cutting out where I said "trigger happy" doesn't mean I didn't add a qualifier to my statement.

Then they should stop shooting innocents and acting like roided soldier wannabes in their newly acquired military gear

Well, I'm sure that is consolation to the two women shot in Times Square when police shot a man armed with a finger gun.

Wouldn't matter if you had all the facts. It was shoddy police work and is unjustifiable.

Felony suspects. Big difference. And that still doesn't explain increased killing when violent crime (usually a felony) is on the decline. There are less felonies occurring but we found more to shoot.
I still don't understand why (it seems as if, correct me if I'm wrong) you are coming from a point that Brown didn't cause anything or do anything wrong... He went up to an officers car, punched him in the side of the face, struggled for the gun, and as a result got killed. How is a cop supposed to not
All you have to do is witness a riot in Europe vs in the US. Over there, they have nothing to lose. They constantly take on police lines head-on because they're fighting for something.

Here, these idiots light buildings on fire & rob stores because they just want to act like dumbasses. They get to act out their wildest dreams of being degenerate for one night. They couldn't care less if Brown is dead.
I was thinking the same thing last night... There is a night and day difference between the two.

I think what we need is an MLK like figure that is able to unite people (not just blacks) and work towards a common goal. Unfortunatly, all we have right now are two guys in Jackson and Sharpton that really have no desire to actually end what they are fighting.
Hell no. No one needs to be "united". People need self control and to work for things themselves. The only thing African Americans would do with this idea is piggy back all the way to Washington, not give a damn about the true cause (which has been posted I believe twice in this thread), and blame everyone else for their actions.

That couldn't be any more worse of an idea. This is not the 60/70's. Everyone is (legally) equal in America. Those who choose to think they are not equal are thinking down upon themselves, and choose not be take part in a cooperating society.
They can push away all they want, call anyone what they want, but they wont get what they want if they act like they did last night. Protesters or rioters, there is no difference to the two last night. You were there waiting for something to happen. They damn well knew it was gonna be televised to the world, so the might of just stayed home. Those who say they aren't with the rioters are liars. They never stopped them, so they might as well be called an accomplice.
lol at the latest comment on that..

would be interesting to see if the police look at this man and see if the guns were black marketed or in any other way illegal (most likely).
What needs to change?
Good cops need to cross the Thin Blue Line.

I don't know if it is the unions or exactly how it works, but you can see videos of a cop using unnecessary force, even in the rare cases where it was deemed illegal by a court, and other cops will be around doing nothing to stop it, or they join in. Once the smoke clears everyone appears to have their story straight, even if multiple officers' reports differ from video evidence.

Part of the issue is money and the War on Drugs. Early on, in the 70s and 80s drug dealers were considered to be too dangerous for normal police courtesy. No -knock raids were invented. The federal government is now selling local cops the leftover military equipment from our wars overseas. They have MRAP vehicles, full armor, assault rifles, etc. Once upon a time the police would show up on a drug bust, do some surveillance to have the best idea of what they are running into, and create a plan. Now they have big guns, armor, and a warrant for a no-knock raid. Surveillance falls to the wayside. They bust open a door and toss a grenade blindly or run in without looking. Cops have been killed because of this, as well as innocent civilians. No-knock raids are performed around 20,000 times a year. Of those, 80 percent are search warrants, not arrest warrants. And when they do find drugs, guess who gets to keep the cash, cars, and other assets found in the investigation? They are being incentivized to find and take whatever they can. They don't pay attention to anything, which is what allows Swatting to take place. In a world where police used intelligence and surveillance swatting would be too rare to catch on.

If you don't think money and the War on Drugs aren't tied together just look at what legalized marijuana as done to police budgets in those states.

Those are the easiest deaths to pick out, where the War on Drugs results in uninformed and poorly planned police actions.

There is also the issue of excessive use of force in general. Things like guys getting choked to death in a stop and frisk (how the hell is that even legal in the US anyway?) or an elderly man being beaten due to medical conditions making it hard for him to understand and comply.

I've never been even close to being shot by the police, that is strange. Must be 'cause I'm white.
Must be it, as I never brought race into it.

I am genuinely curious, do you have any statistics over the past 10 years or so to see if unjustified Police shootings have increased or decreased?
Well, you could read posts from the last 24 hours to see where I posted FBI statistics. Granted those are just the "justified" killings, but in light of cases like the guy holding a toy gun in Walmart and being shot within seconds of police identifying themselves being considered justified, I think justified has a looser meaning than most of us would give it.

As a side note, I hope incidents like this encourage Police Departments all across America to get body cams for their Officers. Not only will it help Officers in situations like this, it will make it easier for Law Enforcement agencies to get rid of all the asshats who make us all look bad.
I often wonder why some cops don't want them. It seems to me that a good cop would be happy to wear one and would never harass a bystander using a camera. Or shoot tear gas at a news crew.

Of course, good cops crossing that thin blue line would help. A cop that won't report an asshat is barely better in my mind.

I think perhaps some people have gotten more brazen, even in the face of a gun. At the same time, perhaps officers are more afraid than ever. Or they're desensitized to the killing power of their guns. Kind of like the military mindset of, "I don't give a **** about these Iraqis I just want to get home in one piece."
Which one results in cops killing mentally ill people they were called to assist? Or calling dogs to them and then shooting them?

When were were in the academy we performed various active shooter drills in order to try to recreate what we'd feel in a real situation, unfortunately there is no proper way to do that but even with the added stress of a drill we knew was fake, our accuracy decreased.
How do they prepare you for this?

What's hard about these kind of cases for me is that I really do agree with @FoolKiller about the big picture when it comes to the insane increases in police shootings over the years. But in both this case and the Trayvon Martin case, I don't see any issue with the actual outcome.
I don't understand why these things seem to happen over cases where the validity of the shooting is justified by legal standards, or at worse, any wrong doing is not present in available evidence. We have plenty of cases, like Rodney King, where it was all caught on video. If you are going to go insane over it pick one that is much more obvious.

I genuinely believe there is significant institutional racism that seriously impacts the black community in America (not trying to be the smug Canadian either, there's plenty of problems here too). What I struggle with is that I don't think there was any justification to charge either Wilson or Zimmerman, nor do I think either case is representative of systemic racism.
I honestly believe that systemic racism is related more to prosecution than excessive force. I can point out plenty of cases of excessive force against non-black innocents. A quick perusal of PINAC and Cop Watch would find that.

I still don't understand why (it seems as if, correct me if I'm wrong) you are coming from a point that Brown didn't cause anything or do anything wrong... He went up to an officers car, punched him in the side of the face, struggled for the gun, and as a result got killed. How is a cop supposed to not
I said it before, I will say it again. The fatal shooting did not take place during the struggle. I have no issue with those shots being fired. If the testimony from Wilson, that McLaren posted above, is valid then Wilson himself says that Brown was all the way over by the street corner before he turned back. After that is when it becomes very fuzzy, as he says he can't remember how many shots he fired. Wilson even painstakingly explained why he didn't reach for a non-lethal weapon during the struggle, but once out of the car and with distance between them he just started pulling the trigger at the perceived threat, losing focus on what he was doing. He couldn't even say where he was aiming. That raises a lot of questions. Was he under such stress at that point that he just freaked out?

And for the record, I never said Brown did nothing wrong. I have worded everything around the idea that he did fight with Wilson, but then ran after Wilson fired the first two shots, and turned back.

See, this is the problem. We can't have proper discourse. I have been accused of saying Brown did nothing wrong and saying race was involved. I did neither, but just by questioning the officer those who have a different opinion create their own perceived prejudices about the person they are debating. It would be the same as me calling people racists, cop lovers, or whatever. Don't assume that because someone asks questions about the way you perceive the situation that they think it was open and shut in the other direction or had some hidden, unjust purpose.
I watched the riots last night for a good 2 hours, was pretty hilarious the Fox reporter in the white jacket. "F you Fox news, 🤬 ya'll." :lol:

I'm thinking two things, the war on drugs and the war on poverty has held down the black community. This case was a poor example of police brutality the cop having been "innocent here," I have a strong distrust & distaste for police as I believe that they are inherently bad. As a teenager I had a negative experience with a police detective (having been completely innocent) that set me against the police and forever I likely will never warm up to government force and "us VS them" style politics of the right and the class warfare of the left.
I said it before, I will say it again. The fatal shooting did not take place during the struggle.
Well we must be talking about two different cases or one of us is out of their minds...
You punch a cop once, you're gonna get tasered, maced, or put to the ground.
You punch a cop again, you're a threat to him.
And when you are twice the size of the cop, and have him pinned in his vehicle, you're gonna get shot.
I just don't understand how you think the shooting does not take place during the struggle. The shooting was the end of the struggle, not some agreement five minutes after punches were thrown.
Well we must be talking about two different cases or one of us is out of their minds...
You punch a cop once, you're gonna get tasered, maced, or put to the ground.
You punch a cop again, you're a threat to him.
And when you are twice the size of the cop, and have him pinned in his vehicle, you're gonna get shot.
I just don't understand how you think the shooting does not take place during the struggle. The shooting was the end of the struggle, not some agreement five minutes after punches were thrown.
Two shots were fired in the car. One hit Brown. It was not the fatal shot. Not even by Wilson's testimony. The fatal shot came after Brown ran from the car.

Unless you call two men standing at least a dozen feet apart from each other in the street a struggle...
Two shots were fired in the car. One hit Brown. It was not the fatal shot. Not even by Wilson's testimony. The fatal shot came after Brown ran from the car.

Unless you call two men standing at least a dozen feet apart from each other in the street a struggle...
yeah, actually I do.

Brown robbed a store, was encountered by an officer, assaulted the officer, attempted to flee and was killed.
The struggle is real my friend.
yeah, actually I do.

Brown robbed a store, was encountered by an officer, assaulted the officer, attempted to flee and was killed.
The struggle is real my friend.
Well, by now I have made it very clear that when I say struggle I mean what Wilson describes as the fight over the gun. Brown was not within arms reach of Wilson when he was killed. There is a big freaking difference.

Standing? You should read the testimony you linked again, Brown was charging Wilson.
I was trying to make the point that they were not within reach of each other.

In a related aside: In light of this incident I think Brown's stepfather should be charged with inciting a riot.
Well, by now I have made it very clear that when I say struggle I mean what Wilson describes as the fight over the gun. Brown was not within arms reach of Wilson when he was killed. There is a big freaking difference.
No but Wilson was attempting to shoot Brown and missed twice from within the car. In the report between Missouri V Wilson you linked, Wilson said he was in fear that the next hit could have been a fatal (unconscious at best) so he reached for his gun...
I have read it, I assume you read by linking it, so we both now Wilson's intentions were to back him off. The bullet could have easily bounced somewhere within the door panel and struck Brown's heart. Unfortunately (and I say that with reason) that didn't happen and would have made the prejudice towards Wilson little to none.
...Meanwhile, the Russian Internet is in giggles over this.
There are some Russian meme pics about Ferguson with translation.^^

Usually, this degenerates into ill-judged racist jokes and a childish giggling at the fact that black people exist., a pro-Kremlin website, called the riots a “colored revolution” — a reference to the “color revolutions” that rattled the Kremlin a decade ago when they overthrew pro-Russian presidents in three post-Soviet states, including Ukraine. Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky, a prominent pro-Kremlin blogger, referred to the cities where protests broke out as “Black Russia” and tweeted the hashtag #Afromaidan, a nod to Kiev’s Euromaidan.
I don't agree about "racist jokes about the fact that black people exist", I don't see anything really racist (yet). Most of them are parodies paralleling the Ferguson riots to the unrest in Ukraine. Like those hashtags - #Afromaidan :lol: and #Chernorossiya ("Black Russia" - a nod to Novorossiya - "New Russia", the self-proclaimed state of the separatists in Eastern Ukraine).

Human Rights Watch reports some strange people appeared in Ferguson, talking with heavy Russian accent, with faces painted in ink.

Edit: just saw this :D
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I was trying to make the point that they were not within reach of each other.
Your point fails to acknowledge that there is a "big freaking difference" between standing & running.

Wilson did not fire a shot at Brown while both men were standing. He fired shots whilst Brown charged. If you actually read the testimony instead of skimming through it, you'd see Wilson had no intention of letting Brown get near to begin with after being punched in the face repeatedly. He saw when Brown decided to keep heading in his direction AFTER being shot once, he knew Brown would attempt to kill/severely injure him so Wilson retreated after the first shot and Brown still rushed.

You sign your own death certificate rushing anyone who just shot you, police or civilian.