America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I somehow think you are taking this a bit too personally. There was no malice meant in the photo but the way people are making out Brown to be innocent is a bit much. He probably did not deserve the punishment he got but it's very hard to label him as innocent if he indeed was stealing.
I somehow think you are taking this a bit too personally. There was no malice meant in the photo but the way people are making out Brown to be innocent is a bit much. He probably did not deserve the punishment he got but it's very hard to label him as innocent if he indeed was stealing.
That is literally how I am looking at this whole situation.
I somehow think you are taking this a bit too personally. There was no malice meant in the photo but the way people are making out Brown to be innocent is a bit much. He probably did not deserve the punishment he got but it's very hard to label him as innocent if he indeed was stealing.

If someone of Brown's size attacked you, tried to take your gun and then charged at you, what would you do? Allow him to take your weapon and shoot you or protect yourself?

Brown got exactly what he deserved.
Absolutely; however, as I am watching the prosecutor give the detailed explanation of the case, there was cause and just action.
I don't believe an unarmed person being shot by a cop is justified unless that person is right on top of the cop. Police are supposed to be armed with nonlethal weapons. Yes, the testimony is that Brown went for the gun. Brown was not shot while going for the gun, but after he was a good distance away.

Before anyone defends cops and their increasing use of lethal force, there is one reason why it shouldn't be done in most cases; there are innocent bystanders all around. There are cases in court now where the bullets didn't find their target, but found another person.

They need to back off the trigger happy attitude before they kill more innocent people.

I have no information for this, but from what I heard that there was information regarding a drug/illegal operation which was going to be taken care of accordingly.
That's all I have... My opinion is unknown because I don't have everything in front of me.
Which case are you talking about? The one where the suspect wasn't in the house and a swat raid was made over some pot or the case where the cops were performing sweeping no-knock raids in the neighborhood and cops blindly threw a grenade into a room where the family warned them a young child was sleeping? Grenades thrown at kids isn't a solitary incident anymore.

And, I don't give a damn about what illegal activity was suspected. Nothing justifies blindly tossing grenades into a room with no surveillance telling you what you are running in to. That lack of information isn't just getting innocents killed, but a cop can walk into a bullet because no one checked first. It's dangerous for the cops and the innocent.

It could be, but would that be the absolute correct per the information and evidence that happened/occurred?
Probably not....
Like the prosecutor said, there were/are some people out there that gave fictitious evidence and stood/stand by it even though it couldn't be further from what actually happened.
I meant Brown being shot could be considered justified, making their protests and riots negatively affect their cause.

But if anyone had trouble understanding the larger issue, nationwide, that has lead to this moment, consider this:
According to the FBI data violent crime is the lowest it has been in over 40 years. Despite that police killed more people last year than they have in the last 20 years.
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I somehow think you are taking this a bit too personally. There was no malice meant in the photo but the way people are making out Brown to be innocent is a bit much. He probably did not deserve the punishment he got but it's very hard to label him as innocent if he indeed was stealing.

I think malice was definitely meant by the photo.
I wouldn't post a doctored picture of Wilson in a Klansman outfit, just because of the message it would send.
If someone of Brown's size attacked you, tried to take your gun and then charged at you, what would you do? Allow him to take your weapon and shoot you or protect yourself?

Brown got exactly what he deserved.
I am looking at it from the perspective that we don't know the entire story about what happened in the confrontation between the two. If faced with your situation though, then I would agree.
Why does our military have more strict RoE than the pigs?

Who are the "pigs," exactly?

I am looking at it from the perspective that we don't know the entire story about what happened in the confrontation between the two. If faced with your situation though, then I would agree.

The autopsy and other facts support the Officer's story, I'm inclined to believe that over the witnesses who were proven to be liars.
Who are the "pigs," exactly?

The autopsy and other facts support the Officer's story, I'm inclined to believe that over the witnesses who were proven to be liars.
I do agree with you. The problem is that if I were to say it out loud in any place other than my house, I would be viewed as a racist. There wasn't anything they could do in order to indict him if there wasn't enough evidence. People are now going to go after the jury of 9 whites because they found the verdict against what the people wanted.

I found this on Gawker. I know it's not going to be a popular opinion but I sort of agree with it. It's also not a race reason as the person suggests.

The moral depravity is the epidemic of culture rot that exists in all communities. However, in the black community this slow sickening of culture rot is both the most pronounced, and the most self-inflicted.

Black communities are collapsing from within not because of all the boogeymen of "dominant power structures" and "white privilege". Black communities are collapsing because of a self-created destruction of the family unit. Strong families with a father and a mother who stay married are statistically more likely to not be impoverished and to achieve stabilty and education.

When over 75% of all Black families are single-parent, it is not because "the dominant power structure" forced them to be that way. It's because young black men sleep around with young black women and then ditch their responsibilities - creating generations of single-parent, poor black homes.

These types of homes then are challenged with greater liklihoods of impoverishment, higher criminal activity, and other difficulties. Again - not because of the White Man - but because individual Black people have made poor decision and are refusing to accept responsibility and culpability for their actions.

And it gets even worse when these same communities also are choosing negative social systems and rejecting positive ones. Gangs, drugs, violence, and other bad things are held up as socially 'good' (or at least 'acceptable'). Young Blacks who succeed in school are mocked and isolated as being "too white", and thus Black culture throws up even more barriers to the one way it can break out of its doldrums. Role models are not scientists, educators, or other truly laudable people - but instead the role models are gang thugs, misogynist rappers, wife-beating athletes, and other miscreants who should be shunned rather than praised.

So no - this isn't the fault of the White Man. The White Man has done more to help the Black community than any other race has done in human history. Opportunity and money and scholarships, and social programs, and other assistance has been literally mass-dumped on the Black community by Whites for decades. The saddest comment on the Black community is that it took such an unprecedented historical opportunity and utterly squandered it by destroying itself under the weight of their own culture rot.

There's only one way out. And it's got nothing to do with "power structures". The only way out is for the Black Community to fix itself by changing its culture to no longer value negatives, to quit making ridiculous excuses for its bad decisions. They need to step up to do the hard, journeyman labor of repairing itself by becoming a culture that values individual responsibility, hard work, self-reliance, and education. That will require a massive sea-change in attitude, and the reaction to the Brown shooting gives little hope that the Black community will ever scrape up the gumption to defeat its own demons. They seem all to content to black their problems on phantoms of oppression, thereby excusing themselves and avoiding responsibility for another generation - perpetually condemning themselves to lives of bitter dependence and bare subsistence - forever snapping at the hand that feeds them.
I don't believe an unarmed person being shot by a cop is justified unless that person is right on top of the cop. Police are supposed to be armed with nonlethal weapons. Yes, the testimony is that Brown went for the gun. Brown was not shot while going for the gun
According to the statement, he most definitely was.

there are innocent bystanders all around.
Yes there are bystanders around. What about the axe man in NYC that went after the cop? I'm sure everyone waiting for the train saw the cop fire at the man to stop him. So what? If there is intent to harm/kill then the cop should have the legal right to choose any action deemed necessary by his able body. There is a hard line between saying, "I'm gonna kill you" figuratively and literally.. However, for a cop whose job it is to "protect and serve" sometimes needs to protect himself when the threat is directed towards themselves.

There are cases in court now where the bullets didn't find their target, but found another person.
I believe expanding bullets are not allowed to be used by police anymore, as they are "too lethal" or gruesome, one of the two.. (here is where I found that)

or the case where the cops were performing sweeping no-knock raids in the neighborhood and cops blindly threw a grenade into a room where the family warned them a young child was sleeping?
This one... and like I said, I haven't read all the info so I'm not going to make an obscene opinion based on some info which I previously heard that could be false.

Read the first line of that link:
The number of felony suspects fatally shot
Felony is a keyword there... what type of felonies is what I would like to know... Much more different than your normal misdemeanor.

I do agree with you. The problem is that if I were to say it out loud in any place other than my house, I would be viewed as a racist. There wasn't anything they could do in order to indict him if there wasn't enough evidence. People are now going to go after the jury of 9 whites because they found the verdict against what the people wanted.

I found this on Gawker. I know it's not going to be a popular opinion but I sort of agree with it. It's also not a race reason as the person suggests.

The moral depravity is the epidemic of culture rot that exists in all communities. However, in the black community this slow sickening of culture rot is both the most pronounced, and the most self-inflicted.

Black communities are collapsing from within not because of all the boogeymen of "dominant power structures" and "white privilege". Black communities are collapsing because of a self-created destruction of the family unit. Strong families with a father and a mother who stay married are statistically more likely to not be impoverished and to achieve stabilty and education.

When over 75% of all Black families are single-parent, it is not because "the dominant power structure" forced them to be that way. It's because young black men sleep around with young black women and then ditch their responsibilities - creating generations of single-parent, poor black homes.

These types of homes then are challenged with greater liklihoods of impoverishment, higher criminal activity, and other difficulties. Again - not because of the White Man - but because individual Black people have made poor decision and are refusing to accept responsibility and culpability for their actions.

And it gets even worse when these same communities also are choosing negative social systems and rejecting positive ones. Gangs, drugs, violence, and other bad things are held up as socially 'good' (or at least 'acceptable'). Young Blacks who succeed in school are mocked and isolated as being "too white", and thus Black culture throws up even more barriers to the one way it can break out of its doldrums. Role models are not scientists, educators, or other truly laudable people - but instead the role models are gang thugs, misogynist rappers, wife-beating athletes, and other miscreants who should be shunned rather than praised.

So no - this isn't the fault of the White Man. The White Man has done more to help the Black community than any other race has done in human history. Opportunity and money and scholarships, and social programs, and other assistance has been literally mass-dumped on the Black community by Whites for decades. The saddest comment on the Black community is that it took such an unprecedented historical opportunity and utterly squandered it by destroying itself under the weight of their own culture rot.

There's only one way out. And it's got nothing to do with "power structures". The only way out is for the Black Community to fix itself by changing its culture to no longer value negatives, to quit making ridiculous excuses for its bad decisions. They need to step up to do the hard, journeyman labor of repairing itself by becoming a culture that values individual responsibility, hard work, self-reliance, and education. That will require a massive sea-change in attitude, and the reaction to the Brown shooting gives little hope that the Black community will ever scrape up the gumption to defeat its own demons. They seem all to content to black their problems on phantoms of oppression, thereby excusing themselves and avoiding responsibility for another generation - perpetually condemning themselves to lives of bitter dependence and bare subsistence - forever snapping at the hand that feeds them.
good find..
Let him answer.

Me? Did you ask why I didn't call them the n-word? Because that's what I'm assuming the censored word was.

I didn't call them good dead n-words because I don't like that word. And because they were dumb enough to get themselves killed. What not to do if you value your safety: (1) scope out houses to rob, then fight someone with a superman complex and a gun and get shot. (2) Steal from a store and bully the poor clerk while doing it, then think you can bully a cop the same way.

No. Those two chuckleheads are the reason nice kids have to deal with all the crap that comes with being black in America.

And the media has been absolutely ridiculous during this whole thing. Talk about poking the fire. All they care about is drama. Drama equals ratings, and there's no better way to make drama than to create sides.

I'm on the, "Screw all this collectivism; let each of us be good people and not **** it up" side. I would also rather a guilty man go free than put an innocent man in jail.
And the media has been absolutely ridiculous during this whole thing. Talk about poking the fire. All they care about is drama. Drama equals ratings, and there's no better way to make drama than to create sides.

I'm on the, "Screw all this collectivism; let each of us be good people and not **** it up" side. I would also rather a guilty man go free than put an innocent man in jail.

The media loves this. Hence I said Obama is loving this secretly. Now they won't focus on his shortcomings but rather society's apparent downward spiral into anarchy.
The media loves this. Hence I said Obama is loving this secretly. Now they won't focus on his shortcomings but rather society's apparent downward spiral into anarchy.
Don't forget to include Congress in that. The Government has been a joke for the past several years.

I have a hunch that we will soon be hearing about rioters vs. National Guard members soon. I can't see the rioting and looting dying down for at least several hours.
So let me get this straight...

They are upset that someone hasn't been charged with killing an "innocent" teenager, so they are now burning and stealing possessions from those that actually are innocent?

The protesters and the looters are usually not the same people. The looters are common criminals who use the protests as opportunity to get away with theft and arson while the police are busy.
While I will agree that the urban, lower class black community has some social ills that are enforced by their supposed community leaders, police violence is not just a race issue these days. Just ask the two Asian women shot by LA Police during the Dorner manhunt.
According to the statement, he most definitely was.
Whose statement? Just from the coroner's report Brown had six bullet wounds spaced around his body. Were they fighting over the gun at full arm's length and waving it around? If so, how was Brown's body so far from Wilson's car?

Unless Wilson is testifying that it was an unintentional killing the lethal shot was not during the struggle.

Yes there are bystanders around. What about the axe man in NYC that went after the cop?
Let me think. He was armed and clearly attempting to kill the officer. Doesn't sound like shooting an unarmed man.

I'm sure everyone waiting for the train saw the cop fire at the man to stop him. So what? If there is intent to harm/kill then the cop should have the legal right to choose any action deemed necessary by his able body.
Where did I say otherwise? Cutting out where I said "trigger happy" doesn't mean I didn't add a qualifier to my statement.

However, for a cop whose job it is to "protect and serve" sometimes needs to protect himself when the threat is directed towards themselves.
Then they should stop shooting innocents and acting like roided soldier wannabes in their newly acquired military gear

I believe expanding bullets are not allowed to be used by police anymore, as they are "too lethal" or gruesome, one of the two.. (here is where I found that)
Well, I'm sure that is consolation to the two women shot in Times Square when police shot a man armed with a finger gun.

This one... and like I said, I haven't read all the info so I'm not going to make an obscene opinion based on some info which I previously heard that could be false.
Wouldn't matter if you had all the facts. It was shoddy police work and is unjustifiable.

Read the first line of that link:

Felony is a keyword there... what type of felonies is what I would like to know... Much more different than your normal misdemeanor.
Felony suspects. Big difference. And that still doesn't explain increased killing when violent crime (usually a felony) is on the decline. There are less felonies occurring but we found more to shoot.
Me? Did you ask why I didn't call them the n-word? Because that's what I'm assuming the censored word was.

I didn't call them good dead n-words because I don't like that word. And because they were dumb enough to get themselves killed. What not to do if you value your safety: (1) scope out houses to rob, then fight someone with a superman complex and a gun and get shot. (2) Steal from a store and bully the poor clerk while doing it, then think you can bully a cop the same way.

No. Those two chuckleheads are the reason nice kids have to deal with all the crap that comes with being black in America.

And the media has been absolutely ridiculous during this whole thing. Talk about poking the fire. All they care about is drama. Drama equals ratings, and there's no better way to make drama than to create sides.

I'm on the, "Screw all this collectivism; let each of us be good people and not **** it up" side. I would also rather a guilty man go free than put an innocent man in jail.

I don't think you take into account that apart from the video evidence of Michael Brown stealing the cigars, we don't know exactly what happened in those two situations because Brown and Martin are dead and Zimmerman and Wilson aren't talking and will not talk and there is no video evidence. You are assuming that Brown got physical and you are assuming that Martin was scoping out houses. In your mind, I guess it's just no chance that Zimmerman or Wilson could have been wrong. That's why I said, you should have just called them "good dead ******s".

You mentioned nice kids, well nice black kids do have to deal with the crap that comes from rotten black kids but they also have to deal with mindsets like yours.
Which is no different than any race of children having to deal with any negative image that comes from bad individuals that share race/color/sexual orientation.
I think there's been a ton of rabble rousing and stirring the pot behind the scenes for weeks. Al, I paid my taxes, Sharpton has his stink all over this and I'm sure there's other groups at work, doing what they can to get the folks of Ferguson good and mad. Of course the usual opportunistic criminal element knows this is one night they can get away with a lot of stuff they wouldn't normally be able to, like looting and pillaging and the media has pretty much whipped this thing into a frenzy for weeks. You hear the same racist charged rhetoric over and over and over and it's bound to get under the skin sooner or later.
I was just on instagram when a user posted a plan for a protest at a local police building. One of the comments however, stated "They are upset because they didn't get what they wanted. They are just using racism as an excuse to create violence. Because they have shown that the cop had done what he did in self defense, and they have evidence to prove it. The ones who are protesting are either still living in racism or do not know anything about the case but rather listen to invalid sources."

Now nothing stands out as particularly flame-baiting or trying to incite anger. However one person said "go jerk off to duck dynasty you incestual piece of ****" and "eradicate yourself".

While it is kinda silly to believe racism doesn't exist, (although nowhere near as much as people want to think it does) nothing about his post deserves death threats. I feel like stuff like this is why we can truly never have proper conversations about why these things happen, because it's easier to explain it away with race and start getting angry and attacking one another.