First of there's no proof that MB was a "thug". Second If his only option was to use a pistol against an unarmed person charging at him (in which case you're actually trained to stop people like that which doesn't involve a gun) then he should not have tackled the situation in the first place. It seems to me that a lot of American (white) cops are like that. Shoot first ask questions later. You said he had bruises and scratches from the fight ? A friendly reminder that those images are everywhere on the internet and those bruises and scratches does NOT justify his actions of putting 6 bullets in a kid. I know legally on paper he's an adult but in society he's still a kid. What sort of training do cops go through over there ? Is there any at all ? "If they're white talk them down and cuff em. If they're black just shoot em". You said no one is gonna mace someone charging at them. Umm I'd like you to talk to a few women that carries mace with them. My mom and my sister does. They have both on multiple occasions maced someone charging at them and it has worked every time. You're saying its just another excuse to pull the race card when it is about race. What do you think would happen if a black cop shot a white teenage boy ? Why do you think there's KKK members marching the streets probably as we speak right now ?
I classify him as a "thug" based on Wilson's report of gang activity in Browns apartment area. I can say/call what I want, but I have some restraint too.
So what would justify putting bullets in an adult that has just assaulted a cop and is returning to possibly kill him? I believe that the action taken by Wilson was perfectly fine.
And no, in society he's an adult. The parents continued to say he was about to go to college, blah blah blah... If I were to get in a wreck and cause a death to another driver/passenger, I would be charged with vehicular homicide just like any other adult, and like Brown.
That's nice that your mom and your sister both carry mace. My mother (by Christmas) will be carrying a revolver. If I ask her "mace or the pistol", or any other female adult I know, they would say the pistol. Maybe that's different for you and your area, but down here where EVERY DAMN DAY on the news, some African American has either rapped, robbed, or murdered someone, white, Asian, black, purple, green, blue. Every day.
And it is most definitely not about race from my pov. I have not pulled the race card at all, and don't plan to. Me defending a white defendant of the case should not classify me as being biased with my own race, nor show prejudice against others. I thought Zimmerman at first was black, or Latino, and still defended him over his actions. If he's white, so what, I couldn't give a damn. Nor could I give a damn if the KKK is on my street right now, or anyone else's street. I don't want to start anything with them, so why provoke them to harm me?
After the first series of shots. I guess Wilson was psychic and knew Brown couldn't be stopped byless than a bullet and resorted to the gun out of necessity.
You defend his actions based on hindsight.
Exactly, he doesn't know how many shots he fired. He wasn't thinking clearly, or is purposely obfuscating the record. He had a perfect memory of events as he was being beaten, but not when Brown was at the corner and then started coming back.
Why was the first shot necessary?
Of course this all stems on Wilson telling the truth. He would have no reason to paint himself as a victim, right?. The fact is we don't know what happened. This is all based on the testimony of the survivor. There isn't enough to say the shooting was unjustified anymore than our it's to say it is justified.
Let me make one thing clear: based on current law and evidence the grand jury made the correct call. I disagree with the law. Police should be held to a higher standard than the public. No amount of "what should he do?" or "what would you do" means anything if we are supposed to trust police. If we defend unarmed shootings without questions we open a very scary door where law enforcement is above the law.
Unarmed means everything. Do you think the unjust killings happen because the cops are afraid of repercussion?
I truly love your false equivalencies.
Wait, is it a bear with no claws or teeth? No, wait for it...
Was it a black bear?
If you actually read the whole testimony, you'll find Wilson most definitely did not have "perfect memory" while still in his car. He even leaves out half of the original call as to why he is even there, Mr. Johnson, wearing the black shirt...
And umm no, it doesn't mean everything. Brown could've carried a backpack with him with a pistol in it, and never have gone for it when against Wilson, which still wouldn't have changed the result.
And no, it's not unjust in the first place, and Wilson was told not to resign even if indicted.