Viper Zero
I can agree to that.
I wish more Democrats were like you and Lieberman. I read his
latest article and I am impressed that he stood up and told the truth, unlike most in his party.
Ahhhhh. So it's truth we're interested in now. Let me ask, is it the whole truth you are concerned with or convenient truths? Why don't we look at some "truths" about this whole mess.
1. The U.S. government got us into this mess. NOT republicans, NOT democrats. OUR elected government.
2. We are fighting a war that was entered into with
proven falsehoods. By Colin Powell's own recent admission, the address he made to the United Nations "proving" that Iraq had WMD was the worst mistake of his career. The US and UK, by admission were both negligent in their gathering of intel, and interpretation of said intel. Therefore the reasons for attacking Iraq were baseless.
3. Our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters in the military are paying the ultimate price for our government's ineptitude. Are you saying that we as citizens should not defend them against self-interested political and military leaders they are bound by duty to obey? What other recourse do they have? I put it to you that it is just as patriotic, and supportive of our military for us to question the authority which has placed them in harms way.
4. WE have made a big mess of things in the world. Yes of course we need to stay in Iraq to provide stability. We bombed the hell out of them, destroyed their infrastructure, dismantled their admittedly corrupt and repressive government, and disbanded their entire military and police force. To pull out now would be just as assinine as going in the first place. Taking too long you say? Well look at the situation! We have jackbooted a mostly educated, proud people to the point of them living like animals! How do you pick up and move on when there's nothing to move on to? No shelter. No food. No water. Afraid every day for your life. Think about it. How would YOU react in that situation. It is only worse that ALL of your friends and neighbors are in the same predicament. There is NO ONE to help! That atmosphere of desperation is what breeds the type of insurrection we are seeing. Not to mention the striking cultural differences between our countries.
Now ask yourself why it is that the rest of the world has such an overall negative view of America and Americans.
We are the only remaining superpower. (for now) We exert our political and military will on the rest of the world in our own self interest. We export our version of morality and religiousity to the rest of the world whether they want it or not. As a people we exhibit amazing arrogance in the face of overwhelming evidence of our mistakes and ineptitudes. It's just not American to admit to mistakes is it? We would rather look like idiots to the rest of the world. BAH!!
Ask yourself where the rest of the world gets their opinions on America and Americans. Does Hollywood ring a bell? What the hell does Hollywood have to do with who we are except to pander to the lowest common denominator among us! News media? What a joke! The mainstream media has one concern, and that is generating ad revenue. What would you think if you lived in another part of the world and were constantly bombarded with the kind of crap we have on TV and in movies day after day, year after year. My guess is that you would start thinking that America is pretty screwed up. That is exactly what is happening, and we see some of that evidence in this thread. More and more of the world is perceiving us to be fat, loud, lazy, arrogant, egocentric, uneducated, criminal sociopaths......and our government and mainstream media isn't doing a thing to alter that perception.
Don't get me wrong. I am just as patriotic as anyone. I love my country, it's people, and the freedoms that we enjoy. The US of A has been very good to me and mine. I would defend her to the death against all foreign and domestic threats. But we the people, is not the same as we the Republicans, or we the Democrats. It is all of us. I can sit down and have a beer with anyone and discuss politics with diverse opinions as long as we are honest. We ALL have to open our eyes to the truth. Look at both sides of an argument before spouting the party line, or the media line, and form our opinions based on fact. Have the balls to call a spade and spade whether it's popular or not.
Ms. Sheehan is indeed acting in self interest. SHE HAS THAT RIGHT!!! She is grieving for a dead son whose life, from her perspective was taken unjustly. She has a right to question our national leaders. So what if no one showed up at her little event. She has repeatedly shown courage and determination in the face of ridicule and negative public opinion. Even if her actions are misguided and ultimately futile, at least she cares enough for the rest of the mothers in this country to try..... in a way she has chosen....... to fight for the lives of those still in harms way. I may, or may not agree with her, but I sure won't ridicule her for her stand!
Mother Moonbat?