Turning a blind eye to our fallen Americans, 0?
9/11 gave us justification to weed out terrorism, not declare war on single country.
Foreign terrorists keep pouring into Iraq so I guess we should declare war on their home country such as
Belgium .
the rest of the world likes it so much Bush and his crew, that there´s even a rumor about the 9/11 as something produced by the own US government... a lunatic wrote a book about this, but he was not the only one to buy that idea... they say that bush had to do it because of economical struggles, so he could enter a war to make more money.
well personally i won´t believe this because it looks to insane to be true, but its just another piece of information to show how the image of the USA is bad in some countries.
take Venezuela for a quick example. why are they in the news? because they try to sell their president as a dictator, and someone who could give support to terrorists. such a bull**** . in Venezuela their tax system was so outrageous that those who make huge money didn´t need to pay taxes. so when he (Chavez) change that, big companies started a whole propaganda against Hugo Chavez to tell the world how bad he is. what a bunch of lie. but why pick on Venezuela? why are they in the blacklist of Mr Bush? of course, there´s a lot of OIL there, so that changes everything. that´s why they became important, and that´s why they tried to take down their government.
but people stood up and demanded their president back... i don´t know how this story was cover in the US, but would be funny to hear what you guys can say about this particular country...
about the wars...
well, they picked iraq. first was afghanistan.
its so easy to pick on the weak guy... to beat up someone you know can´t fight with you... first, Pervez Musharraf and his crew gave, and still give shelter to terrorists, so why not send troops to Pakistan?
no, they went the other way. they became friends with Islamabad
and decided to pick on afgahnistan and the taleban. a bunch of lunatics, former friends of the USA during the cold war
(how cool is that?). they didn´t went after Pakistan because its too dangerous, would be a real war, not just a cosmetic thing like it was... they say bin laden was there. could be, can they prove that?
no, of course not. after this mess, they put a friend of cheaney and halliburton in charge of the country and now they (US and Pakistan) can make full profit of the biggest source for natural gas in the world. yes, afghanistan has that. if not, why would they go there?
then, there´s old friend Saddam.
everything bush says Saddam could do, can be said about Iran, so, why not go after Iran? too complicated, they could actually fight and make things harder. Iran openly says that they hate the US, they have weapons of mass-destruction, just like North Korea. and they don´t care, because they know, that for now, US is not gonna pick on then to fight. just doesn´t make sense if you consider this: $$$
in the end is all about the money. if the guy (can´t remember the name of the user) says the propaganda is working and you don´t understand, is because you don´t stop to think that part of the propaganda is to believe that US is entering a war to bring peace to the world. democracy, freedom, all that pretty stuff. why not bring those things to other countries in need of that, like Bolivia, Peru, or... the whole Africa?
our current wars can all be explained if you look at the financial aspects involved. last time the US got into a war against a representative, big force was WW2. (and, there´s was $$$ in that too, if we discuss this war) .
after that just some battles in which USA and USSR refuse to make it personal, because would cause the end of the world if they decided to actually fight, and the rest was just financial stuff. Panama, gulf war part one and two, the intervencions in Colombia, all of that with $$$ in mind.
its a lot of bull**** if you look history. after 1950, they "sponsor" (better than support i think) every possible military government in south america, to help them "fight Communism". we hate USA foreign politic ever since... what they actually did was create a bond to trade more with those countries... was all about domination and money really. Brazil for instance, made tanks for Iraq, in mid 80´s, so Saddam could fight Iran. Since USA was helping Saddam back them, was fair to give USA partners (in this case brazilian military government) a share of the money in that war.
í´m still waiting to see a new war that its not about $$$. "war against terror". that´s propaganda. that´s what they sell. of course they don´t want terrorism. but guns will not make terrorists quit. guns and bombs will only make more $$$, and of course devastation and more anger towards america, which generates more terrorism, and on and on... until USA citizens realise what their government is doing to them and their future, this trend will go on...