America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
How about just real quick how silly it is to complain of Trump making them on immigration, compare what he has done to what Obama did right here.

I'm not too concerned with what they're about. I'm addressing your (so far completely unsubstantiated) claim that Obama somehow used them to an unprecedented degree.

I'll give you a whopper though, healthcare. As for how it is measured? Well maybe we should look at the troubles Obama has had with The Supreme Court.

What about healthcare, specifically? You do know that the ACA was passed into law by Congress, right? Assuming so, be more clear about what you're referring to.

I don't suppose you've got any objective way to measure Obama's "troubles with the Supreme Court," so that we can ascertain if there's any reason to be saying he was out of the norm on that front either?

I'm addressing your (so far completely unsubstantiated) claim that Obama somehow used them to an unprecedented degree.
That's not what his claim actually was. Whether or not he justifies what he said is another matter, as is whether his justifications stand up to scrutiny, but you're putting far more words in his mouth than he's actually saying.
I don't suppose you've got any objective way to measure Obama's "troubles with the Supreme Court," so that we can ascertain if there's any reason to be saying he was out of the norm on that front either?

Of course I do, look at his record, the worse sense FDR surely and probably going way to the 1800's. Why am I not surprised you did not look?
That's not what his claim actually was.

It's most certainly what he implied.


Of course I do, look at his record, the worse sense FDR surely and probably going way to the 1800's. Why am I not surprised you did not look?

His record on what?

Do you have numbers for this? How many "troubles" did he have with SCOTUS? What is the normal number of "troubles" for a president to have with SCOTUS? What constitutes "trouble" in the first place?

And I don't have a clue why you're surprised that I didn't do your research for you, as I'm under no obligation to.
And I don't have a clue why you're surprised that I didn't do your research for you, as I'm under no obligation to.

You asked me how I measured it, I told you how. I knew it was a bait question so you could just have me run around in circles. I do know his record in the SCOTUS, even his own appointments vote against him lol.
It's most certainly what he implied.
No, it's what you're claiming he implied. He didn't say anything about Obama's use of executive orders being unprecedented. He didn't say anything about the numbers of orders Obama put out or the numbers Trump might put into effect. He in fact didn't say anything about any other president before Obama at all. All he said was that Trump's use of it so far is benign compared to Obama's use of it over the course of his presidency (which, considering Trump hasn't even been in office a week, I'd certainly hope so). That is certainly a claim to which a critical lens can be applied, but bringing up standards by which his claim fails which weren't expressed doesn't accomplish anything.

Now, it's clear that you think he's just tying a noose to hang himself in this argument, and that very well may be true in the end; but arguing against things you think he might be saying doesn't actually release the trapdoor.
Making use of separate political email accounts at the White House is not illegal. In fact, they serve a purpose by allowing staff to divide political conversations (say, arranging for the president to support a congressional re-election campaign) from actual White House work. Commingling politics and state business violates the Hatch Act, which restricts many executive branch employees from engaging in political activity on government tim
It’s not clear whether or how Trump staffers are using the RNC email addresses. If they are using them, they are subject to the “Disclosure Requirement For Official Business Conducted Using Electronic Messaging Accounts," a law, 44 U.S.C. 2209, that went into effect in 2014. If White House staffers have already used the RNC emails system for White House work, they must copy or forward those communications into the government system within 20 days.
Is he going to have a score card of CRIMES COMMITTED THIS WEEK and alongside it CRIMES COMMITTED UNDER OBAMA at press conferences, or would that be too vulgar?

Too vulgar? The only vulgarity will be the liberals screaming their racist accusations when the report comes out. Is that what you mean?
The only vulgarity will be the liberals screaming their racist accusations when the report comes out.
Are violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants more or less abhorrent than violent crimes committed by legal immigrants, naturalised citizens or citizens born within the United States?

It amounts to racial profiling - isolating a segment of the population and targeting them. The obvious connection that Trump is trying to make is that violent crime goes down as the deportation of illegal immigrants go up; therefore, illegal immigrants cause violent crime.
Are violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants more or less abhorrent than violent crimes committed by legal immigrants, naturalised citizens or citizens born within the United States?

It amounts to racial profiling - isolating a segment of the population and targeting them. The obvious connection that Trump is trying to make is that violent crime goes down as the deportation of illegal immigrants go up; therefore, illegal immigrants cause violent crime.

And I give you the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Or how about the FBI? I can't believe they are isolating races of the population and targeting them. They are clearly trying to make a connection of race and crimes committed.
Criminal profiling criminals who commit more crimes? That sounds plenty fair to me, if you are in the country illegally the last thing you should be doing is committing more crimes. Besides this is only for 'sanctuary cities' right?

This should not be a problem.
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Criminal profiling criminals who commit more crimes? That sounds plenty fair to me
Can you tell a legal immigrant from an illegal immigrant on sight? No.

Trump's plan equates illegal immigration with violent crime. Since you cannot tell legal and illegal immigrants apart, people will begin to associate immigrants with violent crime. Even the ones who are there legally, have been naturalised or were born there - anyone who looks different is to be feared because you can never be certain that they're not planning to assault you.
Can you tell a legal immigrant from an illegal immigrant on sight? No.

You are missing the point, you do know this is all about the sanctuary cities. Because these cities are apparently not willing to cooperate with the CBP Trump is making provisions to compensate for that fact. Furthermore he is strong arming those cities by removing social funding as well because there is no reason to fund illegals.

There should not be a problem with this, if a city wants to harbor criminals then the Fed will step in.

Don't legal immigrants have actual legal documents that permit them in the country?

Yes and that is the problem, these cities are refusing to ask for proof of legal residence. Because you know, that is not fair lol.

Look, I found the article I was stating earlier and you guys are focusing on another video I happened upon while I was finding the story I was referencing before. I'm glad you guys are quick to defunk the CBS "staged" video, but did you read the article I posted referencing the interview of the film maker that was on the Hannity show?

Since I did post the CBS video as well, was the 58 No-Go zones defunked as well in your previous discussions?

Yes I have read it, and my comment that a single incident doesn't prove a wider trend or a cause to the alleged trend.

As far as the 58 claimed no-go areas, to be able to debunk such a claim then some actual details would need to be provided. Which neither the video segment or related article do. Nor does the burden of proof lie with me, that rest solely with the person making the claim, and as I have already mentioned Fox news guests do have a proven track record of gross exaggeration in these cases.

To give another example I could claim that the US had 1,740 no-go areas that the authorities refused to enter (that's how many it is corrected for the population difference), the onus to support such a claim would be on me, as you can't prove a negative. Which is why extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Now my example here may seem to be absurdly silly and borderline insulting to Americans, yet that is exactly what elements of the right from America and other countries are doing.

If the BBC were to field a guest who stated as fact that the whole of LA was off limits to non-Muslims you would quite rightly consider it absurd nonsense and demand proof. Yet that is exactly what Fox news did and I suspect a lot of Americans still believe as the apology and retraction was certainly not on the same scale as the claim.

Criminal profiling criminals who commit more crimes? That sounds plenty fair to me, if you are in the country illegally the last thing you should be doing is committing more crimes. Besides this is only for 'sanctuary cities' right?

This should not be a problem.
Profiling against a single piece of data is a problem, because it's statistically innacurate and flawed.

If they don't include any other data and don't weight the data correctly then it's bother innacurate and potentially dangerous.

As an example most white collar crime is committed by whites (DoJ figures), does that make white people more predisposed to commit fraud? No and such a claim would rightly be considered silly, and yet here we are.
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Profiling against a single piece of data is a problem, because it's statistically innacurate and flawed.

If they don't include any other data and don't weight the data correctly then it's bother innacurate and potentially dangerous.

As an example most white collar crime is committed by whites (DoJ figures), does that make white people more predisposed to commit fraud? No and such a claim would rightly be considered silly, and yet here we are.

We are talking about already known criminals, they have no rights in the U.S. therefore exposing any further crime they commit is on them. As long as it is proven that they are illegal before posting the information of further crime I don't see the complaint.

weight the data correctly ok I will do that, they are in the country illegally. That is enough for deportation, if you are worried that it will cause anyone to change their minds over immigration I disagree. Criminal is criminal, I'd be with you if legal immigrants were to, your standard, profiled.

Since when is reporting crime profiling anyway?
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We are talking about already known criminals, they have no rights in the U.S. therefore exposing any further crime they commit is on them. As long as it is proven that they are illegal before posting the information of further crime I don't see the complaint.

weight the data correctly ok I will do that, they are in the country illegally. That is enough for deportation, if you are worried that it will cause anyone to change their minds over immigration I disagree. Criminal is criminal, I'd be with you if legal immigrants were to, your standard, profiled.
You have missed the point entirely, linking criminal activity to migrants in this manner, which seems to utterly ignore any other factor is inaccurate and ineffective. I've already explained exactly why that's the case and given a counter example as to why it doesn't work, you have however simply ignored them.

Since when is reporting crime profiling anyway?
When you link it to a single trait and ignore the fact that correlation doesn't automatically mean causality.
Just out of interest, is Trump planning to cut federal funding to cities that don't help the administration with deporting immigrants or illegal immigrants? Only I don't really see a problem with the second version of that.
Illegal immigrants. I believe its specifically for those who have a criminal record.
President Trump has now implemented the shutdown of federal funds to "sanctuary cities". Many have chosen to not comply with the standing federal law. So far it will only cost them money, money which will have to be raised in other ways such as debt and taxation of local citizens. This is only the beginning of the "conversation". I'm not looking forward to it because my taxes, already very high, will go up.
When you link it to a single trait

That trait being someone who is breaking the law by being in the country. Here is the point, the profile is not about race, any race can be in our country illegally, the profile is illegal alien. If the sanctuary cities want to turn a blind eye that's fine but if the Fed wants to show the public of those cities what is happening due to having these criminals in their community that is fine also.

linking criminal activity to migrants

I've never linked criminal activity to immigrants. I'm not even linking criminal activity to illegal immigrants, an illegal immigrant is a criminal by definition as it is, it is a crime to enter our country illegally.
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Can you tell a legal immigrant from an illegal immigrant on sight? No.

Trump's plan equates illegal immigration with violent crime. Since you cannot tell legal and illegal immigrants apart, people will begin to associate immigrants with violent crime. Even the ones who are there legally, have been naturalised or were born there - anyone who looks different is to be feared because you can never be certain that they're not planning to assault you.

When it's making the connection between migrants and crime as being mutually inclusive. It's encouraging you to associate immigrants with violent crime, regardless of their status.
In case you didn't know, it's not 1861 anymore. The world is very different now.
When it's making the connection between migrants and crime as being mutually inclusive. It's encouraging you to associate immigrants with violent crime, regardless of their status.

It's a good thing then that's not what is happening isn't it? The connection is between illegal aliens and whatever they do in our country illegally, I'd like to see the numbers on these people as far as how much money they are collecting from the Federal Government illegally.

Where did the violent part come in? Crime is crime and their status very much does matter. I know it is hard for you to understand but the people in the United States are immigrant friendly, our government is also immigrant friendly. Some of these hippy cities want to be illegal immigrant friendly but you're not going to find much support for that.

It's always the loud few creating these types of things, that's because there is no possible way free flow immigration will ever be a reality. It used to be, "ok, lets close the borders and grant amnesty to those already here" ok lets try that, oops didn't work.
That trait being someone who is breaking the law by being in the country. Here is the point, the profile is not about race, any race can be in our country illegally, the profile is illegal alien. If the sanctuary cities want to turn a blind eye that's fine but if the Fed wants to show the public of those cities what is happening due to having these criminals in their community that is fine also.

I've never linked criminal activity to immigrants. I'm not even linking criminal activity to illegal immigrants, an illegal immigrant is a criminal by definition as it is, it is a crime to enter our country illegally.
If you can't see how it associates race with crime then quite frankly I'm amazed.

You do know that its estimated that 80% of the illegal population of the US is from Mexico, Central or South America?

Its also not limited to illegal immigrants either, the wording of it is:

"To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens."

Now it simply states 'aliens', which are defined by US law as: ....any person not a citizen or national of the United States.

So no it doesn't just cover illegal aliens within sanctuary areas (those listed in the Declined Detainer Outcome Report).

I really do hope it all works out OK for the US, but with each passing day I personally am less and less convinced that will be the case.
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I really do hope it all works out OK for the US, but with each passing day I personally am less and less convinced that will be the case.
What would "not okay" look like? Civil war? Secession of California?

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