America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm not following the reasons for this statement, less safe here within our borders?
Most of the attacks that have been credited to IS within the US have either been from people who came from outside the listed countries or those born in the US who have been radicalised over the internet (which the Muslim ban may well make easier).

It may also not have been clear from my post, my bad, but by Americans I was also referring to those traveling abroad as well.
Finally the truth comes out of your keyboard. You hate America and all we stand for, which is fine you have that right, but you should of made that clear long ago. It wouldn't of mattered who got elected its America your against not Trump. That makes it much clearer where your coming from.
I do not think he is stating that he hates America just by stating the obvious? Ie when has America been great for all of its citizens without any discrimination? America has only been great for white upper middle class or richer Americans. All that can be used will be used to its fullest and then discarded when it is not needed any more. It is the American way and it is has been embraced by rest of the world. But some countries have not forgotten its less fortunate citizens although this is too getting more Americanized as well. All I hope is that USA will gets its "****" together and show the rest of the world that there is another way than this ultra capitalistic folly. And by that I do not mean Nuke every country Trump does not agree with :D
Most of the attacks that have been credited to IS within the US have either been from people who came from outside the listed countries or those born in the US who have been radicalised over the internet (which the Muslim ban may well make easier).

It may also not have been clear from my post, my bad, but by Americans I was also referring to those traveling abroad as well.

So, not less safe inside the U.S. unless you think it will be easier to radicalize if IS gains more ground, maybe the same(not more or less safe) considering we'll still let them in just from other countries. Outside the borders I have to agree with you.
I actually feel like America was already great. Yes, there are many flaws with our country but overall it's a pretty great place to live.

That's sort of how I feel too. Sure, a fair amount of Canadians suffer from an inferiority complex when talking about America ("we're so much kinder than they are" or "Americans tell people they're Canadian when travelling abroad" are the two most overheard), but I've never had this gut feeling of the country being terrible.

I think that's why so many outside of the country find Trump so problematic: his default approach to anything seems to be fear-mongering. His whole slogan played off of that, and it appealed to those who believe they deserve more, even if the reason some may think that is nothing more than "because I want it."
I think that's why so many outside of the country find Trump so problematic: his default approach to anything seems to be fear-mongering. His whole slogan played off of that, and it appealed to those who believe they deserve more, even if the reason some may think that is nothing more than "because I want it."

Is the perception that he is doing that more so than any other recent president? I don't see pointing out facts as fear mongering but I'd like to hear your perspective on that. I don't think he is scaring the american public.
Is the perception that he is doing that more so than any other recent president? I don't see pointing out facts as fear mongering but I'd like to hear your perspective on that. I don't think he is scaring the american public.
He's scaring the half that didn't vote for him. I imagine that many of them are in a state of shock that he's unlike most politicians and actually following through immediately with his promised agenda. Then again, they'd be scared no matter what he did, simply because he's not "one of them".
He's scaring the half that didn't vote for him. I imagine that many of them are in a state of shock that he's unlike most politicians and actually following through immediately with his promised agenda. Then again, they'd be scared no matter what he did, simply because he's not "one of them".

But that is not fear mongering, that is we are scared of what he might do. I realized I wasn't clear in that statement but I get lazy in spelling everything out :embarrassed:
I do not think he is stating that he hates America just by stating the obvious? Ie when has America been great for all of its citizens without any discrimination? America has only been great for white upper middle class or richer Americans. All that can be used will be used to its fullest and then discarded when it is not needed any more. It is the American way and it is has been embraced by rest of the world. But some countries have not forgotten its less fortunate citizens although this is too getting more Americanized as well. All I hope is that USA will gets its "****" together and show the rest of the world that there is another way than this ultra capitalistic folly. And by that I do not mean Nuke every country Trump does not agree with :D
You think we forget about our poor? :lol: The same poor who if living on government subsides by law live in homes that have hot n cold water, heat, electric and free HD TV channels. Most now also receive high speed internet. The same poor whos biggest health risk is obesity? The ones who are poor because they cant get an education or find a job here despite millions of their neighbors going to the same schools and finding jobs in the same neighborhoods? No we aint forgot about them.
You think we forget about our poor? :lol: The same poor who if living on government subsides by law live in homes that have hot n cold water, heat, electric and free HD TV channels. Most now also receive high speed internet. The same poor whos biggest health risk is obesity? The ones who are poor because they cant get an education or find a job here despite millions of their neighbors going to the same schools and finding jobs in the same neighborhoods? No we aint forgot about them.

Fat food is cheaper then fruit/vegetables, of course poor people will be obese when it is expensive to eat a real meal.
So how many are homeless or have two jobs just to get by living paycheck to payckeck. What happens when they break a leg or get really ill. I have heard that the bill can be as steep as 30Big ones for a simple allergic attack. that is insane. Health should be a human right, not luxury. Fast internet is a human right? feels like Usa needs to get it together.

People form USA are throwing words like Socialist and stuff around but they do not seem to know a thing about freedom at all. How are countries with this "Socialist" system implemented less free-er than Americans?
Wrong thread.

And I don't think you know the meaning of freedom, to be perfectly clear.
You do not know what freedom is, as You simple think freedom is the right to carry guns. That is the only freedom you have compared to people in Europe or even other first world countries.

Because some guy is saying you have dug yourself even deeper you think he hates USA. To most of people in the world USA is something COOL and all that but yet it seems more and more behind the rest of the world.
You do not know what freedom is, as You simple think freedom is the right to carry guns. That is the only freedom you have compared to people in Europe or even other first world countries.

Really? :lol:

Now you are really reaching, guns in the U.S. are considered a given, no need to even consider if it is a freedom or not. I have zero obligation to any other human on this earth other than to never take away their liberty. That is freedom, something you obviously do not understand at all.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Fat food is cheaper then fruit/vegetables, of course poor people will be obese when it is expensive to eat a real meal.
So how many are homeless or have two jobs just to get by living paycheck to payckeck. What happens when they break a leg or get really ill. I have heard that the bill can be as steep as 30Big ones for a simple allergic attack. that is insane. Health should be a human right, not luxury. Fast internet is a human right? feels like Usa needs to get it together.

People form USA are throwing words like Socialist and stuff around but they do not seem to know a thing about freedom at all. How are countries with this "Socialist" system implemented less free-er than Americans?

Proves again you know nothing of this country.
Fat food is cheaper then fruit/vegetables, of course poor people will be obese when it is expensive to eat a real meal.
So how many are homeless or have two jobs just to get by living paycheck to payckeck. What happens when they break a leg or get really ill. I have heard that the bill can be as steep as 30Big ones for a simple allergic attack. that is insane. Health should be a human right, not luxury. Fast internet is a human right? feels like Usa needs to get it together.

People form USA are throwing words like Socialist and stuff around but they do not seem to know a thing about freedom at all. How are countries with this "Socialist" system implemented less free-er than Americans?
Is it really? Premade food yeah. You can make a Big Mac for cheaper and healthier. The initial cost for the ingredients is more than the overall burger at Mc. D's, but you can make more than 1 with the leftover ingredients. So, in the end it can equal out to a lower price per meal.
Problem is everyone says they don't have time to cook fresh. It's a "problem" world wide.
If people would get thier nose out the phone or TV, they might have enough time to cook and save themselves money.
Really? :lol:

Now you are really reaching, guns in the U.S. are considered a given, no need to even consider if it is a freedom or not. I have zero obligation to any other human on this earth other than to never take away their liberty. That is freedom, something you obviously do not understand at all.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Proves again you know nothing of this country.

The latter part of your post is just a lot of gibberish as in what way would the constitution protect its people if Trump decided to take total control over the country. Do you think the constitution would magically summon holy soldier from nowhere when you yourself do not think you have any obligation to any person on/in this world. If you do not care about your fellow citizen then you are doomed. You think paying 1 buck extra for health care for the poor in tax is giving up freedom...
You cant even go anywhere you want in your own country.

I think we non Americans know a lot more about USA then Americans know about the world around them.
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Is it really? Premade food yeah. You can make a Big Mac for cheaper and healthier. The initial cost for the ingredients is more than the overall burger at Mc. D's, but you can make more than 1 with the leftover ingredients. So, in the end it can equal out to a lower price per meal.
Problem is everyone says they don't have time to cook fresh. It's a "problem" world wide.
If people would get thier nose out the phone or TV, they might have enough time to cook and save themselves money.

These people in poverty receive food stamps and other assistance, more than enough assistance to get on their feet. If they are disabled they are taken care of, also to claim they are denied health service is a complete lie.

It is no one's fault other than their own that they drop out of school and sell their benefits for 50 cent on the dollar so they can buy crack, nor is it anyone else's fault that they pump out babies to increase those benefits. I'm tired of that lame ass excuse.
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The latter part of your post is just a lot of gibberish as in what way would the constitution protect its people if Trump decided to take total control over the country. Do you think the constitution would magically summon holy soldier from nowhere when you yourself do not think you have any obligation to any person on/in this world. If you do not care about your fellow citizen then you are doomed. You think not paying 1 buck extra in tax is giving up freedom.
You cant even go anywhere you want in your own country.

OK, our declaration of independence is gibberish, got it. I guess the convo should simply end here :ill:

I'll continue on just for the kicks though. Here we go with Trump is Hitler once again lol, we have laws and he is following them. Guess what? He is our elected president, let that sink in as I'm sure you are all for democracy and all that.

As far as obligation to other persons, I will have you know in no unequivocal terms that americans take care of their own, we don't need a socialist government to dictate our own consciences, check out all our humanitarian efforts not dictated by a wasteful government.

I don't know what your tax statement means but I can tell you I indeed go any and everywhere in this country I want without the slightest obstacle, so that is a farce you pulled out from below your seat.
It's literally the Declaration of Independence, verbatim...
It is gibberish because he himself do care/think of his fellow citizens and only care about himself. Not that it is gibberish in itself or for anyone else,just for him as it seems it does not mean anything for him.

I care quite a bit for my fellow citizens, that doesn't mean I want to pay their bills.

I can't? Where on earth did you hear this? :odd:

can you go into a forest and camp and stuff like that in nature even if the majority of the land is private?