America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It is gibberish because he himself do care/think of his fellow citizens and only care about himself. Not that it is gibberish in itself or for anyone else,just for him as it seems it does not mean anything for him.
That's nowhere near what you said. You said it was gibberish because the Constitution wouldn't protect its people from a dictatorial Trump. Look:
The latter part of your post is just a lot of gibberish as in what way would the constitution protect its people if Trump decided to take total control over the country.
And the answer to that question is that the USA's system of controls, checks and balances would prevent any dictator from taking control. It's worth noting at this point exactly what members of the armed forces in the USA take an oath to:
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
A dictator would be a domestic enemy of the Constitution. That's your magical holy soldier right there.
Read my posts.. Man this is ridiculous, take your time and read the post instead of just trolling.

All you said was that his position is gibberish without elaborating. Perhaps if you did do that elaborating thing a little more you may get some better responses.
Fat food is cheaper then fruit/vegetables, of course poor people will be obese when it is expensive to eat a real meal.

I am willing to bet if I give a poor obese person $400 extra a month for food, that after a month you would end up with a kitchen full of junk food and garbage can full of fast food wrappers. Oh, and an even more obese poor person. Obesity has nothing to do with money, it has to do with self control.

What happens when they break a leg or get really ill. I have heard that the bill can be as steep as 30Big ones for a simple allergic attack. that is insane.

You go to the emergency room and get treatment, EMTALA (emergency treatment care act) you have to be treated in an ER no matter your ability to pay. The 30Big ones gets passed along to those that can pay.
The latter part of your post is just a lot of gibberish as in what way would the constitution protect its people if Trump decided to take total control over the country. Do you think the constitution would magically summon holy soldier from nowhere when you yourself do not think you have any obligation to any person on/in this world. If you do not care about your fellow citizen then you are doomed. You think paying 1 buck extra for health care for the poor in tax is giving up freedom...
You cant even go anywhere you want in your own country.

I think we non Americans know a lot more about USA then Americans know about the world around them.
This post establishes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you don't know how the Constitution works, which in turn, means you don't know how America works. And if you don't know that, you don' t know squat, because everything else begins with that. Not saying you should, but your best bet would be to step away and start learning about the Constitution and how it works.
Oh I just now realized that I'm not allowed to camp on private land :lol:

Actually I do it all the time, it's very simple as all I need to do is contact the landowner and politely ask. I've been doing it my whole life and it goes like this. "sir, my name is ___, I've been considering purchasing a private land hunt in your zone, would you mind if I spent a few days there?" Simple, and usually they say yes as they see my consideration, sometimes they ask for compensation which is fine, sometimes they say no but very rarely. Anyway, ........

DOH! is it thought that going on some socialist Clinton land is free? :lol: :lol:

I am willing to bet if I give a poor obese person $400 extra a month for food, that after a month you would end up with a kitchen full of junk food and garbage can full of fast food wrappers

9 out of 10 agree 👍
The health care issue is an interesting debate, though I've been seeing the right usually argue that while you should have the right to healthcare, you shouldn't necessarily have the right to someone else's services that provide them free of charge, that many of those physicians/doctors do have practices to run and maintain.

But, I think Northstar touched a bit on it in that people who can't pay those huge bills do get much of it reduced or negated.

I mean, I get the main point about he cost. It took me a few years to pay off the surgery/3 days of recovery for a collapsed lung. $900 for 3 breathing tests that lasted 30 seconds each. :odd:

can you go into a forest and camp and stuff like that in nature even if the majority of the land is private?
Can I go into your yard and camp even if the land is your private property?

Selective read much?

Selective? you basically said that you do not care about anyone but yourself and then you posted a grandiose piece of text like if it meant anything for you when you in fact do not care about anyone but your own "freedom" and well being... that is not selective... You want everything but cant stand to share/help anyone in need. that is how I look at it. That Declarations of independence is wasted on a person that does not to partake in a society so that fellow citizens can have as good life and well being as your own. In my eyes you think you are free to do as you like yet you do not realise you have less freedom then someone from a first world country.
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I am willing to bet if I give a poor obese person $400 extra a month for food, that after a month you would end up with a kitchen full of junk food and garbage can full of fast food wrappers.

I saw this all the time when I worked at a grocery store, people would have a cart full of chips, pop, snack cakes and frozen pizza's than pay with their EBT card. In the 7 years there I only saw a handful of people that refused to use their EBT card on junk food (they had me put them on a separate bill or just had actual food).

That's why I'm in favor of switching food stamps to a WIC like program where you have to get certain things.
I have zero obligation to any other human on this earth

and then you post the glorious wall of text you call Declaration of independence.
If you care nothing for your fellow citizen you dont even deserve to live in a civilized society
In my eyes you are just an anarchist.
and then you post the glorious wall of text you call Declaration of independence.

Obligation - an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.

I don't feel morally or legally bound to pay my down-on-on-their-luck neighbors food bill, that doesn't mean I won't give them some money to help them out.
and then you post the glorious wall of text you call Declaration of independence.

What I said is very much true, not sure why that bothers you so much, under the law I don't have that obligation. Of course I follow all laws now in place weather I agree with them or not. But you are missing the point by so far it's really not funny at all.

First off we were speaking of freedom, something you don't understand, second off you try to turn it into I don't care about anyone but myself so I will give a quick story that I'd rather not share but whatever.

Recently, about 6 months ago I met a homeless kid at the circle k, we began discussing this and that and after a while I decided to hire him to do some house work for me. I payed him under the table, and also let him sleep on the couch here and there. After a while we discovered a friendship so I allowed him to stay full time. Things went well enough but his drug addiction led him to steal from me and I had to give him the boot.

I still care a great deal for him and I forgive his trespass, I wish him all the best and if he was man enough to come to me I'm sure we could work something out as far as repayment and mending fences.

Does that sound to you like I am some selfish rich fat jerk american? This is who we are, we take care of our own, how else can I spell it out to you? I donate my time to non profits and things like that as well. I pay attention to government stuff, I pay attention to church stuff. I've come to the very real conclusion that socialism sucks ass.
Obligation - an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.

I don't feel morally or legally bound to pay my down-on-on-their-luck neighbors food bill, that doesn't mean I won't give them some money to help them out.

If someone is handicapped and the cost is so high in the American way that they cant live as freely as you, they you are taking away her/his freedom.

If you as a normal worker and everybody else in your country just gave 1 dollar in tax he/she would be as free as you even though they have a harsher life.

I am not saying you need to pay more it tax, just scrap a lot of your military funding. No one is after you, America is having the same mentality as Russia. No one really cares if you scrap the expensive f35 program because no one can even come close to be as powerful as usa anyway. but the money would make such much good for those in need. I really think Trump takes this opportunity and fix the health problems in USA with this.
If someone is handicapped and the cost is so high in the American way that they cant live as freely as you, they you are taking away her/his freedom.

Good thing that does not happen then isn't it? The tax part is indeed gibberish. What is this about military?

Where do you live if I may ask? It's a very scary thing to ask the U.S. to stop funding it's military because we give our service to so many who need it. Damn here we go again being selfish.
Selective? you basically said that you do not care about anyone but yourself and then you posted a grandiose piece of text like if it meant anything for you when you in fact do not care about anyone but your own "freedom" and well being... that is not selective... You want everything but cant stand to share/help anyone in need. that is how I look at it. That Declarations of independence is wasted on a person that does not to partake in a society so that fellow citizens can have as good life and well being as your own. In my eyes you think you are free to do as you like yet you do not realise you have less freedom then someone from a first world country.
If they want a good life and well being, they can do what we all do; work for it.

Most of us are fine with spending what we can to help, but we're not going give them everything. That's why the welfare system is scrutinized so much; many folks on it have become accustomed to it that they see no reason to try and find work or an education if the system will take care of them. They know the moment they start to make a better life for themselves, the welfare handout goes bye bye because they're no longer eligible so they'd rather stay on it and not put in any effort to give back to others. You know, the thing you're calling on Xylo as.
I saw this all the time when I worked at a grocery store, people would have a cart full of chips, pop, snack cakes and frozen pizza's than pay with their EBT card. In the 7 years there I only saw a handful of people that refused to use their EBT card on junk food (they had me put them on a separate bill or just had actual food).

That's why I'm in favor of switching food stamps to a WIC like program where you have to get certain things.

Exactly, and those that managed their EBT well, probably no longer need assistance.
If someone is handicapped and the cost is so high in the American way that they cant live as freely as you, they you are taking away her/his freedom.

If you as a normal worker and everybody else in your country just gave 1 dollar in tax he/she would be as free as you even though they have a harsher life.


Instead of the government taking a dollar from me I could give it to a charity that will not only probably get him better supplies but he also won't have to jump through countless hoops to get them. 💡

If she/he is handicapped and have no money. Then do you think he and you have equal chances in usa to succeed?

Plenty of able bodied people have started rich and died poor and plenty of handicapped people have started poor and died rich.

It's called life, it's not fair. It's like how abusive parents seem to never have a hard time conceiving children but people who would make great parents sometimes have trouble conceiving.

Instead of the government taking a dollar from me I could give it to a charity that will not only probably get him better supplies but he also won't have to jump through countless hoops to get them. 💡

Plenty of able bodied people have started rich and died poor and plenty of handicapped people have started poor and died rich.

It's called life, it's not fair. It's like how abusive parents seem to never have a hard time conceiving children but people who would make great parents sometimes have trouble conceiving.

Starting life as a poor citizen with special needs is not fair. It is human righ to have be the same chances in life. Getting alms is condescending for the ill. It should not be about the costs, say the person with special need is costing the country 1M/year comparing to a healthy person that costs the soity 10k/year. It is still worth it if the citizen with special needs can live as free life as the healthy individual.
No charity would be able to give the ill person money year after year.
If she/he is handicapped and have no money. Then do you think he and you have equal chances in usa to succeed?
What @Northstar said. Walt Disney was bankrupt in his early 20s and still went on to make one of the greatest empires in business. Even Trump himself went bankrupt multiple times and regained his empire. Ben Carson went through struggles early in his life and became a successful neurosurgeon after moving around a lot when he was young. My brother in-law grew up in a relatively poor family and worked his way up in a small shop to become the manager of a shop and has the opportunity to buy a stake in the business if he chooses to. The government assistance isn't the issue. The fact that people are born rich isn't the issue. It's the drive of the person either getting assistance or born rich that is the problem.
With regards to healthcare, I actually work in the industry. Most non-profit hospitals give out millions in charity care every year, even most not-for-profits do as well and to a less extent for-profits. Also most health systems run all sorts of programs to help people correct unhealthy lifestyles and be overall healthier people, it's all community outreach because spending some up front costs as a "donation" means you have less of a burden on your ED and inpatient hospitals. If you're unable to afford healthcare and choose not to take advantage of these programs or adhere to what they are trying to teach you then the issue is you (as a patient) than the healthcare industry in general.

Many of the major illnesses in the United States are a result of poor lifestyle choices, at that point it's not a right to healthcare because you chose not to take care of yourself. Even then, there are still hundreds of charitable organizations that offer assistance and will help you if you can't help yourself.

I think that's why so many outside of the country find Trump so problematic: his default approach to anything seems to be fear-mongering. His whole slogan played off of that, and it appealed to those who believe they deserve more, even if the reason some may think that is nothing more than "because I want it."

I think part of the problem is how he's being portrayed. Trump is an ass that doesn't know when to shut up, no question about that, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as the media is making him out to least not yet anyways. He's done some pretty stupid things so far while in office, but Obama did many things that were equally as stupid. I'm cautiously optimistic that the GOP slaps some sense into him and Congress starts doing their jobs of providing checks and balances.
What @Northstar said. Walt Disney was bankrupt in his early 20s and still went on to make one of the greatest empires in business. Even Trump himself went bankrupt multiple times and regained his empire. Ben Carson went through struggles early in his life and became a successful neurosurgeon after moving around a lot when he was young. My brother in-law grew up in a relatively poor family and worked his way up in a small shop to become the manager of a shop and has the opportunity to buy a stake in the business if he chooses to. The government assistance isn't the issue. The fact that people are born rich isn't the issue. It's the drive of the person either getting assistance or born rich that is the problem.

Every country has about the same level of getting rich. All you really need is to work a bit to get some capital, buy
real estate, rent out some apartments. sell and get something bigger and do it a few times and tada, you are rich.

Nothing special with USA, every can do that in every country.
It is human right to have be the same chances in life.

That's impossible to accomplish though. It doesn't matter where I was born, that won't change the fact that I was born with a cleft lip & pallet. It won't change that even after several surgeries I still have a different looking face and mouth than everyone else. It won't change the fact kids pick on people that are different. It won't change the fact that as an adult I'm faced with living in a society that puts alot of stock in looks in most facets of life. It won't change anything, my reality will still be the same.

It doesn't matter where you are born/live, if you are disabled in any fashion it's impossible to be given an equal chance.

My source is living in this messed up world for 27 years.