America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
All European countries have that to some extent. Even USA have it to some degree.
Astrazeneca, have you heard of it? two companies got together. guess from which countries?
And because most of the companies are American does not mean people working in them are mostly American.
To be fair, small countries have a come up with a lot of tech too, if you compare it by bnp i think they even outperform mighty USA. It is not a we are better then USA post, but USA should take some lessons from some of the other first world countries. And yes, more socialism as you call it would not be that bad, Bernie is like a normal politician here. And he was not that bad wasn't he?

Or do you think he is the boogie man himself?

Well we don't need a lesson from socialist countries because we know what it is already, I take it you are admitting that u.s. innovation has fueled your better health. Bernie is not the boogie man, he is a congressman that represents his state well.

It's funny to me that even socialists try to shy away from the tag, why not be proud of it?

I don't hate you at all. I just don't think that you're as great as you claim you are. Your health and education systems are deeply flawed at best, your country is hopelessly divided on every social issue, you have massive problems with social inequality, and you seem to accept some things that should be horrifying (I'm thinking of school shootings) as being completely normal.

If this is "greatness", you've set the bar pretty low.

That's not the point I'm trying to make, and you know it.

In that case you should have no problem with us failing right? As for the silly jab, it was a joke ;)

Well we don't need a lesson from socialist countries because we know what it is already, I take it you are admitting that u.s. innovation has fueled your better health. Bernie is not the boogie man, he is a congressman that represents his state well.

It's funny to me that even socialists try to shy away from the tag, why not be proud of it?

In that case you should have no problem with us failing right? As for the silly jab, it was a joke ;)

Man you are brainwashed, you do not know what you are talking about... If Bernie is not the boogie man then no "socialistic" country in europe can be bad either...
Man you are brainwashed, you do not know what you are talking about... If Bernie is not the boogie man then no socialistic country can be bad either...

What? Oh sure I am brainwashed for wanting to follow my constitution :rolleyes:

When did I ever say that a socialist country was bad? Never happened, you are confused by the fact I don't wish the U.S. to be so.

I like how you have avoided serious questions from me at least twice.
Because they know that you'll pounce on it and criticise them for it.

I don't think that is true, if it is I will apologize. I have respect for all countries in some form or another.
I don't hate you at all. I just don't think that you're as great as you claim you are. Your health and education systems are deeply flawed at best
In which countries aren't they flawed and how well are they performing on a GDP/capita basis vs. the U.S.?
, your country is hopelessly divided on every social issue,
Can you name the countries that aren't divided on social issues?
you have massive problems with social inequality,
The wealthy are extremely wealthy, moreso than every other country. Mathematically, that's going to create a lot of inequality. Somehow, in spite of all those rich fat cats, the rest of them seem to make out ok.
and you seem to accept some things that should be horrifying (I'm thinking of school shootings) as being completely normal.
Who are the people that aren't horrified by school shootings? Sources please for those that think it is completely normal.

That's not the point I'm trying to make, and you know it.
Still, it's a hell of a point.
What? Oh sure I am brainwashed for wanting to follow my constitution :rolleyes:

When did I ever say that a socialist country was bad? Never happened, you are confused by the fact I don't wish the U.S. to be so.

I like how you have avoided serious questions from me at least twice.

You said that you do not care for anyone else but yourself. Yet you think that a piece of paper can save you when you are in need. How? if there are more like you, ie just caring about yourself nothing will be done for anyone because a piece of paper is just that.

Someone needs to uphold it and it seems you are not one of those.

If Trump takes your rights away and no one do anything will you shout, but I am protected by the constitution, nothing bad will happen... But who will uphold it if noone cares?
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Because they know that you'll pounce on it and criticise them for it.

I don't think that is true, if it is I will apologize. I respect all countries and forms of government. BTW something funny seems to be happening to my posts when alerts are flashed. Sorry for that.
When you repeatedly said that you don't need to follow socialist countries' models for health and education because your model already works.

Um what? Not needing to follow equals it's bad? Be serious.
You said that you do not care for anyone else but yourself. Yet you think that a piece of paper can save you when you are in need. How? if there are more like you, ie just caring about yourself nothing will be done for anyone because a piece of paper is just that.

Some one needs to uphold it and it seems you are not one of those.

If Trump takes your rights away and no one do anything will you shout, but I am protected by the constitution, nothing bad will happen... But who will uphold it if noone cares?

OMG I have proven you wrong on this point more than once already, stay with it I guess but no one is going to listen to that bs.
It is not a we are better then USA post, but USA should take some lessons from some of the other first world countries.

Should we?

Let's take a look at personal debt of various countries compared to their respective GDP.

1) Switzerland - 127.7%
2) Denmark - 123.6%
3) Australia - 123%
4) Netherlands - 111.3%
5) Canada - 99.8%
6) Norway - 98.9%
7) South Korea - 90%
8) UK - 87.6%
9) Sweden - 84.9%
10) U.S. - 78.8%

Now there are certainly countries with both universal healthcare and less personal debt and perhaps the U.S. should look into how those systems are ran. However one can't help but wonder how on earth the U.S. is only 10th on that list when we have to deal with medical debt and student loans.
Should we?

Let's take a look at personal debt of various countries compared to their respective GDP.

1) Switzerland - 127.7%
2) Denmark - 123.6%
3) Australia - 123%
4) Netherlands - 111.3%
5) Canada - 99.8%
6) Norway - 98.9%
7) South Korea - 90%
8) UK - 87.6%
9) Sweden - 84.9%
10) U.S. - 78.8%

Now there are certainly countries with both universal healthcare and less personal debt and perhaps the U.S. should look into how those systems are ran. However one can't help but wonder how on earth the U.S. is only 10th on that list when we have to deal with medical debt and student loans.

housing is quite expensive for one, and we do borrow a lot for that. Then we have of course study loans, you have free school but you need to pay your rent if you want to live alone. Who wants to live with her/his parents after high school?
housing is quite expensive for one, and we do borrow a lot for that. Then we have of course study loans, you have free school but you need to pay your rent if you want to live alone. Who wants to live with her/his parents after high school?

I want to learn how I can pay more for housing than I need to 👍
No you have proven nothing... you said, clearly that you do not care about anyone but yourself.
I really need to mention the post below again? :rolleyes:
What I said is very much true, not sure why that bothers you so much, under the law I don't have that obligation. Of course I follow all laws now in place weather I agree with them or not. But you are missing the point by so far it's really not funny at all.

First off we were speaking of freedom, something you don't understand, second off you try to turn it into I don't care about anyone but myself so I will give a quick story that I'd rather not share but whatever.

Recently, about 6 months ago I met a homeless kid at the circle k, we began discussing this and that and after a while I decided to hire him to do some house work for me. I payed him under the table, and also let him sleep on the couch here and there. After a while we discovered a friendship so I allowed him to stay full time. Things went well enough but his drug addiction led him to steal from me and I had to give him the boot.

I still care a great deal for him and I forgive his trespass, I wish him all the best and if he was man enough to come to me I'm sure we could work something out as far as repayment and mending fences.

Does that sound to you like I am some selfish rich fat jerk american? This is who we are, we take care of our own, how else can I spell it out to you? I donate my time to non profits and things like that as well. I pay attention to government stuff, I pay attention to church stuff. I've come to the very real conclusion that socialism sucks ass.

This is twice now that I've mentioned this post. Again, how does he only care about himself when let someone stay in his house out of his good will? If he truly didn't care about people, he could have just let him live either on the street or could have just let something happen to him due to his habits.
I want to learn how I can pay more for housing than I need to 👍

Housing is stricty capitalistic If I buy a house/apartment after 1 year it will probably have gone up like 30-40% in value. It has nothing to do with socialism, it is free market man... You earn a lot by buying a house/apartment and selling it off two years later.. I think we are in for a housing bubble soon..:D
Who is accepting school shootings as a norm?

No one, of course it is an issue for the gun thread but in reality it's simple. Take away gun rights and only criminals will possess them. Round and round it goes lol. 👍

Housing is stricty capitalistic If I buy a house/apartment after 1 year it will probably have gone up like 30-40% in value. It has nothing to do with socialism, it is free market man... You earn a lot by buying a house/apartment and selling it off two years later.. I think we are in for a housing bubble soon..:D

So what is the problem?
No one, of course it is an issue for the gun thread but in reality it's simple. Take away gun rights and only criminals will possess them. Round and round it goes lol. 👍

So what is the problem?

What problem?

it seems you insinuated that socialism was the cause for our high house prices...
Man it sucks to know that rest of the world is as capitalistic as USA doesn't it?

It feels as I am done talking here, with people that think the USA is some kind of "land of the free" when rest of the world have surpassed it in pretty much everything.

no good healthcare, cant go anywhere you please without asking the owner of the forest/land. does not have free education, and thinks that the world around them is some kind of prison...
Time to wake up America.
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What problem?

it seems you insinuated that socialism was the cause for our high house prices...
Man it sucks to know that rest of the world is as capitalistic as USA doesn't it?

It feels as I am done talking here, with people that think the USA is some kinde of land of the free when rest of the world have surpassed it in pretty much everything.

Nope, did not do that at all and I'd rather see whatever works for other countries capitalist or not, I like success.

If you are so convinced that the rest of the world has surpassed us, I'd suggest you move to Syria 👍
Nope, we left all that behind in 1776. Going back would be like that old saying "insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

What you left behind in 1776 was the ancien regime: absolute monarchy, aristocratic privilege, rule by hereditary oligarchies, state imposed religion. All European countries left those things behind a long time ago also - nobody is making the argument to return to the way things were prior to 1776.

Trying to discuss comparative politics with you is like trying discuss comparative religion with a religious fundamentalist:

"Everything in the bible is true"

"How do you know?"

"Because the bible says so".

You've absorbed the US propaganda so deeply you are unable to consider political issue with even the smallest degree of objectivity.
Should we?

Let's take a look at personal debt of various countries compared to their respective GDP.

1) Switzerland - 127.7%
2) Denmark - 123.6%
3) Australia - 123%
4) Netherlands - 111.3%
5) Canada - 99.8%
6) Norway - 98.9%
7) South Korea - 90%
8) UK - 87.6%
9) Sweden - 84.9%
10) U.S. - 78.8%

Now there are certainly countries with both universal healthcare and less personal debt and perhaps the U.S. should look into how those systems are ran. However one can't help but wonder how on earth the U.S. is only 10th on that list when we have to deal with medical debt and student loans.
Thats a pretty poor graph to work out, for instance in australia we have significantly higher rates of housing ownership then most countries in the world so naturally the debt is going to be higher as it's a bigger purchase then any average medical or educational debt, but it also doesn't take into the fact that most houses owned here are also investments so the rental returns could actually be higher then repayments making it effectively profitable debt.

It also doesn't take into a fact how much of those Debts are on assets they can be resold, you can resell a house or a car you can't resell medical expenses and education degrees.
Thats a pretty poor graph to work out, for instance in australia we have significantly higher rates of housing ownership then most countries in the world so naturally the debt is going to be higher as it's a bigger purchase then any average medical or educational debt, but it also doesn't take into the fact that most houses owned here are also investments so the rental returns could actually be higher then repayments making it effectively profitable debt.

My point was that if medical care was so expensive here than surely our personal debt rates should be astronomically higher than in those countries which have universal care, which isn't the case as they're about average.
Nope, did not do that at all and I'd rather see whatever works for other countries capitalist or not, I like success.

If you are so convinced that the rest of the world has surpassed us, I'd suggest you move to Syria 👍

Who did disturb the peace in middle east.... shame, shame. Like I said a couple sides earlier, USA have learnt nothing, just repeating the same mistakes all over again. Vietnam not so long ago and now Irak/middle east. USA should take its responsibility and shelter every refugee from the region with out question. Why should rest of the world like Europe shoulder the responsibility?

Anyway.... I have said enough to you here and have nothing new to say.. and let me repeat, I do not hate America or anything but It really need to get is self together for all of our sakes.
What you left behind in 1776 was the ancien regime: absolute monarchy, aristocratic privilege, rule by hereditary oligarchies, state imposed religion. All European countries left those things behind a long time ago also - nobody is making the argument to return to the way things were prior to 1776.

Trying to discuss comparative politics with you is like trying discuss comparative religion with a religious fundamentalist:

"Everything in the bible is true"

"How do you know?"

"Because the bible says so".

You've absorbed the US propaganda so deeply you are unable to consider political issue with even the smallest degree of objectivity.
Not hard to make the same case about you and left wing politics.
Housing is stricty capitalistic If I buy a house/apartment after 1 year it will probably have gone up like 30-40% in value. It has nothing to do with socialism, it is free market man... You earn a lot by buying a house/apartment and selling it off two years later.. I think we are in for a housing bubble soon..:D
Epic fail on the economics of housing:lol::lol:
My point was that if medical care was so expensive here than surely our personal debt rates should be astronomically higher than in those countries which have universal care, which isn't the case as they're about average.
Its invalid and i just told you why, you would have to split up other parts of the debt to work that out rather then putting it all into one catagory.
Who did disturb the peace in middle east.... shame, shame. Like I said a couple sides earlier, USA have learnt nothing, just repeating the same mistakes all over again. Vietnam not so long ago and now Irak/middle east. USA should take its responsibility and shelter every refugee from the region with out question. Why should rest of the world like Europe shoulder the responsibility?

Anyway.... I have said enough to you here and have nothing new to say.. and let me repeat, I do not hate America or anything but It really need to get is self together for all of our sakes.

Do you live in a country that was affected in a negative way by WWII?
If someone is handicapped and the cost is so high in the American way that they cant live as freely as you, they you are taking away her/his freedom.

If you as a normal worker and everybody else in your country just gave 1 dollar in tax he/she would be as free as you even though they have a harsher life.

Every country has about the same level of getting rich. All you really need is to work a bit to get some capital, buy
real estate, rent out some apartments. sell and get something bigger and do it a few times and tada, you are rich.

Nothing special with USA, every can do that in every country.
Complains everyone in the USA should give one dollar to help their fellow man, next post brags that every county has the same opportunities to become rich. So err, why do we need to all pitch in again if it's so simple as flipping houses?

Y'all discussing a topic with someone who has zero grasp on life in the US. Talking down to 1 person for not helping poor people whilst bringing up in another post how he invested his money in track toys. For someone so caring about his fellow man, one def seems to have no problem throwing money away on cars. :rolleyes: