America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Here is where the problem lies, do you live in the U.S.? Am I stuck with your PM? No.
Are you really so naïve that you think that the decisions Trump makes won't affect the rest of the world?

Like I said, the Global Financial Crisis started in America as the sub-prime mortgage crisis. It was an American problem created by Americans, but it soon spilled over and affected the rest of the world. Conversely, if we had brought it about, it's unlikely that it would have affected you.
As far as National Parks, you can go off trail at your own risk. If you go over a Do Not Pass sign you are Trespassing. Pretty simple.
I think it is hard for people to understand just how much land we have and how much of it is mountain, just another reason we are the greatest country in the world, I use that land all the time 👍

Are you really so naïve that you think that the decisions Trump makes won't affect the rest of the world?
Are you really so naive not to realize you don't get to vote in our system? You have no say what so ever and that is why you come into this thread full of piss and vinegar.
I don't have a link to source it because I read it in a paper copy but Paul Krugman in the New York Times today was a good read (as usual for him).
I think it is hard for people to understand just how much land we have and how much of it is mountain, just another reason we are the greatest country in the world, I use that land all the time 👍

Are you really so naive not to realize you don't get to vote in our system? You have no say what so ever and that is why you come into this thread full of piss and vinegar.
The other thing I don't think he understands is we have respect for each others land.
You don't walk around or take a break on someones land without permission unless you want to get shot.
Here is a map showing how much of the U.S. is federal owned land.

That's just a small part of it as there's also state, county and city owned land that you are free to explore with some obvious exemptions (you can't just walk onto an army base for example) but I couldn't find a map illustrating those.

There's plenty of areas to explore without trampling over your neighbors lawn.
What's up next for Bannon? Already got muslim hate on 1 milli in the states. He's gotten the silly ass anti-immigration EO in effect. He just hit Jewish people with "All Lives Matter" on Holocaust remembrance day. Black History month starts next week. All Lives Matter month?
? google it... someone already beat you to it :P

It is a pity USA do not have those laws but I guess the country/continent is so large that the pre made/allowed walking paths are more then enough for people to see the nature.
I don't need to google it I didn't make the claim. And as I pointed out earlier, the amount of federally owned publicly accessible land in the U.S. is bigger than France, Germany and Spain...combined. It's not like there's a shortage of accessible land here. You have no idea how big it is over here. You're just spewing random nonsense.
Are you really so naive not to realize you don't get to vote in our system?
I'm perfectly aware of that. But that doesn't mean that I have to like who you choose as your leader. I'm willing to bet that if another country rose to power and prominence and had the ability to make decisions that affected you, you'd be the first to complain.
I'm perfectly aware of that. But that doesn't mean that I have to like who you choose as your leader. I'm willing to bet that if another country rose to power and prominence and had the ability to make decisions that affected you, you'd be the first to complain.

Not likely, I complain about every leader equally. Here is the part you are missing, if people from other countries keep piling on Trump(it's your right of course) sooner or later even the Trump haters in the U.S. are going to lose respect for you. You are directly criticizing the american people, the laws we follow, and our country as a whole.

Trifecta baby :bowdown:
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Subjective? well the country where you are most "happiest". Where you do not need to worry about food, health, education and does not feel like an outsider of the society and that without being wealthy.
And yours is Sweden. Great country would love to visit someday. That does explain your hate/fear of Trump though. The 90s also just so happened to be when NAFTA came about. Not just a coincidence that's when your economic recovery came about is it? How you afford "free" healthcare and such. That was great for your country and many others, problem is it has come at the cost of American jobs and we cant afford to lose anymore. In fact we want some back. We understand their are some countries who aren't going to like it, but are current trade deals while working for you arent working for us. We want/need them to change, its one of the things Trump was elected on and one he is working to deliver on. It wont be the end of the world for others, may change it, but wont end it and wont be the first time we changed things in the world or probably the last.
You are directly criticizing the american people, the laws we follow, and our country as a whole
You're the ones who elected a man who represents the very worst of humanity. The door is wide open to criticism. This was, after all, the man who openly boasted about sexually assaulting women, and who promotes fear of anyone who might be vaguely different to you.
You're the ones who elected a man who represents the very worst of humanity. The door is wide open to criticism. This was, after all, the man who openly boasted about sexually assaulting women, and who promotes fear of anyone who might be vaguely different to you.


Take a closer look at your leaders and what you can actually do to better the world, or, just keep complaining like a little school girl would. Seriously, worst leader of humanity? Here we go with the Hitler reference once again.

And, once again you solidified your hatred towards the U.S., good for you as long as you are honest about it.
You're the ones who elected a man who represents the very worst of humanity.
I don't think Trump is the worst, I'd take Trump as PM of Australia over Tony Abbot anyday. Trump is just massively inexperienced with unrealistic solutions to problems.

This was, after all, the man who openly boasted about sexually assaulting women, and who promotes fear of anyone who might be vaguely different to you.
This is a massive misconception overly exploited by the media. Should've he been boasting about it in public? No, not really BUT Trumps says that they "let" him do it. Key word is let. If someone let him do it than it's hardly sexual assault.
I see the one way street now, it's always come down to emotions over substance with the left.
You called him a little school girl and assumed he was referencing Hitler. Didn't you have a problem with assuming things when we were discussing something like a week ago? And didn't I say you have a problem with that? Some things never change.
You called him a little school girl and assumed he was referencing Hitler. Didn't you have a problem with assuming things when we were discussing something like a week ago? And didn't I say you have a problem with that? Some things never change.
To be fair, I do want to see a better world. I'm a monster.
You called him a little school girl and assumed he was referencing Hitler. Didn't you have a problem with assuming things when we were discussing something like a week ago? And didn't I say you have a problem with that? Some things never change.

I did not call him a little school girl. If not Hitler, then who is the worse leader of all time? You are right, the truth never changes.

To be fair, I do want to see a better world. I'm a monster.

That is why we all do what we can right? I honestly believe if we did not have Obama for 8 years we would not be looking at Trump now. I don't care for either tbh but you already know that.
You called him a little school girl and assumed he was referencing Hitler. Didn't you have a problem with assuming things when we were discussing something like a week ago? And didn't I say you have a problem with that? Some things never change.
Meanwhile Philo-san called him heartless for not caring about others (despite the fact I twice told him that @xyloscissor let a man down on his luck stay in his house and he ignored it both times I said it and ignored it in xylo's intial post), a troll, and told him he was speaking gibberish when he directly referenced the Declaration of Independence. Not saying it makes his posts "right" or "wrong", but what I am saying that he seems to be playing the post game that someone played on him today.
Technically you did.

Technically I did not, unless you don't understand the term 'like', anyway Interlude can speak for himself, we seem to have a more civil rapport than you give either one of use credit for. I could be wrong but I don't think so.

One thing worth mention @AnthonyD1993 is drug addiction, we could go on about that for miles and miles but I will say this; Mexico is no help and our health care system does not consider it an illness because of fat cat insurance companies. It's a side note I guess.
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That is why we all do what we can right? I honestly believe if we did not have Obama for 8 years we would not be looking at Trump now. I don't care for either tbh but you already know that.
If Obama wasn't in office for 8years, how many people would have still been sheep, er... asleep?

The electing of Obama showed the world, North America can be a place for equality for everyone. It showed there are no more excuses, not to be who you want to be in North America. It hit home in many communities. Many homes where elders tell there children, "You can be what you want to be."

"Yes we can." is truth. No matter how any type of person disliked Obama, the moral of North America as a free country, got many North Americans to stand up.
Where I'm from that's technically calling him one. But what do I know, you're obviously always right in your eyes so we'll leave it at that.

Oh, au contraire mon frère, why just the other day @Famine pointed out something to me I had no idea was true. Guess what? I checked it out and changed my view. Damnit I can learnz sum stuf.

Don't mistake being right with always being right.