America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
This is a massive misconception overly exploited by the media. Should've he been boasting about it in public? No, not really BUT Trumps says that they "let" him do it. Key word is let. If someone let him do it than it's hardly sexual assault.

False flags are much more important, if we want to go down the sex road all we need to do is mention Clinton. All he had to do in that case was admit what he did, which he did not. I honestly don't know much about this Trump allegation but I don't really care either way. One thing I can tell you is that I absolutely loved that Italian leader who was full of scandal. He was FAT :lol:
I find it very odd that someone who joined the forums six weeks ago refers to me by a user name that I haven't used in at least two years ...

Does it matter? Do we not have civil conversations? That was the point, the tag means little and I did not mean to offend.

Well it's a cartoon, so of course it's fake fire :P

In all seriousness, have you heard what Trump said all the way through? People are over reacting on the line "grab em by the 🤬" and assume instant sexual assault, but if you listen to it all the way through, while it isn't exactly pleasant to hear, it is not sexual assault, it was consensual.

Key word to hear is let. (NFSW by the way for what Donald Trump says)

Are you what your being fed isn't fake?

Now I might want to add that I'm nowhere near a Trump supporter even if I prefer him over Clinton. If I was American I would've voted Third Party during the election because 1 has no experience (Trump is already making horrible moves) and the other is corrupt. However, I do think Trump has been massively misunderstood by the medias lies and corruption by tainting any sort of evidence just label him as a racist, sexist, sex offender instead of actual real issues with Donald Trump as president.
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Technically you did.

Could be anyone. He may have had someone else in mind, you just assumed (again) that he meant Hitler.
Yes, because it's such a huge leap to think of Hitler when talking about the "worst of humanity". Using that phrase when referring to Trump when the inevitable comparison is Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and histories worst butchers and mass murderers is ridiculous. Not shocking that you don't call him out on that though. He does think that American education system really sucks though, maybe that explains it.
He does think that American education system really sucks though, maybe that explains it.
I'm hoping this isn't an insult towards me.

In any case, you guys can continue to bicker in here about Tramp. I want no part of it, I just called him out for something that he's been known to do in here quite a lot.
I'm hoping this isn't an insult towards me.

In any case, you guys can continue to bicker in here about Tramp. I want no part of it, I just called him out for something that he's been known to do in here quite a lot.

Which is? A spade is a spade, humanitarian what? Oh I know, it must be a reference to Saddam. It really does not matter who you choose, Trump is none of those you might try to parallel.
I have multiple times.

Anyways, I'm out. Don't feel like spending my Saturday night in here.
Cool enough 👍

I suppose the comparison of Trump is to Nelson Mandela then. This is great btw

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

It always seems impossible until it's done.
A convenient way to dismiss my points, not surprising really.

Well your point was:

"Nope, we left all that behind in 1776. Going back would be like that old saying "insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."

I didn't dismiss your point at all - I answered it:

"What you left behind in 1776 was the ancien regime: absolute monarchy, aristocratic privilege, rule by hereditary oligarchies, state imposed religion. All European countries left those things behind a long time ago also - nobody is making the argument to return to the way things were prior to 1776."

Please explain in what way would the US be "going back". What is the "same thing" it would it it be doing over & over & expecting a different result?

AND @Sanji Himura: Trump has claimed that Mexico's IVA is an "import tax". That this represents an "unfair" trade practice by Mexicao. I painstakingly explained why this is not the case. I get zero response. (As a matter of record: of the 196 countries in the world, 140 currently have some form of VAT, including all the major European countries, South American countries, Russia, China, Australia, Canada etc.) Trump, as with so many statements, is stoking nationalist, protectionist sentiments among his supporters by misrepresenting the facts.

Please explain in what way would the US be "going back". What is the "same thing" it would it it be doing over & over & expecting a different result?
Yeah, I know already, america sucks, I've received the message loud and clear. We left behind the corruption of Europe only to see people like you wanting to reintroduce it, that's fine. Trump for the win, at least he is a true american.

If you guys are so smart and full of everything that is right I will ask again, why do you care what we do?
Depends what import tax he is talking about, it might be a fee that the Mexican companies have to pay to sell their goods in the USA. But if he is talking import tax in the traditional sense then yes Americans would in fact be paying for it.

An import tax would raise the price of the products, so even if Mexican companies pay the US, the US consumers would in turn pay the Mexican companies.

So it would be: "We're going to build a wall to Mexico, and we will pay them for paying for it."

If you guys are so smart and full of everything that is right I will ask again, why do you care what we do?

Because we're part of the same world and the US is a major player on the global scene. Even if Trump would like to isolate America his actions would still have effects around the world.

It's also interesting from a political standpoint because Trump is a controversial figure and arguably the first president of his kind in America.
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An import tax would raise the price of the products, so even if Mexican companies pay the US, the US consumers would in turn pay the Mexican companies.

So it would be: "We're going to build a wall to Mexico, and we will pay them for paying for it."

We can live without any products from Mexico.
You're the ones who elected a man who represents the very worst of humanity. The door is wide open to criticism. This was, after all, the man who openly boasted about sexually assaulting women, and who promotes fear of anyone who might be vaguely different to you.

"And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy." ~ Donald J. Trump

Can we please toss this notion of Trump being a sexual predator into the same trash heap as Trump being Hitler?
AND @Sanji Himura: Trump has claimed that Mexico's IVA is an "import tax". That this represents an "unfair" trade practice by Mexicao. I painstakingly explained why this is not the case. I get zero response. (As a matter of record: of the 196 countries in the world, 140 currently have some form of VAT, including all the major European countries, South American countries, Russia, China, Australia, Canada etc.) Trump, as with so many statements, is stoking nationalist, protectionist sentiments among his supporters by misrepresenting the facts.
Well, those are Trump's words, NOT mine. You seem to think that because I am a republican, you have the right to put whatever words that my party's leaders say that are convenient for you into my mouth. Well, let's get one thing perfectly clear. Trump does not speak for me. Here is what I actually said:

Then please explain why Mexico charges a 16% IVA (Value-Added Tax) to US exports, but the US does not? Seems pretty reasonable that with Trump wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and all of that, that tarriff talks would naturally be implied anyways.

I had emphasized that Mexico's tax is a VAT [emphasized in the above quote]. The US does not have a VAT by law because we have a Federal income tax in addition to whatever taxes that your individual state may levy against you. I am in, fortunately, one of 9 states that do not have a state income tax, but we do have a 6.25% VAT (called Sales Tax here) statewide. I should note that the 6.25% here in Texas does fluctuate between local jurisdictions as they can add on to the VAT. I had said it as more of an indictment on how the sixteenth amendment was actually passed, and if the progressives actually followed the constitution, we would have had a national VAT instead of an income tax.

EDIT: Apparently, the courts have banned deportations for those who are already stuck in America's airports. The Muslim ban is not struck down by a Federal judge as first reported by news sources. Source
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Is it an op ed piece?

I looked and I think you have to subscribe to read them however, he does have a blog so maybe it's in there. Main&contentCollection=Opinion
It is an op ed piece but he's their go to economics guy.
I didn't realise the opinion section was subscription only but I know there's been a limit of something like 10 articles a month without subscription online.
That's why I get a paper copy, I'm not into online shopping. Even my GTPremium is gifted through another member.
And yours is Sweden. Great country would love to visit someday. That does explain your hate/fear of Trump though. The 90s also just so happened to be when NAFTA came about. Not just a coincidence that's when your economic recovery came about is it? How you afford "free" healthcare and such. That was great for your country and many others, problem is it has come at the cost of American jobs and we cant afford to lose anymore. In fact we want some back. We understand their are some countries who aren't going to like it, but are current trade deals while working for you arent working for us. We want/need them to change, its one of the things Trump was elected on and one he is working to deliver on. It wont be the end of the world for others, may change it, but wont end it and wont be the first time we changed things in the world or probably the last.

What are you talking about, as a small country we have pretty much nothing to a say about anything. Having an EU membership we at least have better deals than before But still, a product produced in Eruope is often way more expensive in its home country than when it goes on sale in USA. A lot can be explains by VAT, but it does not explain that some things like cars are 50% cheaper in USA than in the home market. USA always have the best deals, dont listen to TRUMP spewing alternative facts. USA had and have the best deals, have said it multiple of times..
Can we please toss this notion of Trump being a sexual predator into the same trash heap as Trump being Hitler?
No. Because I've never met a self-respecting woman who let a man grope her. And when he says "they let you do it", it's not hard to imagine that he does as he pleases, banking on his celebrity to keep him out of trouble.
What are you talking about, as a small country we have pretty much nothing to a say about anything. Having an EU membership we at least have better deals than before But still, a product produced in Eruope is often way more expensive in its home country than when it goes on sale in USA. A lot can be explains by VAT, but it does not explain that some things like cars are 50% cheaper in USA than in the home market. USA always have the best deals, dont listen to TRUMP spewing alternative facts. USA had and have the best deals, have said it multiple of times..

An EU is actually a really good idea but the EU you have stinks royal. It's not anyone else's fault if you overtax yourselves though. It's the price you pay for wandering around another man's land perhaps.

No. Because I've never met a self-respecting woman who let a man grope her. And when he says "they let you do it", it's not hard to imagine that he does as he pleases, banking on his celebrity to keep him out of trouble.

Can someone show me a credible source on this? I have a hard time believing Trump is running around groping women.
No. Because I've never met a self-respecting woman who let a man grope her. And when he says "they let you do it", it's not hard to imagine that he does as he pleases, banking on his celebrity to keep him out of trouble.
So you've apparently met every Women on the planet then :rolleyes:

Well I mean, if Trump threaten or manipulate the women to let him do it because "he does as he pleases", that would raise some red flags however we have 0 evidence that the women he groped were threaten or at the very least manipulated.
So you've apparently met every Women on the planet then

Sometimes when you are a rock star the less fortunate become bitter and toss around this and that.

Maybe we need a bit of music to calm the soul, here we go then 👍

We'd all love to see the plan.
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lol, deals are hard to come by and they are never fo free. If countries give us a discount you can bet your dollar we pay for it. It's not a bad plan per say, usually it has to do with the fact we have a military that squashes all.