America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
We're in danger of being sidetracked into a cow-off, we should avoid that. If you work in the beef industry then you're aware of the CO2 output of cows (unless it's just a student job packing lasagne)... and the point I was answering was about significant CO2 emitters that sit away from population centres. Cows. Planes. Seemples.
Yes cows cause global warming,please.
Cow trumps can be moderated with some modern feeds but, as @Scaff notes, they contribute close to 20% of greenhouse gas emissions. I'd guess that it's a low percentage of cows that live in population centres. I don't know how you do it there but here they live in farms in the cunddery-soide.

A few years ago I took a long car trip with my girlfriend from Seattle, Washington to Sedona, Arizona and back. We took a path that would take us through as many native American cultural centers, archeological sites and petroglyph caves and walls as possible. Every daylight hour of every day of the entire trip we could see cows.
"Midwest" is an outdated term referring to the Northern Central states of the U.S. It's nearly useless as a geographical descriptor considering it was coined when nine or so states West of Missouri hadn't even been admitted as States.

It was "The West" a long time ago, but not anymore.
It may well be, but that wasn't the point being discussed.

Cows being a significant contributory factor in climate change was, and they are.
Right and if you look at this,it is. So then I guess it a combination of both. The problem now is cattle don't graze on grass anymore. There is huge American conglomerates that own feed (corn) and beef processing facilities. Corn doesn't digest as well as grass and produces more methane.
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I have to be honest I'm not sure if your post is support to be a rebuttal or not, as it seems to only support the point I was making.
Yes I guess in a way it is, but those 2 emerging countries that produce the most pollution and have the most cows are only going to get worse. Imagine the cars and coal fired plants that are going to increase with more money and prosperity in those countries. The other concerning factor is this,trust me,I work for an American conglomerate that has their hands all over this and beef and corn production. These countries that are allowing this is criminal in my mind.
Yes I guess in a way it is, but those 2 emerging countries that produce the most pollution and have the most cows are only going to get worse. Imagine the cars and coal fired plants that are going to increase with more money and prosperity in those countries. The other concerning factor is this,trust me,I work for an American conglomerate that has their hands all over this and beef and corn production. These countries that are allowing this is criminal in my mind.
They may well do.

One thing that may change that is both China and to a lesser degree India are moving at pace towards renewable, while the US seems to be stepping back from it.
They may well do.

One thing that may change that is both China and to a lesser degree India are moving at pace towards renewable, while the US seems to be stepping back from it.
Fossil fuel will be here for another 100 years.
There is way to much money to be lost by government's and corporations with fossil fuels. They walk hand and hand! It's a sad thought,but it's not going to change anytime soon. Plus I need gas for my 65. Comes out in a month.
Fossil fuel will be here for another 100 years.
There is way to much money to be lost by government's and corporations with fossil fuels. They walk hand and hand! It's a sad thought,but it's not going to change anytime soon. Plus I need gas for my 65. Comes out in a month.
Nobody wants to take it away completely. We just need to be less dependent on it.
Airplanes, I don't know how many thousands are in the air around the clock globally, are a major cause of weather, and probably climate change as well. The altitude at which they pollute the sky multiplies their environmental damage. I remember the 3 days after 9/11 when all airplanes in the US were grounded. The weather across the entire nation transformed remarkably to the better.
( -- In a recent study published in Nature Climate Change, Dr. Ulrike Burkhardt and Dr. Bernd Karcher from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics at the German Aerospace Centre show that the contrails created by airplanes are contributing more to global warming that all the CO2 that has been caused by the entire 108 years of airplane flight.
And how much of that does the US dump in the Great Lakes?
Well if Donald has his way and jobs return to the rust belt, you know the majority that voted for him,which kind of surround the Great Lakes, I'm sure it will increase. Thought you were smarter than that!
I did not realize it, but apparently the Democratic party has lost so much support nationally, that the Republicans are within one statehouse of calling and controlling a Constitutional Convention. Egads!
Airplanes, I don't know how many thousands are in the air around the clock globally, are a major cause of weather, and probably climate change as well. The altitude at which they pollute the sky multiplies their environmental damage. I remember the 3 days after 9/11 when all airplanes in the US were grounded. The weather across the entire nation transformed remarkably to the better.

It's called confirmation bias.
( -- In a recent study published in Nature Climate Change, Dr. Ulrike Burkhardt and Dr. Bernd Karcher from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics at the German Aerospace Centre show that the contrails created by airplanes are contributing more to global warming that all the CO2 that has been caused by the entire 108 years of airplane flight.

Interesting, but it's a computer model study. Computer models aren't great for exploring aspects of systems that we don't already have a very, very good understanding of. Last I checked they were still kind of unsure about what clouds do to global warming, which would seem to make it difficult to predict what effect relatively small "clouds" like contrails would have. Any "results" would simply be a reflection of whatever number one chose to feed into the computer.

There are a fair few montages of CNN cutting off guests with similar screens when they get too far off the left wing talking points. Seems they need to hire some better tech experts because I haven't seen this sort of thing since the 70's:sly:

Looking at Trump's site it says all the hats are made in the U.S. now (most are only $25 as well). Who knows if that's actually true though. :lol:
Interestingly, on the official DJTrump site the hat is listed as sold out.

My god, TV feeds cutting out! That literally never happens!!!

Was it not you who was not too long ago advising us to put effort into forming our opinions and not taking snippets of stuff for granted?

If you got an hour to spare, take the effort to listen to this 'funny orange man'. At least you'll be able to form your own opinion on what he is aiming for, instead of taking biased snippets for granted from the MSM:

Oh wait, sorry, snippets from the MSM - taking snippets for granted from Youtube must be ok then.

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