America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
What I have to say about Trump so far is that I have never seen a politician try to deliver on campaign promises like this guy does. He has made a run at every single thing he talked about in his campaign. On multiple occasions he has also publicly admitted that this campaign promises might have been a bit naive and that the reality is a bit more complicated. How's that for a guy who is supposedly driven entirely by his ego.

I don't think Trump is amazing, and I don't like most of what he's trying to do (though I'm on board with some of it), but I'll be honest I'm impressed that he's actually trying to deliver.

I'm still where I was during his campaign... not really liking his platform, but still actually kinda liking him.
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What I have to say about Trump so far is that I have never seen a politician try to deliver on campaign promises like this guy does. He has made a run at every single thing he talked about in his campaign. On multiple occasions he has also publicly admitted that this campaign promises might have been a bit naive and that the reality is a bit more complicated. How's that for a guy who is supposedly driven entirely by his ego.

I don't think Trump is amazing, and I don't like most of what he's trying to do (though I'm on board with some of it), but I'll be honest I'm impressed that he's actually trying to deliver.

I'm still where I was during his campaign... not really liking his platform, but still actually kinda like him.

I'm the same, I still think most of his campaign platform is a foolish effort in many areas, a massive issue in others, and in some something that would workout fine if ironed out. What stands is from my memory the first time I've seen a President hit the ground running and try to do what the American voters who elected him asked for, rather than do what he thinks they'd want to create some legacy.
What stands is from my memory the first time I've seen a President hit the ground running and try to do what the American voters who elected him asked for, rather than do what he thinks they'd want to create some legacy.

Agreed. And beyond that, I figured during the campaign that Trump would have exactly the problem he's having... getting the republican party that kinda didn't want anything to do with him to actually do the things he's been saying.
If anyone cares, Trump just landed here in Atlanta. He's going to speak at the NRA, talk to Karen Handle the Republican running for the 6th district special election here in Atlanta and I believe he's going to talk to Gov. Deal about the I-85 overpass collapse. Busy day!
Trump: "I thought this would be easier...I loved my previous life." (Reuters)

He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

"I loved my previous life. I had so many things going," Trump told Reuters in an interview. "This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

More than five months after his victory and two days shy of the 100-day mark of his presidency, the election is still on Trump's mind. Midway through a discussion about Chinese President Xi Jinping, the president paused to hand out copies of what he said were the latest figures from the 2016 electoral map.

"Here, you can take that, that's the final map of the numbers," the Republican president said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he won marked in red. "It’s pretty good, right? The red is obviously us."

He had copies for each of the three Reuters reporters in the room.
Has anyone informed Trump that he is allowed to resign? What a buffoon. Still can't believe so many people voted for him...
Trump: "I thought this would be easier...I loved my previous life." (Reuters)

Has anyone informed Trump that he is allowed to resign? What a buffoon. Still can't believe so many people voted for him...
He's not a person that quits just cause things get hard and crap hits the fan.
Keep hoping though...

Edit: Here is his whole speech at the NRA so you can hear the whole thing before the media chops it up to suit their narrative.

Yes it is Facebook, if you can't see it sorry. Tell Jordan in Site Support, I've brought it up before to no avail...

Gotta love the comments... :rolleyes:
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Has anyone informed Trump that he is allowed to resign? What a buffoon. Still can't believe so many people voted for him...
To be honest, unless you went third party (which if I was a voting American I would've picked that) the only other choice was Hillary Clinton. It wasn't the fact which one was better it was the matter of fact which one was worse.

As for Trumps reign so far, I think his inexperience is massively showing but I respect what he's trying to do and even keeping to his promises or even calling them a bit ridicolous (like what @Danoff said). He is trying to keep it all intact and that I can respect him for, I may not like an inexperienced guy running the country and some of his actions so far have proven that but his efforts are acknowledgable IMO.
What I have to say about Trump so far is that I have never seen a politician try to deliver on campaign promises like this guy does. He has made a run at every single thing he talked about in his campaign. On multiple occasions he has also publicly admitted that this campaign promises might have been a bit naive and that the reality is a bit more complicated. How's that for a guy who is supposedly driven entirely by his ego.

I don't think Trump is amazing, and I don't like most of what he's trying to do (though I'm on board with some of it), but I'll be honest I'm impressed that he's actually trying to deliver.

I'm still where I was during his campaign... not really liking his platform, but still actually kinda liking him.

You gotta be kidding!

Trump in office is exactly what I might have expected him to be. He's not a "deep thinker" - he has simplistic, gut responses to most issues - things that have worked well for him in his real estate & celebrity/TV career. The reality is, governing the United States is hard - very hard. Foreign policy is complicated with many aspects to weigh in the balance. Trump, in his egotistical self confidence imagined that bluster & tough talk would work - it won't ... & he's starting to realize that. The same is true with many domestic issues - his failure to push through a replacement for the ACA surprised him: "who knew health care was so complicated". :rolleyes:

A big chunk of American voters also have "simplistic, gut responses" to many issues - that's why they voted for him. But just because they like the idea of simple answers doesn't mean that simple answers will be effective. The border wall, NAFTA, relations with China - every issue is way more complicated than Trump ever imagined. The proposed changes to the tax code will be next thing to blow up in his face as the implications of huge tax cuts for the rich & corporations start to become apparent - a ballooning deficit & accelerating inequality between the rich, & the poor & middle class.

Trump doesn't have the intelligence, the focus, the imagination or the patience to deal with complex issues. This is going to become more & more apparent as time goes on. It was pathetic to hear him, yet again, go on about his "great victory" on election night during today's speech in front of the NRA. Really ... when have you ever in the past heard a President keep bringing up his election success in that way?
Trump doesn't have the intelligence, the focus, the imagination or the patience to deal with complex issues. This is going to become more & more apparent as time goes on. It was pathetic to hear him, yet again, go on about his "great victory" on election night during today's speech in front of the NRA. Really ... when have you ever in the past heard a President keep bringing up his election success in that way?
Trump is blunt and it was a great victory. Republicans control the Presidency and both houses, 66% of the governorships while completely controlling both houses in 30 states vs. the Dems 12. It is a level of confidence the public has in the Republican party that has rarely been seen in American history.

Obama was more flowery but said essentially the same thing during the October 2013 fued over the government shutdown. "If you want to change something win an election", which is just a smarmy professor's way of saying, "I won, you lost, get over it". This despite the fact that his party clearly did not win any sort of mandate in that general election. The public preferred him as leader, but barely, with 51% of the popular vote and didn't have enough confidence to give him both of the legislative branches to go along with it. One might say his ego was getting in the way of having work both sides of the aisle to get things done and he thought he could rebuke a bunch of adults by talking to them like they are misbehaving college students.
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Republicans control the Presidency and both houses, 66% of the governorships while completely controlling both houses in 30 states vs. the Dems 12.

This is something that needs to be pointed out again when certain people start bleating about "Oh but she won the popular vote! Electoral college, wah wah wah!".
Trump in office is exactly what I might have expected him to be. He's not a "deep thinker" - he has simplistic, gut responses to most issues - things that have worked well for him in his real estate & celebrity/TV career.
He's declared his first hundred days in office to be "just about the most successful in [American] history" despite the string of broken and stalled promises and the lack of any actual policies.
He's declared his first hundred days in office to be "just about the most successful in [American] history" despite the string of broken and stalled promises and the lack of any actual policies.
How many promises from Presidential campaigns are usually fulfilled in 100 days? Can you name another President that was so focused and aggressive in the first 100 days at actually fulfilling his campaign promises?
From cutting back the Obama automotive CAFE standards and other Obama EPA regulations, to allowing new pipelines and nominating a Constitutionalist justice to the Supreme Court, and much more, I think President Trump has done a great job so far. He also got us out of TTP and is renegotiating NAFTA.

Yeah, the congress has dropped the ball on healthcare, they have had years to work on it, but that is not Trump's fault.
Can you name another President that was so focused and aggressive in the first 100 days at actually fulfilling his campaign promises?
Can you name any of Trump's campaign promises that he has fulfilled? He hasn't built the wall. He hasn't repealed Obamacare. He hasn't labelled China a currency manipulator. He hasn't forged closer ties with Russia. His travel ban is tied up in the courts. All of his headline policies have either stalled or gone unfulfilled after one hundred days - the milestone that he pointed to as being the fairest assessment of his presidency. For a self-styled president who gets stuff done, he hasn't done much.
Can you name any of Trump's campaign promises that he has fulfilled? He hasn't built the wall. He hasn't repealed Obamacare. He hasn't labelled China a currency manipulator. He hasn't forged closer ties with Russia. His travel ban is tied up in the courts. All of his headline policies have either stalled or gone unfulfilled after one hundred days - the milestone that he pointed to as being the fairest assessment of his presidency. For a self-styled president who gets stuff done, he hasn't done much.
You missed A LOT of key words with that question.

The question wasn't have they been fulfilled, the question was being focused and aggressive to fulfilling those promises. Surprising that you're the one to miss the whole question completely.
Surprising that you're the one to miss the whole question completely.
I didn't miss it. Just consider the implications of "being focused and aggressive to fulfilling those promises" - that Trump doesn't actually have to do anything, he'll be considered successful so long as he makes enough noise about doing something. Which is ironic, considering that he got elected on a platform of changing things.
Can you name any of Trump's campaign promises that he has fulfilled? 1 He hasn't built the wall. 2 He hasn't repealed Obamacare. 3 He hasn't labelled China a currency manipulator. 4 He hasn't forged closer ties with Russia. 5 His travel ban is tied up in the courts. All of his headline policies have either stalled or gone unfulfilled after one hundred days - the milestone that he pointed to as being the fairest assessment of his presidency. For a self-styled president who gets stuff done, he hasn't done much.
I guess you must have me on "ignore", not sure how that works, I don't "ignore" anyone.

1 The wall takes time, and it is in the works.

2 That is a congress thing, they had years to come up with a solution, they dropped the ball, that is not Trump's fault.

3 he is trying to work with China to solve a bigger problem, North Korea. You want him to ask them for help and then condemn them?

4 I thought the Russians got him elected and they were already close.

5 His First travel ban was legal, the congress gave the president the authority to block any class of people entrance into the country, for any reason. The courts have been wrong on this.

Trump has done plenty, the majority of it is not reported. They are too busy reporting gaffs by him and other non-professionals he has hired to help him.

I for one would prefer having someone working for the good of the American people that makes a verbal mistake once in a while, than professional liars, like what we have grown accustomed to.
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I didn't miss it. Just consider the implications of "being focused and aggressive to fulfilling those promises" - that Trump doesn't actually have to do anything, he'll be considered successful so long as he makes enough noise about doing something. Which is ironic, considering that he got elected on a platform of changing things.
So you warped the question around because of your little conspiracy theories and twisted logics? Don't even know if you've seen Trump trying to make efforts because I've seen him dedicated to get his promises fulfilled, even fighting congress.

Man @Imari is right.

I don't "ignore" anyone.
Ignoring isn't mutually exclusive. I could have you on ignore and you don't have to ignore me for me to avoid your posts
Ignoring isn't mutually exclusive. I could have you on ignore and you don't have to ignore me for me to avoid your posts
Oh, I meant as a function of the website. I see everyone's posts. Some I choose to ignore. @prisonermonkeys may do the same thing too. Or he may have chosen not see my posts via website controles , Which is fine. Of course, he might have started writing his post, and posted before seeing mined.
Can you name any of Trump's campaign promises that he has fulfilled? He hasn't built the wall. He hasn't repealed Obamacare. He hasn't labelled China a currency manipulator. He hasn't forged closer ties with Russia. His travel ban is tied up in the courts. All of his headline policies have either stalled or gone unfulfilled after one hundred days - the milestone that he pointed to as being the fairest assessment of his presidency. For a self-styled president who gets stuff done, he hasn't done much.
Is this evasion tactic #5? Bob and weave? #6? Selective quoting?
He made a "one hundred day contract" during the election, most of which he has failed to do. And looking at your post, I noticed one thing in common: if he failed to deliver, it's always someone else's fault.
Well it kinda is the court and Congress fault and I love how you ignore the things he had done.
I wouldn't expect anything else from you.
Well it kinda is the court and Congress fault and I love how you ignore the things he had done.
I wouldn't expect anything else from you.
It's almost as if there is more than one branch of government and the President isn't actually a dictator - or so I heard.
Here's the list of 100-day promises, or "Contract with the American voter" as Trump called it, that he released near the end of the election campaign. (I'd be interested to see if there is any polling data about any effects this had but I can't find anything.)

You can be your own judge of which ones he did/didn't keep, but I note that for some of our resident spinners the goalposts seemed to have already moved, to "but he tried really hard, and the things that went wrong obviously weren't his fault".
Here's the list of 100-day promises, or "Contract with the American voter" as Trump called it, that he released near the end of the election campaign. (I'd be interested to see if there is any polling data about any effects this had but I can't find anything.)

You can be your own judge of which ones he did/didn't keep, but I note that for some of our resident spinners the goalposts seemed to have already moved, to "but he tried really hard, and the things that went wrong obviously weren't his fault".

To be fair, that list of promises was unkeepable from the moment he said it. The problem is that I'm not entirely sure that Trump knew that.

It's one thing to be trying really hard. That's a positive. But to be trying really hard because he was so ignorant of the system in place that he ended up saying things that were basically impossible is another. Ten points for effort, minus fifty points for not knowing what was actually required for what he was promising.

It's almost as if there is more than one branch of government and the President isn't actually a dictator - or so I heard.

It's true, but I'm not sure that Trump realised that the post wasn't a dictatorship. He seems disappointed with both the lack of actual power and the workload required to achieve the little that a President can.