America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It's not even in the Senate yet.

BTW, guess which were the 11 states with the highest rates for pre-existing conditions? Here's your answer, and the data supporting it.

And just to continue the "War On Women" Republican stereotype, guess what will become "pre-existing conditions" under Republicare?

I want pre-existing conditions dropped for car insurance. That way when I get into an accident I can call an insurance company and sign up for a policy to cover it. It'll save me tons of money not having to pay in the meantime.
I want pre-existing conditions dropped for car insurance. That way when I get into an accident I can call an insurance company and sign up for a policy to cover it. It'll save me tons of money not having to pay in the meantime.

Did you even bother to read what the additions were?
Did you even bother to read what the additions were?

Which "additions" are you talking about? No I'm not interested in what the House Bill says since it won't look remotely like that if it ever passes. If you're talking about what @DK posted above, yea I looked at it.
Which "additions" are you talking about? No I'm not interested in what the House Bill says since it won't look remotely like that if it ever passes. If you're talking about what @DK posted above, yea I looked at it.

The link at the bottom of the post by @DK that you responded to, which explains how they want to make being a victim of rape and domestic violence fair game. I disagree on the depression and Caesarian things too, but at least they're understandable.
The link at the bottom of the post by @DK that you responded to, which explains how they want to make being a victim of rape and domestic violence fair game. I disagree on the depression and Caesarian things too, but at least they're understandable.

The pre-existing condition problem is a real one, it's not something that can just be swept under the rug as some kind of "corporate greed".

Rape and domestic abuse is a pre-existing condition, just like any other kind of condition. Being shot, stabbed, blown up, whatever is also a pre-existing condition. So would injuries from a car accident. Waiting until you're in a car accident to get insurance means you can skip out on paying for insurance altogether - which obviously destroys the model of insurance.

So... what I said earlier.
I want pre-existing conditions dropped for car insurance. That way when I get into an accident I can call an insurance company and sign up for a policy to cover it. It'll save me tons of money not having to pay in the meantime.

You don't need car insurance to claim for injuries in a car accident so your example doesn't seem to work.
Rape and domestic abuse is a pre-existing condition

In what way? They don't always result in medical treatment, and while a case can be made for the latter being an indicator of future necessary treatment there's no way the former can be.
You don't need car insurance to claim for injuries in a car accident so your example doesn't seem to work.

No... you need health insurance...

In what way? They don't always result in medical treatment, and while a case can be made for the latter being an indicator of future necessary treatment there's no way the former can be.

Ok, fair enough, it's not inherently always a pre-existing condition. But if it results in medical treatment (including psychological treatment), that medical treatment makes it a pre-existing condition. So once again, it fits. There's nothing wrong with rape or domestic abuse being a pre-existing condition.
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That's like saying you'd claim injuries from a car accident against the health insurance of the fault party and any vehicular damage against their car insurance? That's not how I thought it worked anywhere, let alone the US.

From your article:

Liability coverage typically doesn't pay for damage to your own car or costs associated with your own injuries from an accident you cause. There are other types of coverage to consider. For example, collision coverage can help you pay for damage to your own vehicle.

Liability coverage also does not extend to your injury costs. If you want this type of coverage, you may want to consider medical payments coverage or personal injury protection.

from the linked article above:

Medical payments coverage-sometimes referred to as medical expense coverage-can help cover the medical expenses associated with auto accidents. It generally covers medical expenses for you, your passengers and any family members driving the insured vehicle at the time of the accident-no matter who's found to be at fault. It can also help cover you if you or your family member is injured in another car or injured as a pedestrian.

You might think you don't need this type of car insurance if you have health insurance, but medical payments coverage can help cover your copays. Plus, this type of coverage can extend to your passengers, and your health insurance may not.

If you're at fault, you need health insurance to cover your injuries. If the other party is at fault, you still go through your health insurance, but your health insurance may be reimbursed by their liability coverage.
The Insurer That Pays Your Medical Bills Is Entitled To Reimbursement
If a health insurer, Medicare, or the state agency administering Medicaid benefits pays your medical bills related to your accident, they are entitled to be reimbursed for what they paid your health care providers.
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He was a dead man walking regardless. It was pretty clear that Trump wanted him gone with the Russia investigation, and Hillary would have ousted him over the E-Mail investigation if she was president. I'm just shocked that he wasn't fired sooner.


More info in the link.

Trump fires the guy who was leading an active investigation into his campaign, yet nobody who spent the election howling about "Crooked Hillary" seems concerned.

Shocked, I am.
But Trump never was under investigation... We're happy the Leader of the Clinton protection agency is gone.

The same people who wanted Comey out over the Hillary investigation, are shocked and crying foul now.
Shocked I am not.
As I said before: how can the new season of House of Cards possibly compete with this?

i LOL, so true, new seasons on 5/28, but i guess Trump just beat Netflix to it.

View attachment 646346
More info in the link.

But Trump never was under investigation... We're happy the Leader of the Clinton protection agency is gone.

The same people who wanted Comey out over the Hillary investigation, are shocked and crying foul now.
Shocked I am not.

Where do you get your Fake News at ?? Trumps was going to be under investigation... He was under investigation indirectly through his associates...

"Leader of the Clinton protection agency" ??? Comey cost her the Presidency, he was certainly not protecting her or them... Why would you think that Hillary's supporters are shocked or cared that he's gone now ?
Why would you not be surprised that Comey is being ousted ?
You might want to think it through before speaking illogically...

Fake outrage by the Left who easily would've wanted Clinton to do the same thing for nearly costing her the election if she won.

The man was wanted out by the Left & Right after the Clinton investigation.

What are you saying ?

Why would it be Fake Outrage ?
So what you are saying is that: If Clinton was the President and had fired Comey, then the lefty would NOT be outraged but be glad, but that would mean people on the right would be outraged right ?

In the current situation, Trump is the the POTUS, SO what possibly is there that Trump could benefit from firing him ? can you explain ? Why would a lefty be outraged at something that they would be happy Clinton would have done... Why would the right not be outraged here ?
In the current situation, Trump is the the POTUS, SO what possibly is there that Trump could benefit from firing him ? can you explain ? Why would a lefty be outraged at something that they would be happy Clinton would have done... Why would the right not be outraged here ?
In politics outrage is not a true emotional reaction to an event you find egregious or scanadalous, it's simply a tool in your political toolbox that you pull out whenever it's politically expedient to do so. Whatever outrage the Democrats have over this is the exact same outrage the Republicans would have had, had Hillary won and fired Comey. Had Comey stayed on and Trump was cleared of any wrongdoing with the Russian affair, the Democrats would be calling for his head. Had Comey stayed on under a Clinton administration the reaction would have been the same on the Republican side. Blah, blah, blah, outrage has zero meaning in politics.
What are you saying ?

Why would it be Fake Outrage ?
So what you are saying is that: If Clinton was the President and had fired Comey, then the lefty would NOT be outraged but be glad, but that would mean people on the right would be outraged right ?
Uh, pretty much. And the Right would be just as dumb for getting upset if Clinton fired Comey herself.
In the current situation, Trump is the the POTUS, SO what possibly is there that Trump could benefit from firing him ? can you explain ? Why would a lefty be outraged at something that they would be happy Clinton would have done... Why would the right not be outraged here ?
The Left are outraged because they're just mad Trump did it and some are like andrea above; they spew whatever dumb nonsense they want without looking at a letter above that says otherwise.

Neither side has a right to be upset over this firing because both sides called for Comey's head during the election. They both got what they wanted, and every sane person here said in the election thread that Comey's days would be numbered regardless of who won after the worst possible way of handling Clinton's investigation.

Edit* Here's a decent example. Sanders slammed Trump for firing Comey, believing it was to hush any Russian ties.

Here's Sanders back in January believing Comey should resign for his conduct over the Hillary investigation.

Sanders got what he wanted, just not the way he wanted it done. :dunce:
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Trumps was going to be under investigation... He was under investigation indirectly through his associates...
And like I'd/anyone would/should trust Comey's finding, after his Hillary investigation. He lied, flat out. As one of the Senators said last week during Comey's testimony in congress, How can you tell me no one committed a crime, when numerous unauthorized people have classified information? Riddle me that... I bet you didn't even know he testified last week did you? Things unfold themselves...

Just cause Comey is out doesn't mean the investigation is over. You sound like the people crying over the ACA, it still hasn't even gone through the Senate...

Comey cost her the Presidency, he was certainly not protecting her or them.
Where do you get your fake news? Read above... And let us not mention the rigged DNC... She lost it...:dunce:

Why would you think that Hillary's supporters are shocked or cared that he's gone now ?
So they can cry the same, Trump avoided the Russia investigation, you just used. Even if she won, you know he was gonna be ousted just for opening the investigation.

Why would you not be surprised that Comey is being ousted ?
Read above...
You might want to think it through before speaking illogically...
You can keep it simple and just say you think my view is dumb next time...
I want pre-existing conditions dropped for car insurance. That way when I get into an accident I can call an insurance company and sign up for a policy to cover it. It'll save me tons of money not having to pay in the meantime.

Indeed. And much like with cars, you can just get a new body when your current one breaks, so that's an excellent comparison. Apples and apples, 10/10. 👍👍👍
Why would you not be surprised that Comey is being ousted ?
You might want to think it through before speaking illogically...
I absolutely love it when people say something so dumb and then something so cocky literally right after each other like this.

Obama was bawling Comey out before the election was even over, and you think people should be surprised he got canned a few months into the next administration? There was a period during the lame duck where people were wondering if Obama would even fire him himself, but you think he would have kept his job if Clinton had won after the Email circus? The only surprising thing is that Trump waited until someone else suggested it to him before doing it instead of having someone lined up from the day he took office.
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