America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Am I the only one who finds it funny that news helicopters started following Comey on his way to work? (Scroll down about halfway through the article.)

Personally, I'd like to believe that the FBI Director drives a convertible Mini.

Neither side has a right to be upset over this firing because both sides called for Comey's head during the election.
Maybe, but it's worth noting that Comey's isn't the first head to roll - Trump also fired Yates and Bharara. If you take the partisanship out of it, you have to wonder if there is a pattern here. Especially when Trump's justification is that Comey was fired to "restore public confidence" while the FBI is investigating the Russian connection and did not pursue tge case against Clinton. Even if we gave Trump the benefit of the doubt, you can't deny that this is a very political move.
Trump is attempting to consolidate his grip on the Deep State, now controlling both the CIA and FBI. Who will he appoint to run the FBI? Trey Gowdy? Rudy Giuliani? Or, gasp, Chris Christie?

But Trump never was under investigation...

You'll notice I said that his campaign is under investigation, not him personally.

Not that that distinction really matters much - Trump clearly has a vested interest in the outcome of that investigation.

We're happy the Leader of the Clinton protection agency is gone.

I suppose one needn't buy into the idea that Comey cost Clinton the election, but he certainly damaged her campaign with the unprecedented move of publicly discussing an ongoing investigation.

That you still think "Clinton protection agency" is a legitimate take baffles me.

The same people who wanted Comey out over the Hillary investigation, are shocked and crying foul now.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about it.

One can still think that Comey should have lost his job, but think that Trump firing him in the midst of an investigation that could seriously damage him is blatant abuse of power.
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One can still think that Comey should have lost his job, but think that Trump firing him in the midst of an investigation that could seriously damage him is blatant abuse of power.

It is certainly use of power, and in the quest of consolidated power, that this chess move was made. Some may imagine it abuse of power, though it seems to be perfectly legal. But to do anything about it would necessitate the political assent of the Republican controlled house and senate, or its replacement through elections.
It is certainly use of power, and in the quest of consolidated power, that this chess move was made. Some may imagine it abuse of power, though it seems to be perfectly legal. But to do anything about it would necessitate the political assent of the Republican controlled house and senate, or its replacement through elections.
I imagine Trump will be under some pressure from the Congress to appoint an "independent" prosecutor to oversee the whole Russian thing. The MSM will of course have a field day flinging about all kinds accusations and inferences, both veiled and otherwise, in the complete absence of any proof of wrongdoing of course. I can see the comparisons with Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre already.
Who knows what's really going on in within the FBI. Comey was in an impossible situation before the election. His decision to release information about the existence of the Emails without actually having gone through them was highly questionable & may have decisively effected the election ... but on the other hand not releasing the information would have been equally problematic. However, right now, Trump firing Comey clearly calls into question the motivation of an administration that is itself under investigation for serious charges. Appointing an independent, special prosecutor is the obvious answer.
I imagine Trump will be under some pressure from the Congress to appoint an "independent" prosecutor to oversee the whole Russian thing. The MSM will of course have a field day flinging about all kinds accusations and inferences, both veiled and otherwise, in the complete absence of any proof of wrongdoing of course. I can see the comparisons with Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre already.
There's a substantial number of people foaming at the mouth to impeach or otherwise nullify Trump's agenda and its legislation. At the moment, it seems mostly fuss, bluster and obstruction. The crucial test is, can the Democrats get their numbers up in the congress?
‪More like Federal Politburo of Investigation, amirite?‬

T-minus a few moments...heralded by two years of investigations, allegations, countless hearings, conspiracy theories, meltdowns, ruined family picnics, and far more information for any human to digest. To be fair, both the non-stop media circus and the carnies of fake media will become increasingly annoying in a time where they're both loathsome.

In this modern transformation of Pinocchio, Trump will turn back into a real boy after becoming a puppet, but it's unclear how long he'll look like a complete ass.

Enjoy Pleasure Island while you can, it's about to get littered with shipwrecks while the derelict and officious burn it down.
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In politics outrage is not a true emotional reaction to an event you find egregious or scanadalous, it's simply a tool in your political toolbox that you pull out whenever it's politically expedient to do so. Whatever outrage the Democrats have over this is the exact same outrage the Republicans would have had, had Hillary won and fired Comey. Had Comey stayed on and Trump was cleared of any wrongdoing with the Russian affair, the Democrats would be calling for his head. Had Comey stayed on under a Clinton administration the reaction would have been the same on the Republican side. Blah, blah, blah, outrage has zero meaning in politics.

Thanks for spelling it out for me, i am not the brightest on these sort of topics, but i am willing to educate myself.

What you said makes sense and i now see why his days were numbered no matter what the situation is...

He was conveniently the designated scapegoat... Or should i say he made himself conveniently disposable to all party...

Uh, pretty much. And the Right would be just as dumb for getting upset if Clinton fired Comey herself.

The Left are outraged because they're just mad Trump did it and some are like andrea above; they spew whatever dumb nonsense they want without looking at a letter above that says otherwise.

Neither side has a right to be upset over this firing because both sides called for Comey's head during the election. They both got what they wanted, and every sane person here said in the election thread that Comey's days would be numbered regardless of who won after the worst possible way of handling Clinton's investigation.

Edit* Here's a decent example. Sanders slammed Trump for firing Comey, believing it was to hush any Russian ties.

Here's Sanders back in January believing Comey should resign for his conduct over the Hillary investigation.

Sanders got what he wanted, just not the way he wanted it done. :dunce:

I get what you are saying, but the timing seems strangely awkward...

For example, you are providing example of why Sander is mad on either cases, but those are for different reasons, and his reasons seem in each case fair enough...

You are right that Sanders and everyone got what we wanted, but you seem to be saying they we all should be ok for getting What we wanted no matter the form or timing it took... Which i believe is not correct because now the situation is slightly different and there seems to b some "conflict of interest" in the surprised decision by the POTUS.

Things are adding too much to make this oust not "innocent" enough

And like I'd/anyone would/should trust Comey's finding, after his Hillary investigation. He lied, flat out. As one of the Senators said last week during Comey's testimony in congress, How can you tell me no one committed a crime, when numerous unauthorized people have classified information? Riddle me that... I bet you didn't even know he testified last week did you? Things unfold themselves...

Just cause Comey is out doesn't mean the investigation is over. You sound like the people crying over the ACA, it still hasn't even gone through the Senate...

Where do you get your fake news? Read above... And let us not mention the rigged DNC... She lost it...:dunce:

So they can cry the same, Trump avoided the Russia investigation, you just used. Even if she won, you know he was gonna be ousted just for opening the investigation.

Read above...
You can keep it simple and just say you think my view is dumb next time...

Like i said above, i am not well verse on this, so i certainly cant afford to label you or judge you unfairly.
At least you should give me credit for giving you the benefit of a doubt, although my tone may not have sounded that way, sorry.

I knew about the Comey testimonies from last week, and thats why it make this actuon so suspiscious, especially combined with what we can guess another doubtful appointment...

the Russians investigation might not be dropped, but nothing says right now if they will continue... And if they do, who says they are not right now scrambling to modify the evidences...

PS: if Trump want to show some good intention and to be fair, he should appoint a FBI director who is neutral or at least from the opposite party, allow the investigation to continue without any interference. Thats why Obama did.

I absolutely love it when people say something so dumb and then something so cocky literally right after each other like this.

Obama was bawling Comey out before the election was even over, and you think people should be surprised he got canned a few months into the next administration? There was a period during the lame duck where people were wondering if Obama would even fire him himself, but you think he would have kept his job if Clinton had won after the Email circus? The only surprising thing is that Trump waited until someone else suggested it to him before doing it instead of having someone lined up from the day he took office.

Fair enough.
Your point of view makes sense but....

But i dont think Trump is as Dumb as people and the media are portraying him to be. (boy i cant believe i am saying this, i feel like i am giving him way too much credit).

Comey may not be well seen by either party, but Trump, for two reasons at least didnt fire Comey right at the beginning because (my guess):
1) he wanted to see what Comey would do about Hillary
2) couldnt just fire Comey for no reason, AND especially without any recomendations from anyone.

Trump and his circle probably were trying to line up their ducks first, which took a lot longer than they probably wanted and because of all the "drama" since he took office.

Now that he recently was able to replace the deputy attorney general, whom would do anything Trump says, somehow immediately recommends Comey oust, to make it look like it was an impartial decision on Trumps part.

If you want my guess, i think we are still seeing the decisions made and directed (orchestrated) by Steve Bannon... Trump seems to be carrying out the plan, because i dont know if Trump even has the interest to drive anything other than his golf balls or cars or his business... He just want the label of POTUS without the work...
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It's my take on it... I thought it was funny, yet ironically true.

The New York Times's take on it:

NY Times
Mr. Comey broke with longstanding policies by speaking publicly about the Clinton investigation twice last year. He also termed Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information as “extremely careless,” an estimation that went far beyond what the authorities normally say in cases where nobody is charged.
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Indeed. And much like with cars, you can just get a new body when your current one breaks, so that's an excellent comparison. Apples and apples, 10/10. 👍👍👍

Also... insurance isn't for something you can "just get a new" one of. That's the no-insurance scenario. Insurance is for something that will ruin you if it happens, at the very least in the short run.
But he didn't do anything about it.
Comey himself said that it was "extremely careless". There's a difference between carelessness and criminal negligence, much less criminal intent or malice aforethought. Did you ever consider that Comey didn't do anything because he couldn't do anything, and that he couldn't do anything because even under the most draconian interpretation of the law, it was difficult to make the case for Clinton hadn't actually done anything criminal? You're so convinced of her guilt that you have forgotten that she has to be held accountable in a court of law, and the law has to be inflexible.
Comey himself said that it was "extremely careless". There's a difference between carelessness and criminal negligence, much less criminal intent or malice aforethought. Did you ever consider that Comey didn't do anything because he couldn't do anything

Being careless with classified data can easily be sufficient to end up getting you prosecuted. The lay person generally does not know the extremes that are taken to sequester classified data... and that's just data labelled "Secret", which is a much lower classification than the data Hillary was being "careless" with. Until you've seen it first hand, it's hard to fully appreciate how much effort is taken to protect secret and top secret data, and how harsh they are with people who are even accidentally careless with it.

As a small example, if you walk into one of the rooms used to work on classified data with a cell phone, that cell phone is trash, and not just any trash, classified trash. And that's just the beginning, because you were broadcasting radio information out of a classified facility.
Being careless with classified data can easily be sufficient to end up getting you prosecuted.
I'm well aware of that. What I am trying to point out is that any decision not to prosecute Clinton may be down to legal nuances rather than practical realities.
I'm well aware of that. What I am trying to point out is that any decision not to prosecute Clinton may be down to legal nuances rather than practical realities.

There's no legal nuance here. I get that you have a dog in this fight, but honestly, this isn't splitting hairs. They basically said "she's clearly guilty, but we're not pressing charges".


This is what I like about not picking sides, I don't have to defend scumbags.
Obama's DOJ under Loretta Lynch was not going to indict Hillary even if she killed a newborn kitten on live television, remember Bill's tarmac meeting with Lynch just days prior to her passing the buck over to the FBI? Lynch said she would defer until she heard the FBI's recommendations (Comey couldn't indict Hillary, only Lynch could have), then Comey released that awkwardly stupid statement that boiled down to this: she did it, we know she did it, there is ample evidence she did it, but we can't recommend the DOJ charge her with anything, because following the laws regarding the handling of classified information would be crazy and Hillary Clinton is above such petty laws.
Now that Comey has been fired can they go ahead and indict Hillary now?

The FBI can only recommend charges, it would be up to Jeff Sessions, the new Attorney General to make the decision to indict Hillary or not. Trump has already publically said that he wasn't going to go after Hillary. All of those "lock her up" chants were in vain I guess. It's still a possibility but I don't see it happening.
Mark my words, Trump will be booted out of this office before the end of this year...

Let the bets begin...
You should put your money where your mouth is and place a bet yourself. I'm sure you'll get good odds.
You should put your money where your mouth is and place a bet yourself. I'm sure you'll get good odds.

I am not much a gambler.

I dont gamble, but if i do, that'$ what i would bet on.

On a more serious note, my predictions are based on The current events and how i envision things to flow down logically... Unless more crazy things are going to happen...