America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Then why are you having it? Julius Caesar is a play with a very specific message. In my opinion you're either discussing the message or simply book-burning because you suspect that a politician was made fun of.

I'm not and I never was discussing the message of the play, it was brought as a reference only in my post about Republican baseball practice shooting and the perpetuation violent imagery from the left.

Speaking of which, here are some excerpts from interesting article from the Miami Herald about the uptick in left wing violence by Terrorism experts, but the bit at the end is particularly interesting which I will include here. I would suggest reading the entire article as it contains some quotes from Neo-nazi groups seeminlgy reacting to the Scalise Shooting. It backs up what I was saying in my original post about how this could open up a huge can of worms in the form of political violence by both sides.

Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, described the shooting as “left-oriented terrorism.”

Pitcavage said he had conducted training sessions in Washington, D.C., last weekend for senior law enforcement executives from around the country. In addition to his regular presentations, he said, he spoke about the extremist movements that experts had been seeing in the post-Trump election environment.

I warned that we’d seen increased activity from people on the left who are very angry about the Trump administration,” he said. “And I said, ‘There’s a real chance for increased violence coming from the left.’ But little did I know that my prediction would be confirmed so quickly and in such a shocking way.”

Pitcavage said that from what he’d examined so far, Hodgkinson’s views did not appear to be extreme left.
There were no ties that I could see to any extreme left groups, and his sentiments as he expressed them were pretty well in the mainstream,” he said. “He hated Trump and he hated Republicans and he loved Bernie Sanders. But all that’s squarely within mainstream political beliefs.” And that, Pitcavage said, raises serious concerns.

One kind of expects violence coming from the furthest fringes of the political spectrum, whether it’s right-wing or left-wing or religious,” he said. “But this guy was not on the far end of the left political spectrum, and yet he himself was somehow motivated to violence.

“So if things are so polarized now that people who don’t necessarily have a background of extremism can be motivated to extreme violence, that means there could be a lot more of it.”

Read more here:
Actually what I think we are seeing is absolute disgust with the behavior of left using violent imagery masquerading as art.
Shakespeare was a liberal?

The assassination of Caesar isn't something that was added to this production. It's been there for four hundred years, and it's actually pretty tame by Shakespeare's standards - the final scene of Hamlet has fourteen dead bodies on the stage, King Lear gets his eyes gouged out and Othello smothers his wife on-stage.

A sidebar topic was created on the meaning of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar by cherry picking half of a sentence from an entire paragraph of my post. It's rather comical really.
When you yourself cherry-picked a single scene from the play and made no attempt to understand the whole, and supplied a source that misrepresented said scene as if it were the climax of the play when it actually takes place halfway through?

This was never a "sidebar topic". The people bringing this up are the people who know Shakespeare. I myself have taught Julius Caesar to high school students for several years now. We brought it up to try and demonstrate how the assassination fits into the wider purpose of the play so that you might better understand what was being done, but you have thus far ignored it. Like @TenEightyOne said, there's a cult of protection surrounding Trump - you can't say anything bad about him because he's the President.

I could care less about the meaning of Shakespeare's Caesar
That's a shame, given that it's a play that has been extraordinarily relevant for centuries.
Shakespeare was a liberal?

"Actually what I think we are seeing is absolute disgust with the behavior of left using violent imagery masquerading as art." - This statement applies to more than just the play itself, you're taking what I said out of context, again.

When you yourself cherry-picked a single scene from the play and made no attempt to understand the whole, and supplied a source that misrepresented said scene as if it were the climax of the play when it actually takes place halfway through?

This was never a "sidebar topic". The people bringing this up are the people who know Shakespeare. I myself have taught Julius Caesar to high school students for several years now. We brought it up to try and demonstrate how the assassination fits into the wider purpose of the play so that you might better understand what was being done, but you have thus far ignored it. Like @TenEightyOne said, there's a cult of protection surrounding Trump - you can't say anything bad about him because he's the President.

Yes, it was a sidebar topic and still is. And how typical to use that tactic, you cherry picked a half of a sentence of entire paragraph of my post, then made it all about Shakespeare, taking the entire post off topic and now you're accusing me of cherry picking, sigh...

That's a shame, given that it's a play that has been extraordinarily relevant for centuries.

Nice sentence hack job there, I believe the whole sentence it wrote was:

"Quite frankly, I don't care about the meaning of the Shakespeare play in the context of this discussion, and neither do the millions of Americans who clicked on a link and watched a video of Trump being assassinated in bloody stabbing melee."

If you are going to quote me then quote the whole sentence please, your hacked sentence means something entirely different than what I said.
It makes it not what you posted (thank you for changing the topic btw).

Why are you thanking him when he started the discussion in the first place? And then kept derailing the conversation again after that.....
No no no, don't do that. We're not going back!

Believe me, I have no desire....whatsoever.


The Airport assailant was just ID'd, is a 50 year old Canadian citizen:

FBI Special Agent in Charge David P. Gelios said at a news conference Amor Ftouhi, a 50-year-old Canadian citizen, entered Bishop International Airport in Flint around 9:45 a.m. and went to a restroom before dropping both of his bags, coming out with a knife and yelling "Allahu Akbar," the Arabic phrase for "God is great," before stabbing Officer Jeff Neville in the neck.
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"Quite frankly, I don't care about the meaning of the Shakespeare play in the context of this discussion, and neither do the millions of Americans who clicked on a link and watched a video of Trump being assassinated in bloody stabbing melee."
The meaning is extremely relevant. You have a liberal-leaning production of the play that is a cohesive adaptation of tge original text. Nothing that they did changed the meaning of it. Then you've got a right-wing publication who took one scene out of context, and somehow it's the liberals' fault? Given that the play is critical of the assassination of Caesar, you could argue that it's right-leaning - Brutus is vindicated, but only because he thought he was acting in Rome's best interests, not because Caesar did something to justify the assassination. So either the likes of Brietbart are too stupid to understand the play, or they have cynically and deliberately taken one scene out of context to stir up anti-liberal outrage, in which case they have ironically done exactly what Marc Antony does in the play and hijack public perceptions for political gain.

Replace the assassination of Caesar with a controversial play about the current political leader, and we are in the middle of a metafictive production of Julius Caesar.
Just wow....there are no words, well, other than pure racism and hatred. I would not want this man educating any of my children. He NEEDS to be fired and blacklisted from ever holding an education job ever again...

"LetThemF–ingDie"- Johnny Eric Williams, Professor at Trinity College

Connecticut college professor has created a firestorm for calling white people “inhuman a-holes” who need to “die” following last week’s shooting attack on congressional Republicans.

Trinity College’s Johnny Eric Williams’ social media feed after the June 14 shooting of Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise included racial tirades and commentary calling on minorities to “confront” white people and “end this now,” a reference to an alleged system of “white supremacy.”

“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemF–ingDie,” the associate professor of sociology said June 18 in a series of Facebook posts. “The time is now to confront these inhuman *&%holes and end this now.”

Post edited-censored some bad language.
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Just wow....there are no words, well, other than pure racism and hatred. I would not want this man educating any of my children. He NEEDS to be fired and blacklisted from ever holding an education job ever again...

"LetThemF–ingDie"- Johnny Eric Williams, Professor at Trinity College

Connecticut college professor has created a firestorm for calling white people “inhuman a-holes” who need to “die” following last week’s shooting attack on congressional Republicans.

Trinity College’s Johnny Eric Williams’ social media feed after the June 14 shooting of Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise included racial tirades and commentary calling on minorities to “confront” white people and “end this now,” a reference to an alleged system of “white supremacy.”

“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemF–ingDie,” the associate professor of sociology said June 18 in a series of Facebook posts. “The time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now.”

...and this is the problem with pretending racism is ok as long as it goes in a certain direction.
...and this is the problem with pretending racism is ok as long as it goes in a certain direction.

I honestly can't believe this man has a Ph.D. Anyone caught up in how light or dark the color of someone's skin pigmentation is and thinks that is the only defining factor of who a person is.... is just not intelligent at all imo.
It's not surprising. This is the 2nd or 3rd time he's left out key words to what these articles are actually saying.
It's called spamming I believe. Read headlines, don't read the article, copy and paste as many links as possible that support my world view.
Guys look I like to move goal posts.
An attack on democracy is an attack on democracy. It doesn't matter if they succeeded or failed - the fact that they even tried should scare the living daylights out of you, and demands a response. But the response from Trump has been "they didn't succeed, so there's no need to do anything", which is only going to embolden them. If you're counting on the everyday citizen to be able to make informed decisions and resist external influence, I'll remind you that Trump has gone out of his way to undermine the media and erode public confidence so that he can control the narrative. If he can do it, why not the Russians?

But no. I point out that your democracy is under attack, and your response is "you're just moving the goalposts", so I guess you're already screwed.
But no. I point out that your democracy is under attack, and your response is "you're just moving the goalposts", so I guess you're already screwed.
You stated it as a fact Russia interfered with the election in 21 states. Your link however says,
the State Department has revealed that Russia interfered in the election in twenty-one states.
She reiterated that there was no evidence that any actual votes were manipulated.
So, clearly, they didn't because none of the votes were manipulated with; everything played out as was expected to. @Danoff pointed this out and you immediately went on about how if it didn't happen, then it's not a big deal to us. Nobody said that but you.

You're only looking to drum up another argument because you don't like the fact multiple people called you out for manipulating the article.