America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

Right, nevermind what happened in Massachusetts at the end of the 17th century.

"Two can play at this game:"

Has this one has got Brennan spooked?
It should. This whole investigation is a bunch of BS to cover up the real collusion from the Left.
When are they gonna investigate Hillary's campaign?
Or Obama allowing a planted FBI snitch in Trumps campaign.
I smell Watergate 2.0.
This whole investigation is a bunch of BS to cover up the real collusion from the Left.
What's your source verifying this supposed activity? Those people from work? The news you don't watch because you "live a 'trust no one' life?"

Or Obama allowing a planted FBI snitch in Trumps campaign.
Same question as above, with the added reminder that Chubby Cheeto himself said "if."
What's your source verifying this supposed activity? Those people from work? The news you don't watch because you "live a 'trust no one' life?"

Same question as above, with the added reminder that Chubby Cheeto himself said "if."
I'm not gonna waste my time posting links for YOU. Your first answer will be Fox, no good. Listen I accept your links as much as you accept mine.
Why don't you listen to more than Left wing news?
I listened to our Democratic Gubernatorial debate today on the SAME radio station you dismissed last time.
I'm not gonna vote for neither of them but I listened.
Stop trying bro. I ain't got time for it.
Oh and if you payed attention you'd know I said radio. There are 25 drivers, 2 and I are white. I'll let you guess what the other 22 would say about Republicans. You should have heard the jokes when they saw a pallet of Trump cologne on my truck...

Edit: And guess what? I actually do get SOME of my news from HERE.
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Apparently the US hasn't withdrawn such a statement:
(published April)

"Additionally, Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and has intensified conflicts and undermined U.S. national security interests in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, while continuing to support attacks against Israel."

Lol, the only country that has intensified anything is the USA. Remember, Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan and Iraq are terrorist playgrounds because of America..In other new

Just how clueless is Trump?
I'm not gonna waste my time posting links for YOU. Your first answer will be Fox, no good. Listen I accept your links as much as you accept mine.
What links? "I heard on the radio" is not a link. "People at work said" is not a link.

You made a couple of accusations and offered nothing to support them, nor did you indicate on what sort of information they're based. At least directly citing (by way of an actual link) Fox News, Breitbart or WND offers one the opportunity to figure out exactly what the accusations suggest, allowing one to seek additional information from other sources. That said, when the subject matter is particularly contentious, a source that isn't so overtly biased proves valuable as it doesn't immediately provoke skepticism.

I listened to our Democratic Gubernatorial debate today on the SAME radio station you dismissed last time.
If I dismissed it, I suspect the information as you interpreted it was incorrect.

However, if you're indeed working while listening, one has to question that interpretation due to the potential for compromised attentiveness.

This is where links help. One can get the information directly from the source.

Stop trying bro.
Just what am I trying that I'm supposed to stop?

I ain't got time for it.
But you have time to make accusations without backing them up.

Oh and if you payed attention you'd know I said radio.
Begging forgiveness. See earlier comments regarding listening to talk radio while working.

There are 25 drivers, 2 and I are white. I'll let you guess what the other 22 would say about Republicans.
It'd help to know just what sort of non-white they are.


You should have heard the jokes when they saw a pallet of Trump cologne on my truck...
I can only imagine...but what does it have to do with those accusations?
Damn, a pallet of Trump cologne? Do you really smell that bad you need a pallet of the stuff?

***It's a joke
Given the mention of other drivers and the fact that it was on a truck, I gather it was to be distributed. There was no indication the the jokes were at his expense, I suspected they addressed the manner in which Trump whores his name out.

***I saw your tiny text--I'm just saying.
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So, how's the Best Dealmaker, Believe Me getting along?

What links? "I heard on the radio" is not a link. "People at work said" is not a lin
It was one of his Tweets, Herman Cain was talking about. As much of them you post I'm suprised you haven't posted it. I don't have Twitter so...
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I don't have time
Then why respond at all, let alone with remarks so ambiguous that they stretch the discussion out like so much salt water taffy?

I believe it was Hannity that said Obama did it.
Yeah? Hannity says a lot.

Where is the assertion that Obama allowed the supposed spying, or was even aware of it?
Then why respond at all, let alone with remarks so ambiguous that they stretch the discussion out like so much salt water taffy?

Yeah? Hannity says a lot.

Where is the assertion that Obama allowed the supposed spying, or was even aware of it?
Whatever man, the middle line you quoted...
I posted the link to prove there was a spy, I didn't read it.
Like I said try listening to other news.
A lot of things Hannity rumored turned out true.
Kinda hard to get a link of what a talk show host says. I'll post *opinion. An opinion doesn't have a link...
That said don't bother responding. I'll just go back under my rock and be happy with the news I hear. Good day.
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I posted the link to prove there was a spy, I didn't read it.
I'm not beleaguering the assertion that there was a spy. I want to know what indicate's a level of involvement from Obama.

A lot of things Hannity rumored turned out true.
Lob enough stones and one's bound to hit something every now and again.

Kinda hard to get a link of what a talk show host says.
I can appreciate that, but if an assertion is credible enough, surely there are additional sources to support it.

I'll post *opinion. An opinion doesn't have a link...
While this is true, of concern is what informs that opinion. One's supposed gut instinct may tell them that pallets of money being sent off is indicative of nefarious activity. That doesn't make it true.

I suppose one has to imagine Obama was dishonest because he didn't tack a "believe me" onto the end of every third assertion.

That said don't bother responding.
Oh, there's no bother on my end...

The National Football League has announced that all teams' players must "respect the national anthem". Anybody wishing to take a knee can instead stay in the dressing room until the anthem is over. Players who do publicly disrespect the anthem will be fined. The owner of the New York Jets has already said he will pay any fines levied against his players.

The decision was made in a vote between team owners without consultation of the players' union.


This is a sad state of affairs, really. Taking away the right to protest is distincly unamerican and demanding that people obediently submit to a national anthem is obscene in the first place.

I just can't help but think that if this was "Iranian Pro League announces..." or "Turkish Süper Lig announces..." or even "Polish Ekstraklassa announces...", it would be lambasted in the USA as the actions of an authoritarian state. Not that this NFL judgment itself isn't lambasted in the USA, it's just so bizarre that it is actually taking place in the USA.

You might not like it but there have got to be reasons some people fail to, in some eyes, "respect" their national anthem. I personally think that taking a knee is actually an extremely respectful and classy method of protest; it's not like these players are spitting or absent-mindedly continuing to warm up, ignoring the anthem procession totally.

Recognising that problem ought to be more important than censoring it.
This isn't taking away a right to protest, this is an employer determining terms of employment. Also, nobody gets arrested for talking during the anthem.

That is true, "Do you want to play in our private sports league?" does mean succumbing to their rules and regulations, but this seems to be papering over cracks and pressing through with a pre-determined position rather than mediating any problems this supervising body has with its contractor's employees.

It isn't necessarily the best way to run this business but money talks and the NFL is a hugely rich and influential business so we'll see.
demanding that people obediently submit to a national anthem is obscene in the first place.
That's what the NBA does. The NFL at least gives the players an out after changing the rules a decade ago to force them on the field in the first place.

Certainly it's a fairly shifty move the way it was passed that appears to be kowtowing to Trump's tantrum last year, but:
It isn't necessarily the best way to run this business but money talks and the NFL is a hugely rich and influential business so we'll see.
Money talks, and the NFL seems pretty terrified (justified or not, I've heard it explained from both sides) that this whole thing is blowing back on them big and bad and expensive. They've lost sponsor partnerships over it. They think it has contributed to the accelerated ratings slides. Jerry already tried to use it as part of his leverage to stop Goodell's contract extension

And ignoring any personal politics of the owners in question, an awful lot of football teams aren't located in places like Seattle and New (Jersey) York City but instead here:

Or here:
Interesting that punishment is limited to fines and there's no mention of player suspension. Hey, it's hard to watch a game that isn't being played, and if it's not being watched, well, there goes your ad revenue.

Shame they don't address domestic violence with the same sort of zeal.
That's what the NBA does. The NFL at least gives the players an out after changing the rules a decade ago to force them on the field in the first place.

Is there any particular reason that the anthem is played before every game? As an outsider looking in, it's quite unusual. Elsewhere it's typically reserved for major cup finals (i.e. the SuperBowl, NBA Finals or World Series) and games between international teams but that isn't quite as common with US baseball and football.
Is there any particular reason that the anthem is played before every game? As an outsider looking in, it's quite unusual. Elsewhere it's typically reserved for major cup finals (i.e. the SuperBowl, NBA Finals or World Series) and games between international teams but that isn't quite as common with US baseball and football.

Same reason that children have to worship the flag before each day of school... they're bonkers :D
Is there any particular reason that the anthem is played before every game? As an outsider looking in, it's quite unusual. Elsewhere it's typically reserved for major cup finals (i.e. the SuperBowl, NBA Finals or World Series) and games between international teams but that isn't quite as common with US baseball and football.

IIRC it started during one of the world wars as a way to build up support of the war effort. After that it just sort of stuck around for some reason.

I personally don’t mind it as it gives promoters a good excuse to have a flyover or other cool things. It’s also a good way of letting everyone know the event is about to start.
This isn't taking away a right to protest, this is an employer determining terms of employment. Also, nobody gets arrested for talking during the anthem.

While I agree this is setting the term of empliyment I do wonder why one is so offended that someone respectfully kneeling instead of standing should become an issue for the employer...

I don't even get the fuzz the guys are litterally being respectfull. If my bos deceides to start the day with the national anthem every day he has zero rights to force me to do anything.

Also I wonder terms of employment, shouldn't that be about actually his job playing football. It seems that allowing this under employment gives employers the right to control your life. You have to do this and you have to do that.
But sir I don't only my results and the way I treat people shouod be important.
Well then **** off I'll hire someone else...

Is this ok? I think employers should only get a say over actual work not some national anthem. They're his employees not personal slaves.