America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
You always focus on specific words here, do you. I told you the message immediately after I realised I miswrote my message. I even immediately corrected the post after your post and gave you credit for pointing it out. Why are you focusing on an error that was online for a few minutes dear sir? Are you that stubborn to agree with my statement that Fox news likes to paint illegal immigrants as criminals.

Whatever rocks your boat. If you cant see, what I see in the posted links, quotes, quotes of quotes that Fox 's narrative is that illegal immigrants bring in crime (all, many, disproportionate or majority) Then nothing what I am saying will convince you otherwise.

They even go as far as putting a big ol D on Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) when he introduced the CISPA (cyber intelligence sharing & protection act) back in 2011, hoping their viewers don’t research it, Fox News is full of BS.
This video explains exactly what I have been saying in this thread. Try to watch it as impartial as you can. I know vox is mostly liberal, but concentrate on the facts.

The media make money constantly talking bad about Trump it's why they cant stop doing it.

^^Fake News Media=Fox News Media=Garbage

To be fair CNN and MSNBC are also pretty weak

Kyle Kulinski is damn good
Tim Pool is even Better, he will talk to people he will disagree with and not be a screeching douche when he does it, unlike tyt.
This video explains exactly what I have been saying in this thread. Try to watch it as impartial as you can. I know vox is mostly liberal, but concentrate on the facts.

Vox mostly liberal, that's a funny joke, identity politics is their primary game.

They argue the opposite of reality, the left in America has moved soo far left where as republicans are starting to get moderate liberals(and the polling has shown massive strides since 2016 which likely is a result of Bernie Sanders treatment in the DNC Primary, people will not forget that one in a rush).
images (1).png

Pew research data has done extensive polling on this since 1994, simply looking at presidents elected doesn't exactly give you an idea of where the average person is politically.
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The media make money constantly talking bad about Trump it's why they cant stop doing it.

Tim Pool is even Better, he will talk to people he will disagree with and not be a screeching douche when he does it, unlike tyt.

Pool left my city because he was told “🤬 white people” (something I’ve been called because of the color of my skin & even tried to put hands on me) he is the very definition of thin skinned.
Pool left my city because he was told “🤬 white people” (something I’ve been called because of the color of my skin & even tried to put hands on me) he is the very definition of thin skinned.
He doesn't like racists what is the problem?

Given he was almost murdered in Venezeula a few years ago you can see why he doesn't want to put himself in situations where he may be a target again.
Its funny how Twitter is soo left wing in the comments, yet Youtube is pretty much completely conservative at this point.

The thing is Twitter is a tiny drop compared to Youtube.
Trump wants to end birthright citizenship with an executive order. Uh... what is it with this guy and either not understanding or not caring about the constitution only when it suits him? Of course do I expect a liberal who doesn't give two shakes about the 2nd amendment to come in complaining about Trump wanting to overturn the very important constitution? Yes I do.
Trump wants to end birthright citizenship with an executive order.
People in Hell want ice water.

“You can definitely do it with an act of Congress. But now they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order,” Mr. Trump told Axios.
Who? Who is saying that?

One quote from that article jumped out at me more than any other:

“We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States,” Mr. Trump said.
No kiddin'...

The thing that strikes me about birthright citizenship is that it's great for the taxman. Gotta collect those tax dollars from diplomatic/scholar children somehow; English gasbag Boris Johnson filed an IRS tax return every year until 2016 because he happened to be born in New York City.

On the same tangent the USA is one of two countries, along with Eritrea, that has permanent fixed income taxes for its citizens worldwide, instead of just those residing in the territory.
Ah, ok, so the constitution is subject to executive orders now. That's cool.

I'm gonna try to follow the logic train on this one.

This will go to the supreme court, if he actually goes through with it. The only way that SCOTUS could rule in favor of the administration is if it invalidates a constitutional amendment....but SCOTUS decides the legality of things based on the constitution, right? If Brett & Neil give the executive branch this power, it will kind of negate congress, and the constitution entirely. What about repealing the first amendment via executive order? Jesus.
Ah, ok, so the constitution is subject to executive orders now. That's cool.

I'm gonna try to follow the logic train on this one.

This will go to the supreme court, if he actually goes through with it. The only way that SCOTUS could rule in favor of the administration is if it invalidates a constitutional amendment....but SCOTUS decides the legality of things based on the constitution, right? If Brett & Neil give the executive branch this power, it will kind of negate congress, and the constitution entirely. What about repealing the first amendment via executive order? Jesus.

Yup. All of that.

Of course they just can't allow that at the supreme court and be remotely within their duties. It would be totally out of line. Actually it might be good practice for them to overturn the current Administration's desires in a slam-dunk there's-no-way-you-can-allow-this scenario.

On a deeper level, I think it speaks to the degree to which Trump thinks he has an "I can do whatever I want" card. The complete lack of regard for, basically the entire US system of government, is quite impressive. And the people that voted for him seem to agree! That only works while your interests are being served. I can't believe, when we change parties at the presidency so frequently, that people would ever get behind the notion of unrestricted power. It will come crashing down on your head the moment your guy gets voted out. Checks and balances are good, even when your favorite party is in charge, because it protects you when they're not.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

The "jurisdiction" part exempts children of foreign diplomats and people in similar situations. It has been argued that someone who is here illegally is not [yet] fully "subject to the jurisdiction" of the US.
The "jurisdiction" part exempts children of foreign diplomats and people in similar situations. It has been argued that someone who is here illegally is not [yet] fully "subject to the jurisdiction" of the US.

That's a terrible argument. You go try to throw an illegal immigrant in jail for committing a crime and they say:

The thing that strikes me about birthright citizenship is that it's great for the taxman. Gotta collect those tax dollars from diplomatic/scholar children somehow; English gasbag Boris Johnson filed an IRS tax return every year until 2016 because he happened to be born in New York City.
I like your thinking, however, I'm given to understand that some countries that grant birthright citizenship on a limited basis actually exclude children of foreign diplomats.

Grain of salt and all that, though.

Ah, ok, so the constitution is subject to executive orders now. That's cool.

I'm gonna try to follow the logic train on this one.

This will go to the supreme court, if he actually goes through with it. The only way that SCOTUS could rule in favor of the administration is if it invalidates a constitutional amendment....but SCOTUS decides the legality of things based on the constitution, right? If Brett & Neil give the executive branch this power, it will kind of negate congress, and the constitution entirely. What about repealing the first amendment via executive order? Jesus.
I think he's blowing smoke. He's scared about potential midterm election outcomes and is using this as a play to rile up the base and to feign strength that he lacks instead of appearing as scared as he is.

That said, I want him to try. I don't see it going anywhere, but it'll be like turning a light on in a fleabag motel...get the cockroaches who support him scrambling so they can be stepped on.
Yup. All of that.

Of course they just can't allow that at the supreme court and be remotely within their duties. It would be totally out of line. Actually it might be good practice for them to overturn the current Administration's desires in a slam-dunk there's-no-way-you-can-allow-this scenario.

On a deeper level, I think it speaks to the degree to which Trump thinks he has an "I can do whatever I want" card. The complete lack of regard for, basically the entire US system of government, is quite impressive. And the people that voted for him seem to agree! That only works while your interests are being served. I can't believe, when we change parties at the presidency so frequently, that people would ever get behind the notion of unrestricted power. It will come crashing down on your head the moment your guy gets voted out. Checks and balances are good, even when your favorite party is in charge, because it protects you when they're not.

Based on this precedent, a particularly progressive president could just pencil-out the 2nd amendment which is actually (IMO) a lot less clearly stated than the birthright citizenship element of the 14th amendment. When/if the liberals gain power of the country again, it's going to be scorched earth, and Mitch McConnell will have shown them the way. Packed federal courts. Packed supreme court. Simple majority for every single vote, including constitutional amendments. At least how that's how I would write it in my film. :lol:

Can we get some moderates over here before it's too late?
If it was done properly I don't see how it's a bad issue, the birthright citizenship part is very far connected from modern reality, America has something like 11 million plus Illegals, I would assume a good amount of those are appealed by the birthright citizenship, given the living conditions of the US compared to it's southern neighbours something that has grown in difference vastly since 1868(the year of it's inception).

Having such a high number of people in your country that can be paid well below minimum wage hurts the lower end of the job market and creates a underclass of people, you don't exactly want laws that can promote this, it hurts alot more people then just the illegals.
During the debate over the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Jacob Howard, U.S. Senator for the State of Michigan, argued for including the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof:"

[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.[2]
Tell us how you REALLY feel... :rolleyes:
I don't think anyone who demonstrates how little they care about the Constitution by backing his play to shrug it off is deserving of a position intended to be in service to the People. Let him try, and then let them speak up so we know who they are.

I know, I know, you want to assume I'm referring to anyone who supports him as a cockroach, but I only offered that language up as an extension of the "turn the lights on and watch them scatter" metaphor.

There are appropriate channels for enacting the sort of change he wishes--an EO isn't one.
He was asked to wait. Try to show some actual details to what the article establishes.
The visit comes despite the wishes of some political and religious leaders and Pittsburgh residents who felt that the president should come at a later date — or not at all.

The president's trip also comes on the same day as the first funerals for those killed Saturday.

Ahead of Trump's visit, the city's Democratic Mayor Bill Peduto said any visit by the president should come after the burials.

Just hours before the president's plane touched down, a spokesperson told NPR the mayor declined an invitation to appear with Trump, adding: "The mayor's sole focus is on the funerals that started today for victims, and on supporting their families."

The four top U.S. House and Senate leaders declined an invitation to join the president on his trip, according to several sources. Sources point out that local officials, including the mayor, had publicly urged the president and other national figures to avoid visiting until after funerals take place, citing public safety concerns.
Yup. All of that.

Of course they just can't allow that at the supreme court and be remotely within their duties. It would be totally out of line. Actually it might be good practice for them to overturn the current Administration's desires in a slam-dunk there's-no-way-you-can-allow-this scenario.

On a deeper level, I think it speaks to the degree to which Trump thinks he has an "I can do whatever I want" card. The complete lack of regard for, basically the entire US system of government, is quite impressive. And the people that voted for him seem to agree! That only works while your interests are being served. I can't believe, when we change parties at the presidency so frequently, that people would ever get behind the notion of unrestricted power. It will come crashing down on your head the moment your guy gets voted out. Checks and balances are good, even when your favorite party is in charge, because it protects you when they're not.

You said it. That's what "populism" is. Forget the rule of law, forget the institutions of government - if you're "popular" you're entitled to do what you want. Of course, what's particularly ironic is that Trump isn't actually that popular - he didn't even get a majority of the popular vote.

There's a element in the US (and most other countries), well represented among Republican voters, that is fundamentally drawn to authoritarianism. They may make a song-&-dance about the Constitution & "freedom", but what they really like is a good, old-fashioned "strong leader" - you know, like Putin. Trump won the GOP nomination, among the huge field of candidates, because he had the biggest block of committed followers, but what constitutional conservatives, fiscal conservatives, libertarians & others who have placed themselves in the Republican camp in the past will make of all this in the long run, still remains to be seen.