America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
So still 6 days to the 10% tax cut to the middle class, that Trump proposed would be coming before november on international TV. Any progress on it yet?

Why wont anyone keep him accountable for all his lies?

Tbf, when native americans were first coined "Indians" is because Columbus thought they had landed in India.

Anyway. Anyone else have a worry that Trump is driving us infi a conflict woth Russia? Putin has been throwing a lot of shade at the US ib the media, Terump is pulling us from ther non proliferation treaty, gave a huge bump in defense spending and is just the type of fool to start a war with Russia.
The crazy conspiracy theorists side of me wonders if Trump might not then use said war as a way to try and solidify himself as a dictator, calling on martial law and seizing power.
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Ah yes, from being elected thanks to Russia, to now having war with them.

Someone needs to step back from the news for a bit.
Welp, that's a bit of a toxic and dickish response to me asking if anyone else worried. I don't think it an unjustified worry either given Putins rhetoric as of late and Trump's typical behavior.
I'm more worried that the narrative still can't seem to be made straight for whether Trump has committed actual treason by colluding with his best buddy when he should be Team America-ing Russia's (or China's) aggression instead and his corruption prevents him from doing so; or whether everyone should just Chamberlain things up with Russia (or China) because any American interference would have to have Trump involved until he leaves office.

From before he even took office I've been wondering what the actual desired outcome is supposed to be, since the arguments were jumping between the two even then. Certainly Trump not being president would be ideal, but the world isn't going to stand around and wait until 2020 when that happens.
I'm more worried that the narrative still can't seem to be made straight for whether Trump has committed actual treason by colluding with his best buddy when he should be Team America-ing Russia's (or China's) aggression instead and his corruption prevents him from doing so; or whether everyone should just Chamberlain things up with Russia (or China) because any American interference would have to have Trump involved until he leaves office.

From before he even took office I've been wondering what the actual desired outcome is supposed to be, since the arguments were jumping between the two even then. Certainly Trump not being president would be ideal, but the world isn't going to stand around and wait until 2020 when that happens.
See, that's just it. I dont think they are best friends. It's more like Trunp made a deal with the mob... or, well, KGB I guess would be more apropos.
But, Trump has no issue with the dirty pull out. Hence bankruptcy as a business model. If Trump feels he has a way out including using war, I dont think he will be bashful about taking what ever route he has available. Thankfully a declaration of war takes more than a president.
1,5 to 2 weeks. (See the date of the video) And a vote directly after the election. So what is the progress? Its about what Trump said and not what the anchors are saying. they dont speak for trump.
That is only because the Senate refuses to take it up before hand. It, if memory serves, has already passed the house.
Given that the last time the US formally declared war was in 1942, I think there's still cause for lots of concern.
Fair enough. Especially since we are talking about aggressions with Russia, which would likely be nuclear in nature.

Edit: after some reading, did the cold war ever truly end? It seems to me all we did was hush things up, and add China too the mix. They have been building up an albeit small stock pile of "carrier killers" to make sure their coastline is not blockaded.
Trump mean while has vowed to outspend the world on building more and better nukes "until everyone comes to their senses."
We already have enough nukes to kill everyone on this planet. Do we really need more than that? Does he really think everyone will actually come to their senses? Putin doesn't seem the type to back down when intimidated. Hopefully this is more like an N.K. situation, where everyone puffs up their feathers a bit and then stop squawking shortly after. Russia has a far bigger leg to stand on though. I don't think they really need or care about allies if they begin aggressive against the US.
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1,5 to 2 weeks. (See the date of the video) And a vote directly after the election. So what is the progress? Its about what Trump said and not what the anchors are saying. they dont speak for trump.
If you're always looking for boogeymen you're sure to find them.
If you're always looking for boogeymen you're sure to find them.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I am just curious what a 10% tax cut will do to the deficit. And how congress will pass a resolution for this taxcutit within 2 weeks, when it isnt in session?
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I have no idea what you are talking about. I am just curious what a 10% tax cut will do to the deficit. And how congress will pass a resolution for this taxcutit within 2 weeks, when it isnt in session?
Your original question was about the timing of the tax cuts. The answer was in the very video you put up, which you obviously didn't watch or you wouldn't have posed the question.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I am just curious what a 10% tax cut will do to the deficit. And how congress will pass a resolution for this taxcutit within 2 weeks, when it isnt in session?
You have as much of an idea as we do. None.
Your original question was about the timing of the tax cuts. The answer was in the very video you put up, which you obviously didn't watch or you wouldn't have posed the question.

So still 6 days to the 10% tax cut to the middle class, that Trump proposed would be coming before november on international TV. Any progress on it yet?

Why wont anyone keep him accountable for all his lies?

See above. My original question wasnt about timing, but about how in gods name can he deliver what he said? the anchors comment are irrelevant, unless it came from trump himself.

His lies are getting worse and worse.

You have as much of an idea as we do. None.

Then I probably know as much as Trump:confused:
See above. My original question wasnt about timing, but about how in gods name can he deliver what he said? the anchors comment are irrelevant, unless it came from trump himself.

His lies are getting worse and worse.

Then I probably know as much as Trump:confused:
Your original question was about whether he can delieve the tax cuts before November thus it's about timing. So you think the commentator just made up the clarifying remarks? If that is true, then why do you believe the rest of what he said then? You're not making any sense unless you're trying to present the video as fake news.
Your original question was about whether he can delieve the tax cuts before November thus it's about timing. So you think the commentator just made up the clarifying remarks? If that is true, then why do you believe the rest of what he said then? You're not making any sense unless you're trying to present the video as fake news.

You clearly missed my point. Just going to explain once more: Trump lied about a Taxcut on TV for the whole world for the Xth time. I

Nothing more, nothing less. I was not adressing what the commentators were saying, but Trumps statements. The commentators do not represent trump or work for Trump. So I have no idea what you are talking about at all.
You clearly missed my point. Just going to explain once more: Trump lied about a Taxcut on TV for the whole world for the Xth time. I

Nothing more, nothing less. I was not adressing what the commentators were saying, but Trumps statements. The commentators do not represent trump or work for Trump. So I have no idea what you are talking about at all.
And the remarks were clarified according to the video you posted as evidence. You're complaining about something you've already answered with your own link.
What none of you are understanding is the fact that it was the Senate that made Trump look like a fool on national TV by not taking up the issue before the election.
This is sad, 11 people killed at a Pittsburgh synagogue by a crazy, anti-Semitic guy with a gun. Since it's Saturday, I'm assuming they were in the midst of a service when the gunman opened fire.

And before this turns into a Trump foster hate debate, the shooter did not like Trump and even made a public post denouncing him prior to the shooting.

Really, like all mass shootings, this is an act of domestic terrorism.
This is sad, 11 people killed at a Pittsburgh synagogue by a crazy, anti-Semitic guy with a gun. Since it's Saturday, I'm assuming they were in the midst of a service when the gunman opened fire.

And before this turns into a Trump foster hate debate, the shooter did not like Trump and even made a public post denouncing him prior to the shooting.

Really, like all mass shootings, this is an act of domestic terrorism.
Trump has vastly favored Israel over Palestine/Iran/Arabs/Shia. I of course know nothing about this particular incident, but my assumption is that Trump's foreign policy choices will inevitably generate domestic blowback.

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