America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Keyword there is crazy. Can I put up some videos of Democrats calling for violence and connect them to people who commit violence as well? Or is that "different"?

Of course you can post a video of a democratic president encouraging democrats to violence and demonizing the press and the republican party.

You could also post a video saying the republicans are going to spill blood in america and that republicans will slaughter people. But the point I was trying to make was that even crazy people follow a leader. So any leader should always be an example of how one should behave.

Trump, lies, bullies, disrespects and insults people in the public eye. Mentally unstable and weakminded crazy people will believe that behaving that way is normal and allowed.

Did anyone actually expect him to not be a dumb white trash redneck? Owning a rape van and living in Florida practically seem like part of a punchline.

I kinda did. For spelling Florida as Florids.
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Of course you can post a video of a democratic president encouraging democrats to violence and demonizing the press and the republican party.

You could also post a video saying the republicans are going to spill blood in america and that republicans will slaughter people. But the point I was trying to make was that even crazy people follow a leader. So any leader should always be an example of how one should behave.

Trump, lies, bullies, disrespects and insults people in the public eye. Mentally unstable and weakminded crazy people will believe that behaving that way is normal and allowed.

Several things to note (about the bomber):

1. He is already a felon with a conviction record (1991, arrested for Third Degree Grand Theft, pled guilty). Short of a pardon, which I have no record of being covered here, means that he if the pattern is indeed true, was an illegal vote in the 2016 Presidential Election.

2. He registered as a Republican a few days before the Florida Primary (registered March 4th and voted March 15th). While that in itself is not unusual, the fact that Florida is a closed primary state IS. Under Florida law, he would have had to registered 29 days before the primary as either a republican or democrat. Source

What is strike three, you may ask? This guy should have been arrested for voter fraud a long time ago, but didn't. Why?
Several things to note (about the bomber):

1. He is already a felon with a conviction record (1991, arrested for Third Degree Grand Theft, pled guilty). Short of a pardon, which I have no record of being covered here, means that he if the pattern is indeed true, was an illegal vote in the 2016 Presidential Election.

2. He registered as a Republican a few days before the Florida Primary (registered March 4th and voted March 15th). While that in itself is not unusual, the fact that Florida is a closed primary state IS. Under Florida law, he would have had to registered 29 days before the primary as either a republican or democrat. Source

What is strike three, you may ask? This guy should have been arrested for voter fraud a long time ago, but didn't. Why?

You are ignoring the whole point I was making. This guy is mentally disturbed and probably believed all the nonsense his "idol" was saying about the media and democrats being the enemy. Now which "idol" said on national media that the democrats and the media are the enemy?

@Johnnypenso deflected by suggesting that democrat presidents are similar in encouraging violence and demonizing. I might missed this, but which one?
I suspected the bomber was one of two things:

1. Something like a foreign state actor (Iran, Russia, China, etc) trying to make a mess in the USA

2. A mentally disturbed individual carrying out an Alex Jones type fantasy.

Hopefully things don't continue to spiral out of control, and they can deal with this guy. Hopefully the news media doesn't take the "I TOLD YOU SO" to 11. And hopefully Trump tones down the rhetoric, even if only a token amount. I'd say both are unlikely though. :lol:
You are ignoring the whole point I was making. This guy is mentally disturbed and probably believed all the nonsense his "idol" was saying about the media and democrats being the enemy. Now which "idol" said on national media that the democrats and the media are the enemy?

@Johnnypenso deflected by suggesting that democrat presidents are similar in encouraging violence and demonizing. I might missed this, but which one?
No I wasn't. Please show me where I was ignoring what you said? I was just simply stating facts.

Now to address you directly. You think that everything that I have said in this thread was an attack on you personally, and I don't like that. I do concede that there are nuts on BOTH sides of the aisle, but just like Antifa doesn't represent the Democrat party as a whole, this nut does not do the same to the average Trump supporter NOR the GOP at large. IF and that is a very big if, this nut somehow does represent the GOP in your mind, just like you are painting him out to be, then you and I don't need to be talking to each other and you need to have a nice deep siesta in my ignore list.
White Obama:lol: But I get it, the mouth is really similar.

I wonder if Trump is going to pay his legal fees.

Trump has done and said the right things this time (thankfully), so I'm satisfied with the responses from him and his cabinet.

I just heard he worked at strip club too, have to say, didn't see that one coming.
You are ignoring the whole point I was making. This guy is mentally disturbed and probably believed all the nonsense his "idol" was saying about the media and democrats being the enemy. Now which "idol" said on national media that the democrats and the media are the enemy?

@Johnnypenso deflected by suggesting that democrat presidents are similar in encouraging violence and demonizing. I might missed this, but which one?
Please show me where I said Democrat Presidents are similar in encouraging violence and demonizing. By your reckoning then Bill Clinton, George Bush and others must have caused 9/11 because of bad things they said about some Muslims, military actions against Islamic countries etc. The San Bernadino slaughter was the fault of the internet ( Comey said that the FBI's investigation had revealed that the perpetrators were "consuming poison on the Internet" and both had become radicalized "before they started courting or dating each other online" and "before the emergence of ISIL.) The Pulse nightclub mass shooting was the fault of blacks, women, Jews, Hispanics and the LGBT community. (A former coworker of Mateen's at G4S said Mateen "had talked about killing people", used slurs and "had a lot of hatred for people. Black people, women, he did not like Jews, he did not like Hispanics, nor did he like gay or lesbian people." )

Sound about right. It's not the fault of the person doing the shooting or killing it's the fault of people that made them angry by listening to their words.
No I wasn't. Please show me where I was ignoring what you said? I was just simply stating facts.

Now to address you directly. You think that everything that I have said in this thread was an attack on you personally, and I don't like that. I do concede that there are nuts on BOTH sides of the aisle, but just like Antifa doesn't represent the Democrat party as a whole, this nut does not do the same to the average Trump supporter NOR the GOP at large. IF and that is a very big if, this nut somehow does represent the GOP in your mind, just like you are painting him out to be, then you and I don't need to be talking to each other and you need to have a nice deep siesta in my ignore list.

You replied directly to my post. If that wasnt your intention, I apologise for the misunderstanding.

I understand what you are saying. But this guy was following his idol and probably did this for him. Of course he is a lone gunman and he alone is responsible for his deeds.

However you cant ignore that Trumps tweets and rallies only encouraged him to do it. Just watch his rallies in full. He bullies, ridicules and demonizes democrats every chance he got. And in some instances encouraged violence. Which democrat does that to encourage Antifa?

Please show me where I said Democrat Presidents are similar in encouraging violence and demonizing. By your reckoning then Bill Clinton, George Bush and others must have caused 9/11 because of bad things they said about some Muslims, military actions against Islamic countries etc. The San Bernadino slaughter was the fault of the internet ( Comey said that the FBI's investigation had revealed that the perpetrators were "consuming poison on the Internet" and both had become radicalized "before they started courting or dating each other online" and "before the emergence of ISIL.) The Pulse nightclub mass shooting was the fault of blacks, women, Jews, Hispanics and the LGBT community. (A former coworker of Mateen's at G4S said Mateen "had talked about killing people", used slurs and "had a lot of hatred for people. Black people, women, he did not like Jews, he did not like Hispanics, nor did he like gay or lesbian people." )

Sound about right. It's not the fault of the person doing the shooting or killing it's the fault of people that made them angry by listening to their words.

you suggested it by saying that you could also post similar videos. I posted a video compilation of the president and one of his following. If you know of an example please share.

Keyword there is crazy. Can I put up some videos of Democrats calling for violence and connect them to people who commit violence as well? Or is that "different"?

Dont compare apples with peaches please. Which of your examples has the commander in chief stating publically that democrats and press are the enemy and even encouraging violence.

I fully agree in the sense that violent videogames dont make kids violent. However Trump isnt a videogame or fiction. Imagine if the roles were reversed, would you give Obama slack if he said the republicans are evil and the enemy? And Fox news the enemy of the people? And then an leftwing extremist decides to send bombletters to known republicans.

A random republican/democrat has much less weight then a president. He is representing the whole USA when he says, what he says or when he very obviously lies etc.

This guy luckily only halfheartedly made an attempt on some individuals with apparantly "micky Mouse"explosives. Dont give him too much credit here! You can not compare it with 9/11 or the shooting of a club.

edit: added response to @Johnnypenso
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Keyword there is crazy. Can I put up some videos of Democrats calling for violence and connect them to people who commit violence as well? Or is that "different"?

Yup - it is "different" when it's not the president of the US doing it. It's not what other (possibly crazy) people do, it's the things that Trump himself actually says ... on a constant basis. I've been around a while & I don't remember ANY previous president, Democrat or Republican, saying the sorts of inflammatory things that Trump says.
Yup - it is "different" when it's not the president of the US doing it. It's not what other (possibly crazy) people do, it's the things that Trump himself actually says ... on a constant basis. I've been around a while & I don't remember ANY previous president, Democrat or Republican, saying the sorts of inflammatory things that Trump says.

The thing is he is doing it so frequently, it just seems almost normal now. Its just Trump, being Trump. Except this is not normal behavior for a sitting President.

In history only dictators have showed similar behavior. I am not saying Trump is a dictator, which he isnt (yet). But the stuff he says are very similar. And to be precise, to prevent misunderstanding I mean the specific traits below that Trump shares with other dictators:

- declaring the press the enemy of the people / Media being Fake news
- Making a particular minority a danger to the country
- Encouraging violence
- Promoting nationalism
- Admiring other dictators
So still 6 days to the 10% tax cut to the middle class, that Trump proposed would be coming before november on international TV. Any progress on it yet?

Why wont anyone keep him accountable for all his lies?
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All I saw was the headline:

Cesar Sayoc: Alleged pipe bomb mailer worked as DJ at West Palm strip club Ultra Thursday


So not a stripper there but a DJ. It just gets better and better. What does an extreme right wing DJ play all night? Ted Nugent? Followed up by some Kid Rock and Kanye West?

Actually, I'm reading on Fox News website that he actually WAS a stripper. :boggled:

"Sayoc, a former New Yorker who now resides in Aventura, Florida, is a "promoter" and "booking agent" for male stripper and burlesque shows, including touring dance troupe Chippendales, according to multiple reports. Ohio event promoter Tony Valentine told The Washington Examiner Sayoc was also periodically hired to strip in the 90s."

... could be fake news, however.
So still 6 days to the 10% tax cut to the middle class, that Trump proposed would be coming before november on international TV. Any progress on it yet?

Trump himself can't really enact a tax cut, he needs Congress to approve it. So the proposal might be written up and ready to be submitted, but it wouldn't get approved for at least a month.

Hopefully, we get a tax cut this time around unlike whatever the hell the previous tax cut was. I paid more in taxes than I ever have this past April.
But seriously, sounds like an alt-right talking point (fake news). Given that somewhere between 65% & 70% of American high school graduates attend university or college, it's not surprising that a lot of young Antifa activists fall into this category. An important starting point of all this can be found in the skinhead movement with rival gangs taking neo-nazi & anti-racist positions. Not sure how many of them were attending university ...

View attachment 776335

Clearly a cunning terrorist mastermind at work.
Not the first time you have claimed something to be Alt right from absolute nonsense, you do realise they are a bunch of white nationalists.

It's obvious why they are going to be young people though, easier to be emotionally charged then those who are older who have seen this before.
Are you guys talking about the portion of the Trump tax cuts that benefit the middle class and small businesses that the House recently voted to make permanent? I believe it passed in late September-early October. If you are, then the Senate would need to pass that next and they have already said they won't take it up before the mid term elections.
Turns out he's like Elizabeth Warren. He's Indian!
Or so he claims, local tribe has no record of him.
Native Americans used to be called Indians before the age of political correctness. Though you wouldn't know it by looking at me, I'm more Native American than Warren ever will be, My great-great grandmother was a Blackfoot (or possibly Sioux, the records aren't exactly clear which tribe) which would put me at about 6.25% Native American versus Warren who is less than one percent (hey I should used it to get into Harvard! Not). From what I know, I can tell you that people frown on the term Indians, they really should be called Native Americans, they were here first. Personally I feel honored to have that lineage in my ancestry and blood.
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