America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
In for a penny, in for a pound. Any legal challenge will be adjudicated after the fact. The Great Showman will now perform national emergency for a fervent audience. Who is the man behind that mask, angel or devil?

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Is this part really necessary? Obviously this guy is just 🤬 crazy, it has nothing to do with either antifa or "trumpyness". Posts like yours will only serve to continue the divide and stall any actual progress.

Yes because we saw posts about how crazy antifa was so whats good for the goose as saying goes.

And i will also add it is amusing mr proudboy himself and his wife are still crying about a sign.

I would put forth crazy and proudboys are oneand the same
Yes because we saw posts about how crazy antifa was so whats good for the goose as saying goes.

So instead of trying to change things, you just decide to jump into the cesspit?

Yes because we saw posts about how crazy antifa was so whats good for the goose as saying goes.

And i will also add it is amusing mr proudboy himself and his wife are still crying about a sign.

I would put forth crazy and proudboys are oneand the same

If you took any group of people, 5-10% of them could easily be defined as "crazy" (or "idiots"), but those are the people that always define the group. I don't know what the intentions of Antifa or Proudboys was at the beginning, but violence has certainly defined both of them.
In perhaps the least surprising revelation, a prototype steel border wall can be defeated by a saw:

Also, it looks like Trump will probably declare a national emergency for a situation that isn't a national emergency so he can wastefully spend tax dollars:
The lock on my truck door can be opened in 30 seconds with the proper tool. Should I just leave it unlocked then?
The lock on my truck door can be opened in 30 seconds with the proper tool. Should I just leave it unlocked then?
Well, at least you its ineffective then, aye. And 30 seconds? Two wrenches could probably pop it in about 5.
In perhaps the least surprising revelation, a prototype steel border wall can be defeated by a saw:

Yeah that looks about as sturdy as a chain-link fence. Lets just drive steel stakes in the ground. Hah, they'll never break through!

But, aren't there typically, like three layers of walls people have to get through? No problem with that if there's a large menacing slab of concrete, 10 feet behind it.
TRIGGER WARNING: VOX ARTICLE: "Trump’s advisers push for emergency declaration — while assuming it’ll be stopped in court"

I have to say, the reasoning of the premise of the article seems solid. As I said before, this is probably the best outcome for democrats, short of Trump completely caving. They get an end to the shutdown, the border wall probably doesn't get built, and they can say they didn't cave nor even entertain the idea of the wall. They also get to stand the high ground and claim Trump is trying to be a dictator. It's also an immediate win for Trump (at least, it's a win as far as his purposes for existing go, ATTENTION), as he can continue to keep playing the victim and look like he tried really hard for his supporters. "If it wasn't for those meddling courts! If it wasn't for those meddling democrats! If it wasn't for those meddling 60% of American citizens!". I can't help but wonder what goes on in that man's head. I get this weird feeling every so often that he still has the mindset "I bet I could be president one day!". I really wonder if any other human being has such a crippling need for approval?

If nothing else, it's some solid-ass entertainment.
-Is upset with Trump's dishonest tweets, yet calls Robert Reich "quite credible" who is the left version of Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh.
-Claims whataboutism/whatever to others, yet does it himself with Trump.

-Gets into a debate with Famine over Presidential role models b/c Famine thinks Trump & Clinton are both bad role models full stop, yet Pocket takes that as Famine thinking they're the same and gets in a debate about why it matters that 1 is worse than the other. Ends with calling Famine the worst administrator....

This is all in November, within' the span of 3 days.

Stop. I've already just said a couple days ago in this thread what I think about the wall.

So that doesn't justify these statements?

The other comment is from a Slovenian.

You paint the entire right for what Trump says, yet now you acknowledge 1 man doesn't speak for everyone?

Does the border fencing along the EU upset you as much as Trump's wall? Does the terminology used to justify that wall upset you like Trump's?

I want to know if your morals are consistent or if this is another case where Trump bad, someone else gets a pass with you.

As much as it pains me to go into a whataboutism again. But a supposed border wall in europe has nothing to do with Trump's border wall in USA. The fencing you are referring to arent built to stop mexicans. Without knowing the details they are probably to direct refugees to a legitimate port of entry. And unlike mexico the middle east have been in war for while now. Which is a legitimate humanitarian crisis and not a made up humanitarian crisis like Trump is claiming the USA is currently "suffering".

And Europe is doing a lot to let them in (legally) and not doing everything to keeping them out.

and referring to the use of whataboutisms. Trump talking about his own made up counterargument that walls are medieval:
What about wheels, they are also medieval! And apparantly according Trump, wheels are older then walls?!?!
What a strange world we live in.

The episode of the series “Trackdown” titled “The End of the World” (which HuffPost originally covered before Trump was inaugurated) featured a conman by the name of Trump ― Walter Trump ― who was trying to sell a wall to a town to protect it from meteorites.

I will add this . We heard trump and his band of mistruth sayers use a family for a photo-op to make a case for a wall

My question is will they use this girl survivor for the same to make a case to build a wall around towns to keep women safe from white american men ?

Missing Wisconsin teen Jayme Closs escaped from a rural cabin Thursday afternoon where she was held after being allegedly kidnapped by 21-year-old Jake Thomas Patterson, authorities said at a Friday news conference.

Jayme, 13, was found alive in Gordon, Wisconsin, about an hour’s drive north of her hometown of Barron, after a woman walking her dog noticed her.
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New information.

In the days after President Trump fired then FBI director James B. Comey, the FBI became so concerned by his behavior that they opened a counter intelligence investigation into whether he was working for Russia,

If this turns out to be true , which i personaly do believe, then it will be the first time in American history a president was investigated for working with a foriegn power directly against the good of America.

Then there is this

A female rookie police officer was shot dead Thursday night, the second killed in the last two days in the United States.

Davis police Officer Natalie Corona, 22, responded to a triple-car accident in the Northern California city and during the investigation shots were fired and she was hit, Davis police Chief Darren Pytel told reporters.

I find it odd that Fox News and Trump are not talking about this in same terms as officer singh.i wonder why that would be ?
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I will add this . We heard trump and his band of mistruth sayers use a family for a photo-op to make a case for a wall

Where did you hear this? :odd::confused:

Edit: Unless you're talking about some other case? In which case it baffles me as to why you insist on bringing Trump into everything. Why can't you just be happy the girl is safe instead of making it some political statement?
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Edit: Unless you're talking about some other case? In which case it baffles me as to why you insist on bringing Trump into everything. Why can't you just be happy the girl is safe instead of making it some political statement?

But that is my point. How would anyone expect the left and right in America to once again work together when the president picks and chooses events to suit his political agenda ?

No doctor ignores symptoms when trying to treat a condition that i know of .

Same goes with the folks who ignored steve king of iowa, for last 30 years he has been saying who he is and same goes for the Trump family. His dad and now son the president , have made it clear what motivates them in terms of where one might be from or skin color.
How would anyone expect the left and right in America to once again work together when the president picks and chooses events to suit his political agenda ?

Why do we need that to happen for us to work together? :confused:
Jim Acosta, he of the karate chop mic grab, now agrees that walls and fences work on the border:

Tulsi Gabbard says she will run for president in 2020

...wait, who?
Of all the potential candidates on the Democratic side, Tulsa Gabbard is the one most interesting to me. A combat veteran and an anti-interventionist, she has fewer inhibitions in working with people on both sides of the issue in order to achieve a solution. I believe there is no candidate more likely to achieve political reunification in a destructively polarized environment. Maybe her biggest negative is her father.